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本文试以语篇分析为视角,在语篇层面上探讨话语标记语作为语篇建构中组织话语结构的有效成分的语篇功能.在翻译过程中,译者首先要识别原文的话语标记语,理会其语用用意,理顺标记语前后话语之间的关系,注意英汉两种语言使用话语标记语的差异,灵活处理,译出标记语的语用功能.  相似文献   

翻译过程错综复杂,要将英语原文译成等值的汉语有一定难度.在对比英汉翻译差异基础上,本文通过译文分析进一步探讨了英汉语篇翻译对翻译教学启示.  相似文献   

为了迎合不同的交际需要,语篇往往会出现许多变体,这些变体所形成的范畴被称为语域(register)。它是多种参数,包括语篇语场、方式和基调的综合体现。在翻译的过程中,对语篇语场、方式和基调的认识和把握,是译者决策及操作中的三个重要因素,只有三者相辅相成,才能保证语言信息传译中的适切。  相似文献   

运用系统功能语言学语篇功能中的信息结构理论对一篇"公司销售情况回顾和绩效报告"(Sales Review And Performance Report or SRAPR)商务英语听说语篇信息结构的分析表明,这方面的研究可以总结归纳出该语篇的图式结构或话语提纲.  相似文献   

本文以语篇功能理论为导向,分析了外经贸合同的语篇构建,论证了功能语言学在实际生活中的可行性和实用性;从词汇和句法层面探讨外经贸合同的翻译,摆脱了传统的翻译理论框架,为外经贸合同语言层面的研究打开一个新的窗口.  相似文献   

处理好语篇翻译的关键在于把握语篇实体和语境三要素的关系,即上下文语境、情景语境和文化语境。文章把语境理论与语篇翻译结合起来,讨论语境分析对语篇翻译的作用。  相似文献   

从语篇分析的观点出发,分析了语篇分析对小说翻译的影响,结合The Indiscretion of Elsbeth的中译本,阐述了语篇分析在小说翻译中的作用,提出语篇分析与小说翻译密切相关,译者必须具备明确的语篇意识,熟悉语篇知识,掌握语篇分析方法,才能做出正确的传译.  相似文献   

阅读是英语教学的主要内容。如何搞好阅读教学,提高学生的阅读理解能力是英语教师们一直在探讨的课题。近年来,随着外语教学理论研究的不断深入,篇章语言学作为一门独立的学科,越来越受到外语教师的重视。“语篇分析”已成为英语阅读教学中一  相似文献   

政治语篇和隐喻密切相关.隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,而且也是社会和文化现象,它伴随社会发展并反映社会现实.借助于隐喻可以研究民族意识和社会心理.在此以俄罗斯政治语篇为例着重研究当今政治语篇中的隐喻及其功能,即认知功能、交际功能、语用功能、美学功能等,希望对以后的研究有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

本文在归纳和揭示概念转喻这一认知机制的同时,以Al-Sharafi的语篇转喻研究为基础,基于认知视域讨论概念转喻对语篇分析研究的贡献,并分别探讨概念转喻的语法衔接和词汇衔接功能。  相似文献   

针对Google Earth虚拟平台中所使用的Collada三维模型的特殊性,首先阐述通过模型转换方式生成Collada模型的原因,接着分析三维模型转换的通用方法并提出如何利用各种3D模型制作和转换软件,将通用格式的三维模型转换成Collada模型的方法,重点研究了在国内应用广泛的3DS模型向Collada模型的转换.  相似文献   

The purpose is to trace a parallel between the medical discourse contents and the expected and stereotyped nurses behavior at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is a historic-social approach in which was made use of speeches uttered by nurses and physicians at nursing and medicine schools. The analysis of physicians discourse compared to nurses discourse disclose the formation of a mentality shaped and turned docile by the medical power which wanted them holy and servile.  相似文献   

以<故都的秋>一文为例,从功能语言学的角度出发,从语篇结构和语篇衔接两个方面分析其语言特征,从语义层面上探讨了散文的语言特征及散文的重要特征形散神不散的关系,为散文评价和写作提供了一个语言学视角.  相似文献   

We compare the statistical properties of coding and noncoding regions in eukaryotic and viral DNA sequences by adapting two tests developed for the analysis of natural languages and symbolic sequences. The data set comprises all 30 sequences of length above 50 000 base pairs in GenBank Release No. 81.0, as well as the recently published sequences of C. elegans chromosome III (2.2 Mbp) and yeast chromosome XI (661 Kbp). We find that for the three chromosomes we studied the statistical properties of noncoding regions appear to be closer to those observed in natural languages than those of coding regions. In particular, (i) a n-tuple Zipf analysis of noncoding regions reveals a regime close to power-law behavior while the coding regions show logarithmic behavior over a wide interval, while (ii) an n-gram entropy measurement shows that the noncoding regions have a lower n-gram entropy (and hence a larger "n-gram redundancy") than the coding regions. In contrast to the three chromosomes, we find that for vertebrates such as primates and rodents and for viral DNA, the difference between the statistical properties of coding and noncoding regions is not pronounced and therefore the results of the analyses of the investigated sequences are less conclusive. After noting the intrinsic limitations of the n-gram redundancy analysis, we also briefly discuss the failure of the zeroth- and first-order Markovian models or simple nucleotide repeats to account fully for these "linguistic" features of DNA. Finally, we emphasize that our results by no means prove the existence of a "language" in noncoding DNA.  相似文献   

本文基于对大学英语翻译教学的现状分析,指出了翻译教学的重要性并以功能对等理论为理论框架,采用定性描述和例证法,对如何提高大学生英语翻译能力提出了两点建议:增加英语语言文化背景知识的讲授;加强翻译理论和翻译实践的结合,培养学生的翻译技能.  相似文献   

框架理论是研究语义、句法结构意义及其参照体系的一种认知理论,对话语意义的构建和解读有较强的阐释力,可以为批评话语分析服务.而系统功能语法作为公认的批评话语分析的主要方法,也存在不足,即忽略了对认知这一要素的阐释.框架理论则能从认知角度弥补这一不足,为批评话语分析提供新的思路和方法.以布什对伊宣战讲话为例,运用框架理论对语篇进行了批评分析,从认知角度揭示话语对读者和听众的控制.  相似文献   

朱生豪是中国翻译莎剧第一人,他的翻译风格独特,形神兼备,主要表现在三方面:一是朱生豪的翻译通过大量的意译采传达原作的神韵;二是朱生豪对戏剧的翻译考虑到了读者和观众的双重功能;三是朱生豪本身的诗词才华在翻译中运用得恰到好处.  相似文献   

通过引入交接面网格边界拓扑转化技术,打破了传统得金字塔网格连接技术,实现了六面体网格到四面体网格的动态匹配.而且借助于ICEM CFD内嵌的Tcl/Tk脚本语言,实现了过程自动化,为多学科优化迭代奠定了基础.仿真验证表明:该连接技术可行、可信.  相似文献   

Examined patterns of interactive discourse to determine how client and counselor establish a working alliance in their early interviews. It was assumed, from a sociolinguistic perspective, that negotiation of the therapeutic relationship is reflected in the flow of talk, particularly during topic transitions. Based on an atheoretical classification of 312 conversational turns from 14 client–counselor dyads (14 undergraduate clients and 11 doctoral-student counselors), a stochastic analysis was conducted to test Markovian assumptions in the interactive patterns of counseling discourse and to identify patterns surrounding topic initiation and adoption. The 2 Markov chain conditions were satisfied, (i.e., the sequences of talk were highly stable [stationarity] and predictable [1st-order dependence]). Topic shifts were likely to be observed frequently and repetitively, suggesting a struggle for control over the interaction. The most predictable sequence, however, was the use of a passing turn to signal the speaker to elaborate on the established topic rather than shift the focus. These sequences were independent of speaker's role, underscoring the reciprocal influence of client and counselor in establishing a common understanding of the problem and defining their relationship. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

<查特莱夫人的情人>赵苏苏译本以其独到的翻译和语言表达功底,成功地再现了原作的写作风貌,突显了原作人物的个性,使用归化策略,弘扬了本民族文化.但由于译者对性描写的过多删节损害了原作的整体艺术价值.  相似文献   

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