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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of industrial pollution on the distribution of radiocaesium in soil and on its transfer from soil to plants. The study was started in September 2000 in four Scots pine stands located at distances of 0.5, 2, 4 and 8 km along a transect running SE from the Cu-Ni smelter at Harjavalta in SW Finland. Annual emissions from the smelter in 1990 were 80 t of Cu, 31 t of Ni and 9000 t of SO(2), and in 1999 these were 5.9, 0.8 and 3400 t, respectively. At each site, soil profiles were sampled with a corer, and samples were separated into litter (L), organic soil layer (O) and mineral soil layers (B, E). Mushrooms, lichens (Cladina spp. and Cetraria islandica), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) plants were collected at each site, except at a distance of 0.5 km, where only mushrooms were available. In the organic soil layer, 137Cs activity decreased from 8000 Bq/m(2) at a distance of 8 km from the smelter to 1500 Bq/m(2) at a distance of 0.5 km; in litter, 137Cs concentration increased from 6300 Bq/m(2) at 8 km to 14000 Bq/m(2) at 0.5 km. 137Cs activity concentration decreased significantly in plants, mushrooms and lichens as the pollution load increased. In lichens, 137Cs activity decreased from 910 Bq/kg at 8 km to 170 Bq/kg at 2 km, while in lingonberry it decreased from 1470 to 20 Bq/kg and in crowberry from 310 to 20 Bq/kg. Aggregated transfer factors for 137Cs decreased in a similar way in lingonberry from 7.6x10(-2) m(2)/kg at 8 km to 7.7x10(-4) m(2)/kg at 2 km and in crowberry from 1.6x10(-2) to 7.9x10(-4) m(2)/kg. 相似文献
The linearity assumption of the validation of soil-to-plant transfer factors of natural uranium and (226)Ra was tested using Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower) grown in a hydroponic medium. Transfer of natural uranium and (226)Ra was tested in both the aerial fraction of plants and in the overall seedlings (roots and shoots). The results show that the linearity assumption can be considered valid in the hydroponic growth of sunflowers for the radionuclides studied. The ability of sunflowers to translocate uranium and (226)Ra was also investigated, as well as the feasibility of using sunflower plants to remove uranium and radium from contaminated water, and by extension, their potential for phytoextraction. In this sense, the removal percentages obtained for natural uranium and (226)Ra were 24% and 42%, respectively. Practically all the uranium is accumulated in the roots. However, 86% of the (226)Ra activity concentration in roots was translocated to the aerial part. 相似文献
Treatment of organic pollution in industrial saline wastewater: a literature review 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
Many industrial sectors are likely to generate highly saline wastewater: these include the agro-food, petroleum and leather industries. The discharge of such wastewater containing at the same time high salinity and high organic content without prior treatment is known to adversely affect the aquatic life, water potability and agriculture. Thus, legislation is becoming more stringent and the treatment of saline wastewater, both for organic matter and salt removal, is nowadays compulsory in many countries. Saline effluents are conventionally treated through physico-chemical means, as biological treatment is strongly inhibited by salts (mainly NaCl). However, the costs of physico-chemical treatments being particularly high, alternative systems for the treatment of organic matter are nowadays increasingly the focus of research. Most of such systems involve anaerobic or aerobic biological treatment. Even though biological treatment of carbonaceous, nitrogenous and phosphorous pollution has proved to be feasible at high salt concentrations, the performance obtained depends on a proper adaptation of the biomass or the use of halophilic organisms. Another major limit is related to the turbidity problems inherent in saline effluents. For this reason, the major need for research in the future will be the combination of physico-chemical/biological treatment of saline industrial effluents, with regard to the global treatment chain, in order to meet the regulations. 相似文献
The linearity assumption for soil and plant concentrations of radionuclides is usually a good approximation for use in food-chain models. To verify this assumption, different samples of plant and substrate were collected from a granitic zone located near a disused uranium mine in order to cover a large range of concentrations. In all of the samples, the activity concentration of 226Ra and of different isotopes of uranium (238U and 234U) and thorium (232Th, 230Th and 228Th) were determined. The results indicate that the linearity assumption can be considered valid when the range of concentrations taken into account is large (approx. two orders of magnitude). Otherwise, there is a clear deviation from linearity. Also, the influence of different stable elements on the soil-plant transfer factors was studied by using multivariate regression methods. The uptake of uranium, thorium and radium was found to be mainly associated with the concentration of iron in the plant and the phosphorus and alkaline earths in the substrate. 相似文献
Sabah Abdul‐Wahab Walid Bouhamra Hisham Ettouney Bev Sowerby Barry D. Crittenden 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(2):207-224
Analysis of ozone pollution in the Shuaiba Industrial Area of Kuwait was performed over a period of 12 months, from December 1994 to November 1995. The Shuaiba Industrial Area houses several large scale industries which include a petroleum refinery, a complex of petrochemical plants, cement plant, chlorine and soda factory, desalination plant, power station, and shipping port for oil export. Measurements were performed by a mobile station capable of measuring 18 pollutants and meteorological parameters. Measurements were made at 5 minute intervals and were stored on a data station. Variables used in the analysis included measured concentrations for ozone, nitrogen oxides, and non‐methane hydrocarbons. In addition, the meteorological parameters, which included air temperature, wind speed and direction, and solar radiation were used in the analysis. The collected data were averaged on hourly basis, which were used to generate a monthly hour‐averages. Reported data are shown to be consistent with literature data for similar urban pollution data. In this regard, the maximums of the hourly‐averages for ozone concentration coincided with the minimums for the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and non‐methane hydrocarbons. Ozone maximums occurred on daily basis during the period from 12 pm to 2 pm. Formation rates of ozone were found to decrease during the very hot summer season and the mild winter season. The highest ozone concentrations were measured during the spring, early summer, and fall periods. 相似文献
Dale B 《The Science of the total environment》2001,264(3):235-240
The results from an investigation of dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of eutrophication in Tokyo Bay, Japan, by Matsuoka [Sci Total Environ 231 (1999) 17] are discussed with reference to other pertinent literature not discussed in the original article. Both the Japanese study and previous work from Norwegian fjords show that pollution (including cultural eutrophication) may produce changes in the phytoplankton reflected by a shift from more autotrophic--to more heterotrophic--dominance of cyst assemblages. However, this is a proportional change that seems likely to result from reduced autotrophic production rather than the increased heterotrophic production suggested by Matsuoka. This is not unequivocal evidence of eutrophication, since Tokyo Bay is impacted also by heavy industrial pollution, the possible effects of which cannot be distinguished, and the quantitative method used for estimating changes in cyst productivity is flawed. 相似文献
R. P. Singh 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2001,60(1):31-35
Kanpur City has become a large industrial complex with nearly 800 industries. This has increased the social and economic
status of the city, but these industries are also causing severe environmental pollution. In addition to smoke, dust and pollutant
gases, water pollution through the discharge of industrial effluents is causing severe problems. The pollutants include As,
Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn, which are considered as toxicants. The presence of various ions, such as Fe2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl– and SO4
–, significantly changes the water characteristics, including its ability to stain, its hardness and salinity. The presence
of some other oxidizing and reducing agents, such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and sulphate, causes problems such as depletion
of oxygen, foul odour and microbial growth. The extent of pollutants in the wastewater discharge from different types of industries
and the hazards of these pollutants in wastewater are discussed.
Received: 24 June 2000 · Accepted: 29 August 2000 相似文献
Solis-Weiss V Aleffi F Bettoso N Rossin P Orel G Fonda-Umani S 《The Science of the total environment》2004,328(1-3):247-263
The benthic macrofauna of the Bay of Muggia and its evolution in time was analysed in order to assess the impact of man-made pollution in this port area. The north and NE zones are totally industrialised while the southern zone is mainly used for tourism and aquaculture. The most important anthropic impacts were stagnation and direct urban and industrial discharges, which operated until the beginning of the 1990s. Forty-four stations were sampled in 1981, 12 of which were monitored over time (1975, 1981 and 1994). From 172 taxa 11783 organisms were identified. Polychaetes were the richest group, followed by molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. The dominant species was Corbula gibba (39.5%) followed by Pectinaria koreni (9%). Uni- and multivariate analyses showed a declining pattern for the fauna along a gradient of environmental stress. The very high concentrations of heavy metals in the Bay's sediments, especially Pb, contrasted with the diversity and biological index values found, indicating that many species could survive these conditions. The enforcement of the Italian ecological laws regarding water pollution control benefited the local macrofauna and evidenced the resilience of the system. C. gibba constituted a good biological indicator of zones of high instability (especially sedimentary) and of intermediate levels of pollution. 相似文献
Kenneth A. Reinert G. Chris Rodrigo David W. Roland-Holst 《The Annals of Regional Science》2002,36(3):483-495
This paper provides an assessment of the impact of increased economic integration within North America on industrial pollution
intensities within the Great Lake states of the United States. It utilizes a three-country, applied general equilibrium model
of the North American economy, data from the World Bank's Industrial Pollution Projection System, and employment data from
the US Bureau of Economic Analysis to simulate the industrial pollution impacts of North American trade liberalization within
the Great Lakes region. The results reflect the liberalization of tariff and non-tariff barriers, their trade and production
impacts, state-level shares in the production changes, and the resulting industrial effluent changes. Two trade liberalization
experiments show that, in many cases, the Great Lake states account for a substantial portion of the total emission changes
caused by North American economic integration. Of particular concern to the Great Lake states are the emissions of the base
metals, transportation equipment, and petroleum sectors.
Received: October 2001/Accepted: December 2001
This research was supported by the Office of the Great Lakes through the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund. We would like
to thank Roger Stough and three referees for very helpful comments. 相似文献
The Rajmahal-type quality stones for building purposes are found abundantly in Birbhum district, West Bengal, India, where stone mining and crushing have become the main industrial activity. Although crusher dust is injurious to health, demand for crushed stone is ever-increasing as a result of rapid infrastructural growth in the country. Most of the crusher units at Rampurhat are situated along the roadways adjacent to forest under Tumboni Beat of Rampurhat Range of Birbhum Forest Division. Excessive load of air pollution in this area has led to degradation of this forest. The status of the ambient air and noise level was evaluated. The effect of air and noise pollution on abundance and variability of birds in this forest have been compared to an almost non-polluted forest of the same bio-geographic zone. Both species diversity and population density of birds were found to decrease in the polluted forest, especially in the areas adjacent to crushers. For comparing the pollution status of two different forest sites and for establishing whether the density of birds have any correlation between the sites, the Student's t-test and the chi-square test were applied respectively. Most of the results proved to be significant. 相似文献
Cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and hexavalent chromium ions were tested in a benchbioassay experiment for toxicity limits and possible application to experimental oxidation ponds. 相似文献
Ciuffo LE Belli M Pasquale A Menegon S Velasco HR 《The Science of the total environment》2002,290(1-3):69-80
The possibility of removing cadmium, copper, lead and zinc from Belgian loamy soil by a combination of sulfidisation pre-treatment and Denver flotation was investigated. The potentially available--sulfide convertible--metal content of the metal polluted soil was estimated by EDTA (0.1 M, pH 4.65) extraction and BCR sequential extraction. EDTA extraction is better at approximating the metal percentage that is expected to be convertible into a metal sulfide phase, in contrast to the sequential extraction procedure of 'Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 51 (1993) pp. 135-151' in which transition metals present as iron oxide co-precipitates are dissolved by hydroxylammoniumchloride in the second extraction step. To compare the surface characteristics of metal sulfides formed by sulfidisation with those of crystalline metal sulfides, two types of synthetic sediments were prepared and extracted with 0.1 M EDTA (pH 4.65) in anoxic conditions. Separate metal sulfides or co-precipitates with iron sulfide were formed by sulfide conditioning. The Denver flotation of both types of synthetic sediments (kerosene as collector at high background electrolyte concentrations) resulted in similar concentrating factors for freshly formed metal sulfides as for fine-grained crystalline metal sulfides. The selective flotation of metal sulfides after sulfide conditioning of a polluted soil, using kerosene or potassium ethyl xanthate as collectors and MIBC as frother, was studied at high background electrolyte concentrations. The sulfidisations were made in ambient air and inside an anoxic glove box. The concentrating factors corrected by the potentially available metal percentage, determined by 0.1 M EDTA extraction, lie between 2 and 3. The selective flotation of these finely dispersed, amorphous, metal sulfides can possibly be improved by optimising the bubble-particle interaction. 相似文献
Cappuyns V Van Herreweghe S Swennen R Ottenburgs R Deckers J 《The Science of the total environment》2002,295(1-3):217-240
An industrial site, polluted with As and heavy metals, was investigated by combining chemical (sequential extractions and pHstat leaching tests), physical and mineralogical characterization of soil samples and slag fragments, and by the analysis of soil porewater aimed at assessing the distribution, speciation and mobility of heavy metals and As. On the site itself, arsenic concentrations up to 3.6% in surficial soil samples and up to 22% in slag fragments were found, together with elevated concentrations (percentage level) of Cu, Co, Ni, Zn and Pb. High concentrations of arsenic (up to 38,000 microg/l) and heavy metals (up to 1700 microg/l Cu and 4700 microg/l Zn) were also found in the in situ sampled soil porewater, highlighting the considerable availability of As, Zn and Cu for uptake by plants and leaching to the ground water. Sequential extractions also indicated a high availability of arsenic and copper in most samples and slag fragments of the industrial site, although poorly reactive phases were encountered as well. pHstat leaching tests confirmed that the present leaching of contaminants is alarming. Moreover, soil acidification will enhance the leaching of contaminants, emphasizing that remediation of the industrial site is urgent. Small scale variability of total metal concentrations and metal speciation, both in the horizontal and vertical direction, and the occurrence of a camouflage layer underline the importance of elaborate sampling for pollution assessment on an industrial site. 相似文献
Casimiro A. Pio Teresa V. Nunes Carlos S. Borrego JosG. Martins 《The Science of the total environment》1989,80(2-3):279-292
Aerosol samples collected in the industrial area of Estarreja, Portugal, were used to assess the source classes responsible for the particulate levels observed in the local atmosphere. Principal Component Analysis was applied separately to the concentrations of aerosol constituents and meteorological variables to obtain the number of Principal Components and to verify the influence of weather conditions on ambient air quality. The technique led to the conclusion that soil and transport emissions represent important aerosol sources even in this industrial environment. The quantitative contribution of each source class was calculated using Multilinear Regression Analysis; 37% of the aerosol mass had a soil origin, 8% was from sea spray, 18% resulted from transport emissions and 24% contained ammonium salts. Twelve percent of total suspended particle (TSP) mass could not be explained by any of the six Principal Components retained. Ammonium salts and two other minor Principal Components seem to result mainly from industrial emissions. More specific information about the contribution of each particular source was not possible with this technique. 相似文献
Breulman G Markert B Weckert V Herpin U Yoneda R Ogino K 《The Science of the total environment》2002,285(1-3):107-115
Leaf samples of tropical trees, i.e. Dryobalanops lanceolata (Kapur paji), Dipterocarpaceae and Macaranga spp. (Mahang), Euphorbiaceae were analyzed for 21 chemical elements. The pioneer Macaranga spp. exhibited higher concentrations for the majority of elements compared to the emergent species of Dryobalanops lanceolata, which was attributed to the higher physiological activity of the fast growing pioneer species compared to emergent trees. Lead showed rather high concentrations in several samples from the Bakam re-forestation site. This is suggested to be caused by emissions through brick manufacturing and related activities in the vicinity. A comparison of Dryobalanops lanceolata samples collected in 1993, 1995 and 1997 in the Lambir Hills National Park revealed that certain heavy metals, i.e. Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Ti showed higher values in 1997 compared to the previous years, which could indicate an atmospheric input from the haze caused by the extensive forest fires raging in Borneo and other parts of Southeast Asia. 相似文献
《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》2007,95(9-11):1424-1444
The paper presents a mathematical and numerical investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow over a complex terrain. Two mathematical models described in details are based upon: (1) full RANS equations written in the conservative form and (2) modification of the RANS equations by Boussinesq approximation re-casted in the non-conservative form. Both models are formulated for an incompressible flow under the indifferent atmospheric stratification together with a simple algebraic turbulence model and a stationary boundary conditions. A pollution dispersion of passive pollutant has been considered as well. Both models have been applied to a real case atmospheric problem: an investigation of the influence of a forest stand on the flow over a complex topography given by a surface coal field located in the North Bohemia. A non-homogeneous forest stand is simulated by a special model based on a source term added to the momentum equations. A forest free area is supposed to be covered by a low vegetation and its influence is simulated by a surface roughness parameter. 相似文献
Fesenko SV Soukhova NV Sanzharova NI Avila R Spiridonov SI Klein D Badot PM 《The Science of the total environment》2001,269(1-3):87-103
A quantitative analysis of 137Cs bioavailability in forest soils in the long term after the Chernobyl NPP accident based on a 3-year (1996-1998) investigation is presented. Five forest sites with different trees, composition and properties of soil were studied to identify factors determining radiocaesium transfer to different understory species. The following parameters were investigated: 137Cs activity concentrations and its speciation in various horizons of forest soil, accumulation of this radionuclide by different species of understory vegetation and distribution of root biomass in the soil profile. It has been shown that one decade after the deposition maximum 137Cs activity in soil of the experimental sites considered is located in different soil layers dependent on moisture regime, characteristics of litter and soil properties. A linear dependence between aggregated transfer factors for different species and groups of species of understory vegetation and exchangeable and available fractions of radiocaesium in soil was found. The vertical distribution of 137Cs activity, percentage of exchangeable radiocaesium in each horizon of litter and soil, as well as distribution of root systems (mycelia) over the soil profile are key factors governing variations in the availability of 137Cs for transfer to all forest understory components. 相似文献