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Osseous choristoma of the oral cavity is an extremely rare lesion. Two cases of osseous choristomas of oral cavity, representing two different natures of such lesions are reported. One was situated on the dorsal surface of posterior tongue just anterior to the circumvallate papillae and the other on the right buccal mucosa just below the orifice of the Stensen's duct. To date, about 73 cases of oral osseous choristoma have been reported in the literature including the two present cases, of which, 61 and 8 cases occurred in the tongue and buccal mucosa, respectively. The clinical and microscopic characteristics, and their common sites of these peculiar lesions are presented. The origin and pathogenesis of the lesion are discussed and the literature on the subject is reviewed.  相似文献   

'Brain death' is defined pathophysiologically as intracranial circulatory arrest. The morphological features of brain death include cerebral edema, absence of reactive changes, and--after an interval of 15-36 h--the morphological hallmarks of respirator brain: edema, global softening of the brain, dusky discoloration of the gray matter, and often necrotic and sloughing tonsillar herniations. The following implications of brain death for forensic medicine are discussed: discriminating between respirator and autolytic brain, declaration of death, determining the time of brain death versus the time of the traumatic event leading to brain death, and neuropathological control of the clinical diagnosis of brain death. These issues are elucidated and their bearing on forensic practice is illustrated by several real-life situations. Thus, neuropathological examination in the case of clinically diagnosed brain death is--without doubt--necessary in order to answer several questions often or regularly expected.  相似文献   

Nutritional support is important in critically ill patients, with variable energy and nitrogen requirements (e.g., sepsis, trauma, postsurgical state) in this population. This study investigates how age, severity of illness, and mechanical ventilation are related to resting energy expenditure (REE) and nitrogen balance. Nineteen critically ill children (mean age, 8 +/- 6 [SD] y and range 0.4-17.0 y) receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) were enrolled. We used indirect calorimetry to measure REE. Expected energy requirements (EER) were obtained from Talbot tables. Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) and Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) score were calculated. Total urinary nitrogen was measured using the Kjeldahl method. PRISM and TISS scores were 9 +/- 5 and 31 +/- 6 points, respectively. REE was 62 +/- 25 kcal.kg-1.d-1, EER was 42 +/- 11 kcal.kg-1. d-1, and caloric intake was 49 +/- 22 kcal.kg-1.d-1. Nitrogen intake was 279 +/- 125 mg.kg-1.d-1, total urinary nitrogen was 324 +/- 133 mg.kg-1.d-1, and nitrogen balance was -120 +/- 153 mg.kg-1.d-1. The protein requirement in this population was approximately 2.8 g.kg-1.d-1. These critically ill children were hypermetabolic, with REE 48% higher (20 kcal.kg-1.d-1) than expected. Nitrogen balance significantly correlated with caloric and protein intake, urinary nitrogen, and age, but not with severity of illness scores or ventilatory parameters.  相似文献   

Kept under observation were eight patients with Sweet's syndrome--six men and 2 women aged 25-60. The syndrome was accompanied by fever in 8 patients; in 6 it was preceded by common cold, respiratory diseases; neutrophilia was present in 7 patients. Rash presented as inflammatory spots, 10 am in diameter, was located predominantly in the upper part of the body. Helpful in the treatment of the condition were corticosteroid therapy and potassium iodide.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate overdiagnosis (detection of latent carcinomas) as a consequence of screening for prostate cancer. DESIGN: Based on actual screen (first or repeat) detected and interval prostate cancer rates observed in the Florence screening pilot study, a scenario was simulated where males aged 60 years (or 65) had six biennal screens and were followed up for four years. Overdiagnosis was determined as the proportional excess of cancers detected by screening with respect to that expected in its absence. SETTING: City of Florence, Italy, from 1992 through 1995. POPULATION: 2,740 resident males, aged 60 to 74 years. RESULTS: Overdiagnosis was estimated to be 51% (95% confidence limits: 44%-55%) or 93% (85%-101%) for age 60 or 65 at entry. Comparison with other screening experiences obtaining higher detection rates suggests that a more aggressive screening approach could be associated with overdiagnosis estimates as big as 200%-250%. CONCLUSIONS: Screening for prostate cancer is associated with a relevant risk of overdioagnosis. As latent carcinomas can not be presently identified, this would lead to overtreatment in most overdiagnosed cases. The negative consequences of overdiagnosis (knowledge of having a cancer) and of overtreatment (impotence, incontinence, perioperatory death) may be extremely serious. In absence of any scientific evidence of screening benefits (if any) screening should not be recommended as a current practice, but should be limited to prospective controlled studies designed to assess its cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

We report a 83 year-old woman with dementia. She was apparently well until December of 1993 when she was 81-year-old. At that time, she was operated or her cataract. Her post operative course was uneventful, however, shortly after her operation, she had an onset of memory loss and abnormal behavior. She showed a fluctuating course in her mental disturbance. In 1995, her dementia worsened with nocturnal agitation. She was admitted to our service on June 12, 1995. She was alert and her blood pressure was 140/100 mmHg. She showed recent memory loss and disorientation to time. Motor wise, she was unable to stand unsupported. Her gait with support showed small steps and a wide base. She was bradykinetic and ataxic in her finger-to-nose and heel-to-knee test, however, no rigidity or tremor was noted. Her MRI showed T2-high signal lesions in both medial thalamic areas, in the right occipital lobe, and in the bilateral cerebral white matters as well as in the basal ganglia. She was discharged for out-patient follow up on July 3, 1995. Four days after the discharge, she showed declining responses to stimuli and she developed dyspnea on July 14, 1995. She was admitted again on the same day. Her body temperature was 38.5 degrees C and moist rales were heard in the left lung field. She appeared drowsy and no verbal response was obtained; no apparent motor palsy was noted. Blood count showed leukocytosis (14,300/ml). Blood gas analysis under 61 of oxygen inhalation through a mask was as follows: pH 7.460, PCO2 39.6 mmHg, PO2 67 mmHg, and HCO3-28.5 mEq/l. Two days after admission, she developed a convulsion in her left arm and she became unconscious. Her EEG showed periodically recurring lateralized epileptic discharges on the right fronto-central areas. Her subsequent course was complicated by status epilepticus and respiratory distress. She died on July 26, 1995. She was discussed in a neurological CPC. The chief discussant arrived at a conclusion that she suffered from multi-infarct dementia. Bilateral thalamic infarctions were considered to have played a significant role in her dementia. Post-mortem examination revealed subcortical leukoencephalopathy of Binswanger's type and cerebral infarctions in the thalamic and basal ganglia regions and in the right occipital lobe. In addition, she showed isolated angitis of the central nervous system involving mainly in the small arteries located in the superficial areas of the brain and the spinal cord. This patient was interesting in that despite relatively mild leukoaraiosis in MRI, post-mortem examination revealed profound pathologic changes in the subcortical white matters. In addition, she showed the isolated angitis of the CNS. The cause and the clinical correlates of her angitis were unclear.  相似文献   

Patients with spinocerebellar ataxia 3 (SCA3) and Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) carry an expanded CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene. One hundred twenty families of different geographic origin with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) type I were tested. Thirty-four families (126 patients) carried an expanded CAG repeat. The expanded and the normal allele did not overlap and the repeat was unstable during transmission, with variation in the size of the CAG length ranging from -8 to +5 and a mean expansion of 0.86 repeats without differences according to the parental sex. There was a combined effect of the number of CAG repeats of the expanded and normal allele on the age at onset, which accounted for 70% of its variability. The length of the CAG repeat influenced the frequency of clinical signs associated with cerebellar ataxia, such as abnormal tendon reflexes or decreased vibration sense, whereas the interindividual variation of supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, sphincter and swallowing difficulties, and amyotrophy was mostly determined by different disease durations. We compared the clinical profile of 91 SCA3/MJD patients with 51 SCA1 and 32 SCA2 patients. There were striking differences between the SCA3/MJD and SCA2 but not with SCA1 groups of patients. Despite their clinical similarities, distinct neuropathological features were observed in 2 SCA3/MJD and 2 SCA1 patients.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) features bilateral vestibular schwannomas, other benign neural tumors, and cataracts. Patients in some families develop many tumors at an early age and have rapid clinical progression, whereas in other families, patients may not have symptoms until much later and vestibular schwannomas may be the only tumors. The NF2 gene has been cloned from chromosome 22q; most identified germ-line mutations result in a truncated protein and severe NF2. To look for additional mutations and clinical correlations, we used SSCP analysis to screen DNA from 32 unrelated patients. We identified 20 different mutations in 21 patients (66%): 10 nonsense mutations, 2 frameshifts, 7 splice-site mutations, and 1 large in-frame deletion. Clinical information on 47 patients from the 21 families included ages at onset and at diagnosis, numbers of meningiomas, spinal and skin tumors, and presence of cataracts and retinal abnormalities. We compared clinical findings in patients with nonsense or frameshift mutations to those with splice-site mutations. When each patient was considered as an independent random event, the two groups differed (P < or = .05) for nearly every variable. Patients with nonsense or frameshift mutations were younger at onset and at diagnosis and had a higher frequency and mean number of tumors, supporting the correlation between nonsense and frameshift mutations and severe NF2. When each family was considered as an independent random event, statistically significant differences between the two groups were observed only for mean ages at onset and at diagnosis. A larger data set is needed to resolve these discrepancies. We observed retinal hamartomas and/or epiretinal membranes in nine patients from five families with four different nonsense mutations. This finding, which may represent a new genotype-phenotype correlation, merits further study.  相似文献   

Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) causes blindness of varied severity and occurs infrequently as a complication of closed head injury. A case is presented of TON that occurred in a patient who suffered complete T4 paraplegia from a motorcycle accident but in whom no severe head injury took place. In this case, high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone was begun for the spinal cord injury and repeated 24 hours later for the TON. Vision improved from near total blindness to 20/400 in the left eye (OS) and 20/130 in the right eye (OD). Two weeks later, however, the patient's vision suddenly worsened. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using fat suppression confirmed a lesion along the optic nerve consistent with TON. A third course of methylprednisolone again led to improved vision. The steroids were then tapered orally over 2 weeks and the patient had no further relapses. Moderate to severely impaired vision of 20/ 400 OS and 20/130 OD continues to interfere with the patient's function and spinal cord rehabilitation program. It was concluded that a steroid taper was important in maintaining initial visual gains in this case. Awareness of TON and careful attention to the patient's clinical course can minimize deficit and maximize functional outcomes.  相似文献   

Human genes containing unstable triplet repeats are associated with several neuropsychiatric diseases. These diseases all show a marked variation in clinical symptoms and genetic anticipation. The molecular understanding of these diseases provides the diagnostic laboratory with the capability to test directly whether an individual's DNA contains the disease-causing mutation, either as a confirmation of a clinical diagnosis or presymptomatically.  相似文献   

The efficacy of treating neurodegenerative diseases with the transplantation of fetal tissue has been demonstrated in animal models of Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and stroke. In the clinical setting, neural transplantation as a treatment for patients with Parkinson's disease has shown promising results. However, for this treatment method to be effective neuronal survival needs to be improved through either trophic support or localized immunoprotection. Co-transplanting Sertoli cells, which express many nutritive, regulatory, trophic and immunosuppressive factors, with fetal neural cells could provide both of these requirements. Such a strategy could enhance the recovery benefits associated with transplantation and decrease the need for, and the risks associated with, long-term systemic immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Brains from 21 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), nine with diffuse Lewy body disease (DLBD), six with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and five with Parkinson's disease (PD) as well as 20 normal subjects were examined to detect apolipoprotein E (ApoE) by immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting. ApoE antigenicity was optimally preserved in Bouin-fixed tissues compared with those fixed in neutral-buffered formalin, 70% ethanol or denatured by microwave energy. ApoE immunoreactivity was prominent in senile plaques and in intra- and extra-neuronal tangles, as well as in a diverse neurones and their processes and astroglial cells. Notably, tangles in PSP and Lewy bodies in PD and DLBD were both devoid of ApoE immunoreactivity. Western blots of cerebral cortex revealed an immunoreactive ApoE band with mol. wt of 34 kDa. Our results suggest that ApoE is not a crucial factor in the development of neuronal inclusions in DLBD, PSP and PD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Reduced options for fertility control over the past decade have increased the rates of unwanted pregnancy. We evaluated whether a woman's negative attitude toward her pregnancy increased the risk of perinatal mortality, in a large, prospective cohort study. METHODS: The association between attitude toward the pregnancy and perinatal mortality was evaluated in a longitudinal cohort study of 8823 married, pregnant patients enrolled from 1959 to 1966 in the Child Health and Development Studies. RESULTS: Women who reported during the first trimester of prenatal care that the pregnancy was unwanted were more than two times more likely to deliver infants who died within the first 28 days of life than were women reporting accepted pregnancies. A positive attitude toward pregnancy was not associated with fetal death or post-neonatal death. CONCLUSIONS: These data, collected when induced abortions were illegal, may have important implications for the 1990s. If maternal attitude toward the pregnancy is associated with neonatal mortality and abortion laws change such that access is restricted, infant mortality may increase because a greater proportion of births will be unwanted.  相似文献   

We report three neonates, one boy and two girls, born to an inbred Arab family who had cortical dysplasia, probably agyria-pachygyria, and agenesis of the corpus callosum. All had asphyxia, intractable seizures, and increased muscle tone at birth and died in the neonatal period. Congenital microcephaly or dysmorphic features were absent. Cytogenetic abnormality, metabolic disorder, and intrauterine infection were excluded. These cases suggest a new cerebral dysgenesis syndrome with autosomal recessive inheritance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To survey finches in pet shops for Cochlosoma infection and evaluate the efficacy of antiprotozoal therapy with metronidazole or ronidazole. DESIGN: A survey of pet shop finches and drug efficacy trials. PROCEDURE: Finches in pet shops were randomly selected and their faeces examined microscopically for motile Cochlosoma sp trophozoites. Drug trials were carried out on 60 adult finches with naturally occurring infections. Body weight was measured and the faeces of each bird was examined for trophozoites at the beginning and 7 days after the end of treatment. In some birds, additional daily faecal examinations were done until three consecutive negative results were obtained. Metronidazole was administered at various dose rates by crop gavage or in drinking water to eight groups of five to ten finches each. Ronidazole was given in water for 7 days to ten finches. In addition, six finches whose faeces tested positive were necropsied and their tissues collected for histological examination. RESULTS: Motile flagellates in the faeces were identified as C anatis-like protozoa. Red-headed parrot-finches, Bengalese and Lady Gould finches were found to be most commonly infected. Cochlosoma sp was also found in the blue-faced parrot-finch, zebra finch, painted finch, nutmeg mannikin and double-barred finch. Metronidazole and ronidazole were found to be effective against Cochlosoma sp. Histological findings on infected adult finches were normal, except for the presence of numerous flagellates between the colorectal villi and cloacal mucosal folds. CONCLUSIONS: Cochlosoma anatis-like organisms can infect several species of finches and in adult finches are confined to the colorectum and cloaca. Infection in adult finches was mostly subclinical and could be treated effectively with metronidazole or ronidazole.  相似文献   

The physics of mechanical alloying: A first report   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In this paper, we present a first attempt to define the basic geometry, mechanics, and physics of the process of mechanical alloying. The geometry of the collision events which lead to particle fragmentation and coalescence is modeled on the basis of Hertzian contacts between the grinding media which entrap a certain amount of material volume between the impacting surfaces. This geometry essentially defines the volume of material affected per collision, and from this information and characteristics of the specific mill and the material being processed, impact times, powder strain rates and strains, powder temperature increase, powder cooling times, and milling times can be approximated.  相似文献   

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