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液压驱动四足机器人运动控制方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Sooyeong Yi 《Mechatronics》2010,20(4):485-495
This paper proposes a gait planning and control algorithm for the quadruped robot pet commercialized by Dasarobot, Korea. Reliable motion and online characteristics are the key requisites for the motion planning algorithm of a commercialized robot. At joint control level of the proposed gait control, sample-based interpolation makes joint trajectory tractable for small motor and controller of the miniaturized robot. Centroid body sway ensures walking stability to achieve reliability of the proposed gaits at the motion planning level. By using ground coordinates representation, it is possible to integrate several online gaits and realize a compact and efficient gait planning algorithm. Experimental results are presented to verify the proposed gait planning and control algorithm.  相似文献   

本文描述一个四脚步行机器人的微处理器分布式实时控制系统,介绍系统的主从分布式松耦合结构.该系统采用了2只8088CPU,一只8087协处理器和14只8031单片机.文中设计了一个系统管理员来负责整个系统的时序控制,用C写的系统管理程序具有移植性好和执行速度快的特点.而松耦合的任务处理器则根据系统管理员的指令来执行特定的算法.本文将首先介绍把整个系统控制分解为一组单独执行的任务(即电机伺服)的方法,然后重点讨论基于8031单片机的全数字式直流伺服系统的设计以及步行机的实时控制等问题.模块化设计、并行处理、数字化和分布控制技术使得整个控制系统的性能和可靠性均得到了提高.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种四足爬行机器人的组成结构及其控制系统的构成.控制系统主要由上位机控制界面和下位机控制单元组成.上位机通过Java语言编写调试控制界面,与下位机通过串口进行通信,下位机采用STM32作为核心控制器,接收上位机的相关控制信息,通过控制舵机控制器,实现四足爬行机器人的行走控制.  相似文献   

智能声控系统集语音识别、语音编解码功能于一体 ,具有容量大、识别率高、使用方便等优点 ,可以较好地解决功能控制复杂、记忆频率数量大的难题。该系统不对电视做任何改动 ,能对电视现有的各种功能、频率进行语音控制 ,同时也能满足一家多人同时采样语音使用。1 语音信号处理电路整个电路可分为信号处理单元、系统控制单元和用户界面单元 3个功能模块。1.1 信号处理单元本单元包括数字信号处理器、编解码器和存储器。它采用ADSP2 186L作为核心芯片 ,该芯片在系统中主要完成语音信号的提取、端点检测和模块匹配 ,同时负责用户记录的…  相似文献   

Intelligent control for autonomous systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Passino  K.M. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(6):55-62
Intelligent control is the discipline in which control algorithms are developed by emulating certain characteristics of intelligent biological systems. It is quickly emerging as a technology that may open avenues for significant advances in many areas. In fact, fueled by advancements in computing technology, it has already achieved some very exciting and promising results. Here, the author argues that a mixture of intelligent and conventional control methods may be the best way to implement autonomous control systems  相似文献   

智能温控系统是当下发展较为迅速的一个方向,在各类货物的室内存储中,各类货物对于温度、湿度、光照等环境因素都有着各自不同的要求.因此对于温控系统而言,室内环境的检测,控制极为重要.本系统以STM32F103ZET作为核心控制器,小型直流电机等基本外部设备.并且使用轻量级嵌入式操作系统FREERTOS进行任务调度.该操作系...  相似文献   

As multivendor, multitechnology networks are deployed in a carrier's network, a network operator must integrate these networks to have a unified control platform to lower operational costs and deliver customer-specified QoS. An intelligent network control middleware framework for multivendor networks is described in this article. The architectural framework is designed to control and manage next generation network elements as well as legacy telecom networks. The layers within the framework include mediation, control plane, network resource management, and application programmable interfaces. An independent, distributed control plane aims at service interoperability and network scalability. An experimental study on circuit provisioning using the proposed middleware framework is conducted on Sun Lab servers. The middleware performance results are reported. Experimentation architecture and metrics can be extended to a performance benchmark upon which the control plane products can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Intelligent control for human-machine systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we try to summarize the field of intelligent control (IC) for human-machine systems (HMS) from a subjective point of view. Mechatronic components have become intelligent from integrating mechanical, electrical and software intelligence in minimum space, certainly an important step in building IC systems. Because of this, and of successes using artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms, so called soft computing, the field of IC is exciting with a bright future. This article attempts to anticipate this future and discusses directions of research to approach the realization of more intelligent systems. Human inclusion in such IC systems is as important as to increase autonomy, flexibility, and fault tolerance. Iterative improvement over trials and optimal system design are important issues. The authors' research to realize IC of dextrous manipulation is briefly reviewed discussing the key results and lessons.  相似文献   

介绍一种室内空气调控方案,以STC89C52单片机作为控制中心,通过气体传感器采集信号,经放大电路由无线模块传送到控制中心,采样处理后发送到换气模块和报警模块。本方案实现了多气体监测、气体自动交换和远程报警等功能,很好地解决了当前家庭空气质量及报警时效性问题,具有使用便捷,成本低,扩展性好等特点。  相似文献   

针对SPR污水处理系统工作中所存在的问题,控制出水化学需氧量COD保持恒定,以保证在各种务件下出水的水质,介绍了一种采用混合型模糊控制器控制的SPR污水处理系统的控制原理,并设计了模糊控制器、PI调节器和控制软件.仿真表明控制速度快,超调量小,调节时间短.系统动态性能和静态性能良好,具有较高的鲁棒性和性价比,实用性强.  相似文献   

智能总线式开关是一种新型的控制系统,是一种典型的智能化新技术。与传统控制系统相比,该系统具有可靠性高、功能强、控制方便等特点,具有较高的实用价值和广泛的应用前景。智能家居运行的好坏主要取决于智能总线式开关控制系统的好坏。因此,文章着重地研究了智能总线式开关的控制系统的设计问题。  相似文献   

为了减少影院发生火灾后产生的不良后果,本文设计了基于单片机STM32为主控芯片的智能消防控制系统.该系统搭载了火焰探测模块、温度检测模块、烟雾浓度检测模块以及消防随动模块,组成了一个可以监测影院环境,并在火灾发生后迅速启动灭火装置和消防随动装置.实验结果表明,该系统在火灾发生后动作迅速、稳定性强.  相似文献   

In future telecommunications networks, an important role will be played by “intelligent control” techniques aimed at selecting and tuning signal processing (SP) algorithms. The authors first define the main problems of automatic control of SP algorithms; then, they propose a knowledge-based approach to carry out such a task. In the planning phase, a restricted set of algorithm sequences are selected. This set is used as a raw plan to be refined and corrected in the execution phase, based on quality tests on progressive results. In particular, the authors focus on the control strategies adopted and describe how expert knowledge is represented and applied to implement such strategies. As an example, the control of low-level image processing is detailed. Results on an image-compression application are also reported  相似文献   

随着现代电子信息技术的发展,门禁系统需要越来越智能化。本文基于门禁系统和物联网发展现状设计了一种基于NB-IoT的智能门禁系统,描述了系统结构及相关业务流程,分析了系统关键技术。基于低功耗高性能的STM32主控制器和NB-IoT实现门禁系统的低功耗性能,系统用户通过移动终端申请获取门禁身份认证二维码,门禁终端负责识读该二维码再由NB-IoT网络传输数据让云端服务器验证用户身份合法性,通过服务器向OneNET平台发送指令可对门锁进行控制。  相似文献   

Intelligent traffic control for ATM broadband networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Performance results prove that a neural networks approach achieves better results, simpler and faster, than algorithmic approaches. The focus of this paper is to shed light on how neural networks (NNs) can be used to solve many of the serious problems encountered in the development of a coherent traffic control strategy in ATM networks. The main philosophy that favors neural networks over conventional programming approaches is their learning and adaptive capabilities, which can be utilized to construct adaptive (and computationally intelligent) algorithms for allocation of resources (e.g., bandwidth, buffers), thus providing highly effective tools for congestion control  相似文献   

振动主动控制是近年来发展起来的一种新的振动控制方法,振动主动控制需要外部施加能量。本设计中智能结构是利用传感器对结构的振动进行监测,驱动器在微电子系统的控制下准确动作,以改变结构的振动状态。与传统的振动主动控制方法相比,智能结构可以在不明显改变受控结构的质量和体积的条件下,达到自适应调节减振的目的。本设计以智能梁结构作为实验研究模型,研究了智能结构振动控制系统组成、实现原理;硬件电路设计包括A/D采样、CPLD外扩D/A、信号调理电路等,并通过TMS320F2812的CAN模块与上位机通信进行数据实时显示,达到很好的监测和控制目的。  相似文献   

为了提高温室内实时信息的有效监测与控制,设计了基于GSM的智能温室监控系统,系统以STC89C58单片机为核心,控制GSM短信模块以及外围传感器等,实现了温室信息实时有效的检测与传送功能,硬件部分包括了数据采集、短信收发、用户界面以及执行系统四部分。软件部分实现了温室数据的智能检测、控制及通过短信有效实现用户远程控制的效果,为温室信息监测提出了一种有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design and properties of an intelligent optimal control for a nonlinear flexible robot arm that is driven by a permanent-magnet synchronous servo motor. First, the dynamic model of a flexible robot arm system with a tip mass is introduced. When the tip mass of the flexible robot arm is a rigid body, not only bending vibration but also torsional vibration are occurred. In this paper, the vibration states of the nonlinear system are assumed to he unmeasurable, i.e., only the actuator position can be acquired to feed into a suitable control system for stabilizing the vibration states indirectly. Then, an intelligent optimal control system is proposed to control the motor-mechanism coupling system for periodic motion. In the intelligent optimal control system a fuzzy neural network controller is used to learn a nonlinear function in the optimal control law, and a robust controller is designed to compensate the approximation error. Moreover, a simple adaptive algorithm is proposed to adjust the uncertain bound in the robust controller avoiding the chattering phenomena. The control laws of the intelligent optimal control system are derived in the sense of optimal control technique and Lyapunov stability analysis, so that system-tracking stability can be guaranteed in the closed-loop system. In addition, numerical simulation and experimental results are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

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