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Of 22 patients treated surgically for intractable pain from chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, eight did not show notable dilation of the main pancreatic duct by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), operative pancreatography, and/or operative and microscopical studies of the pancreas after subtotal pancreatectomy. In all patients, far advanced parenchymal pancreatitis was evident at operation and by microscopical study of the removed portion of the pancreas. These findings indicate that the basic problem in a considerable number of patients with symptomatic alcoholic chronic pancreatitis is not related primarily to obstruction with dilation of the major pancreatic duct, but to intrinsic changes in the parenchymal pancreas. The preoperative use of ERCP and individualization of operative procedures with a preference for subtotal or partial pancreatectomy for symptomatic chronic alcoholic pancreatitis are supported.  相似文献   

The association of panniculitis and pancreatitis is well described. However, panniculitis remains a relatively uncommon manifestation of pancreatic inflammation. We report a case in which treatment of pancreatitis by the placement of a pancreatic stent led to simultaneous resolution of both the pancreatitis and the associated panniculitis. There are no other reports in the literature demonstrating resolution of panniculitis subsequent to stent placement or definitive surgery.  相似文献   

The results of treatment of 319 patients with acute pancreatitis are analyzed, 48 from them (15.1%)--with pancreanecrosis. Etiologic factors in destructive pancreatitis were alcohol addiction (41.67%), cholelithiasis (37.5%), hyperlipidemia (10.41%), hypercalcemia (4.17%), postoperative (4.17%). Location of the necrosis in parapancreatic fat cellular tissue was detected in 6 patients, in pancreatic head--in 8 and both in pancreatic head and corpus--in 11, in corpus and in tail--in 10; total pancreo-necrosis was observed in 5 patients. Therapeutic measures were conservative and only in cholelithiasis cholecystectomy was performed as well as drainage of the choledochus and abdominal cavity. Intensive care was aimed at blocking pancreatic and gastric secretion, inhibition of pancreatic enzymes ferments and suppressing mediators of inflammation, immunocorrection, prophylaxis of infection in the necrotic tissues. Desintoxication was carried out by combination of infusion therapy with forced diuresis, usage of extracorporeal methods and laparoscopic sanation of the abdominal cavity with subsequent lavage. Surgical interventions were carried out in far-off period only for complications of pancreanecrosis. Mortality rate in pancreanecrosis made up 20.85% and in total number of patients with acute pancreatitis--3.13%.  相似文献   

Choice of a proper method of treatment of complicated acute pancreatitis remains indefinite. The results of treatment of 130 patients with acute destructive pancreatitis complicated with pancreatic pseudocysts have been analysed. The authors formulate individual indications to minor surgery under the ultrasound control. The classical type of surgery was used only in patients with calculous pancreatitis complicated with pseudocysts (14). In other patients various types of transcutaneous ultrasound controlled procedures were used. Pilot experience of placing cystoduodenoanastomosis under ultrasound endoscopic control is described. Letal outcomes were absent. The rate of recurrence in external drainage was 10, 5%; there were no cases of recurrence in internal drainage of pseudocysts. The period of long-term follow-up was 58 months.  相似文献   

Differentiation between diffuse chronic pancreatitis and pancreatitis distal to a malignant or benign stenosis has important prognostic and therapeutic implications. We examined the retrograde pancreatograms of 64 patients with histologically confirmed diagnosis of diffuse chronic pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis distal to a benign tumor and chronic pancreatitis distal to a malignant tumor. The nature of the stenosis was often difficult to determine from the shape of the pancreatic duct only. By using discriminant analysis it was possible to determine an allocation rule based on 8 criteria mainly derived from changes in the pancreatic ductuli. This allocation rule allowed the correct diagnosis to be made in 24 out of 26 patients with diffuse chronic pancreatitis (92%), 19 out of 20 patients with pancreatitis distal to a benign tumor (95%) and all 18 patients (100%) with pancreatitis distal to a malignancy.  相似文献   

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by persistent and severe pain, which can be relieved by decompression of the main pancreatic duct (MPD). Both ductal and interstitial pressures have been shown to be increased in chronic pancreatitis in patients. A study was carried out of pancreatic interstitial pressure and pancreatic blood flow in normal cats and those in which chronic obstructive pancreatitis had been induced 5 weeks earlier to determine the effect of decompression of the MPD. In the normal pancreas, median(interquartile range (i.q.r.)) basal interstitial pressure was 0.05(1.2) mmHg and median(i.q.r.) basal pancreatic blood flow 58.3(24.3) ml per min per 100 g. Secretory stimulation did not change the interstitial pressure significantly, but was associated with a 40 per cent increase in median(i.q.r.) blood flow to 81.8(45.8) ml per min per 100 g. In contrast, in chronic obstructive pancreatitis, the median(i.q.r.) basal interstitial pressure was 2.0(1.5) mmHg, which was significantly higher than in the normal gland, and median(i.q.r.) pancreatic blood flow was 38.3(9.8) ml per min per 100 g, significantly lower than in the normal pancreas. Furthermore, secretory stimulation was associated with a significant increase in median(i.q.r.) interstitial pressure to 3.3(1.6) mmHg and a simultaneous decrease in median(i.q.r.) blood flow to 31.5(13.7) ml per min per 100 g. After decompression of the MPD in cats with chronic obstructive pancreatitis, the median(i.q.r.) basal interstitial pressure was 2.0(1.4) mmHg and on secretory stimulation 1.8(1.5) mmHg. Decompression thus prevented the increase in interstitial pressure seen in the animals with obstruction. In contrast, ductal decompression improved the median(i.q.r.) basal pancreatic blood flow to 45.9(38.4) ml per min per 100 g and, furthermore, this increased significantly on secretory stimulation to a median(i.q.r.) of 81.4(47.8) ml per min per 100 g. Decompression thus restored the normal pattern of secretory hyperaemia. Within the confines of this model, these observations demonstrate that chronic obstructive pancreatitis exhibits a compartment syndrome that is relieved by duct drainage.  相似文献   

The authors study in chronic pancreatitis the morphology of Wirsung's duct in 31 patients who had undergone repeated operations, 23 of them were submitted in a first stage to an anastomosis between the pancreatic duct and the digestive tract. The main causes of failure were obstructions of the anastomosis, biliary complications and continuation of the pancreatic disease. The difference in prognosis between pancreatitis with a dilated pancreatic duct, and those with a filiform duct, is perhaps due to lesions of different histological appearance and course. The best results were obtained in patients able to give up alcohol and in whom it was possible to carry out a broader anastomosis on a dilated and unobstructed pancreatic duct.  相似文献   

Chronic pancreatitis is typically characterized by clinical (abdominal pain, steatorrhea, loss of body weight), morphological (calcifications, dilated ductus pancreaticus) as well as functional (maldigestion, diabetes mellitus) parameters. Since the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is hampered by the inavailability of early histological confirmation, it is therefore based on morphological (ultrasound, ERP, EUS, CT) and functional (faecal elastase) criteria. Due to the poor correlation between morphological and functional parameters in the early phase of the disease, both are complementary at this stage. While the diagnosis of severe cases of chronic pancreatitis with steatorrhea is hardly a challenge in clinical practice, the differential diagnostic evaluation of mild and moderate cases remains a major clinical problem. ERP remains to be the most sensitive morphological procedure, while determination of faecal elastase is the most sensitive and specific "tubeless" pancreatic function test available today and in the future prove to be rapid, easy to handle and highly practicable in clinical routine.  相似文献   

This is a review of salient studies of sterilization, toxicity, biocompatibility, clinical applications and current work in the field of orthopaedics, using implants made of polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA) and their copolymers. The intrinsic nature of these biomaterials renders them suitable for applications where temporally slow releases of bioactive agents in situ may be required. They are also desirable as fixation devices of bone, because they can virtually eliminate osteopenia associated with stress shielding or additional surgery. The majority of currently available sterilization techniques are not suitable for these thermoplastic materials and it may be desirable to develop new sterilization standards, which can account for the special character of PLA-PGA materials. Biocompatibility and toxicity studies suggest that, overall, PLA-PGA biomaterials may be suitable for orthopaedic applications, although certain problems, especially pertaining to reduction in cell proliferation, have been reported. Clinical applications are also promising, albeit not without problems usually associated with transient tissue inflammation. The future of these materials appears bright, especially in soft tissues. They may be used to address the exceedingly complex problem of osteochondral repair, but also as a means to enhance fixation and repair processes in tendons and ligaments.  相似文献   

Long strictures of the intrapancreatic portion of the common bile duct were found in 6 patients with chronic pancreatitis. These strictures were responsible for painless obstructive jaundice, recurrent cholangitis, secondary biliary cirrhosis, and chronic abdominal pain difficult to distinguish from that caused by pancreatitis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and intraoperative cholangiography were invaluable in making the diagnosis and in planning surgical correction. Decompression of the biliary tree by anastomosis of the gallbladder or common duct to the small intestine completely relieved symptoms and allowed liver function to improve significantly. Common duct stricture as a complication of chronic pancreatitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary obstruction and whenever surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis is contemplated.  相似文献   

Two vehicles for the intraperitoneal administration of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) were compared, using aspects of social behaviour in mice and 5 doses of delta9- THC, with vehicle alone and saline control groups. 10% propane-1,2-diol-1% Tween 80-saline (vehicle B) seemed to be more effective than 1% Tween 80-saline (vehicle A) since depressant effects of --1 delta9-THC on behaviour tended to occur at lower doses with this vehicle. Few differences in behaviour could be detected among the three control groups. In general the overall number of behavioural acts decreased with increasing doses of delta9-THC, but with vehicle B low doses selectively decreased the number of 'social' (including aggressive) as distinct from 'individual' acts. Low doses of the drug in vehicle A sometimes stimulated behaviour, whereas with vehicle B such doses mostly produced depression; however, 2.5 mg/kg delta9-THC, in either vehicle, markedly increased the percentage of animals which showed both aggression and flight acts--a rare combination among controls. Our findings are consistent with other evidence that propylene glycol is an effective vehicle for the i.p. administration of delta9-THC.  相似文献   

An acute destructive pancreatitis (ADP) was simulated according to the original method with subsequent conduction of the conventional conservative therapy and pancreatic resection in 25 mongrel dogs. The mortality due to ADP lessening was promoted by the new biologically-active substance application.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Endoscopic therapy of chronic obstructive pancreatitis is an indubitable contribution to patients which brings immediate pain relief, enables an increased caloric food intake and improves the quality of patient's life. The authors describe their experience in a set of 42 subjects, in whom endoscopic papillotomy of the pancreatic duct was carried out after diagnosis of chronic obstructive pancreatitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Endoscopic papillotomy was performed in 42 patients. In 17 patients, papillotomy was followed by the drainage of the pancreatic duct. RESULTS: The treatment led to disappearance or significant decrease of the epigastric pain in 85.7% patients shortly after the treatment; in 47.1% of patients the painless period lasted for further 24 months after the therapy. Increase in body weight of about 2 kg occurred in 53% of treated subjects during the 2 years since the therapy. Complications in treatment, such as acute pancreatitis in 3 patients and bleeding in 2 were mastered conservatively. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic therapy of chronic pancreatitis is an alternative approach of managing the algic form of chronic obstructive pancreatitis. Changes in the area of Vater papilla, pathological content of pancreatic duct, structure or complications of chronic pancreatitis could be solved endoscopically with a minimum burden on patient. According to the experience of the authors, endoscopic papillotomy of pancreatic duct with contingent drainage led to the pain disappearence nearly in 50% of patients in the set of 42 subjects 24 months after the performance. This fact was followed with an increase in body weight in more than 50% of treated subjects. Minimum of complications put the endoscopic therapy among relatively safe and at the same time effective approach to chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The fibrosclerosing process of the pancreas in the chronic pancreatitis may constrict not only the pancreatic duct but also the bile duct, splenoportal venous system and duodenum. In our retrospective study we analysed 24 patients with duodenal obstruction associated with chronic pancreatitis. Duodenal obstruction was suspected whenever repeated vomiting occurred or large volumes of nasogastric aspirate were obtained. The diagnosis was confirmed by barium meal and endoscopic examination. Duodenal obstruction was relieved by gastrojejunostomy in eight patients, gastrojejunostomy and vagotomy in eight patients, gastroduodenostomy and vagotomy in two patients, vagotomy with Finney pyloroplasty in one patient, duodenoplasty with vagotomy in one patient and Whipple procedure in four patients. We concluded that vagotomy and gastroenterostomy are the procedures of choice. Bypass surgery is helpful to relieve the obstruction of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Whipple procedure should be reserved for the small duct form of chronic pancreatitis and for the cases in which there is high suspicion of malignancy.  相似文献   

Pancreas was studied in 30 patients who died of myocardial infarction (MI). Total pancreonecrosis was found in 1 case (recurring MI), diffuse focal pancreonecrosis in 3 cases (the second MI). Local microcirculation disturbances, thrombosis of some interlobular veins, degenerative changes of the exocrine pancreocytes with translocation of zymogen granules and their parapedesis into the edematous interstitium were found in all other cases. Focal metabolic myocardial damage and circulation disturbances mainly in the subendocardium of the left ventricle myocardium were found in the heart of 3 patients who died of pancreonecrosis and 60 white rats with pancreatitis induced by chloroethyl. There was a redistribution of Ca2+ in the ultrastructural components of the cardiomyocytes with its accumulation in the cytosol and sarcoplasmic reticulum. The most pronounced and widespread myocardial damage was observed in the hemorrhagic stage of pancreatitis.  相似文献   

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