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The stability of Boolean networks and the stabilization of Boolean control networks are investigated. Using semi‐tensor product of matrices and the matrix expression of logic, the dynamics of a Boolean (control) network can be converted to a discrete time linear (bilinear) dynamics, called the algebraic form of the Boolean (control) network. Then the stability can be revealed by analyzing the transition matrix of the corresponding discrete time system. Main results consist of two parts: (i) Using logic coordinate transformation, the known sufficient condition based on incidence matrix has been improved. It can also be used in stabilizer design. (ii) Based on algebraic form, necessary and sufficient conditions for stability and stabilization, respectively, are obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Ministry in 2005, and the National Prize of Natural Science of China in 2008. Currently, he is Associate Editor IMA Journal of Math Control and Inform., and a Technical Committee member of IFAC (TC2.3). This paper investigates the state feedback stabilization of Boolean control networks (BCNs) with state and input constraints by using the semi‐tensor product of matrices. Firstly, a kind of constrained input‐state incidence matrix is proposed for constrained BCNs, which contains all the reachability information of the constrained systems. Secondly, based on the constrained input‐state incidence matrix, a necessary and sufficient condition is presented for the stabilization of constrained BCNs via state feedback. Thirdly, a general procedure is proposed to design all possible minimum‐time state feedback stabilizers. The study of an illustrative example shows that the new results obtained are effective in analyzing the stabilization of constrained BCNs. 相似文献
In this paper, the disturbance decoupling problem for Boolean control networks is investigated in a new viewpoint. A new concept called original disturbance decoupling is proposed and necessary and sufficient conditions for the original disturbance decoupling are given. Similarly, an equivalent condition for the s‐step original disturbance decoupling is obtained. Finally, an algorithm and some simulations for an example are provided to validate the obtained theoretical results. 相似文献
In this paper, we use a new mathematical tool, semi‐tensor product of matrices, to investigate the problem of simplification of finite state machines (FSMs) in a mathematical manner. First, based on the dynamic equations of state transition and output behavior which are developed recently, an algebraic criterion of k‐difference states is established. Second, using the criterion, a scheme is designed to construct the incompatible graphs of FSMs. Third, with the incompatible graphs and the method of searching internally stable sets of graphs proposed by the authors, a solution is proposed to obtain all of the compatible state set (CSS) of FSMs. Then, with the aid of the CSS, we investigate three kinds of structures of state space of FSMs, including compatible cover of state set (CCSS), representative set of state set (RSSS), and minimum representative set of state set (MRSSS); necessary and sufficient conditions are proposed to formulate the three kinds of structures. Finally, examples are given to exemplify minimum realizations of FSMs by these conditions. 相似文献
Using the theories of many‐valued logic and semi‐tensor product of matrices (STP), this paper investigates how to mathematically determine whether or not a regular language is recognized by finite automata (FA). To this end, the dynamic behaviour of FA is first formulated as bilinear dynamic equations, which provides a uniform model for deterministic and non‐deterministic FA. Based on the bilinear model, the recognition power of FA understanding of regular languages is investigated and several algebraic criteria are obtained. With the algebraic criteria, to judge whether a regular sentence is accepted by a FA or not, one only needs to calculate an STP of some vectors, rather than making the sentence run over the machine as traditional manners. Further, the inverse problem of recognition is considered, an algorithm is developed that can mathematically construct all the accepted sentences for a given FA. The algebraic approach of this paper may be a new angle and means to understand and analyse the dynamics of FA. 相似文献
This paper tackles linear symmetries of control systems. Precisely, the symmetry of affine nonlinear systems under the action of a sub‐group of general linear group GL(n,?). First of all, the structure of state space (briefly, ss) symmetry group and its Lie algebra for a given system is investigated. Secondly, the structure of systems, which are ss‐symmetric under rotations, is revealed. Thirdly, a complete classification of ss‐symmetric planar systems is presented. It is shown that for planar systems there are only four classes of systems which are ss‐symmetric with respect to four linear groups. Fourthly, a set of algebraic equations are presented, whose solutions provide the Lie algebra of the largest connected ss‐symmetry group. Finally, some controllability properties of systems with ss‐symmetry group are studied. As an auxiliary tool for computation, the concept and some properties of semi‐tensor product of matrices are included. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper addresses the set stabilization problem for deterministic Boolean control networks (BCNs). An optimal control approach is investigated to solve the problems by using the semi‐tensor product of matrices, where a policy iteration algorithm for the set stabilization problem is deduced. Finally, the intervention problem of a cAMP receptor protein is addressed in the framework of the set stabilization problem. The problem is solved to validate the effectiveness of the proposed policy iteration approach for a practical application. 相似文献
To investigate the topological structure of finite games, various decomposions of finite games have been proposed. The inner product of vectors plays a key role in the decomposition of finite games. This paper considers the effect of different inner products on the orthogonal decomposition of finite games. We found that only when the compatible condition is satisfied, a common decomposition can be induced by the standard inner product and the weighted inner product simultaneously. To explain the result, we studied the existing decompositions, including potential based decomposition, zero‐sum based decomposition, and normalization based decomposition. For zero‐sum based decomposition and normalization based decomposition, we redefine their subspaces in a linear algebraic framework, which shows their physical meanings clearly. Bases of subspaces in these two decompositions are constructed. 相似文献
This paper investigates Lyapunov‐based stability of mix‐valued logical networks. First, we consider the pseudo‐logical function, and give its general logical expression. Second, based on pseudo‐logical functions, we give some definitions on the strict‐Lyapunov function of mix‐valued logical networks and establish a necessary and sufficient condition about the stability. Third, the obtained results are applied to probabilistic logical networks, and a necessary and sufficient condition of globally stability is proposed. Finally, the study of illustrative examples shows that new results presented in this paper work very well. 相似文献
This paper investigates the state feedback control design problem to avoid players going bankrupt for a class of networked evolutionary games. First, an algebraic expression is formulated for the given networked evolutionary games by using the semi‐tensor product of matrices. Then, based on the algebraic form, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of state feedback control, which can guarantee that no players will go bankrupt, is presented. Finally, an illustrative example demonstrates the effectiveness of the obtained results. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the event‐based state feedback control for the anti‐synchronization of Boolean control networks (BCNs) under the configuration of drive‐response coupling. Two equivalence properties for the anti‐synchronization of BCNs are obtained by the algebraic representations of the logical dynamics. Based on the analysis of the event conditions, an algorithm is established to design the event‐based state feedback controller, and a necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing the anti‐synchronization of the drive‐response coupled BCNs is formulated. An example is finally given to demonstrate the validity of the obtained results. 相似文献
Zhengping Ji 《Asian journal of control》2019,21(6):2521-2531
Many Boolean control networks contain independent uncontrollable subnetworks, which may affect other nodes; and the rest of the system is called subspace of sub‐controllable states. This paper investigates the problem of subspace controllability under free input sequences, while the presumption that the initial states of those independent subnetworks are designable is canceled. An algorithm based on the common asymptotic periodic properties of the states is developed to find the reachable sets. Accordingly, the existing controllability criteria for subspaces when initial states of subnetworks are designable is improved, and a necessary and sufficient condition of subspace controllability via subnetworks and free inputs is derived. A design technique involving a kind of newly defined addition is presented to construct desired controls. 相似文献
Zhongsheng Hou 《Asian journal of control》2014,16(6):1659-1669
This paper studies the synchronization of interconnected k‐valued logical networks, as well as that of interconnected higher order k‐valued logical networks, based on their algebraic representations. For interconnected k‐valued logical networks, one necessary and sufficient criterion of synchronization is established via the definition of synchronization and another equivalent condition is given by combining synchronization with fixed points and cycles. Furthermore, with some special properties of semi‐tensor product, the third necessary and sufficient condition for synchronization of interconnected k‐valued logical networks is raised in terms of transition matrices. Then, the limit set method can be used to analyze the synchronization of interconnected higher order k‐valued logical networks. Finally, three examples, including the Boolean model for interconnected biochemical oscillators in the cell cycle, are presented to illustrate effectiveness of the results. 相似文献
Yiliang Li Jinjin Li Zhouming Ma Jun‐e Feng Hongkun Wang 《Asian journal of control》2019,21(6):2662-2673
This paper investigates the controllability and observability of state‐dependent switched Boolean control networks (SDSBCNs) with input constraints. First, the algebraic form of SDSBCNs is derived via the semi‐tensor product of matrices. Then constrained model‐input‐state (CMIS) matrices are introduced for SDSBCNs with input constraints. On the basis of CMIS matrices, two necessary and sufficient conditions are provided for the controllability and observability. Finally, two examples are given to show the effectiveness of the main results. 相似文献
Observability is a basic, yet challenging, issue when studying Boolean control networks (BCNs). Recently, a criterion for observability of controllable BCNs was proposed by using the algebraic representation of logical dynamics based on the technique of the semi‐tensor product of matrices. In this paper, we present new necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing observability of a BCN without preassuming its controllability. The conditions are hence more general. Some examples are worked out to illustrate the obtained results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Probabilistic finite automata (PFAs) can exhibit a stochastic behavior, and its reachability and controllability is viewed as the first necessary step of supervisory control and stabilization. In this paper, the problems of reachability and controllability of PFAs are investigated under the framework of semi‐tensor product (STP) of matrices. First, a matrix‐based modeling approach to PFAs is proposed, and the dynamics of PFAs can be described as a discrete‐time bilinear expression. Meanwhile, the notions of reachability with a probability of one is formally defined, and F‐reachability with a probability of one is introduced. With the algebraic expression, necessary and sufficient conditions of such reachability are provided systematically. Second, F‐set controllability with a probability of one of PFAs is developed by introducing the F‐reachability with a probability of one, and the associated algebraic condition to verify such controllability are given. Finally, a simple example is illustrated to validate the proposed results. 相似文献
The paper investigates the sampled‐data state feedback control (SDSFC) for set stabilization of Boolean control networks (BCNs). Set stabilization means that a system converges to a subset of the state space under certain controllers. Assume that the given subset is , where and sampling period is τ. We consider two conditions q ≤ τ;q > τ and for any given subset , calculate the corresponding largest control invariant subset (LCIS). Moreover, a design procedure to calculate all possible SDSFCs for set stabilization of BCNs is obtained. Ultimately, we provide an example to demonstrate the efficiency of the results. 相似文献
This paper investigates the evolutionary dynamics and optimization problem of the boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment by using the semi‐tensor product method. First, an algorithm is provided to construct the algebraic formulation for the dynamics of the networked evolutionary boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment. Then, the impact of reward and punishment parameters on the final cooperation level of the whole network is discussed. Finally, an example is provided to show the effectiveness of our results. 相似文献
Kuize Zhang 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
This paper investigates the problems of L2 stability and H∞ control of switched homogeneous nonlinear systems. This paper gives that if a switched homogeneous nonlinear system with disturbance is internally homogeneously asymptotically stable, then it has a finite L2 gain, and if a switched homogeneous nonlinear system with disturbance and controls is homogeneously stabilizable under the zero disturbance condition, its H∞ control problem is solvable under some mild conditions, and a homogeneous solution is given. Then, via the semi‐tensor product of matrices method, the aforementioned obtained results are transformed to linear‐like forms, and the aforementioned obtained Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaacs inequality is transformed to a linear‐like matrix inequality, which makes it feasible to compute the solutions by computer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献