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不同类型搅拌器的气—液分散和混合特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在通气式搅拌槽内研制了直叶圆盘涡轮、直叶桨式涡轮、45度折叶圆盘涡轮、45度折叶桨工涡轮、凹弧叶圆盘涡轮、锥形涡轮和布鲁马金式搅拌器的临界分散转速、分散状态、搅拌功率、气含率、气泡停留时间、排量准数和输出效率,并获得了适用上述种类搅拌器的临界分散转速、搅拌功率、气含率和气泡停留时间关联式。  相似文献   

搅拌槽内气液两相混沌混合及分散特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统Rushton刚性桨常应用于过程工业中搅拌反应器内的气液分散过程,但由于桨叶背后易形成较大的气穴,气液混合效果较差。为了提高搅拌槽内气液两相的混合效果,提出了一种刚柔组合桨强化气液两相的分散过程。利用LabVIEW软件处理刚性桨和刚柔组合桨体系中气液混合过程的压力脉动信号,通过Matlab软件编程计算最大Lyapunov指数(LLE),分析气液混合体系的混沌混合行为,同时,对刚性桨和刚柔组合桨体系中的相对搅拌功耗、整体气含率、局部气含率进行测量。结果表明,在功耗为170 W,通气量为10 m3·h-1条件下,与刚性桨相比,刚柔组合桨能够通过刚-柔-流的耦合作用促进桨叶能量的传递过程,提高搅拌体系的混沌混合程度,刚柔组合桨体系的LLE提高了8.89%。同时,在相同操作条件下,与刚性桨相比,刚柔组合桨能够有效提高相对搅拌功耗以及搅拌槽内的整体气含率和局部气含率,且搅拌槽内气体分散更为均匀。  相似文献   

双层搅拌器组合的气液分散性能研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统研究和比较了径流桨和径流桨组合、径流桨和斜叶桨组合以及斜叶桨和斜叶桨组合3类不同的双层搅拌器组合,在气液分散搅拌过程中的优劣。小通气量时径流桨和斜叶桨组合(DT PTD和PTU DT)在相同的单位体积搅拌功率下气含率最高,而在大通气量时,双层上翻式斜桨组合(PTU PTU)气含率最高,并发现大通气量时,下层桨不宜采用下压式斜叶桨。  相似文献   

针对气液搅拌操作形式单一的现状,将框式桨和Rushton桨组成的同心双轴搅拌器与黏稠体系中的气液分散操作相结合,实验考察了转动模式、内桨转速、通气量和体系黏度等因素对其气液分散性能的影响。结果表明,与单相黏稠体系中同向旋转模式下的功率与混合性能均占优不同,同心双轴搅拌器在反向旋转模式下的气液分散性能相对更好;外桨转速不变时,内桨转速从100增加到300 r·min-1,整体气含率提高94.3%,局部气含率也均有增大;通气量从0.4提高到1.2 m3·h-1,整体气含率提高了72.5%,但局部气含率和气泡尺寸的增大不显著;体系黏度增加,气泡在釜内的停留时间加长,整体气含率单调增加。作为影响搅拌釜气液分散性能的重要参数,转动模式、内桨转速和通气量的确定还必须兼顾系统的功耗与混合效率,并避免发生气泛。  相似文献   

双轴异桨组合搅拌器混合特性及传热性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以聚合反应器中存在的传热,传质问题为研究背景,设计了双螺带-斜叶双驱动变速搅拌器。在实验室基础上,探讨了这一搅拌器的流型、功率消耗、混合特性和传热性能,为该组合浆的开发应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

双层桨气液搅拌反应槽气液分散特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用搅拌功率与氧传质系数方法,对一双层桨搅拌反应槽的自吸分散和表面充气分散性能进行研究.比较了两种桨叶组合在两种分散方式下的气相分散临界转速、搅拌功率及两种桨叶组合自吸分散时的气含率和气液传质系数.结果表明,六叶圆盘直叶桨和六叶圆盘斜叶桨的组合在自吸分散时具有较优的分散性能.  相似文献   

详细分析了工业合成醋酸反应器中的机械搅拌过程,描述了气液分散搅拌过程中搅拌桨叶的选择和计算。对醋酸反应器这样复杂的气-液反应混合过程,必须采用合适的机械搅拌器。目前采用最多的是径向流和轴向流相结合的多层搅拌桨叶组合形式的搅拌器。搅拌桨的计算和设计对保证醋酸反应中充分的气-液分散混合并达到良好的气-液传质过程十分重要。不同大小醋酸反应釜的搅拌器必须根据不同生产处理量和醋酸装置的工艺条件进行设计和选型。  相似文献   

分别以浓度为1%,2%,3%,3.5%的羧甲基纤维素溶液为实验,采用测温法,测定了正交双层三角桨-单螺带桨,正交双层三角桨-内外单螺带桨.锚式桨-三叶推进器.锚式桨-内外单螺带4种组合桨拌器的宏观混合时间,无量钢数C1,C2,C3,C4综合评判了它们的宏观混合性能,实验证明,前2种组合桨搅拌器在不同流域内都使搅拌介质达到良好的宏观混合,且功率消耗低,混合效率高,具有明显的节能优势,对搅拌变粘度体系  相似文献   

多层组合桨搅拌槽内气-液分散特性的研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
在直径为0,476m的椭圆底搅拌槽中,采用由六叶半椭圆管叶盘式涡轮桨(HEDT)及四叶宽叶翼型桨的上提(WHU)及下压(WHD)操作组合的六种不同的三层桨,研究了气-液两相体系中的通气功率变化及气含率特性,获得不同桨型的通气搅拌功率及气含率的关联式;结果表明,底桨为HEDT的组合桨通气功率下降幅度最小,相同输入功率时气含率最高,其次为WHD,WHU为底桨时气液分散性能最差。因此,适用于气液两相操作的优化组合桨应以HEDT为底桨。此研究结果可为工业用多层组合桨气液搅拌反应器的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

组合桨的混合性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用模拟合成橡胶的粘稠介质研究了组合桨的宏观与微观混合性能,以及组合桨的匹配,提出组合桨(螺带/透平)是改善粘稠介质快速混合的有效途径。  相似文献   

穿流-柔性组合桨强化搅拌槽中流体混沌混合特性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘仁龙  李爽  刘作华  陶长元  王运东 《化工学报》2015,66(12):4736-4742
刚性搅拌桨在搅拌混合过程中得到广泛的应用,在搅拌容器内容易形成两种不同的混合区域:混沌混合区和混合隔离区。强化流体混合的有效途径是合理设计搅拌桨,从而调控流体混沌混合行为。实验运用Labview和Matlab软件采集和处理流体内部压力脉动信号,并获取流体混沌特性参数Kolmogorov熵,对穿流-柔性组合桨体系的Kolmogorov熵随转速的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,相比传统刚性桨,穿流桨对Kolmogorov熵影响不大。穿流-柔性组合桨通过穿流孔与柔性部分的共同作用调控流场结构,使流体混沌混合的效果最好,在转速为180 r·min-1时流体的混沌混合达到最佳状态,穿流-柔性组合桨体系的Kolmogorov熵为0.285,而传统刚性桨体系的Kolmogorov熵只为0.125;穿流-柔性组合桨体系的混合时间明显低于传统刚性桨体系,当转速为120 r·min-1时穿流-柔性组合桨体系的混合时间比传统刚性桨体系缩短了17%。  相似文献   

刚柔组合搅拌桨强化搅拌槽中流体混沌混合   总被引:16,自引:13,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
搅拌槽内普遍存在着两种不同类型的混合区域:混沌混合区和规则区。增大混沌混合区,是提高流体混合效率、降低搅拌过程能耗的重要途径。而合理设计搅拌桨有助于流体形成适宜的流动状态,实现混沌混合。柔性体与刚性体组合,可设计出具有多体运动行为的刚柔组合搅拌桨,可强化流体混沌混合行为。结合Matlab 软件,实验研究了双层桨搅拌槽内自来水体系的最大Lyapunov指数(LLE)和多尺度熵(MSE)的变化规律,对比分析了刚性桨和刚柔组合桨两种桨叶对流体混沌混合的影响。结果表明,刚柔组合桨强化流体的运动特性,使更多流体进入混沌混合状态。在转速为210 r·min-1时,流体的混沌混合达到最佳状态,刚性桨体系的LLE为0.041,而刚柔组合桨体系的LLE为0.048;刚柔组合桨可有效耗散能量,使整个槽体的能量分布均匀,刚柔组合桨在150 r·min-1时的多尺度熵率与刚性桨在210 r·min-1时基本相近;刚柔组合桨体系的混合时间均低于刚性桨体系,在转速为120 r·min-1时,刚柔组合桨使流体的混合时间缩短了26%左右。刚柔组合桨可改变流场结构和能量耗散方式,强化流体混沌混合,实现高效节能操作。  相似文献   

实验运用扭矩传感器测量搅拌功率特性,Matlab软件编程计算最大Lyapunov指数(LEmax),流场可视化技术观测流体混合状态。研究了桨叶类型、桨叶离底距离、柔性钢丝长度、柔性钢丝直径对混合效率数(Ce)、LEmax的影响。结果表明:单层钢丝柔性桨通过刚-柔-流耦合作用,改变流场结构和能量耗散方式,提高了流体混沌混合程度,实现了流体的高效节能混合;当转速为120 r·min−1时,与传统刚性桨相比,单层钢丝柔性桨使流体Ce减小了87.4%,LEmax增大了53.2%,与单层钢丝刚性桨相比,单层钢丝柔性桨使流体Ce减小了43.8%,LEmax增大了10.8%。另外,当搅拌转速相同时,柔性钢丝越长,越有利于流体混沌混合,但其功耗也会随之明显增加;当柔性钢丝直径为0.8 mm,桨叶离底距离为0.25T(T为搅拌槽内径)时,各个转速对应的Ce小于其他情况、LEmax大于其他情况,流体达到相对最佳混沌混合状态。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experimental study of mixing intensification using speed modulation of a six‐blade Rushton turbine in a stirred vessel. Mixing times were measured using a non‐intrusive technique based on direct visualisation of an acid‐base reaction in a Newtonian fluid. The impeller speed modulation was achieved by using two waveforms: a square wave and a sine wave. The amplitude was fixed between a maximum Reynolds number of Remax = 60 and minimum Reynolds numbers of Remin = 40 or 30. The wave periods were varied (10, 20, or 40 s) in order to compare the effects of unsteady stirring on mixing performance. It was observed that a square wave protocol with the shortest wave period and the larger amplitude resulted in the shortest time to destroy the observed isolated mixing regions (IMRs), which are known to exist in stirred vessels operating at low Reynolds number. However, the sine wave protocol led to a slow diffusive mechanism in which IMR structures reached an asymptotic volume and remained visible even after several hours. The results are presented and discussed using digital photographs taken at different time intervals during experimentation.  相似文献   

A shear thinning fluid (1% carboxymethyl cellulose) was used to investigate mixing under laminar flow conditions in an unbaffled vessel. The effects of impeller modification in addition to eccentricity were studied. Quantitative measurements such as percentage of uncovered area and coefficient of variance (CoV) of a tracer solution distributed inside the vessel were obtained using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) method. Increased eccentricity was found to be more effective than increasing rpm alone in reducing isolated mixing regions size (determined by the percentage of uncovered area). The dual-flow pitched blade turbine (DF-PBT), which was the modified version of a standard pitched blade turbine (PBT), was designed to provide both upward and downward flow at the same time to induce more chaotic flow. Though numerical analysis showed this type of flow generated, DF-PBT did not return lower values for the percentage of uncovered area and CoV than PBT did. Power consumption data were also compared between the two impeller types and eccentric locations. Further analyses focusing on the interactions between the impeller blades and fluid rheology is needed to improve laminar mixing in stirred vessels by impeller modification.  相似文献   

Properties of gas—liquid dispersion and mixing of seven types of impellers were studied and compared in a stirred vessel with aeration. New correlations for the properties including critical dispersion impeller speed, dispersion regime, power consumption, gas hold-up, discharge flow number and discharge efficiency have been developed. The fluid/wall heat transfer was also studied with several types of dual impeller combinations. There is a critical impeller speed which determines how aeration changes the heat transfer coefficient. Operating conditions influence heat transfer interactively by three factors, which can be expressed by proper dimensionless variables.  相似文献   

偏心射流-刚柔组合桨搅拌器内混沌混合行为研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
搅拌反应器内普遍存在混合隔离区,是实现高效混合的一大障碍。流场耦合诱发流体的混沌现象,可减少混合隔离区,提高流体混合效率。结合Matlab软件,探究偏心空气射流-单层刚柔组合桨体系的混合行为演变规律,对比分析了不同偏心率下桨叶类型、桨叶离底高度、空气射流量以及转速对流体混沌混合的影响。结果表明,刚柔组合桨通过其自身刚-柔-流的多体运动与偏心空气射流的流场耦合,破坏了流体混合过程中出现的对称性流场,使更多的流体进入混沌状态。刚-柔组合桨(RF-RDT、RF-IRDT)比刚性桨(RDT、IRDT)的LLE值大,其中RF-RDT相比于其他3种类型的搅拌桨(IRDT、RDT、RF-IRDT),其LLE值分别提高了约42.8%,27.0%、6.9%;空气射流的偏心率等于0.6时,其最大LLE值相比于其他偏心率(0.8、0.4、0.2、0),依次提高了6.5%、2.4%、17.6%、25.1%。该研究结果可为刚柔组合桨的优化设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In our previous study (Fukuda, R., Tokumura, M., Znad, H.T. and Kawase, Y., 2009, Vapour generation from the impellers in boiling stirred tank reactors. Chem Eng Res Des, 87: 452–459), it was found that in boiling stirred tanks with multiple impeller systems vapour was generated from the heater at lower impeller speeds and with an increase in impeller speed most vapour was generated from the top impeller rather than the lower impellers and the heater. The change of nucleation sites with the impeller speed might be controlled by the local liquid temperature. Therefore we measured the liquid temperature behind the impellers blades and found the decrease in liquid temperature with increasing impeller speed. In this paper, a simple model was developed to predict the change in liquid temperature behind the impeller blades in which nucleation takes place. In the proposed model based on the results for pressure distribution on the impeller blade in the literature, the liquid temperature behind the impeller blades is estimated from the measured power consumption. The validation of the proposed model was conducted using the experimental results in our previous study and reasonable agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

We report experimental and numerical investigations of a novel grid disc impeller for mixing of single-phase flow in stirred vessels. We performed detailed mean velocity measurements using LDA to understand the flow generated by the grid disc impeller and we also measured the mixing time and power consumption of the grid disc impeller. Measurements showed that the performance of the grid disc impeller, which has radial flow characteristics, is equivalent to a standard propeller in terms of the degree of mixing achieved per unit power consumption. We also performed numerical simulations to predict the flow generated by the grid disc impeller and its mixing performance. It was shown that the present computational model predicts the mean velocities, power consumption and mixing time in good agreement with the measurements. The experimentally validated computational model was further used to understand the effects of impeller rotational speed and grid disc configuration on the fluid dynamics and mixing performance of the grid disc impeller.  相似文献   

Mixing efficiency in two-phase gas-liquid agitated vessel is one of the important challenges in the industrial processes. Computational fluid dynamics technique (CFD) was used to investigate the effect of four different pitched blade impellers, including 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°, on the mixing quality of gas-liquid agitated vessel. The multiphase flow behavior was modeled by Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase approach, and RNG k-ε was used to model the turbulence. The CFD results showed that a strong global vortex plays the main role on the mixing quality of the gas phase in the vessel. Based on the standard deviation criterion, it was observed that the axial distribution of the gas phase in the 30° impeller is about 55% better than the others. In addition, the results showed that the 30° impeller has a uniform radial distribution over the other impellers and the maximum gas phase holdup in the vessel. Investigation of the power consumption of the impellers showed that the 30° impeller has the highest power consumption among the other pitched blade impellers. Also, examine the effect of same power condition for pitched blade impellers showed that the 30° impeller has the best mixing quality in this condition.  相似文献   

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