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赵建堂 《测控技术》2020,39(7):117-121
为实现非线性系统输出对期望轨迹的有限时间内精确跟踪,提出一种有限时间鲁棒控制算法。通过设计一种无到达过程的时变终端滑模面,在保证有限时间收敛的基础上,消除了传统滑模控制中固有的稳态误差,实现系统输出对期望轨迹的精确跟踪。设计了自适应更新律补偿由参数摄动导致的系统扰动,增强系统对内部未知参数摄动的鲁棒性。对比仿真结果表明:时变终端滑模控制比线性滑模控制的轨迹跟踪时间快41. 5%;线性滑模控制器下的轨迹跟踪稳态误差为0. 005,时变滑模控制器使轨迹跟踪的稳态误差降为0,实现精确跟踪。  相似文献   

This paper designs the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) to achieve finite‐time stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. The proposed control incorporates both an extended state observer (ESO) as well as an adaptive sliding mode controller. The ESO is utilized to estimate the full system states and the total uncertainties, and the adaptive strategy is incorporated to deal with the estimation errors. It is proved that, with the application of the proposed control law, semi‐global finite‐time stabilization can be achieved. Effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper uses sliding mode control to accomplish the objectives of swing‐up and stabilization of the cart‐pole underactuated system. The features of underactuated systems prohibit direct application of conventional sliding mode control for fully‐actuated systems. In this paper, we design a novel sliding mode control for the cart‐pole underactuated system so that the control goals can be achieved. In addition, by simply changing the parameters of the sliding surface, we use only one sliding mode control scheme to swing up and to stabilize the cart‐pole system. Using the sliding mode dynamics and the internal dynamics, we show that the proposed sliding mode control can swing up the cart‐pole system from the stable equilibrium and can stabilize the system to the unstable equilibrium. Our simulation results on a cart‐pole system demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed sliding mode control. The proposed control schemes, the stability analysis, and the numerical simulation provide a useful guideline for designing the sliding mode control for the cart‐pole underactuated system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel adaptive sliding‐mode control (ASMC) method for Mars entry guidance and the finite‐time convergence in the presence of large uncertainties can be guaranteed. With the help of gain adaptive law, the nonoverestimating value of control gains can be achieved, and then, the chattering can be attenuated by the proposed ASMC method. Meanwhile, the extended state observer is introduced to estimate and compensate for uncertainties and the nonoverestimating problem is resolved further. In addition, the proposed method does not require any knowledge on the upper bound of uncertainty, which yields to be used in practical systems. Finally, the numerical simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law.  相似文献   

针对复杂飞行环境下的多四旋翼飞行器系统,提出一种基于有限时间扩张状态观测器的主从编队控制策略(FTESO-LFFC).对于领航者子系统,提出一种积分滑模控制(ISM)策略,通过引入的积分项,消除了传统滑模控制中的趋近阶段,提高了系统的鲁棒性.对于跟随者子系统,提出一种非奇异终端滑模控制(N TS M)策略,该方法在解决...  相似文献   

With a focus on aero‐engine distributed control systems (DCSs) with Markov time delay, unknown input disturbance, and sensor and actuator simultaneous faults, a combined fault tolerant algorithm based on the adaptive sliding mode observer is studied. First, an uncertain augmented model of distributed control system is established under the condition of simultaneous sensor and actuator faults, which also considers the influence of the output disturbances. Second, an augmented adaptive sliding mode observer is designed and the linear matrix inequality (LMI) form stability condition of the combined closed‐loop system is deduced. Third, a robust sliding mode fault tolerant controller is designed based on fault estimation of the sliding mode observer, where the theory of predictive control is adopted to suppress the influence of random time delay on system stability. Simulation results indicate that the proposed sliding mode fault tolerant controller can be very effective despite the existence of faults and output disturbances, and is suitable for the simultaneous sensor and actuator faults condition.  相似文献   

从稳定分析的角度提出了一种欠驱动系统的新型滑模控制方法.该方法将各个子系统的一个变量进行组合定义成一个中间变量,然后从这个中间变量出发构造滑模函数,通过求取总的控制量保证中间变量在有限时间内收敛到平衡点;进一步利用LaSalle不变性原理证明该收敛域内只有一个平衡点且是渐近稳定的.仿真实验进一步验证了该结论.  相似文献   

This paper presents a sliding mode disturbance observer‐based motion tracking control methodology. In particular, the methodology is applied to control a semi‐automated hand‐held ear surgical device for the treatment of otitis media with effusion. The proposed control methodology is utilised to deal with the undesirable effects in the motion system, such as non‐linear dynamics, parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. It employs a proportional‐derivative control scheme together with a sliding mode disturbance observer for rejecting the undesirable effects. The stability of the proposed control methodology is proven theoretically and its effectiveness is evaluated experimentally. In addition, promising motion tracking experimental results are shown, and it can be observed that the proposed approach offers more robust performance for controlling the hand‐held surgical device and other similar instruments.  相似文献   

本文针对直流降压变换器的负载电阻扰动和输入电压变化等系统不确定因素对输出电压的影响,提出了基于降阶扩张状态观测器的滑模控制方法(SMC+RESO).首先设计降阶扩张状态观测器对系统状态,负载电阻扰动和输入电压变化进行估计,然后基于估计值利用滑模控制技术设计控制器,实现对直流降压变换器系统给定电压跟踪的快速性和准确性.值得注意的是,不同于文[1]所提出的基于扩张状态观测器的滑模控制方法(SMC+ESO),本文所提出的方法采用降阶扩张状态观测器,实现简单,且无需电流传感器,减小了实际应用的成本.利用Lyapunov稳定性定理从理论上证明了所设计的控制器可以保证闭环系统的稳定性.仿真和实验结果表明,与已有的基于扩张状态观测器的滑模控制方法相比,所提出的控制方法更好地改善了系统的跟踪性能和对干扰和不确定性的鲁棒性能,且减少了成本,但是牺牲了系统稳态性能.  相似文献   

This study investigates a finite‐time fault‐tolerant control scheme for a class of non‐affine nonlinear system with actuator faults and unknown disturbances. A global approximation method is applied to non‐affine nonlinear system to convert it into an affine‐like expression with accuracy. An adaptive terminal sliding mode disturbance observer is proposed to estimate unknown compound disturbances in finite time, including external disturbances and system uncertainties, which enhances system robustness. Controllers based on finite‐time Lyapunov theory are designed to force tracking errors to zero in finite time. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed method.  相似文献   

研究了在状态不可测,并且状态参数和控制输入矩阵同时存在不确定性的情况下,不确定输入时滞系统的滑模控制问题.为了有效克服不确定性和时滞对系统稳定性的影响,在状态估计空间选择了一种积分型的切换函数,设计了一种基于状态观测器的滑模控制器,并证明了所设计切换面的可达性.通过李亚普诺夫理论,给出了闭环系统渐近稳定的充分条件.数值仿真验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Based on extended state observer (ESO), we propose an adaptive robust control (ARC) for a dual motor driving servo system, in which there exist nonlinearities affecting control performance. To apply ESO and estimate the lumped uncertainty online, backlash and friction are analyzed and the nonlinear model of the plant is derived. We achieve several control objectives. First, the bias torque is considered in order to eliminate the effect of backlash. Second, the speed feedback is used to maintain the speed synchronization of motors. Then, to achieve feedforward control, finite‐time ESO is designed to estimate the unknown nonlinearities online. Furthermore, the ESO‐based adaptive robust controller is designed to guarantee L of tracking error by an initialization method, maintaining the transient performance of tracking behavior. Finally, extensive experimental results on a practical test rig validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.  相似文献   

研究一类参数不确定和带有未知死区的非线性系统滑模自适应控制问题。将死区分解为两部分,被控系统中有两类不确定性的系统参数,一类是常值的未知系统参数;另一类是时变的未知系统参数和部分未知的死区。采用滑模控制和自适应控制相结合的方式,第一类不确定性可以由自适应控制来处理,而第二类不确定性可以由滑模控制来处理,即滑模自适应控制器。为了消除滑模控制所带来的抖振,引入边界层。采用’Lyapunov函数证明了系统的稳定性。仿真实验表明方法的可行性。  相似文献   

An extended state observer based fractional order sliding‐mode control (ESO‐FOSMC) is proposed in this study, with consideration of the strong nonlinear characteristics of a new electro‐hydraulic servo system with iso‐actuation balancing and positioning. By adopting the fractional order calculus theory, a fractional order proportional–integral–derivative (PID)‐based sliding mode surface was designed, which has the ability to obtain an equivalent positioning control with fractional order kinetic characteristics. By introducing the integral term into the sliding mode surface, it was found to be beneficial in reducing the steady‐state errors, as well as improving the precision of the control system. Also, by using the fractional order calculus to replace the integral calculus, the form of the convergence is improved; the system transfer of energy is slowed down; and the chattering of the system is greatly weakened. The extended state observer was designed to observe the real‐time disturbances, and also to generate the compensation control commands which are added to the FOSMC to achieve the dynamic compensation. By means of numerical simulations, the dynamic and static characteristics of the sliding mode control system were compared with those of the FOSMC and ESO‐FOSMC. The experimental results show that the ESO‐FOSMC system could effectively restrain the external disturbances and achieve higher control precision, as well as better control quantity without chattering. The semi‐physical simulations based experimental tests also demonstrated that the proposed ESO‐FOSMC outperformed the FOSMC in terms of system robustness and control precision, which could have a stable control of the gun system quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

廖震中  曾喆昭 《测控技术》2018,37(3):103-107
针对三相并网逆变器模型的多变量、非线性、强耦合等特点,采用开关函数法建立其开关周期平均模型,在此模型的基础上采用逆系统方法实现反馈线性化和解耦控制,对伪线性系统设计自适应滑模抗扰控制器,使用非线性光滑函数设计扩张状态观测器以实现内部建模误差与外部扰动的扩张状态估计,并将非线性扩张状态观测器和跟踪微分器与自学习滑模控制器结合使用.仿真结果表明,该方法具有响应速度快、控制精度高、抗扰能力强的特性,在并网逆变器中具有较大应用价值.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multiple fault diagnosis (MFD) scheme based on an observer method for satellite attitude control systems (ACSs) subject to nonlinearity and external disturbances of the system. The essential idea is to develop a fault diagnosis scheme and design the corresponding observers for satellite ACSs. The nonlinearity, space external disturbances, sensor uncertainties, and multiple faults problem of the satellite ACS are all taken into account. The proposed MFD scheme is developed at two different levels. First, at the system level, two nonlinear observers based on analytical redundancy are designed for the MFD of the satellite ACS; this level roughly reveals the fault source. Then, at the component level, a bank of sliding mode observers activated by the results of the previous diagnosis is designed to precisely diagnose multiple faults of actuators in the satellite ACS; this level further precisely reveals the fault source. Both the nonlinear observers and the sliding mode observers are confirmed to be asymptotically stable via Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, numerical simulations of a satellite ACS are performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed MFD scheme.  相似文献   

张振  郭一楠  巩敦卫  朱松  田滨 《自动化学报》2023,49(6):1256-1271
液压锚杆钻机摆角系统固有的死区、干扰和时变参数严重影响其动态和稳态性能. 为解决该问题, 通过融合动态面方法、滑模方法和扩展状态观测器, 提出一种基于改进非线性扩展状态观测器的液压锚杆钻机自适应滑模摆角控制方法. 首先, 引入一种死区补偿方法, 建立摆角系统的死区补偿模型. 其次, 为提高系统的抗扰动能力和抑制噪声, 设计一种改进的非线性扩展状态观测器. 此外, 构造一种自适应滑模控制律, 这其中, 基于性能函数和动态面方法设计一种新型的滑模面, 以提高控制精度; 随后, 设计一种新的滑模趋近律, 以提高系统滑模响应速度和消除滑模抖振. 进一步, 分别设计估计误差自适应律和参数自适应律以补偿扰动估计误差和抑制时变参数的影响. 最后, 通过将所提出的控制方法与8种控制方法进行比较, 验证其有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) for a class of polynomial systems comprising uncertain terms and input nonlinearities. In this approach, a new polynomial sliding surface is proposed and designed based on the sum‐of‐squares (SOS) decomposition. In the proposed method, an adaptive control law is derived such that the finite‐time reachability of the state trajectories in the presence of input nonlinearity and uncertainties is guaranteed. To do this, it is assumed that the uncertain terms are bounded and the input nonlinearities belong to sectors with positive slope parameters. However, the bound of the uncertain terms is unknown and adaptation law is proposed to effectively estimate the uncertainty bounds. Furthermore, based on a novel polynomial Lyapunov function, the finite‐time convergence of the sliding surface to a pre‐chosen small neighborhood of the origin is guaranteed. To eliminate the time derivatives of the polynomial terms in the stability analysis conditions, the SOS variables of the Lyapunov matrix are optimally selected. In order to show the merits and the robust performance of the proposed controller, chaotic Chen system is provided. Numerical simulation results demonstrate chattering reduction in the proposed approach and the high accuracy in estimating the unknown parameters.  相似文献   

针对欠驱动水面无人艇在航行过程中存在的海洋环境干扰、数学模型参数不确定、执行器故障等问题,提出了一种基于扰动观测器与神经网络技术的自适应滑模轨迹跟踪策略。在无人艇三自由度模型的基础上,结合视线制导率,提出了一种新的轨迹跟踪制导策略。采用自适应滑模控制技术设计了欠驱动无人艇轨迹跟踪控制器,有效地抑制了执行器衰减故障对无人艇控制系统的影响;同时运用了非线性扰动观测器和自适应径向基函数神经网络分别对无人艇受到的外界干扰和模型参数不确定性进行补偿和拟合,提高了控制系统的抗干扰能力。基于Lyapunov定理证明了所设计的控制系统的稳定性,并在MATLAB中进行了仿真测试。仿真结果表明,所提出的轨迹跟踪控制算法可以在较为复杂的环境下实现对欠驱动无人艇的精准控制;相较于对比算法,位置的平均跟踪误差减小了80%以上,具备较高的稳定性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this study, we deal with the control problem of a vibrating string system under the condition of restricted input and external disturbance. The major objectives are the development of a boundary vibration control scheme for globally stabilizing the string system and simultaneously for compensating the effect of the input saturation, and the design of a disturbance observer for tracking the external disturbance. To this end, a boundary control is proposed based on smooth hyperbolic function to suppress the vibration and eliminate the input restriction effect, and a disturbance observer is employed to mitigate the external disturbance. The asymptotic stability of the controlled system is demonstrated employing the extended LaSalle's invariance principle. In order to verify the control performance of the proposed control, simulation results are presented by the choice of proper control design parameters.  相似文献   

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