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基于核空间的Otsu阈值法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善传统Otsu分割方法的分割性能,提出了一种基于核空问函数变换的崭新Otsu闲值化分割方法.该方法首先利用再生核空间的核函数将低维空间的样本映射到高维空间,其样本之间的差异性度量采用基于棱函数的距离测度;其次得到了一种基于核空间距离的最小二乘法并采用迭代法来估计样本均值;曩后得到了基于核函数距离和一维直方图相结合的最小偏差图像阈值化分割方法,将其简称为核空阍Otsu闲值法.实验结果表明,基于核空间的Otsu法相对传统Otsu法有更好的分割性能.  相似文献   

通过分析交叉熵阈值法的计算时间量较大的问题,提出了基于卡方散度的图像阈值化分割新准则,并从理论上分析了它与交叉熵阈值法的计算复杂性.实验结果表明,提出的图像分割准则是可行的,且计算所需时间比交叉熵阚值法有了明显减少,它对一定强度噪声干扰的图像比交叉熵法能获得更好的分割结果.  相似文献   

针对交叉熵阈值法的时间复杂性过大的不足,提出了基于目标函数最优化原理的交叉熵分割准则的快速迭代算法.大量的实验结果表明,提出的快速迭代算法是有效的.  相似文献   

提出一种有效的非线性子空间学习方法--核最大散度差判别分析(KMSD),并将其用于人脸识别.核最大散度差判别分析首先把输入空间的样本非线性映射到特征空间,然后通过核方法的技巧,采用最大散度差判别分析(MSD)方法在特征空间里求解.在Yale和ORL人脸数据库上的实验结果表明,提出的核最大散度差判别分析方法用于人脸识别具有较高的识别率.  相似文献   

随着现代计算机技术及图像处理技术的快速发展,图像分割作为图像分析、理解的基础,在诸多领域具有广泛的应用,尤其在医学方面。医学图像分割是医学图像处理和分析的关键步骤,也是其它高级医学图像分析和解释系统的核心组成部分。本文针对医学图像分割的分类、特征等进行了简要的介绍,对基于阈值的分割方法进行详尽的讨论并以计算机实际处理效果分析了各种基于阈值的分割方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

二维Otsu阈值法的快速迭代算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出二维Otsu阈值法的快速迭代算法.针对传统二维Otsu阈值法及改进的递推二维Otsu阈值法等具有高计算复杂性的不足,假设被分割图像及其邻域平滑图像形成的二维联合直方图是连续二元概率分布函数的条件下,利用求多元函数极值的方法得到二维Otsu阈值法的快速迭代算法.大量实验结果表明,本文方法是可行的且有良好的分割性能.  相似文献   

灰度图像的二维Otsu自动阈值分割法   总被引:129,自引:2,他引:127  
Otsu法是最常用的利用图象一维灰度直方图的阈值化方法之一,本文的目的是将它推广到二维直方图,二维otsu法除了考虑象素点的灰度信息外还考虑了象素点与其邻域的空间相关信息,通过与一维的0tsu法比较表明,在有噪声的图象中,本文提出的方法性能好得多.  相似文献   

雷博  范九伦 《控制与决策》2016,31(4):740-744
针对现有的灰度图像交叉熵阈值化方法无法有效分割含有混合噪声图像的问题,在图像三维直方图的基础上提出三维交叉熵阈值化算法,同时给出三维交叉熵阈值法的快速递推公式.实验结果表明,三维方法结合了图像中像素的灰度及其局部空间的均值和中值信息,对于含有混合噪声的图像,具有比现有交叉熵阈值化算法更好的分割效果.  相似文献   

The conventional two dimensional (2-D) histogram based Otsu’s method gives unreliable results while considering multilevel thresholding of brain magnetic resonance (MR) images, because the edges of the brain regions are not preserved due to the local averaging process involved. Moreover, some of the useful pixels present inside the off-diagonal regions are ignored in the calculation. This article presents an evolutionary gray gradient algorithm (EGGA) for optimal multilevel thresholding of brain MR images. In this paper, more edge information is preserved by computing 2-D histogram based gray gradient. The key to our success is the use of the gray gradient information between the pixel values and the pixel average values to minimize the information loss. In addition, the speed improvement is achieved. Theoretical formulations are derived for computing the maximum between class variance from the 2-D histogram of the brain image. A first-hand fitness function is suggested for the EGGA. A novel adaptive swallow swarm optimization (ASSO) algorithm is introduced to optimize the fitness function. The performance of ASSO is validated using twenty three standard Benchmark test functions. The performance of ASSO is better than swallow swarm optimization (SSO). The optimum threshold value is obtained by maximizing the between class variance using ASSO. Our method is tested using the standard axial T2 − weighted brain MRI database of Harvard medical education using 100 slices. Performance of our method is compared to the Otsu’s method based on the one dimensional (1-D) and the 2-D histogram. The results are also compared among four different soft computing techniques. It is observed that results obtained using our method is better than the other methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Benefits of our method are – (i) the EGGA exhibits better objective function values; (ii) the EGGA provides us significantly improved results; and (iii) more computational speed is achieved.  相似文献   

Otsu法是一个应用较为广泛的阈值分割方法。为实现图像较为精确的分割,充分考虑边界的影响,从二维线阈值分割替代传统的点阈值分割思想出发,提出了折线阈值型Otsu法。该方法以对边界信息的迭代分割的手段获得实际用于分割的二维折线阈值。仿真结果表明,该方法能够获得优于原始Otsu法的分割效果,特别适用于边缘丰富的图像分割,具有较好的分割普适性。  相似文献   

Otsu method is one of the most popular image thresholding methods. The segmentation results of Otsu method are in general acceptable for the gray level images with bimodal histogram patterns that can be approximated with mixture Gaussian modal. However, it is difficult for Otsu method to determine the reliable thresholds for the images with mixture non-Gaussian modal, such as mixture Rayleigh modal, mixture extreme value modal, mixture Beta modal, mixture uniform modal, comb-like modal. In order to determine automatically the robust and optimum thresholds for the images with various histogram patterns, this paper proposes a new global thresholding method based on a maximum-image-similarity idea. The idea is inspired by analyzing the relationship between Otsu method and Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC), which provides a novel interpretation of Otsu method from the perspective of maximizing image similarity. It is then natural to construct a maximum similarity thresholding (MST) framework by generalizing Otsu method with the maximum-image-similarity concept. As an example, a novel MST method is directly designed according to this framework, and its robustness and effectiveness are confirmed by the experimental results on 41 synthetic images and 86 real world images with various histogram shapes. Its extension to multilevel thresholding case is also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Canny算子中Otsu阈值分割法的运用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Canny算子只要能适当地选择其参数就能提取物体清晰的轮廓.利用类间方差最大化阈值分割算法(Otsu)能够计算出对Canny算子性能具有决定意义的高门限值,然后将这门限值运用于Canny算子来检测物体边缘.从实验结果看,Otsu算法应用于Canny算子中门限选择,改善了Canny算子的边缘提取效果,取得了预计的成果.  相似文献   

MEMS陀螺随机误差是影响其精度的主要因素之一。针对MEMS陀螺随机误差的问题,提出一种基于改进的阈值函数的小波去噪结合极限学习机算法建模的补偿方法。通过改进小波阈值法提高去噪效果,然后由极限学习机构建MEMS陀螺误差补偿模型。通过实例研究,结果显示该方法能良好地补偿随机误差,与其他方法比较,具有更好的效果。  相似文献   

The Kapur and Otsu methods are widely used image thresholding approaches and they are very efficient in bi-level thresholding applications. Evolutionary algorithms have been developed to extend the Kapur and Otsu methods to the multi-level thresholding case. However, there remains an unsolved argument that neither Kapur nor Otsu objective can optimally fit diverse content contained in different kinds of images. This paper proposes a multi-objective model which seeks to find the Pareto-optimal set with respect to Kapur and Otsu objectives. Based on dominance and diversity criteria, we developed a hybrid multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) method by incorporating several intelligent search strategies. The ensemble strategy is also applied to automatically select the best search strategy to perform at various algorithm stages according to its historic performances. The experimental result shows that the solutions to our multi-objective model consistently produce equal or better segmentation results than those by the optimal solutions to the original Kapur and Otsu models, and that the proposed hybrid algorithm with and without the ensemble strategy produces a better approximation to the ideal Pareto front than those obtained by two other MOPSO variants and the MOEA/D. In comparison with the most recent multilevel thresholding methods, our approach also consistently obtains better performance in the segmentation result for several benchmark images.  相似文献   

为了克服图像噪声对图像分割结果的影响,利用图像中与像素具有相似邻域结构的像素提取当前像素的非局部空间信息,构造了基于像素的灰度信息和非局部空间灰度信息的二维直方图,并将此二维直方图引入到Otsu曲线阈值分割法中,提出了基于灰度和非局部空间灰度特征的二维Otsu曲线阈值分割法。实验结果表明,该方法能进一步提高原始二维Otsu曲线阈值分割法对于图像噪声的鲁棒性,获得了更加理想的分割结果。  相似文献   

提出了基于广义调和均值距离的最小偏差图像阈值化分割新算法。Otsu阈值法是图像分割中最典型阈值法之一,因其计算简单、速度快和性能稳定等优点而在图像分割中得到广泛应用;但是,传统Otsu阈值法是基于欧式距离的最小偏差阈值法,由于欧式距离没有可调节参数而导致Otsu阈值法分割图像缺乏鲁棒性。首先将Otsu图像分割法中的欧式距离用广义调和均值距离代替并得到一种具有鲁棒性的图像分割新算法,其次给出该算法中参数选取办法。大量实验结果表明,新的图像分割算法相比Otsu法更有效。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new thresholding technique based on two-dimensional Renyi's entropy. The two-dimensional Renyi's entropy was obtained from the two-dimensional histogram which was determined by using the gray value of the pixels and the local average gray value of the pixels. This new method extends a method due to Sahoo et al. (Pattern Recognition 30 (1997) 71) and includes a previously proposed global thresholding method due to Abutaleb (Pattern Recognition 47 (1989) 22). Further, our method extends a global thresholding method due to Chang et al. (IEEE Trans. Image Process. 4 (1995) 370) to the two-dimensional setting. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by using examples from the real-world and synthetic images.  相似文献   

Amongst all the multilevel thresholding techniques, standard histogram based thresholding approaches are very impressive for bi-level thresholding. But, it is not effective to select spatial contextual information of the image for choosing optimal thresholds. In this paper, a new color image thresholding technique is presented by using an energy function to generate the energy curve of an image by considering spatial contextual information of the image. The property of this energy curve is very much similar to histogram of the image. To estimate the spatial contextual information for thresholding practice, in place of histogram, the energy curve function is used as an input. A new energy curve based color image segmentation approach using three well known objective functions named Kapur’s entropy, between-class-variance, and Tsalli’s entropy is proposed. In this paper, cuckoo search (CS) and egg lying radius-cuckoo search (ELR-CS) optimization algorithms with different parameter analysis have been used for solving the color image multilevel thresholding problem. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed CS-Kapur’s energy curve based segmentation can powerfully and accurately search the multilevel thresholds.  相似文献   

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