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通过将符合特定条件的非线性系统分解为一个线性系统和一个附加扰动信号加和的形式,把扰动观测器应用于非线性系统的控制中,用以确立非线性系统中的扰动,并通过它来消除非线性扰动,以实现对非线性系统的镇定。使用扰动观测器来确定Duffing系统中的非线性,并且通过扰动观测器的加入来最终消除了Duffing系统中存在的非线性。在仿真实验中使系统的输出稳定在周期状态,实现了对Duffing系统的镇定,达到了较好的控制效果。 相似文献
讨论了一类非线性相似组合系统的基于估计状态反馈的分散控制问题。构造了非线性渐近状态观测器,并证明了状态误差按指数收敛到零。同时,给出了组合系统经估计状态向量的反馈控制可实现分散镇定的一个充分条件。 相似文献
讨论一类组合系统的鲁棒观测器的设计及该类系统基于估计状态反馈分形镇定问题。所设计的变结构观测器使得观测误差渐近趋于零,基于估计状态所设计的鲁棒分散控制器确保闭环系统是渐近稳定的,系统的相似结构使得所设计的各个子系统的分散观测器以及控制器在结构上具有一致性,从而简化了系统的设计。 相似文献
基于观测器的状态和控制输入不确定时滞系统的鲁棒镇定 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
对于具有状态和控制输入不稳定时滞系统,给出了一种基于观测器鲁棒稳定方法,该方法通过求解两个Riccati方程实现,它适用于匹配不稳定系统,设计实例表明,该方法实现方便,具有较好的工程应用价值。 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of global output feedback stabilization for a class of upper‐triangular systems with perturbing nonlinearities that are higher‐order in the unmeasurable states. A new design method based on the homogeneous domination approach and finite‐time stabilization technique is developed, which leads to global output feedback stabilizers for the upper‐triangular nonlinear systems under a homogeneous growth condition. A new perspective shown in this paper is that the finite‐time stabilization, in addition to its faster convergence rate, can also be utilized to handle control problems that were previously unresolved under asymptotic stabilization. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Minh‐Duc Hua Jochen Trumpf Tarek Hamel Robert Mahony Pascal Morin 《Asian journal of control》2019,21(4):1443-1458
This paper presents a new algorithm for online estimation of a sequence of homographies applicable to image sequences obtained from robotic vehicles equipped with vision sensors. The approach taken exploits the underlying Special Linear group structure of the set of homographies along with gyroscope measurements and direct point‐feature correspondences between images to develop temporal filter for the homography estimate. Theoretical analysis and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show excellent performance and robustness even in the case of very fast camera motions (relative to frame rate) and severe occlusions. 相似文献
Junyi Yang;Zhichen Li;Huaicheng Yan;Hao Zhang; 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
In this paper, the tracking problem is concerned for a class of nonlinear system. The primary objective is to achieve fixed-time control performance in the presence of nonvanishing mismatched uncertainties and nonparametric external disturbance. Firstly, in order to estimate disturbance, a fixed-time extended state observer with fractional power term is developed, the order of which is reduced to alleviate peaking value phenomenon. By reasonably switching among different estimation patterns, both transient and steady-state performances are balanced. Secondly, by means of fuzzy logic system theory, an ESO-based adaptive fuzzy control strategy with time-varying gains is presented, and thus the mismatched nonlinearities are approximated, and the external disturbance is compensated in real time simultaneously. Moreover, by constructing a mixed barrier and quadratic type of Lyapunov function, the fixed-time stability analysis is put forward for tracking error dynamics based on backstepping methodology. Finally, the advantages and effectiveness are illustrated by a numerical example on wheeled mobile robot. The main characteristic of this paper is to integrate ESO methodology into fuzzy control architecture in fixed-time sense. As a consequence, not only the output tracking purpose, but also desirable transient performance can be achieved. 相似文献
For a family of uncertain nonlinear systems dominated by a triangular system that satisfies linear growth condition with an output dependent growth rate, we prove that global robust stabilization can be achieved by smooth output feedback. This conclusion has incorporated and generalized the recent output feedback stabilization results, for instance, the work (IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 2002; 47 :2068–2073) where the same conclusion was already shown to be true for planar systems, and the work (Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE, CDC, 2003; 1544–1549) where the growth rate is required to be a polynomial function of the system output. There are two key ingredients in the present contribution. One of them is the introduction of a rescaling transformation with a dynamic factor that is tuned on‐line through a Riccati‐like differential equation, which turns out to be extremely effective in dealing with the system uncertainty. The other one is the development of a recursive observer design algorithm making it possible to assign the robust observer gains in a step‐by‐step fashion. Both a smooth state feedback controller and a robust observer are explicitly constructed for the rescaled system using only the knowledge of the bounding system. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Zhan-Dong Mei 《Asian journal of control》2023,25(3):2315-2325
This paper focuses on the output feedback exponential stabilization for an ODE-wave cascaded system with control matched disturbance at one end of the wave equation. We construct an infinite-dimensional extended state observer to trace the state and estimate the total disturbance simultaneously. An estimated state and estimated total disturbance based output feedback control law is then designed. It is proved that the original system is exponentially stabilized and the whole closed-loop system is bounded. 相似文献
In this paper, we apply the active disturbance rejection control approach to output‐feedback stabilization for uncertain lower triangular nonlinear systems with stochastic inverse dynamics and stochastic disturbance. We first design an extended state observer (ESO) to estimate both unmeasured states and stochastic total disturbance that includes unknown system dynamics, unknown stochastic inverse dynamics, external stochastic disturbance, and uncertainty caused by the deviation of control parameter from its nominal value. The stochastic total disturbance is then compensated in the feedback loop. The constant gain and the time‐varying gain are used in ESO design separately. The mean square practical stability for the closed‐loop system with constant gain ESO and the mean square asymptotic stability with time‐varying gain ESO are developed, respectively. Some numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed output‐feedback control scheme. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献