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We introduced a firefly luciferase gene, expressed under control of Drosophila heat shock protein gene promoter, into Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). When the 5th instar larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were inoculated with the recombinant virus, luciferase activities were detected in the virus-infected larvae and pupae, and in the newly hatched larvae of the next generation. PCR amplification and Southern blot hybridization analysis demonstrated that the luciferase gene was transmitted through at least the F2 generation. In addition, the V-cathepsin gene, encoding a cysteine protease of AcNPV, was also detected in the DNA of all individuals of the F2 generation. These results show that AcNPV can be utilized as vector for the transovarian transmission of foreign genes in the silkworm.  相似文献   

The Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) constitutive transport element (CTE) is a cis-acting RNA element located in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome. The HIV-1 and SIV Rev/RRE regulatory system can be replaced with MPMV CTE (Bray et al., 1994; Zolotukhin et al., 1994; Rizvi et al., 1996a); similarly, CTE function can also be replaced by the HIV or SIV Rev/RRE regulatory system (Rizvi et al., 1996b; Ernst et al., 1997). In addition, we have shown that in the context of the SIV genome, position is important for CTE function (Rizvi et al., 1996a). To determine the importance of position for CTE function in the context of the MPMV genome, MPMV molecular clones were generated by deleting CTE or removing it from the 3' UTR and placing it in the approximately 40 bp of intervening sequences between the pol termination codon and env initiation codon. A test of these molecular clones in a single round of replication assay revealed that deletion or displacement of CTE in the intervening sequences between pol and env completely abrogated virus replication. Western blot analysis of cell lysates and pelleted culture supernatants revealed negligible amounts of Pr78 Gag/Pol precursor and the processed p27(gag) when CTE was deleted or displaced. Slot blot analysis of fractionated RNAs revealed entrapment of the viral Gag/Pol mRNA in the nucleus with CTE deletion or displacement. Upon reinsertion of CTE in the original genomic position of clones with the deleted or displaced CTE, virus replication, Gag/Pol protein production, and nucleocytoplasmic transport of viral mRNA were restored to normal levels. Displacement of CTE to the 5' UTR immediately upstream of the Gag initiation codon also resulted in aberrant Gag/Pol protein production and nucleocytoplasmic transport of viral RNA. Reinsertion of CTE at the original genomic position of the clone with CTE displacement at the 5' UTR restored normal Gag/Pol protein production and RNA transport, demonstrating that the 3' terminal position of CTE is important for its function. To explore why the 3' terminal location of CTE is important, heterologous DNA sequences of increasing lengths were inserted between CTE and the polyadenylation (poly(A)) signal of the virus to augment the distance between the two cis-acting elements. Test of these constructs revealed that CTE function was progressively lost with incremental increase in distance between CTE and poly(A). To explore this relationship further, CTE was displaced to the env region approximately 2000 bp upstream of the poly(A) signal which abrogated CTE function. However, cloning of poly(A) signal to approximately 200 bp downstream of CTE in the env region (the natural distance between CTE and poly(A)) restored CTE function. Together, these results demonstrate that the close proximity of CTE to the poly(A) signal is important for CTE function, suggesting a functional interaction between CTE and the polyadenylation machinery.  相似文献   

Cloning and sequencing of segment 9 of Bombyx mori cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (BmCPV) strains H and I were performed. The segment consisted of 1,186 bp harboring 5' and 3' noncoding regions and an open reading frame from positions 75 to 1037, encoding a protein with 320 amino acids, termed NS5. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of NS5 for the two strains indicated 37 point differences resulting in only six amino acid replacements. Homology search showed that NS5 has localized similarities to human poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and human rotavirus NS26. By Western blot analysis, NS5 was found in BmCPV-infected midgut cells, but not in polyhedra or virus virions, and was mainly detectable in the nucleus in BmCPV-infected BmN4 cells. Immunoblot analysis with anti-NS5 and antipolyhedrin antibodies displayed marked differences in the period of expression of NS5 and polyhedrin: the polyhedrin molecule was first detected 2 or 3 days after infection with BmCPV, whereas the expression of NS5 was initiated within a few hours. In addition, the level of polyhedrin increased as the infection developed, whereas the amount of NS5 remained essentially constant. When segment 9 was expressed with a baculovirus expression system, the resulting NS5 protein possessed the ability to bind to the double-stranded RNA genome. These results suggest that NS5 is expressed in early stages of infection and contributes to regulation of genomic RNA function.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) genome and a 0.6-kbp-long DNA fragment derived from the putative DNA helicase gene of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus generates eh2-AcNPV, an expanded-host-range AcNPV mutant (S. Maeda, S.G. Kamita, and A. Kondo, J. Virol. 67:6234-6238, 1993). After inoculation at a high multiplicity of infection (MOI), eh2-AcNPV replicates efficiently in both the Sf-9 (AcNPV-permissive) and BmN (non-AcNPV-permissive) cell lines. In this study, we found that after the inoculation of Sf-9 cells at a low MOI (i.e., 1 and 0.1 PFU per cell), the release of eh2-AcNPV virions was dramatically reduced (approximately 900- and 10,000-fold, respectively, at 72 h postinoculation) compared with that of wild-type AcNPV. In addition, the titer of eh2-AcNPV determined by plaque assay on Sf-9 cells was approximately 200-fold lower than that determined by plaque assay on BmN cells. Analyses of gene expression and viral DNA replication after low-MOI eh2-AcNPV inoculation of Sf-9 cells indicated that viral early genes were expressed normally. However, DNA replication and late-gene expression were significantly reduced. These findings suggested that abortive infection occurred at the stage of viral DNA replication in nearly all low-MOI eh2-AcNPV-infected Sf-9 cells. In the larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda, the organism from which Sf-9 cells are derived, the infectivity of eh2-AcNPV was lower than that of AcNPV; however, abortive infection was not found.  相似文献   

The constitutive transport elements (CTEs) of type D retroviruses are cis-acting elements that promote nuclear export of incompletely spliced mRNAs. Unlike the Rev response element (RRE) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), CTEs depend entirely on factors encoded by the host cell genome. We show that an RNA comprised almost entirely of the CTE of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (CTE RNA) is exported efficiently from Xenopus oocyte nuclei. The CTE RNA and an RNA containing the RRE of HIV-1 (plus Rev) have little effect on export of one another, demonstrating differences in host cell requirements of these two viral mRNA export pathways. Surprisingly, even very low amounts of CTE RNA block export of normal mRNAs, apparently through the sequestration of cellular mRNA export factors. Export of a CTE-containing lariat occurs when wild-type CTE, but not a mutant form, is inserted into the pre-mRNA. The CTE has two symmetric structures, either of which supports export and the titration of mRNA export factors, but both of which are required for maximal inhibition of mRNA export. Two host proteins bind specifically to the CTE but not to non-functional variants, making these proteins candidates for the sequestered mRNA export factors.  相似文献   

CYP3A7 is a form of cytochrome P450, which is expressed specifically in human fetal livers. NPVHF1, a recombinant baculovirus containing the entire coding region of CYP3A7, was constructed and infected to Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. Upon infection with NPVHF1, the Sf9 cells expressed the CYP3A7 to the maximum content of 0.2 nmol per mg of whole cell lysates 72 hours after infection. A 5.5-fold expression level (1.1 nmol per mg of whole cell lysates) was attainable when cultured in the presence of externally added hemin. A catalytic activity of the CYP3A7 expressed in the Sf9 cells was confirmed by the umu gene expression mutation assay, in which aflatoxin B1 was activated to a mutagen by the expressed CYP3A7 in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome b5. From these results, it is concluded that the baculovirus expression system enables the high-level expression of CYP3A7 and will be a very useful tool for the characterization of CYP3A7.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease NS3 and its protein activator NS4A participate in the processing of the viral polyprotein into its constituent nonstructural proteins. The NS3/4A complex is thus an attractive target for antiviral therapy against HCV. We expressed the full-length NS3 and NS4A in insect cells as a soluble fusion protein with an N-terminal polyhistidine tag and purified the two proteins to homogeneity. Cleavage at the junction between HisNS3 and NS4A occurs during expression, producing a noncovalent complex between HisNS3 and NS4A with a subnanomolar dissociation constant. We purified the HisNS3/4A complex by detergent extraction of cell lysate and by metal chelate chromatography. We removed the His tag by thrombin cleavage and then further purified the complex by gel filtration. The purified NS3/4A complex is active in a protease assay using a synthetic peptide substrate derived from the NS5A-NS5B junction, with kcat/K(m) of 3700 (+/- 600) M-1 s-1, an order of magnitude above those previously reported for NS3 expressed by other strategies. This high protease activity implies that the full-length sequences of NS3 and NS4A are required for optimal activity of the NS3 protease domain. We examined the dependence of the NS3/4A protease activity on buffer conditions, temperature, and the presence of detergents. We find that, under most conditions, NS3 protease activity is dependent on the aggregation state of the NS3/4A complex. The monodisperse, soluble form of the NS3/4A complex is associated with the highest protease activity.  相似文献   

High-affinity binding of a set of proteins with specificity for the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast psbA mRNA correlates with light-regulated translational activation of this message. We have isolated a cDNA encoding the main psbA RNA binding protein, RB47, and identified this protein as a member of the poly(A) binding protein family. Poly(A) binding proteins are a family of eukaryotic, cytoplasmic proteins thought to bind poly(A) tails of mRNAs and play a role in translational regulation. In vitro translation of RNA transcribed from the RB47 cDNA produces a precursor protein that is efficiently transported into the chloroplast and processed to the mature 47-kDa protein. RB47 expressed and purified from Escherichia coli binds to the psbA 5' UTR with similar specificity and affinity as RB47 isolated from C. reinhardtii chloroplasts. The identification of a normally cytoplasmic translation factor in the chloroplast suggests that the prokaryotic-like chloroplast translation machinery utilizes a eukaryotic-like initiation factor to regulate the translation of a key chloroplast mRNA. These data also suggest that poly(A) binding proteins may play a wider role in translation regulation than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] consists of LDL and the glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], which are covalently linked via a single disulfide bridge. The formation of Lp(a) occurs extracellularly, but an intracellular assembly in human liver cells has also been claimed. The human apo(a) gene locus is highly polymorphic due to a variable number of tandemly arranged kringle IV repeats. The size of apo(a) isoforms correlates inversely with Lp(a) plasma concentrations, which is believed to reflect different synthesis rates. To examine this association at the cellular level, we analyzed the subcellular localization and fate of apo(a) in stably transfected HepG2 cells. Our results demonstrate that apo(a) is synthesized as a precursor with a lower molecular mass which is processed into the mature, secreted form. The retention times of the precursor in the ER positively correlated with the sizes of apo(a) isoforms. The mature form was observed intracellularly at low levels and only in the Golgi apparatus. No apo(a) was found to be associated with the plasma membrane. Under temperature-blocking conditions, we did not detect any apo(a)/apoB-100 complexes within cells. This finding was confirmed in HepG2 cells transiently expressing KDEL-tagged apo(a). The precursor and the mature forms of apo(a) were found in the ER and Golgi fractions, respectively, also in human liver tissue. From our data, we conclude that in HepG2 cells the apo(a) precursor, dependent on the apo(a) isoform, is retained in the ER for a prolonged period of time, possibly due to an extensive maturation process of this large protein. The assembly of Lp(a) takes place exclusively extracellularly following the separate secretion of apo(a) and apoB.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs) as nonessential trace elements are enriched in living organisms and threaten their health. To early detect and reduce REE enrichment in living organisms, scientists are focused on clarifying the enrichment process of REEs in living organisms and its risks. However, the enrichment process of REEs in edible plant cells has remained unclear. Herein, by using interdisciplinary methods and techniques, the enrichment process of lanthanum (La(III)) in the leaf cells of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was investigated. (1) When La(III) exposure dose is 0.5–5 μmol/L, La(III) is enriched outside the plasma membrane (PM). In this zone, La(III) is bound to vitronectin-like protein (VN) to form La–VN complexes; (2) When La(III) exposure dose is 5–20 μmol/L, besides the zone outside the PM, La(III) is also enriched on the PM and bound to arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) to form La–AGPs complexes; (3) When La(III) exposure dose is 20–140 μmol/L, besides the zone outside and on the PM, La(III) is enriched inside the PM; (4) When La(III) exposure dose is 60–140 μmol/L, malondialdehyde content (an important indicator of invisible damage) significantly increases. Thus, as La(III) exposure dose increases, La(III) gradually migrates from outside the PM to the PM and inside the PM, enriching in these zones in turn. The enriched La(III) will cause invisible damage to lettuce leaf cells and even enter human bodies along food chains. These results provide references for investigating the enrichment process of REEs in plants and its environmental risks, and finding strategies to early detect and reduce REE enrichment in plants.  相似文献   

With the aim of identifying the gene(s) located downstream from SRY, we transfected an ES cell line with XX karyotype, TMA-18, with a Sry DNA construct and established cell lines, TS18-1 and TS18-2, where the transfected Sry was expressed in the functional linear mRNA form. Among the five potential SRY-target genes examined, i.e., MIS, SF1, P450arom, Sox9 and WT1, only the expression of WT1 was induced de novo by the unscheduled expression of Sry in the transfected cell lines. No clear indication of Sry-induced enhancement of Sox9 expression was obtained in the present series of experiments. Function of a yet unidentified gene(s) located on the Y chromosome might be needed for the up-regulation of Sox 9 expression which takes place during the development of male gonads. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the patterns of WT1 expression in developing fetal gonads revealed that although both male and female fetal gonads express WT1, male gonads invariably expressed WT1 mRNA at higher levels than female ones after the Sry expression. Immunohistochemical analysis of the male fetal gonads between 10.5 and 13.5 dpc demonstrated the presence of strong WT1 immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells of the primordial testes. Suggestions were made in the past indicating that both SF1 and WT1 proteins might be active in a common pathway upstream from Sry. Our results showed that WT1 is located downstream, rather than upstream from Sry and behaves independently from SF1. Analysis using an appropriate in vitro system will be essential to understand the molecular mechanisms of SRY action within cells.  相似文献   

The African swine fever virus gene A179L has been shown to be a functional member of the ced9/bcl-2 family of apoptosis inhibitors in mammalian cell lines. In this work we have expressed the A179L gene product (p21) under the control of the baculovirus polyhedrin promoter using a baculovirus system. Expression of the A179L gene neither altered the baculovirus replication phenotype nor delayed the shutoff of cellular protein synthesis, but it extended the survival of the infected insect cells to very late times postinfection. The increase in cell survival rates correlated with a marked apoptosis reduction after baculovirus infection. Interestingly, prevention of apoptosis was observed when recombinant baculovirus infections were carried out in monolayer cell cultures but not when cells were infected in suspension, suggesting a cell anchorage dependence for p21 function in insect cells. Cell survival was enhanced under optimal conditions of cell attachment and cell-to-cell contact as provided by extracellular matrix components or poly-D-lysine. Since it was observed that cytoskeleton organization varied depending on culture conditions of insect cells (grown in monolayer versus grown in suspension), these results suggested that A179L might regulate apoptosis in insect cells only when the cytoskeletal support of intracellular signaling is maintained upon cell adhesion. Thus, cell shape and cytoskeleton status might allow variations in intracellular transduction of signals related to cell survival in virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

Alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) is commonly used as a specific ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC4.1.1.17) irreversible inhibitor. ODC is the enzyme responsible for polyamine biosynthesis, which has been shown to be strictly necessary for cell proliferation. In HT-29 Glc-/+ cells, L-arginine is the major precursor of these molecules through the sequential actions of arginase, which leads to L-ornithine generation and ODC. L-ornithine, a substrate for ODC, retroinhibits arginase. Since DFMO is an ornithine analogue, we searched for a direct effect of this agent upon arginase. The flux of L-arginine through arginase in intact cells was inhibited by 51+/-11% by 10 mM of DFMO whereas 10 mM of L-valine, a known potent arginase inhibitor, inhibited this flux by 73+/-6%. DFMO equilibrated between extracellular and intercellular spaces and, when used at 10-mM concentration, was without effect on L-arginine net uptake. Measurement of arginase activity in HT-29 cell homogenates with increasing concentrations of DFMO and L-arginine led to an inhibition with a calculated Ki (inhibitory constant) equal to 3.9+/-1.0 mM. L-ornithine was less effective than DFMO in inhibiting arginase activity. Bovine liver arginase, used as another source of the enzyme, was also severely inhibited by DFMO. The inhibitory effect of DFMO upon arginase, one step upstream of the ODC reaction in the metabolic conversion of L-arginine to polyamines, is of potential physiological importance, since it could alter the production of ornithine and thus its metabolism in pathways other than the ODC pathway.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) has been shown to be an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Variations in plasma PAI-1 levels have been attributed to variations in the PAI-1 gene, and associations between PAI-1 levels and PAI-1 genotypes suggest that PAI-1 expression may be regulated in a genotype-specific manner by insulin, hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), or lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)]. Polymerase chain reaction-amplified 1106-bp fragments of the promoter of the 1/1 and 2/2 PAI-1 genotypes were sequenced and showed 5 regions of small nucleotide differences in the 1/1 versus 2/2 PAI-1 promoters that consistently occurred with high frequency. These fragments were ligated into the luciferase reporter gene, and 1/1 and 2/2 PAI-1 genotype human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) cultures were transiently transfected with their respective p1PAI110/luc and p2PAI110/luc constructs and vice versa. Insulin induced an approximately 12- to 16-fold increase in luciferase activity in both the 1/1 and 2/2 PAI-1 genotype HUVEC cultures transfected with the p1PAI110/luc construct. HTG-VLDL and Lp(a) induced luciferase activity by approximately 14- to 16- and approximately 8- to 11-fold, respectively, in both the 1/1 and 2/2 PAI-1 genotype HUVEC cultures transfected with the p2PAI110/luc construct. The positive control interleukin-1 showed an approximately 7- to 12-fold response in the 1/1 and 2/2 PAI-1 genotype HUVEC cultures transfected with either of the constructs. These cross-over results demonstrate that regulation of either the 1/1 or 2/2 PAI-1 genotype by its respective inducer is due to the promoter itself and not to some factor(s) expressed differently in the 1/1 or 2/2 PAI-1 genotype HUVEC cultures.  相似文献   

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