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To clarify the bioenergetic relevance of mtDNA mutations in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), we investigated affected individuals and healthy carriers from six Italian LHON families harboring the 11778/ND4 and the 3460/ND1 mtDNA mutations. The enzymatic activities of mitochondrial complex I and its sensitivity to the potent inhibitors rotenone and rolliniastatin-2 were studied in mitochondrial particles from platelets, in correlation with mtDNA analysis of platelets and leukocytes. In platelets homoplasmic for mutant mtDNA, both 11778/ND4 and 3460/ND1 mutations induced resistance to rotenone and the 3460/ND1 mutation also provoked a marked decrease in the specific activity of complex I. Individuals heteroplasmic in platelets for either mutation showed normal biochemical features, indicating functional complementation of wild-type mtDNA. There was no correlation between the clinical status and mtDNA homo/heteroplasmy in platelets, but the biochemical features correlated with the mitochondrial genotype of platelets. In some cases, the degree of mtDNA heteroplasmy differed in platelets and leukocytes from the same individual with a prevalence of wild-type mtDNA in the platelets. These results imply that biochemical studies on mitochondrial diseases should always be integrated with mtDNA analysis of the same tissue investigated and also suggest that the mtDNA analysis on the leukocyte fraction, as usually performed in LHON, does not necessarily reflect the mutant genotype level of other tissues. The differential tissue heteroplasmy may be more relevant than previously thought in determining disease penetrance.  相似文献   

The patellar tendon reflex (PTR) and simple visual reaction time (RT) were fractionated and compared in 40 subjects with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and normal coordination (NC) in two age groups. Four equal groups of subjects, 6 years DCD (6DCD), 6 years NC (6NC), 9 years DCD (9DCD), and 9 years NC (9NC) were compared using ANOVA for the main effects of coordination and age. PTR and its components of reflex latency and motor time were not significantly affected by the level of coordination; however, a significant coordination by age interaction (p < .05) revealed an increased motor time in the 6DCD group. RT, premotor time, and motor time were all significantly (p < .05) increased in children with DCD; the increased RT and premotor time support earlier findings, whereas the increased motor time has not previously been found. These findings suggest that the processing of reflexive and volitional responses by children with DCD differs from that of their NC peers.  相似文献   

We have investigated the presence of a point mutation at position 11778 in the ND4 gene of mitochondrial DNA in 17 Japanese families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), and have identified the mutation in 14 (82.4%) of the 17 families. The prevalence of this mutation appears to be much higher in Japanese patients with LHON than in patients of other ethnic origins, such as Finnish, Dutch, German, and English families.  相似文献   

Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a type of blindness caused by mtDNA mutations. Three LHON mtDNA mutations at nucleotide positions 3460, 11778, and 14484 are specific for LHON and account for 90% of worldwide cases and are thus designated as "primary" LHON mutations. Fifteen other "secondary" LHON mtDNA mutations have been identified, but their pathogenicity is unclear. mtDNA haplotype and phylogenetic analysis of the primary LHON mutations in North American Caucasian patients and controls has shown that, unlike the 3460 and 11778 mutations, which are distributed throughout the European-derived (Caucasian) mtDNA phylogeny, patients containing the 14484 mutation tended to be associated with European mtDNA haplotype J. To investigate this apparent clustering, we performed chi2-based statistical analyses to compare the distribution of LHON patients on the Caucasian phylogenetic tree. Our results indicate that, unlike the 3460 and 11778 mutations, the 14484 mutation was not distributed on the phylogeny in proportion to the frequencies of the major Caucasian mtDNA haplogroups found in North America. The 14484 mutation was next shown to occur on the haplogroup J background more frequently that expected, consistent with the observation that approximately 75% of worldwide 14484-positive LHON patients occur in association with haplogroup J. The 11778 mutation also exhibited a moderate clustering on haplogroup J. These observations were supported by statistical analysis using all available mutation frequencies reported in the literature. This paper thus illustrates the potential importance of genetic background in certain mtDNA-based diseases, speculates on a pathogenic role for a subset of LHON secondary mutations and their interaction with primary mutations, and provides support for a polygenic model for LHON expression in some cases.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the expression of c-fos, c-myc, mutant c-Ha-ras and mutant p53 proteins in three normal human melanocyte cell lines and the following 12 melanoma cell lines: M5, Mewo, A375, Bro, Mel 2a, O-Mel II, IgR 39, SkMel-13, -19, -28 Mel-57 and NKI-4, using an immunohistochemical assay (APAAP). An effort was made to correlate oncogene expression with growth parameters, differentiation antigens (HMB-45, vla-2, k.1.2.58, HLA-DR, HLA-I), and pigmentation. All melanocyte cell lines were negative for the oncogenes examined, whereas six of the melanoma cell lines were found also positive (three for c-fos, two for c-myc, one for c-Ha-ras, and four for p53). Three melanoma cell lines expressed one oncogene and three the combination c-fos/p53. These three melanoma cell lines were positive for the "late" tumor progression marker A. 1.43 (vla-2 adhesion molecule) and negative for the differentiation marker k. 1. 2. 58. Positivity for A. 1. 43 combined with negative staining for k. 1. 2. 58 was found in six out of the 12 cell lines. The observed oncogene expression correlated neither with growth parameters nor melanin content. The present findings revealed a coexpression of mutant p53 and c-fos proteins being associated with a highly malignant phenotype in melanoma cell lines. Further studies are necessary to clarify the significance of the above findings.  相似文献   

We studied a clinically manifest, dominantly transmitted elliptocytosis in an Italian family. We found a new spectrin variant, designated spectrin Napoli. Its beta-chain was truncated in its C-terminal region (apparent MW 216 kD). It displayed a low expression level (15%). There was a 8 nt deletion: CTTTTGAGAAGT-->CTGT (nt 6255-6262), starting after codon 2053. This deletion was followed by a 54 nt (18 amino acids) missense sequence and terminated by the TGA triplet which normally overlaps codons 2074 and 2075 (CTTGAG). The overall length of the mutated beta-chain was comparable to that found in spectrin Nice, spectrin Tokyo and spectrin Tandil, which are other variants with truncated beta-chains; however, a distinct nonsense codon was used in spectrin Napoli.  相似文献   

The influence of oral treatment with a suspension of non-pathogenic Escherichia coli cells (commercially available as: Symbioflor II) on the morphological composition of the gut microflora and on the systemic humoral immune response (the IgG-, IgA- and IgM-isotype) against the bacterial cells in the Symbioflor II preparation was measured. After a pretreatment period of 21 days, ten healthy human volunteers ingested 1*10(8) cells of E. coli daily for 14 days. Thereafter a follow-up period of 28 days completed the study. The results of this study indicated that no effect of the treatment on the composition of the gut microflora could be observed. However, the immune-fluorescence measurements revealed a significant increase in circulating amounts of IgG directed against the administered E. coli cells. It is concluded that the treatment only resulted in a specific humoral immune response, while the gut microflora is not modulated.  相似文献   

Thirty-three rabbit cell lines were established from various fetal tissues of the inbred strain III of the New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). None of these lines exhibited senescence during a growth period of more than 2 years. Karyologic studies of most cell lines at 10 to 20 cell-passage intervals revealed that the karyotype stability of the rabbit cells in vitro was correlated with the organs from which the cell lines were derived. Thus, lines derived from cornea, spleen, and kidney tissues usually contained high frequencies of polyploidy in their early passages, whereas most of those derived from lung and skin were found to retain the normal diploid karyotype for much longer periods of time. One line derived from fetal lung tissue, designated Lung 16, remained diploid up to 100 passages. In late passages of the majority of all the lines studied, the cells became pseudodiploid, hyperdiploid, or polyploid. Among the pseudodiploid and the hyperdiploid cell lines, the chromosomal changes followed three basic patterns: (1) a gain of one or more telocentric chromosomes; (2) a loss of one telocentric chromosome plus a metacentric marker chromosome (M); or (3) a gain of a long telocentric marker chromosome with or without changes in the number of telocentric D chromosomes. By the G-banding technique, the telocentric chromosome involved in these three patterns was identified as the D-group chromosome 18 and the M marker chromosome as an isochromosome of 18. These results suggest that chromosomal rearrangement in rabbit cells involving trisomy of 18 may be responsible for the longevity of these cell lines cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

We studied a French kindred with typical hereditary spherocytosis (HS). Studies of erythrocytes and erythrocyte membranes from HS individuals revealed abnormal erythrocyte membrane mechanical stability as well as 15-20% deficiency of band 3, the anion transporter. Anion transport studies of red cells from two affected individuals revealed decreased sulfate flux. Nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding the distal third of the cytoplasmic domain and the entire transmembrane domain of band 3 obtained by RT-PCR of reticulocyte RNA of an affected family member was normal. Sequence analysis of genomic DNA from an HS individual identified a nonsense mutation of the band 3 gene, Q330X, near the end of the band 3 cytoplasmic domain. This mutation was present in genomic DNA of all HS family members and absent in DNA of unaffected family members. Using an RT-PCR-based assay, a marked quantitative decrease in accumulation of the mutant band 3 RNA was detected. Thus the codon 330 nonsense mutation is responsible for the decreased accumulation of mutant band 3 RNA and the deficiency of band 3 protein in this kindred. These results have important implications for the role of band 3 defects in the membrane pathobiology of HS as well as for the techniques used in detection of HS mutations.  相似文献   

The Tg737 gene was identified by its direct association with a transgene-induced insertion mutation in the mouse. This mutation causes pleiotropic phenotypes including a syndrome similar to autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in humans. This syndrome, in addition to renal cyst formation, includes the presence of an invariably associated liver abnormality. The liver pathology in TgN737Rpw mice is characterized by a biliary hyperplasia that includes the proliferation of cells that morphologically and immunologically resemble oval cells, a liver progenitor cell. This abnormality is first observed at approximately 5 days of age in the portal region and then progresses into the periportal regions. Additionally, the formation and proliferation of dysplastic ductular structures are observed from the onset of the phenotype. Serum chemistry indicated that the primary defect is likely to be of biliary origin, and hepatic function appears normal in the mutant mice. Therefore, this mutation is unlike other causes of oval cell proliferation in that the hepatic parenchyma is relatively unaffected. The identification of the Tg737 gene associated with this mutation suggests that it functions in regulating the proliferation/differentiation of oval cells within the liver, which further indicates that this gene may function in pathological conditions that include oval cell proliferation, such as hepatocellular carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The beagle dog with hereditary primary open-angle glaucoma, unlike other animal models of human glaucoma, possesses a slowly progressive, sustained elevation of intraocular pressure. The effects of this insidious elevation in intraocular pressure on the axons of the optic nerves of three beagles at early stages of glaucoma and two beagles with advanced signs of glaucoma were compared to the optic nerves of four age-matched normal dogs. Plastic embedded optic nerve cross-sections (1 micron) 1 mm posterior to the lamina cribrosa were osmicated and stained with Toluidine Blue. Axons from 0.2 to > 2.0 microns in diameter were counted and measured in 16 cross-sectional regions of equal size within the whole optic nerve using a computerized image analysis system. The mean optic nerve axon diameters in the normal, early glaucomatous, and advanced glaucomatous dogs were 1.53, 1.25 and 1.13 microns respectively. The average total optic nerve axon count in the normal dogs was 148,303. Approximately 16% of the total axonal fibers were counted in each nerve. The counts of optic nerve axons 2.0 microns or greater in diameter were reduced by up to 60% in the central regions of the optic nerves of affected beagles. The large diameter axons of the peripheral optic nerve of the beagle dogs with glaucoma were more resistant to the elevated intraocular pressure. The counts of axons > 0.6 to 0.8 micron in diameter were significantly increased in glaucomatous beagles.  相似文献   

The genetic defect in a patient with hereditary type I protein S (PS) deficiency was investigated. All the exons and intron-exon junctions of the patient's PS gene were amplified by PCR and subjected to heteroduplex screening. Only the PCR product of exon 4 revealed heteroduplex bands. A novel nonsense mutation, Ser62 (TCA) to Stop (TGA) was found in exon 4. RT-PCR detected the aberrant mRNA in the patient's platelets, which was markedly reduced in amount and lacked the region of exon 4, suggesting that the nonsense mutation affected the mutated mRNA metabolism and induced exon skipping. The skipping of exon 4 causes an in-frame deletion of 29 amino acids which just construct the thrombin-sensitive region of the PS molecule. The loss of such an important domain as well as the quantitative decrease in the mutated mRNA appear to be responsible for the type I PS deficiency in this patient.  相似文献   

To identify components involved in nuclear protein import, we used a genetic selection to isolate mutants that mislocalized a nuclear-targeted protein. We identified temperature-sensitive mutants that accumulated several different nuclear proteins in the cytoplasm when shifted to the semipermissive temperature of 30 degrees C; these were termed npl (nuclear protein localization) mutants. We now present the properties of yeast strains bearing mutations in the NPL4 gene and report the cloning of the NPL4 gene and the characterization of the Np14 protein. The npl4-1 mutant was isolated by the previously described selection scheme. The second allele, npl4-2, was identified from an independently derived collection of temperature-sensitive mutants. The npl4-1 and npl4-2 strains accumulate nuclear-targeted proteins in the cytoplasm at the nonpermissive temperature consistent with a defect in nuclear protein import. Using an in vitro nuclear import assay, we show that nuclei prepared from temperature-shifted npl4 mutant cells are unable to import nuclear-targeted proteins, even in the presence of cytosol prepared from wild-type cells. In addition, npl4-2 cells accumulate poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus at the nonpermissive temperature, consistent with a failure to export mRNA from the nucleus. The npl4-1 and npl4-2 cells also exhibit distinct, temperature-sensitive structural defects: npl4-1 cells project extra nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm, whereas npl4-2 cells from nuclear envelope herniations that appear to be filled with poly(A)+ RNA. The NPL4 gene encodes an essential M(r) 64,000 protein that is located at the nuclear periphery and localizes in a pattern similar to nuclear pore complex proteins. Taken together, these results indicate that this gene encodes a novel nuclear pore complex or nuclear pore complex-associated component required for nuclear membrane integrity and nuclear transport.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate skeletal and dental effects of bionator headgear combination appliances on patients in development period with Class II, division 1 malocclusion. The comparison of computerized X-ray cephalometric measurements between the 26 treated children and 26 untreated children was made. The results showed that ANB angle was significantly reduced and horizontal mandibular growth development tended to be normal in the treated group. It was suggested that the bionator headgear combination appliance can restrain the maxillary growth early and promote the forward mandibular growth which contribute the functional jaws correction.  相似文献   

We investigated a Japanese patient with protein 4.2 deficiency. SDS-PAGE showed a complete deficiency of protein 4.2, while Western blot analysis revealed a marked decrease in the amount of protein 4.2, and the existence of a doublet of 74 and 72 kDa bands. Direct sequencing and dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotide probes indicated that the proband was compound heterozygous for a missense mutation in codon 142 with Ala-->Thr (GCT-->ACT) and a single nucleotide substitution (G-->A) of the first base of intron 6 (G-->A) of the protein 4.2 gene. The former is the commonest mutation observed in cases of protein 4.2 deficiency, whereas the latter is a novel mutation, located within the consensus sequence of the 5' splicing site (AGGU) (Protein 4.2Notame). RT-PCR analysis using total RNA isolated from reticulocytes of the proband revealed that the intron 6 donor site mutation causes an abnormal splicing; exon 6 is spliced out with intron 6. The abnormal mRNA has a premature termination codon, as the result of a frameshift, and this instability may lead to degradation. Thus, there is a close relation between this mutation and the molecular pathogenesis of protein 4.2 deficiency.  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a patient who developed hyperammonemia and coma during therapy with valproic acid for affective disorder. Onset of the coma was gradual and initially interpreted as a therapeutic reduction in the patient's anxiety. In a psychiatric setting, treatment of hyperammonemia may be delayed if a patient's increasing lethargy is interpreted as a therapeutic response. Staff may need to be educated about the potential for hyperammonemia, and patients whose tolerance for valproic acid is unknown may need to be monitored for liver function and blood levels of urea and ammonia.  相似文献   

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