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地下水回灌将水从地面上输送到地下含水层中,可减缓地下水位下降的速度,提供丰富的水源,改善地质环境,根据八五三农场的水文地质条件,分析了该农场的地下水回灌的可行性及实际意义并得出可行性结论。  相似文献   

保定市一亩泉地下水回灌水文地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对区域水文地质条件、现场回灌试验等资料的综合分析,对保定市一亩泉水源地下水超采降落漏斗分布范围、地下储水空间、回灌水向深层含水层及外流域流失的可能性,及入渗场地下水回灌地质条件等进行了系统分析,在此基础上选择了适于本区水文地质条件的地下水回灌方法。  相似文献   

在分析国内外再生水回灌地下水研究现状及存在问题基础上,以高碑店污水处理厂再生水回灌试验场为例,采用三维荧光光谱等分析方法,分析再生水进入含水层后污染物运移变化规律及水质变化情况,分析再生水回灌浅层地下水的可行性,以及回灌地层对于再生水水质中有机物和无机物的净化和去除作用。同时通过使用发光细菌,评价了再生水回灌地下水的污染风险,对城市再生水的综合无害化利用提出建议。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的逐步提高,水的供需矛盾日益尖锐。因此,研究解决水资源危机的方法和途径,已成为众所关注的重要课题。今结合廊坊市的实际情况,对引渗回灌这一补充地下水的有效措施,进行商榷。 1 问题的提出 1.1 水资源概况廊坊市总面积6429Km~2,北部及西北部为燕山、太行山山前冲积扇的边缘地带,地下含水层厚度大,岩性粗,是富水性较好的全淡区,面积3207Km~2。南部为大清河、子牙河及永定河冲积、湖积平原,地下水含水层层次多,构造复杂,单层厚度薄,岩性较  相似文献   

通过对北海市涠洲岛水资源的供需现状和发展趋势分析,提出实施地下水人工回灌的必要性和可行性;在对地质构造、水文地质条件、水源条件、工程效益等进行分析后,认为在涠洲岛实施地下水人工回灌是可行的。  相似文献   

详细分析了榆次市源涡原区水资源现状,提出了引水和回灌工程措施。  相似文献   

宓永宁  胡春媛  赵琳  陆超 《人民长江》2009,40(24):34-35
辽阳首山地区由于地下水长时期的过量开采,地下水位大幅下降,形成了地下水漏斗区,产生了一系列生态环境问题。通过对该地区地下水开发利用现状和供需矛盾分析,研究了实施地下水人工回灌的必要性和可行性;在对水文地质条件、回灌水源条件、水质等进行分析后,认为在首山地区实施地下水人工回灌是可行的,并从水环境角度提出了3点建议。  相似文献   

湛江市城区地下水污染因子灰色关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湛江市城区地下水水质内梅罗综合评价指数为依据,运用灰色理论,对湛江市城区地下水水质情况进行多变量关联计算,根据其关联度的大小,分析污染地下水的主要因子,为湛江市城区地下水环境污染的防治提供更为准确的科学决策依据,最后提出一些防治建议。  相似文献   

利用湛江市城区历年地下水水位动态观测资料及雨量资料,研究湛江市地下水的流动特性,分析湛江市城区地下水水位年内和年度变化特征,提出合理开发利用以及保护湛江市地下水的建议和措施。  相似文献   

根据收集和统计到的赤坎、霞山和硇洲岛超采区2001—2010年地下水开发利用情况及多年生态环境地质状况进行分析,得出:① 赤坎、霞山和硇洲岛3个超采区年均地下水开采系数依然大于1,说明3个超采区仍处于超采状况,硇洲岛因主要开采浅层地下水,其开采系数已达1.29仍属于严重超采区;② 赤坎和霞山超采区近10年来地下水水位年均下降速率很小,判断赤坎和霞山都属于一般超采区;③ 评价期内超采区由地下水开采诱发的生态环境地质问题有所减弱;④ 在实施有力的治理措施情况下,超采状况较容易得到改善,治理效果也将会较明显。  相似文献   

按照河道对地下水的补给机理,根据引滦输水以来的水文资料,初步分析了黎河河水与地下水的补排关系,揭示了引滦输水损失的原因及变化规律,为引滦输水计量和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

利用放射性同位素(~(14)C)测年和氯质量平衡理论,研究乌兰布和沙漠地下水年龄以及地下水补给速率。结果表明:通过~(14)C测年并修正后得出的研究区饱和带地下水年龄为22 000 a~现代,利用氯质量平衡理论推算出非饱和带5.5 m深处地下水年龄为2 645 a;研究区非饱和带地下水的补给速率为0.19~2.55 mm/a,均值为1.12 mm/a,故包气带直接补给潜水和承压水的水量微乎其微。  相似文献   

分析参与水循环过程的不同水体中D和18O组成的变化特征,是应用氢氧稳定同位素示踪技术研究水循环机理的必要前提.通过在北京市和广东湛江硇洲岛应用稳定同位素分析地下水补给关系,从而对比分析其在岛屿和内陆的应用效果.结果表明,沿海岛屿和内陆应用氢氧同位素作为示踪剂研究水循环中不同水体的补给来源,以及地表水和地下水之间的相互转化关系均具有良好的效果,这说明采用氢氧同位素进行地下水的研究具有普遍的适用性.  相似文献   


Groundwater is a primary source of drinking water in the Mediterranean, however, climate variability in conjunction with mismanagement renders it vulnerable to depletion. Spatiotemporal studies of groundwater recharge are the basis to develop strategies against this phenomenon. In this study, groundwater recharge was spatiotemporally quantified using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in one coastal and one inland hydrological basin in Greece. A double calibration/validation (CV) procedure using streamflow data and MODIS ET was conducted for the inland basin of Mouriki, whereas only ET values were used in the coastal basin of Anthemountas. Calibration and simulation recharge were accurate in both sites according to statistical indicators and previous studies. In Mouriki basin, mean recharge and runoff were estimated as 16% and 9%, respectively. In Anthemountas basin recharge to the shallow aquifer and surface runoff were estimated as 12% and 16%, respectively. According to the predicted RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, significant variations in groundwater recharge are predicted in the coastal zone for the period 2020–2040 with average annual recharges decreasing by 30% (RCP 4.5) and 25% (RCP 8.5). Variations in groundwater recharge in the inland catchment of Mouriki were insignificant for the simulated period. Anthemountas basin was characterized by higher runoff rates. Groundwater management in coastal aquifers should include detailed monitoring of hydrological parameters, reinforced groundwater recharge during winter and reduced groundwater abstraction during summer depending on the spatiotemporal distribution of groundwater recharge.


为了评价湛江市地下水资源承载力,防止地下水过度开采所造成的生态环境问题,基于主成分分析方法建立湛江市地下水资源承载力评价指标体系,对湛江市地下水资源承载力进行评价。综合评价结果表明湛江市各行政区综合评价值各不相同:市区〉徐闻县〉遂溪县〉吴川市〉雷州市〉廉江市。市区的综合评价值最高,分值达53.817,说明相对于其他行政区,市区的地下水资源开发潜力较小,承载力已趋于饱和,继续开发利用的潜力甚小。  相似文献   

目前,对土壤水运移机理研究已从定性走向定量、从均质走向非均质。优先流是地下水入渗的普遍现象,在田间土壤水主要以捷径流方式入渗补给地下水。对优先流研究是潜水入渗补给研究的重点与难点之一,其主要方法为染色示踪与X射线成像和地质雷达技术。潜水入渗补给评价方法众多,且每种方法都有其适用条件。因此,综合采用示踪法、地下水位波动法、地中渗透仪法、零通量法和数值模拟法,相互对比验证,提高评价可靠性,是研究地下水入渗补给最有效的方法。  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid area, groundwater is the most important water resources. Surface runoff harvesting is the most important process in the artificial recharge of groundwater that should increase groundwater quality and quantity. Urban impervious area provides an appropriate surface to produce adequate amounts of runoff. Groundwater recharge via recharge wells is one of the successful direct sub-surface methods. As many cities around the world face issues of water scarcity due to a fast and unsustainable urbanization, identify the best locations of groundwater recharge wells is an interesting relevant topic, especially in the arid and semi-arid area. Selection of a suitable area for groundwater recharge could increase efficiency of the recharge wells. In this study, the best location of recharge wells was investigated in Urmia city located in the North-west of Iran using fuzzy logic technique. In this study, locations of the drainage channel junctions with adequate potential of surface runoff were determined using SWMM. Appropriate locations for recharge wells were determined based on different layers including distance to runoff harvesting points, distance to the production water wells and depth of groundwater table. Hydraulic condition (hydraulic conductivity and specific recharge) was also used separately. The input layers were prepared using geostatistical interpolation techniques in ArcGIS 9.3 software. Mamdani fuzzy inference system was applied to incorporate the fuzzified input layers. Finally, in each area, pixels with the highest value were proposed as suitable locations for recharge wells. Based on the results, the number of pixels with “High” priorities increased when the hydraulic conductivity was used to site selection. Comparing hydraulic conductivity layer and selected location of the recharge wells shows that the area with low hydraulic conductivity and the area closed to the production water wells has not suitable priority for recharge wells.  相似文献   

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