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目的 由于图像检索中存在着低层特征和高层语义之间的“语义鸿沟”,图像自动标注成为当前的关键性问题.为缩减语义鸿沟,提出了一种混合生成式和判别式模型的图像自动标注方法.方法 在生成式学习阶段,采用连续的概率潜在语义分析模型对图像进行建模,可得到相应的模型参数和每幅图像的主题分布.将这个主题分布作为每幅图像的中间表示向量,那么图像自动标注的问题就转化为一个基于多标记学习的分类问题.在判别式学习阶段,使用构造集群分类器链的方法对图像的中间表示向量进行学习,在建立分类器链的同时也集成了标注关键词之间的上下文信息,因而能够取得更高的标注精度和更好的检索效果.结果 在两个基准数据集上进行的实验表明,本文方法在Corel5k数据集上的平均精度、平均召回率分别达到0.28和0.32,在IAPR-TC12数据集上则达到0.29和0.18,其性能优于大多数当前先进的图像自动标注方法.此外,从精度—召回率曲线上看,本文方法也优于几种典型的具有代表性的标注方法.结论 提出了一种基于混合学习策略的图像自动标注方法,集成了生成式模型和判别式模型各自的优点,并在图像语义检索的任务中表现出良好的有效性和鲁棒性.本文方法和技术不仅能应用于图像检索和识别的领域,经过适当的改进之后也能在跨媒体检索和数据挖掘领域发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

Automatic image annotation has become an important and challenging problem due to the existence of semantic gap. In this paper, we firstly extend probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) to model continuous quantity. In addition, corresponding Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is derived to determine the model parameters. Furthermore, in order to deal with the data of different modalities in terms of their characteristics, we present a semantic annotation model which employs continuous PLSA and standard PLSA to model visual features and textual words respectively. The model learns the correlation between these two modalities by an asymmetric learning approach and then it can predict semantic annotation precisely for unseen images. Finally, we compare our approach with several state-of-the-art approaches on the Corel5k and Corel30k datasets. The experiment results show that our approach performs more effectively and accurately.  相似文献   

传统潜在语义分析(Latent Semantic Analysis, LSA)方法无法获得场景目标空间分布信息和潜在主题的判别信息。针对这一问题提出了一种基于多尺度空间判别性概率潜在语义分析(Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, PLSA)的场景分类方法。首先通过空间金字塔方法对图像进行空间多尺度划分获得图像空间信息,结合PLSA模型获得每个局部块的潜在语义信息;然后串接每个特定局部块中的语义信息得到图像多尺度空间潜在语义信息;最后结合提出的权值学习方法来学习不同图像主题间的判别信息,从而得到图像的多尺度空间判别性潜在语义信息,并将学习到的权值信息嵌入支持向量基(Support Vector Machine, SVM)分类器中完成图像的场景分类。在常用的三个场景图像库(Scene-13、Scene-15和Caltech-101)上的实验表明,该方法平均分类精度比现有许多state-of-art方法均优。验证了其有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework for efficient retrieval and indexing of image collections. This framework uncovers the hierarchical structure underlying the collection from image features based on a hybrid model that combines both generative and discriminative learning. We adopt the generalized Dirichlet mixture and maximum likelihood for the generative learning in order to estimate accurately the statistical model of the data. Then, the resulting model is refined by a new discriminative likelihood that enhances the power of relevant features. Consequently, this new model is suitable for modeling high-dimensional data described by both semantic and low-level (visual) features. The semantic features are defined according to a known ontology while visual features represent the visual appearance such as color, shape, and texture. For validation purposes, we propose a new visual feature which has nice invariance properties to image transformations. Experiments on the Microsoft's collection (MSRCID) show clearly the merits of our approach in both retrieval and indexing.  相似文献   

融合语义主题的图像自动标注   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于语义鸿沟的存在,图像自动标注已成为一个重要课题.在概率潜语义分析的基础上,提出了一种融合语义主题的方法以进行图像的标注和检索.首先,为了更准确地建模训练数据,将每幅图像的视觉特征表示为一个视觉"词袋";然后设计一个概率模型分别从视觉模态和文本模态中捕获潜在语义主题,并提出一种自适应的不对称学习方法融合两种语义主题.对于每个图像文档,它在各个模态上的主题分布通过加权进行融合,而权值由该文档的视觉词分布的熵值来确定.于是,融合之后的概率模型适当地关联了视觉模态和文本模态的信息,因此能够很好地预测未知图像的语义标注.在一个通用的Corel图像数据集上,将提出的方法与几种前沿的图像标注方法进行了比较.实验结果表明,该方法具有更好的标注和检索性能.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more images are available. However, to find a required image for an ordinary user is a challenging task. Large amount of researches on image retrieval have been carried out in the past two decades. Traditionally, research in this area focuses on content based image retrieval. However, recent research shows that there is a semantic gap between content based image retrieval and image semantics understandable by humans. As a result, research in this area has shifted to bridge the semantic gap between low level image features and high level semantics. The typical method of bridging the semantic gap is through the automatic image annotation (AIA) which extracts semantic features using machine learning techniques. In this paper, we focus on this latest development in image retrieval and provide a comprehensive survey on automatic image annotation. We analyse key aspects of the various AIA methods, including both feature extraction and semantic learning methods. Major methods are discussed and illustrated in details. We report our findings and provide future research directions in the AIA area in the conclusions  相似文献   

This paper addresses automatic image annotation problem and its application to multi-modal image retrieval. The contribution of our work is three-fold. (1) We propose a probabilistic semantic model in which the visual features and the textual words are connected via a hidden layer which constitutes the semantic concepts to be discovered to explicitly exploit the synergy among the modalities. (2) The association of visual features and textual words is determined in a Bayesian framework such that the confidence of the association can be provided. (3) Extensive evaluation on a large-scale, visually and semantically diverse image collection crawled from Web is reported to evaluate the prototype system based on the model. In the proposed probabilistic model, a hidden concept layer which connects the visual feature and the word layer is discovered by fitting a generative model to the training image and annotation words through an Expectation-Maximization (EM) based iterative learning procedure. The evaluation of the prototype system on 17,000 images and 7736 automatically extracted annotation words from crawled Web pages for multi-modal image retrieval has indicated that the proposed semantic model and the developed Bayesian framework are superior to a state-of-the-art peer system in the literature.  相似文献   

Topic modeling is a powerful tool for discovering the underlying or hidden structure in text corpora. Typical algorithms for topic modeling include probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Despite their different inspirations, both approaches are instances of generative model, whereas the discriminative structure of the documents is ignored. In this paper, we propose locally discriminative topic model (LDTM), a novel topic modeling approach which considers both generative and discriminative structures of the data space. Different from PLSA and LDA in which the topic distribution of a document is dependent on all the other documents, LDTM takes a local perspective that the topic distribution of each document is strongly dependent on its neighbors. By modeling the local relationships of documents within each neighborhood via a local linear model, we learn topic distributions that vary smoothly along the geodesics of the data manifold, and can better capture the discriminative structure in the data. The experimental results on text clustering and web page categorization demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

田加林  徐行  沈复民  申恒涛 《软件学报》2022,33(9):3152-3164
零样本草图检索将未见类的草图作为查询样本,用于检索未见类的图像。因此,这个任务同时面临两个挑战:草图和图像之间的模态差异以及可见类和未见类的不一致性。过去的方法通过将草图和图像投射到一个公共空间来消除模态差异,还通过利用语义嵌入(如词向量和词相似度)来弥合可见类和未见类的语义不一致。在本文中,我们提出了跨模态自蒸馏方法,从知识蒸馏的角度研究可泛化的特征,无需语义嵌入参与训练。具体而言,我们首先通过传统的知识蒸馏将预训练的图像识别网络的知识迁移到学生网络。然后,通过草图和图像的跨模态相关性,跨模态自蒸馏将上述知识间接地迁移到草图模态的识别上,提升草图特征的判别性和泛化性。为了进一步提升知识在草图模态内的集成和传播,我们进一步地提出草图自蒸馏。通过为数据学习辨别性的且泛化的特征,学生网络消除了模态差异和语义不一致性。我们在三个基准数据集,即Sketchy、TU-Berlin和QuickDraw,进行了广泛的实验,证明了我们提出的跨模态自蒸馏方法与当前方法相比较的优越性。  相似文献   

自动图像标注是一项具有挑战性的工作,它对于图像分析理解和图像检索都有着重要的意义.在自动图像标注领域,通过对已标注图像集的学习,建立语义概念空间与视觉特征空间之间的关系模型,并用这个模型对未标注的图像集进行标注.由于低高级语义之间错综复杂的对应关系,使目前自动图像标注的精度仍然较低.而在场景约束条件下可以简化标注与视觉特征之间的映射关系,提高自动标注的可靠性.因此提出一种基于场景语义树的图像标注方法.首先对用于学习的标注图像进行自动的语义场景聚类,对每个场景语义类别生成视觉场景空间,然后对每个场景空间建立相应的语义树.对待标注图像,确定其语义类别后,通过相应的场景语义树,获得图像的最终标注.在Corel5K图像集上,获得了优于TM(translation model)、CMRM(cross media relevance model)、CRM(continous-space relevance model)、PLSA-GMM(概率潜在语义分析-高期混合模型)等模型的标注结果.  相似文献   

Nowadays, due to the rapid growth of digital technologies, huge volumes of image data are created and shared on social media sites. User-provided tags attached to each social image are widely recognized as a bridge to fill the semantic gap between low-level image features and high-level concepts. Hence, a combination of images along with their corresponding tags is useful for intelligent retrieval systems, those are designed to gain high-level understanding from images and facilitate semantic search. However, user-provided tags in practice are usually incomplete and noisy, which may degrade the retrieval performance. To tackle this problem, we present a novel retrieval framework that automatically associates the visual content with textual tags and enables effective image search. To this end, we first propose a probabilistic topic model learned on social images to discover latent topics from the co-occurrence of tags and image features. Moreover, our topic model is built by exploiting the expert knowledge about the correlation between tags with visual contents and the relationship among image features that is formulated in terms of spatial location and color distribution. The discovered topics then help to predict missing tags of an unseen image as well as the ones partially labeled in the database. These predicted tags can greatly facilitate the reliable measure of semantic similarity between the query and database images. Therefore, we further present a scoring scheme to estimate the similarity by fusing textual tags and visual representation. Extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets show that our topic model provides the accurate annotation against the noise and incompleteness of tags. Using our generalized scoring scheme, which is particularly advantageous to many types of queries, the proposed approach also outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of retrieval accuracy.  相似文献   

Image classification is to assign a category of an image and image annotation is to describe individual components of an image by using some annotation terms. These two learning tasks are strongly related. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new discriminative and sparse topic model (DSTM) for image classification and annotation by combining visual, annotation and label information from a set of training images. The essential features of DSTM different from existing approaches are that (i) the label information is enforced in the generation of both visual words and annotation terms such that each generative latent topic corresponds to a category; (ii) the zero-mean Laplace distribution is employed to give a sparse representation of images in visual words and annotation terms such that relevant words and terms are associated with latent topics. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method provides the discrimination ability in classification and annotation, and its performance is better than the other testing methods (sLDA-ann, abc-corr-LDA, SupDocNADE, SAGE and MedSTC) for LabelMe, UIUC, NUS-WIDE and PascalVOC07 images.  相似文献   

一种图像底层视觉特征到高层语义的映射方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于语义内容的图像检索已经成为解决图像底层特征与人类高层语义之间“语义鸿沟”的关键。根据图像语义检索的思想,提出了一种采用支持向量机(Support Machine Vector)实现图像底层视觉特征到高层语义的映射方法,并在此基础上针对特例库实现了图像的语义标注和检索。实验结果表明,该映射方法能较好地表达人的语义,以提高图像的检索效率。  相似文献   

为减小图像检索中语义鸿沟的影响,提出了一种基于视觉语义主题的图像自动标注方法.首先,提取图像前景与背景区域,并分别进行预处理;然后,基于概率潜在语义分析与高斯混合模型建立图像底层特征、视觉语义主题与标注关键词间的联系,并基于该模型实现对图像的自动标注.采用corel 5数据库进行验证,实验结果证明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Adaptive Bayesian Latent Semantic Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the vast growth of data collections, the statistical document modeling has become increasingly important in language processing areas. Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) is a popular approach whereby the semantics and statistics can be effectively captured for modeling. However, PLSA is highly sensitive to task domain, which is continuously changing in real-world documents. In this paper, a novel Bayesian PLSA framework is presented. We focus on exploiting the incremental learning algorithm for solving the updating problem of new domain articles. This algorithm is developed to improve document modeling by incrementally extracting up-to-date latent semantic information to match the changing domains at run time. By adequately representing the priors of PLSA parameters using Dirichlet densities, the posterior densities belong to the same distribution so that a reproducible prior/posterior mechanism is activated for incremental learning from constantly accumulated documents. An incremental PLSA algorithm is constructed to accomplish the parameter estimation as well as the hyperparameter updating. Compared to standard PLSA using maximum likelihood estimate, the proposed approach is capable of performing dynamic document indexing and modeling. We also present the maximum a posteriori PLSA for corrective training. Experiments on information retrieval and document categorization demonstrate the superiority of using Bayesian PLSA methods.  相似文献   

为减少图像检索中图像信息的缺失与语义鸿沟的影响,提出了一种基于多特征融合与PLSA-GMM的图像自动标注方法.首先,提取图像的颜色特征、形状特征和纹理特征,三者融合作为图像的底层特征;然后,基于概率潜在语义分析(PLSA)与高斯混合模型(GMM)建立图像底层特征、视觉语义主题与标注关键词间的联系,并基于该模型实现对图像的自动标注.采用Corel 5k数据库进行验证,实验结果证明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于监督学习的卷积神经网络被证明在图像识别的任务中具有强大的特征学习能力。然而,利用监督的深度学习方法进行图像检索,需要大量已标注的数据,否则很容易出现过拟合的问题。为了解决这个问题,提出了一种新颖的基于深度自学习的图像哈希检索方法。首先,通过无监督的自编码网络学习到一个具有判别性的特征表达函数,这种方法降低了学习的复杂性,让训练样本不需要依赖于有语义标注的图像,算法被迫在大量未标注的数据上学习更强健的特征。其次,为了加快检索速度,抛弃了传统利用欧氏距离计算相似性的方法,而使用感知哈希算法来进行相似性衡量。这两种技术的结合确保了在获得更好的特征表达的同时,获得了更快的检索速度。实验结果表明,提出的方法优于一些先进的图像检索方法。  相似文献   

Automatic image annotation aims at predicting a set of semantic labels for an image. Because of large annotation vocabulary, there exist large variations in the number of images corresponding to different labels (“class-imbalance”). Additionally, due to the limitations of human annotation, several images are not annotated with all the relevant labels (“incomplete-labelling”). These two issues affect the performance of most of the existing image annotation models. In this work, we propose 2-pass k-nearest neighbour (2PKNN) algorithm. It is a two-step variant of the classical k-nearest neighbour algorithm, that tries to address these issues in the image annotation task. The first step of 2PKNN uses “image-to-label” similarities, while the second step uses “image-to-image” similarities, thus combining the benefits of both. We also propose a metric learning framework over 2PKNN. This is done in a large margin set-up by generalizing a well-known (single-label) classification metric learning algorithm for multi-label data. In addition to the features provided by Guillaumin et al. (2009) that are used by almost all the recent image annotation methods, we benchmark using new features that include features extracted from a generic convolutional neural network model and those computed using modern encoding techniques. We also learn linear and kernelized cross-modal embeddings over different feature combinations to reduce semantic gap between visual features and textual labels. Extensive evaluations on four image annotation datasets (Corel-5K, ESP-Game, IAPR-TC12 and MIRFlickr-25K) demonstrate that our method achieves promising results, and establishes a new state-of-the-art on the prevailing image annotation datasets.  相似文献   

针对图像自动标注中底层视觉特征与高层语义之间的语义鸿沟问题,在传统字典学习的基础上,提出一种基于多标签判别字典学习的图像自动标注方法。首先,为每幅图像提取多种类型特征,将多种特征组合作为字典学习输入特征空间的输入信息;然后,设计一个标签一致性正则化项,将原始样本的标签信息融入到初始的输入特征数据中,结合标签一致性判别字典和标签一致性正则化项进行字典学习;最后,通过得到的字典和稀疏编码矩阵求解标签稀疏编向量,实现未知图像的语义标注。在Corel 5K数据集上测试其标注性能,所提标注方法平均查准率和平均查全率分别可达到35%和48%;与传统的稀疏编码方法(MSC)相比,分别提高了10个百分点和16个百分点;与距离约束稀疏/组稀疏编码方法(DCSC/DCGSC)相比,分别提高了3个百分点和14个百分点。实验结果表明,所提方法能够较好地预测未知图像的语义信息,与当前几种流行的图像标注方法进行比较,所提方法具有较好的标注性能。  相似文献   

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