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文章着眼于当前农业和农村工作,分析了大庆市农村水利的基本特点和存在的问题,从落实国家“三农”政策、做好农村水利前期工作、保障饮水安全、扩大抗旱水源、健全法规体系和建立高效节水农业等方面系统的阐述了如何做好农村水利工作,为提高农业综合生产能力和实现农业可持续发展提供服务。  相似文献   

农村水利是指在农村开展的水利建设、管理及其他有关水问题方面的工作,包括农村水工程、水资源和水环境。它是农民抗御自然灾害,改善农业生产、生活和生态环境条件的基础设施,是促进农业增产、农民增收的物质保障。除农户自用的微型工程外,农村水利与农村道路、农村供电等同属农村工程,是农业和农村社会化服务体系的组成部分,具有较强的基础性、公益性。  相似文献   

李计初 《中国水利》2003,(24):49-51
2003年,水利部农村水利司深入贯彻部党组新的治水思路,紧紧围绕农业经济结构调整和农民增收的目标,以节约用水、高效用水和确保农村饮水安全为主线,扎实工作,农村水利出现蓬勃发展的大好局面.最近,本刊记者采访了水利部农村水利司司长李代鑫.……  相似文献   

张济洲 《河北水利》2003,(11):10-11
农村水利是直接服务于农业、农村和农民的水利事业。几十年的生产建设实践表明,农村水利设施在全省农业农村经济社会发展中发挥了重要的基础性支撑和保障作用,农村小康社会建设离不开农村水利的进一步发展壮大。  相似文献   

一、回顾与总结“九五”期间,全省农村水利围绕农业产业结构调整和农业现代化建设,以农业增效、农民增收、农村稳定为目标,认真贯彻省委、省政府和水利部的部署,紧密结合实际,大幅度提高农田灌溉高效用水水平和村镇居民生活的保障用水水平,积极推进工程水  相似文献   

2009年承德市以发展民生水利为核心.以保障农村饮水安全、提高农业综合生产能力和改善城乡水环境为目标.全力实施“科技兴水利,防洪保安全.大水利兴市.小水利富民”的治水战略,紧密围绕农村防灾减灾体系、农业高效节水体系、农村安全饮水保障体系、城乡水环境保护体系“四大体系”建设.不断深化建管体制机制改革,  相似文献   

基于全面建设小康社会需求的农村水利发展重点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李远华 《中国水利》2004,(22):22-24
从我国农村水利现状出发,分析了经济社会发展对农村水利发展的需求,讨论了农村水利基础设施对于保障粮食安全、促进农民增收、建设节水型社会和改善农民生活条件与农村生态环境的作用,提出了"十一五"期间提高农业生产综合能力、解决农村饮水安全和促进贫困地区农牧民增收等农村水利发展重点任务.  相似文献   

水利是农业的命脉。要做好水利工作,就必须认真研究和把握农业发展的阶段、形势和任务,并以此调整水利发展的思路,切实采取有效措施,为农业发展提供强有力的支撑和保障,进而为经济社会发展作出更大的贡献。 一、现阶段农业和农村工作的中心任务 现阶段,我国主要农产品由长期短缺变为供需总量大体平衡、年年有余,农业发展由资源约束变为资源与市场双重约束。以黑龙江省为例,全省1999年的粮食产量达307.5亿公斤(人均粮食830公斤),到2000年1月末,全省粮食库存已达  相似文献   

罗利民  仲跃  童国华  顾京 《中国水利》2012,(19):53-55,58
盐城市是农业大市、水利大市,实现农村水利现代化是全面推进水利现代化的基础和保障.在全面分析农村水利现状与水利现代化目标差距的基础上,提出了建立农村水利规划、防洪排涝、农业灌溉、饮水安全、服务体系、工程管理、建设管理、资金投入、科技创新、督察考核等十大保障体系.  相似文献   

农村水利是直接关系农村经济持续发展、农民稳定增收的重要基础保障,在建设和谐社会的过程中,承德农村水利的路子怎么走?如何以农村水利和谐发展促进承德农村经济社会和谐发展、推动社会主义新农村建设是农村水利工作必须回答和解决好的重要问题.  相似文献   

基于长江中游四大家鱼发江量历次调查数据,采用宜昌站作为长江中游水文情势变化分析的控制站,基于其1900~2004年共105年的日径流资料,采用每年5~6月涨水过程数、总涨水日数、平均每次涨水过程日数等3项生态水文指标,分析了四大家鱼发江量与3项生态水文因子的变化关系,认为产卵场所处江段每年5~6月的总涨水日数是决定家鱼苗发江量多寡的一个重要环境因子。根据IHA方法,对宜昌站105年来的生态水文指标分析表明,长江宜昌站生态水文过程的改变并不明显,5~6月总涨水日数变化趋势不显著,显示长江中游影响四大家鱼苗发江量的生态流量过程改变不明显,与前人得出的葛洲坝枢纽修建后四大家鱼的产卵条件和卵苗江汛规律没有变化这一认识一致。但是,随着三峡水库的运行,下游河道的生态环境流量过程会有较大改变,本文建议三峡水库的调控以保障长江中游每年5~6月的总涨水日数维持在22.1±7.2范围内为生态水文目标,即可从生态环境流量过程方面补偿水利工程对中游四大家鱼鱼苗发江量的影响。  相似文献   


In Europe the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) will have major implications for water resources management. Part of the Directive requires Member States to implement a comprehensive system of controls (licences) on the allocation and abstraction (withdrawal) of surface and groundwater resources. This paper describes the development of a procedure to help assess and set abstraction licences for agricultural irrigation. The methodology is described with reference to Scotland, a country with limited abstraction control previously and where irrigation is supplemental to rainfall. The methodology combines spatial climatic information using a Geographical Information System (GIS) with data derived from a water balance computer model. The procedure enables the volumetric irrigation demand in a ‘design’ dry year for a given site to be estimated, taking into account local variations in climate, soil type, land use and irrigation practices. The approach provides a scientifically robust framework to allow the regulatory authority to assess the ‘reasonable’ water requirements of individual irrigators and hence develop allocations to satisfy the range of competing demands (e.g. agriculture, industry, and environment) on water resources. The methodology is applicable in other temperate countries where water abstraction controls are required and where appropriate datasets are available. The application of the procedure and its methodological limitations are described.  相似文献   

There is currently debate within the international hydrological community on whether hydrological science should give priority to providing measurements, knowledge, and understanding pre-determined as being needed by stakeholders, or priority to more basic enquiry-driven science that will stimulate the continued health and growth of hydrology as an important Earth science discipline. Two recent major international initiatives in hydrology reflect these two perspectives. One, the Hydrology for the Environment, Life, and Policy (HELP) program, is primarily fostered by UNESCO-IHP and is focused on stimulating the stakeholder-driven hydrological science required in specific catchments that have become members of a global network. The second, the decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB), which is appropriately managed by IAHS, is primarily driven by scientific enquiry and is focused on creating new scientific methods and understanding, albeit with practical application ultimately in mind. This paper summarizes the nature, origins, growth, and progress of these two international programs but also describes the subtly different approach that has been adopted by the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Center for Sustainability of semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas (SAHRA). NSF is a federal agency whose primary goal is to ‘enable the future’ by stimulating novel science. Because SAHRA is a federally-funded entity supported by an agency with this goal, the Center clearly cannot operate in stakeholder-driven, response mode in competition with the already effective private U.S. consultancy industry. Nonetheless, SAHRA's mission is to create knowledge and build understanding that will enhance the prospects of sustainable water management in semi-arid regions, especially the southwestern U.S. To resolve this apparent conflict, SAHRA looks ahead to future stakeholder needs and builds its research agenda around selected critical stakeholder-relevant questions that require substantial and sustained investment in basic, multidisciplinary, enquiry-driven science. This paper describes SAHRA's approach and reports on associated research and outreach activities.  相似文献   

Predominant age-groups in the Lake Erie freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens population were 3, 4, and 5 as determined from gill net, trap net, bottom trawl, and midwater trawl samples. Age and growth calculations indicated that females grew faster than males. However, the length-weight relation did not differ between sexes and was described by the equation: log W = ?5.4383 + 3.1987 log L. Some males became sexually mature at age 2 and all were mature by age 6. Females matured 1 year later than males. Three sizes of eggs were present in ovaries; the average total number was 127,000 per female for 20 females over a length range of 270 to 478 mm. Seasonal analysis of the ovary-body weight ratio indicated that spawning extended from June to August. A total annual mortality rate of 49% for drum aged 4 through 11 was derived from catch-curve analysis. Freshwater drum were widely distributed throughout Lake Erie in 1977–1979, the greatest concentration being in the western basin. They moved into warm, shallow water (less than 10 m deep) during summer, and returned to deeper water in late fall. Summer biomass estimates for the western basin, based on systematic surveys with bottom trawls, were 9,545 t in 1977 and 2,333 t in 1978.  相似文献   

在总结水-能源-粮食纽带关系研究中, 使用频率较高或潜力较大的 8 种水-能源-粮食纽带关系定量研究方法为: 水-能源-粮食纽带关系工具 2.0( WEF Nexus Tool 2.0) ; 生命周期评价( LCA) ; 可计算的一般均衡模型( CGE) ; 系统动力学模型( SD) ; 气候、土地、能源与水资源策略( CLEWS) ; 基于社会生态系统代谢的多尺度综合评价( MuSIASEM ) ; 市场配置/ 市场配置系统集成模型( MARKAL/ TIMES) 和水资源评价规划模型-长期能源替代规划系统 ( WEAP2LEAP) 。通过总结各研究方法的产生、发展及特性, 并引用案例讨论其适用范围, 分析其优缺点和在使用 时需要注意的问题。在此基础上, 对未来水2能源2粮食纽带关系定量研究方法的发展趋势进行讨论, 认为伴随可持 续发展问题关注度的上升与水-能源-粮食纽带关系内在机理的挖掘, 未来的水-能源-粮食纽带关系定量研究方法将 更加注重量化的精确性和数据的互通以及跨学科研究和多方法的耦合。本文可为水-能源-粮食纽带关系定量研究方法的选择和更新优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Ecologists estimate vital rates, such as growth and survival, to better understand population dynamics and identify sensitive life history parameters for species or populations of concern. Here, we assess spatiotemporal variation in growth, movement, density, and survival of subadult humpback chub living in the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ from 2001–2002 and 2009–2013. We divided the Little Colorado River into three reaches and used a multistate mark‐recapture model to determine rates of movement and differences in survival and density between sites for different cohorts. Additionally, site‐specific and year‐specific effects on growth were evaluated using a linear model. Results indicate that summer growth was higher for upstream sites compared with downstream sites. In contrast, there was not a consistent spatial pattern across years in winter growth; however, river‐wide winter growth was negatively related to the duration of floods from 1 October to 15 May. Apparent survival was estimated to be lower at the most downstream site compared with the upstream sites; however, this could be because in part of increased emigration into the Colorado River at downstream sites. Furthermore, the 2010 cohort (i.e. fish that are age 1 in 2010) exhibited high apparent survival relative to other years. Movement between reaches varied with year, and some years exhibited preferential upstream displacement. Improving understanding of spatiotemporal effects on age 1 humpback chub survival can help inform current management efforts to translocate humpback chub into new locations and give us a better understanding of the factors that may limit this tributary's carrying capacity for humpback chub. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

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