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国内外成本动因优化理论研究现状及评述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Babad提出的两成本动因合并模型,成为成本动因优化理论的基石,但它存在诸多不足;王平心提出了成本动因合并的近似理论是对成本动因优化理论的重要发展,但不如规范的数学模型精确性高;Carsten提出的多成本动因合并模型完善了成本动因优化理论,一定程度上弥补了前人研究的不足,但也不尽人意。在成本信息精确性与信息加工成本之间寻求一种平衡,既是以往研究成本优化理论的指导思想,也为未来同类研究指明了方向。今后研究应关注3个方面,即重视定量分析方法的应用、致力于系统的理论框架体系的构建、理论与实践的紧密结合。  相似文献   

An optimization model for iron-making system covering sinter matching process to blast furnace process is established, in which the energy consumption, CO_2 emission and cost minimizations are taken as optimization objectives. Some key constraints are considered according to practical production experience in the modelling. The combination of linear programming(LP)and nonlinear programming(NLP) methods is applied. The optimal sinter matching scheme under given conditions and the optimization results for different objectives are obtained. Effects of sinter grade and basicity on all the optimal objectives and coke ratio in blast furnace process are analyzed, respectively. The results obtained indicate that compared with the initial values,the energy consumption/CO_2 emission of iron-making system decreases by 2.03% for objectives of energy consumption/CO_2 emission minimizations and 1.89% for the objective of cost minimization, the cost decreases by 17.88% and 18.13%, respectively.All the three criteria decrease with the increasing lump usage, coal powder injection, blast temperature, and decreasing coke ratio for the iron-making system.  相似文献   

以复合电源能耗和电池组容量损失最小化为目标建立多目标优化模型,将电池组容量损失视为状态变量,将多目标优化问题转化为单目标多状态形式,并应用动态规划进行求解,得到Pareto解集。分析优化结果,提取了数条功率分配规律,并基于此提出基于规则的能量管理策略。对控制策略进行仿真验证,结果表明:与动态规划结果相比,复合电源能耗增加1%,电池容量损失增加0.4%,达到了与动态规划相近的效果,在线能量管理策略同时在两个目标上近似最优。  相似文献   

根据概率统计原理,提出了质量成本的优化模型,并对此模型的求解进行了推导,由此得出了控制质量成本的质量检验方法的确定原则.  相似文献   

Based on entransy dissipation, the mean temperature difference of solenoid (electromagnet) with high thermal conductivity material inserted is deduced, which can be taken as the fundament for heat transfer optimization using the extremum principle of entransy dissipation. Then, the electromagnet working at steady state (constant magnetic field, constant heat generating rate per unit volume) is optimized for entransy dissipation minimization (i.e. mean temperature difference minimization) with and without vo...  相似文献   

为降低沟槽爆破成本,通过分析初始爆破成本组成结构,了解到孔网参数、超深、起爆网路、施工进度和装药结构是控制成本的关键技术经济指标,通过优化这些技术参数发现:炮孔孔网参数优化是降低成本最有效的方法,对其2次优化后成本降低了33.39%;炮孔超深从1.5 m优化至1.0 m,降低了钻爆成本;把孔外微差延时起爆网路优化为孔内微差延时,不仅减少了雷管用量,而且取得了更好的爆破效果;对于孔深小于10 m的炮孔采用连续装药爆破效果更为理想,大于10 m深的炮孔采用间隔装药,既节约炸药用量,又能减少大块率;对施工进度调整优化后,相应成本降低了7.33%.最终优化后,成本降至初始成本的0.57倍,大幅度提高了企业的效益.  相似文献   

将需求侧的可中断负荷和可转移负荷纳入微网规划中统筹考虑,提出一种计及电源和负荷双侧随机性的协同规划方法.在微网规划中将规划成本定义为风电机组、储能及其配套系统的投资运行费用和停电损失;规划效益定义为风力发电效益以及通过需求侧管理减少停电损失.在估算停电损失时综合考虑了电力企业和电力用户的经济损失以及不同类型负荷停电损失的差异性.最后在平衡成本与效益的基础上确定风电机组和储能容量的最优组合,以实现经济性和可靠性的最优平衡,得到安装容量的最优方案.算例分析表明所提出的规划方法能够优化确定风电机组和储能的安装容量,对于风柴储系统的规划与建设有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

电动汽车动力电池仓拓扑优化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
提出基于拓扑优化的动力电池仓结构设计方法。在拓扑优化建模中,采用基于SIMP插值函数的变密度拓扑优化方法。对某型电动汽车动力电池仓进行拓扑优化设计中考虑结构可制造性等因素,构建了优化型的电池仓结构模型;利用有限元技术对新型结构与传统结构进行对比分析,保证结构方案的可靠性。通过控制最小尺寸和网格尺寸可以有效避免拓扑优化中数值不稳定现象的出现;在满足强度要求的前提下,能够实现的新结构质量较传统型的质量有较大幅度的减少,且应力分布更加均匀,有效实现等强度结构设计。  相似文献   

在实现蓄电池核心数据SOC、SOH和内阻的在线测试基础上,结合电信网动力环境的特点,利用计算机技术、网络技术、控制技术,实现电信网的蓄电池远程监控管理。  相似文献   

储能电站中需要准确地掌握蓄电池组充电、放电两种在线工作状态的实时荷电状态(SOC),针对这一工程应用背景,通过改进的蓄电池电路模型,联合修正的E-SOC关系,分充电和放电两个状态,建立了Kalman滤波器状态空间方程,运用Kalman滤波算法,实现了恒温下对储能电站蓄电池组充放电状态实时SOC的优化估计.实验仿真结果表明:本方法合理简单,符合储能电站蓄电池组对SOC估计的精度要求,具有很强的工程实用性.  相似文献   

依据可靠性理论中系统平均无故障时间及系统可靠度评估的相关内容,对大容量蓄电池组的不同组合方式进行了可靠性评估。通过实验证明,并串联系统的可靠性要优于串并系统和串并组合系统的可靠性,该结论对动力工程设计及电力系统中的直流系统改造具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于ZigBee技术的蓄电池监测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在概述铅酸蓄电池特性及其常用充放电监测方法的优缺点后,详细介绍ZigBee技术及其特点并论述了基于ZigBee网络进行蓄电池充放电参数检测和传输的可行性.给出了基于CC2430的蓄电池充放电参数监测系统设计方案.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study is to fully grasp the production flow of the new processing technologies for manufacturing composite stiffened panels incorporating cost as one of the design variables early in the design process. An approach is presented to determine the optimum process for cost as objective function. A cost estimation model is established based on the integrally molding process. In the model,the cost drivers which are related to the manufacture processes in terms of material,labor,tool and equipment costs are taken into account. At the same time,estimation software combined computer is developed to aid optimization design. A case of manufacturing composite stiffened panels with T-shaped stiffeners is examined. Excellent agreement shows the optimum process for cost is obtained for the composite stiffened panel with cocuring. It is also revealed that the estimation software combined computer is efficient. The estimation methodology is valid to guide design of the manufacturing process for the composite-stiffened panel.  相似文献   

The entransy dissipation extremum principle provides new warranty and criterion for optimization of heat transfer. For two cases (body with heat generation and body heated externally) of a solid conducting wall with an open cavity, a dimensionless equivalent thermal resistance based on entransy dissipation definition was taken as the optimization objective to optimize the model constructal geometry. Numerical results validated the necessity and feasibility of the presented method. Comparisons of the numerical results based on minimization of dimensionless maximum thermal resistance and minimization of dimensionless equivalent thermal resistance, respectively, showed that there was no obvious difference between the two results when the volume fraction Φ occupied by cavity was small, but the difference between the two results increased with the increases of Φ and the body aspect ratio H/L for any model. The optimal cavities for bodies heated externally were more slender than those for bodies with heat generation. Heat origin had obvious effect on the global performance of heat transfer. The entransy dissipation of body heated externally increased 2–3 times than that of body with heat generation, indicating that the global performance of heat transfer weakened. The method presented herein provides some guidelines for some relevant thermal design problems.  相似文献   

在能源互联网发展的背景下,针对电网需求侧响应的策略及用户节约用电成本的要求,设计智能家居管理系统(smart home management system, SHMS)的基本结构,构建智能家居管理系统负荷优化模型,并采用引入衰减因子的自适应粒子群算法对模型进行求解,可得到满足用户要求的家庭负荷运行方案。仿真算例采用了实际的分时电价、室外温度、负荷参数等信息,与优化前相比,用户负荷曲线得到改善,用电成本及用电量明显下降,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

电动汽车DC-DC电源变换器的原理、建模和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了设计出在电动汽车上把高压直流电源变换成低压直流电源的高品质DC DC变换器 ,采用自动控制理论进行指导 .介绍电动汽车DC DC变换器原理和设计 ,建模与控制方法 .应用阶跃响应法、频率法研究其数学模型和控制特性 ,并且进行分析和计算 .实验结果表明 ,用这种方法所研制的电动汽车DC DC变换器输出电压精度高 ,抗干扰能力强 ,调节特性快速、平稳  相似文献   

建立了电池储能系统的数学模型,基于微分几何理论,充分考虑控制对象的非线性特点,设计了非线性控制策略,对电池储能系统的输出目标实现稳定控制.仿真结果表明:设计的非线性控制策略具有很好的动态性能,可以有效保持负载功率的稳定,同时也能减少由于干扰引起的母线电压降落.  相似文献   

以农村户用分布式光伏接入为场景,分析光伏接入受限原因并提出基于梯次利用电池储能系统的应对方案。从一次设备容量、配网电压控制、光伏出力波动三个方面分析制约分布式光伏接入的薄弱环节。构建电网改造和配置储能应对措施的投资模型,并基于经济技术比较提出基于梯次利用动力电池构建储能系统支撑分布式光伏消纳的方法。开发采用动态成组理论的梯次利用电池储能系统样机并开展现场试验。试验结果表明:储能样机可将光伏出力中心偏差值降低35%,并将最大峰峰差值降低60%;同时将变压器负载峰谷差降低20%,负载率降低12%,有效支撑电网对分布式光伏的消纳。  相似文献   

阐述了含水层储能系统综合参数的分析和优化,考虑了含水层储能系统各项参数对其性能的影响,用数学公式优化出最佳的储能系统模型,调整各项参数,达到控制含水层储能系统性能的目的。  相似文献   

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