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以小说<一千英亩>为文本,通过透视<一千英亩>中父权制统治下的自然环境状态和女性生活状态,从女性与自然的身份认同感、父权制压迫下女性与自然的生存困境、女性与自然的觉醒及反抗三个方面进行解析,以期唤起人们重新思考人类与自然之间以及男人与女人之间应如何和谐共处.同时,生态女性主义理论的运用能够拓宽小说<一千英亩>的研究视角,也有助于更深刻地认识该作品.  相似文献   

在英美少儿小说研究中,女性主义文学批评以其特有的理论体系与批评方法独树一帜.值此新千年的第一个十年即将结束之际,在女性主义文学视域下重新审视英美少儿小说研究具有时代性意义.目前,国内外学者从女性主义文学视角出发研究英美少儿小说已呈"百花齐放"之势,但亦存在"顾此失彼"的诸多"失衡"问题,因此阐释女性主义文学批评理论对英美少儿小说研究的独特影响,并对女性主义文学视域下的英美少儿小说研究的未来走向予以前瞻则具有独特性意义.  相似文献   

在美国女权运动第一次浪潮之中,文化女性主义是一个重要的思想传统.文化女性主义与自由女性主义这两种不同的思想互为补充,相辅相成,合力推动了进步主义运动时期美国社会之中新女性的崛起.在特定的历史时期之内,文化女性主义为美国妇女在社会中寻找到合适的活动领域、为美国女性争取政治权力做出了突出的贡献.文化女性主义是美国进步主义运动时期最杰出的女性--简·亚当斯社会思想中的一大显著特点.简·亚当斯也为文化女性主义思想的发展做出了独特而丰富的贡献.  相似文献   

叶圣陶是中国童话的开山作家.鲁迅认为,叶圣陶的童话创作"是给中国的童话开了一条自己创作的道路".叶圣陶的童话在吸收和借鉴安徒生、王尔德等童话创作的经验外,还有鲜明的个性化特点.作为一个现代知识分子,身为文学研究会的一员:在先进的儿童观.西方文学思潮以及"为人生而文学"的观念影响下,叶圣陶的童话中不可避免地流露出现代知识分子的忧患意识.但是,这种忧患意识因作家高超的艺术表现技巧,并未有损童话的艺术价值和表现价值.另 '一方面,因其使儿童能够直面现实社会和人生,而较之又多了几分社会价值.  相似文献   

斯蒂芬·克莱恩,美国自然主义的代表作家,<海上扁舟>是其经典之作,篇幅虽小,但包含了哲理性思考.对于其解读,很多学者从不同的视角作了阐释:用"个人主义"反思美国的核心价值,从船上四人在危难时互助理解,与大自然搏斗展现在极端状况下的人性美;从"存在主义"探讨人类生存和命运的荒诞,通过重复叙事发掘英雄主义等.笔者将从文中自然主义的内涵发掘和探索其中隐含的生态女性主义观,并从自然和女性的联系来颠覆"父权中心"制度,并建构和谐的社会生态秩序.  相似文献   

艺术档案是指文化艺术单位和艺术工作者在艺术创作、艺术演出、艺术教育、艺术研究、文化交流、社会文化等工作和活动中形成的,对国家和社会有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像、实物等不同形式的历史记录,是宝贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   

无论是日常交流还是学术探讨我们都不可避免的碰到隐喻的表达方式.对英语语言中的隐喻的理解和学习有助于我们了解英语民族文化,发现英、汉民族文化的异同,从而培养跨文化意识、提升跨文化交流的效果.本文从认知的角度提出隐喻识解的图式建构框架.  相似文献   

语言既是文化的组成部分又是文化的载体.英语习语作为一种特殊的语言现象蕴涵着厚重的历史渊源、深邃的社会背景和独特的文化信息,因而文化因素是理解它们的难点.  相似文献   

安璐  高霞  张琦 《中国冶金教育》2022,(2):100-102+107
由于空间距离、校园环境等多种因素,分校区与主校区在校园文化建设方面存在一定的文化分野,影响了学生的受教育满意度和人才培养质量。基于“三全育人”视域,以北京科技大学管庄校区为研究案例,分析了加强分校区文化建设的主要困境,旨在探索加强分校区文化建设的措施,提升分校区的办学质量和高校的人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Two maturation fairy-tales with a high resonance effect are analysed. The method of interpretation was that of depth psychology, with observation of results of modern biological-anthropological research. The interpretation revealed 'hymenal' or retarding primary structures in the young female subject. These structures postpone the onset of sexual desires to the time after the defloration.  相似文献   

Over the last 75 yr. American psychology has achieved such a predominance that its relationship to psychology in other countries approaches the "colonial-science" relationship described by Basalla. Features of this predominance are discussed, and factors that have contributed to it are reviewed. There are, however, signs of a more even distribution of effort and influence in psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 studies (N = 907), we developed and validated the Perceptions of Diversity Instructors (PDI-32) measure, which assesses college students' ratings of instructors teaching a race-focused diversity course. We also explored how the professor's race/ethnicity, students' attitudes toward similarities and differences, and perceived professor bias influenced students' ratings. Supporting the source effects outlined in the persuasion literature and prior qualitative research, the results indicated that students expect African American instructors to be more biased (subjective/judgmental) but assume European American instructors to have less content expertise (inexpert/unaware). Also, students who are more open to discussing diversity issues rated the instructors more positively. Finally, students' expectation of professor bias mediated the relationship between the professor's race/ethnicity and students' evaluations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

After reviewing a photograph and case materials depicting an African American female client, African American and European American psychologists were randomly assigned to one of three skin tone versions of a photograph (light, medium, or dark) and completed a questionnaire. No relationships were found between client skin tone or psychologist sex and either primary diagnosis or treatment recommendation. However, African American psychologists rated the client more physically attractive and likely to benefit from therapy, and they expressed more positive feelings about the client and about working with the client, than did European American psychologists, who more strongly endorsed severe mental disorder diagnoses for the client. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using Consensual Qualitative Research, 12 licensed psychologists' overall experiences addressing race in psychotherapy were investigated, as were their experiences addressing race in a specific cross-racial therapy dyad. Results indicated that only African American psychologists reported routinely addressing race with clients of color or when race was part of a client's presenting concern. European American psychologists indicated that they would address race if clients raised the topic, and some reported that they did not normally address race with racially different clients. When discussing a specific cross-racial dyad, African American therapists more often than European American therapists addressed race because they perceived client discomfort. Only European American therapists reported feeling uncomfortable addressing race, but therapists of both races perceived that such discussions had positive effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To examine the predictors of adolescents' evaluations of affirmative action and school desegregation policies, African American and European American students (ns = 94 and 116, respectively; aged 14 to 17 years) attending a racially diverse high school in the Midwestern United States completed measures of (a) implicit racial attitudes, (b) knowledge about historical racism, and (c) perceptions of and attributions for racial disparities. The following day, adolescents learned about either a proposed affirmative action policy (n = 101) or a school desegregation policy (n = 109) and completed measures of their attitudes toward the policy. Results indicated racial differences in policy support and in the factors predicting policy support. Theoretical implications of the findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The accuracy of the prediction of criminal violence may be improved by combining psychopathy with other variables that have been found to predict violence. Research has suggested that assessing intelligence (i.e., IQ) as well as psychopathy improves the accuracy of violence prediction. In the present study, the authors tested this hypothesis by using a contemporary measure of psychopathy, the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (R. D. Hare, 2003), in a sample of 326 European American and 348 African American male offenders. The postdictive power of psychopathy was evident for both ethnic groups and robust across most changes in the operationalization of violence and the analysis conducted, whereas the postdictive power of IQ was not. No Psychopathy x IQ interactions were identified. Implications of these results for violence prediction are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

大学在社会先进文化建设中,必然首先形成和建设好自己的组织文化。大学组织文化可以视作为解决组织内部一体化与外部环境适应问题,对具有象征性的行为或活动予以认同,形成共识并内化为组织成员的共享价值,进而作为全体成员所遵循的道德规范与行为范式,足以影响学校外在效能的一种内在表现。本文针对大学文化建设中存在的问题,进行了简要的分析和思考,重点阐述了大学文化建设的主要思路。  相似文献   

We were concerned with client–counselor matching along the dimension of attitudes toward feminism. We hypothesized that feminist subjects would be more receptive to the radical feminist counselor, whereas nonfeminist subjects would rate the nonsexist and liberal feminist counselor more positively. College women (N?=?150) viewed 12 videotaped counseling vignettes that were varied by the feminist orientation of the counselor and the explicitness of the counselor's value statement about her approach in 2 replications. Contrary to our expectation all subjects preferred to see the feminist counselor for career and sexual assault concerns; no significant differences were observed across counselors for personal concerns. Significant differences in favor of the feminist counselor were observed on ratings of counselor expertness and trustworthiness. The implications for future research on feminist counseling and therapy are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is growing attention to the roles of families as caregivers of relatives with serious mental illness. This chapter examines the experiences of family caregivers in diverse cultures and discusses the implications of these experiences for the goal of supporting families in these roles.  相似文献   

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