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何超  陈钡 《江西电力》2012,36(3):12-14
架空输电线路工程架线施工过程中,由于地形限制、工期与外部施工环境、物资供应等多重因素的矛盾,往往需要采取改变悬挂放线滑车高度的方法进行放线及弧垂观测。针对弧垂观测过程中部分塔位采取拉棒替代绝缘子悬挂滑车,在弧垂观测过程中对观测弧垂及线夹调整值进行分析计算,为改变滑车悬挂高度的情况下观测弧垂提出了建议。  相似文献   

为保证施工放线安全,获得张力放线过程中放线滑车受力、观测档弧垂等参数的连续变化数据,提出了基于悬链线法的张力放线连续过程计算方法。根据张力放线系统模型建立了放线系统方程组,包括节点间高差及跨距方程、牵引板平衡方程、滑车前后的张力平衡方程及施工控制方程等。并提出了放线过程的连续迭代方法,实现了牵引板从张力机运行到牵引机全过程的连续运动分析,可精确计算张力、牵力及各档间弧垂、滑车载荷及包络角等参数。在输电线路工程中开展了放线工程试验,测量了施工过程中滑车载荷、观测档弧垂等数据,并与计算结果进行了对比分析,验证了计算方法的准确性。所提张力放线连续过程计算方法形式简洁、易于程序实现,计算精度高,可为张力放线施工机具选型、过程控制提供更准确的计算依据,指导放线施工。  相似文献   

特高压组合式放线滑车的研制   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
徐守琦  刘凯  谭志明 《电力建设》2010,31(2):106-110
特高压架空输电线路施工过程中,利用组合式放线滑车的互换性可以完成六分裂或八分裂导线的展放,可以提高架线施工的工作效率和安全性。分析了组合式放线滑车的特点和设计方案,分析了滑车各部分受力情况,并对其应力进行了校验。该组合式放线滑车已在向家坝-上海±800 kV 特高压直流输电线路工程皖3A标段放线施工中得到了成功应用。  相似文献   

1 000 kV 线路采用2×(一牵四)同步张力架线施工时,按有关规定,张牵机的进出口与邻塔悬挂点的高差角不宜超过15°。若张牵机布置在线路中心线上,张牵机需做较大范围的方向调整,且邻塔额外承受大约1.12 倍单线放线张力的横线路水平荷载,对邻塔安全有不利影响。因此,推荐张牵机布置在中相与边相之间,此时各部分受力均较小,对塔安全有利,但需移动张牵机放线位置。当荷载超过单放线滑车的承载能力、压接管保护可能造成弯曲或导线在滑车上的包络角超过30°时,必须挂双放线滑车。线夹安装完毕,导线在放线滑车里停留总时间不得超过72 h,否则导线可能损伤。  相似文献   

在输电线路途经山区及高山大岭时,张力放线牵张场选取困难,一般在线路中心线放线无法设置牵引场或张力场,需要采用转向滑车进行转向布置。转向滑车的设置关系到架线施工安全和施工质量。依据导则和工程实际经验,论述了现场如何确定转向滑车的数量和位置以及转向滑车地锚的方向。  相似文献   

朱培贤  方明  曾栋 《电力建设》2012,33(8):110-112
对国内900 mm2 六分裂导线采用3ד一牵2”放线方式的滑车悬挂方法进行了分析和改进。使用专门研制的三轮放线滑车挂架,使铁塔每极悬挂3个三轮放线滑车的布置和悬挂方式更加简单,将绝缘子、滑车进行同步安装和悬挂,减少了施工安装环节,提高了张力架线的总体施工效率,保证了铁塔的良好受力,为后序紧线施工和附件安装操作提供了方便。  相似文献   

四川第一条超高压输电线路工程途经大、小凉山,地形复杂,交通不便,张、牵场选择困难。施工段放线长度超过8km,放线滑车超过20个,称为长区段张力放线。文中介绍张力放线的特点、施工与实践、应注意的问题。  相似文献   

靳义奎 《电力建设》2011,32(1):124-127
积石峡水电站330 kV送出工程的电站出线侧地形复杂、施工环境恶劣,该工程在架线施工中存在导线上扬、导线在放线滑车上的包络角过大、压接管或压接管保护钢甲通过滑车时超过允许荷载等问题.提出了相应的解决方案,实践证明该方案是可行的,可为山区架线施工工程提供参考.  相似文献   

五轮放线滑车是500kV输电线路施工实现张力放线的必需工具。1985年9月水电部颁发了《放线滑轮直径和槽形》SD158-85标准,结束了我国放线滑车设计无章可循的局面,使放线滑车的生产开始走上了正规化、标准化的轨道。但是,该标准没有对五轮放线滑车的中间钢丝绳轮的结构参数作出相应的规定。本文通过对五轮放线滑车的设计、制造及使用的初步总结,对钢丝绳轮的结构形式进行探讨。  相似文献   

王子芳 《电力建设》1994,15(2):37-38
铸型MC尼龙放线滑车在架线施工中的应用四川送变电公司王子芳五轮放线滑车是500kV张力放线必不可少的重要工具。现在用于放线施工的五轮放线沿车均为铝轮挂胶,钢丝绳的牵引轮有的是铸钢的,有的则在铝轮上固定尼龙块,它们都有一个致命的缺点──重。、一般一个五...  相似文献   

数字化工程相比传统的工程设计存在较大的差异,前者比后者有很多的明显优势,在未来,数字化工程必然是各种生产企业工程设计的主流趋势。从工程公司的角度全面阐述数字工厂的建设,提出完整的数字化工程方案,并对数字化工程信息模型在工程全生命周期的应用进行详细阐述,对数字化模型的创新应用进行介绍,最后对数字化工程现阶段存在的问题以及未来的发展方向提出建议。  相似文献   

The primary goal of engineering outreach is to attract prospective students to engineering education and the engineering profession. Gifted students, especially those identified as possessing unusually high abilities in science and technology, are especially promising students to attract to careers in engineering. It is critical to cultivate these students' interests and develop their potential for engineering while encouraging them to pursue engineering studies beyond K-12 education. This article presents examples of the successful learning outcomes of an ongoing University-based Electronics Technology Project Study (UETPS) program, a joint endeavor between the IEEE Hong Kong Section, the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education (HKAGE). The UETPS program promotes electrical, electronic, and computer engineering education in Hong Kong and is aimed particularly at gifted students as well as their parents, teachers, and schools. Project applicants underwent formal identification procedures by the Gifted Education Section of the HKSAR Education Bureau and were identified as being gifted in the area of science and technology. Selected participants then participated in one-year research projects in electronics and computer engineering under the guidance of university professors in their respective engineering departments. This program addresses an urgent need of the engineering education sector by reaching out to highly talented K-12 students and their surrounding communities. According to the evaluation results, the UETPS program has significantly enhanced the participating students' interest in engineering as a career choice and encouraged them to pursue undergraduate studies in engineering. This article also discusses lessons learned and proposes strategies for future potential implementers.   相似文献   

水利水电工程招投标阶段中的风险管理是工程项目管理体系的重要组成部分,而工程风险分析是招标投标阶段工作的核心内容。以风险责任和权力对等为原则,从技术风险、施工风险、自然及环境风险、工程经济合同风险等四个方面对水利水电工程设计和施工中存在的风险进行了系统分析,结合多年实践经验,提出了水电工程担保和工程保险的整套实施方案,达到了对工程风险及时预测、计划、控制的目标,为控制水电工程风险能力提供了有效通道。可以作为同类型工作的有益参考。  相似文献   

The participation of women as students and as faculty members in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign is examined in this paper. The enrollment of undergraduate women in engineering and the awarding of engineering degrees to them is compared with nationwide averages. Recent efforts undertaken by the University of Illinois to attract more women into the engineering curriculum are discussed next, including the sponsorship of a two-day conference for high school girls to introduce them to engineering and the publication of an award winning guidance brochure. Finally, the low frequency of women on the teaching faculty in engineering departments is considered, and the potential effects of current affirmative action in the tight academic marketplace are evaluated.  相似文献   

This report is the result of a survey conducted in 1996 to see the status of electric power engineering in Korea. This report is limited to 37 responded electrical and related engineering departments of four-year colleges and universities in Korea. This report contains electric power engineering faculty, graduate students, graduate and undergraduate courses, and average course enrolments. Also included is the comparison of graduate students and faculty of power engineering in Korea, the US and Canada  相似文献   

电气工程施工管理是施工企业质量管理中的重点和难点。从四个方面分析了电气工程施工质量管理的问题,提出了解决电气工程施工质量管理问题的对策。指出要持续不断地改进电气工程的施工质量管理方法,提高施工质量管理水平,以确保整个电气工程的质量安全。  相似文献   

Four year baccalaureate degree programs in engineering technology have emerged since the mid 1960's. Graduates were expected to occupy positions between the craftsman and engineer and be called "technologist." By the early 1970's it became clear that many employers were ignoring such definitions. Many graduates became registered as professional engineers and most acquired positions with the title "engineer." Unlike the two year associate degree programs, considerable confusion has developed in industry and among educators concerning the role to be played by the four year programs and their graduates. Much of the confusion results from an idealistic view of the working world that does not recognize the realities of engineering practice. A survey is described in which engineering graduates were questioned about their engineering employment and their need for certain subject matter contained in the technical curricula. Mathematics was used as a principal indicator since it is a characteristic prominent in distinguishing the engineering programs from those in engineering technology. Results of the survey strongly suggest that the mathematics emphasis characterizing engineering technology could have been appropriate for a majority of graduates in their engineering positions. Discussion concludes that it is probable that a majority of engineers in industrial assignments may be performing as defined for "technologists." It is proposed that it is realistic to redefine the baccalaureate engineering technology degree as a legitimate alternate route to positions with the title "engineer."  相似文献   

Watson  J. 《Potentials, IEEE》2006,25(4):14-16
As engineering is a profession, engineers must consider the impact of ethics in their behavior. The design and application of technology include the responsibility to provide quality products and services. Professional engineering includes the responsibility of creating a positive impact on society and the quality of life. The trust places a greater responsibility on the engineering profession to assure personal safety and national security. This underscores the need for engineers to understand ethical behavior and to establish ethical conduct as a foundation of their career. In fact, engineering ethics is as important to good engineering practices as mathematics, physics, design skills, and other engineering fundamentals. Thus many Professional engineering organizations such as the IEEE have developed codes of ethics as a guide for their members.  相似文献   

The organization, philosophy and outcome of electrical engineering education in Germany is outlined. The German tradition and origins of electrical engineering are briefly discussed. Funding of German universities, their entrance requirements, and electrical engineering curriculum structure are also discussed  相似文献   

eXpress软件是美国DSI公司推出的集测试性设计、故障诊断分析和可靠性分析于一体的诊断设计过程的核心软件。诊断工程是系统或设备的诊断能力开发,评估和优化的工程学科。本文着重介绍了eXpress软件在诊断工程中一些阶段和领域的应用。  相似文献   

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