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高峰;邓星星;刘强;杨锡运;吴小江 《太阳能学报》2020,(5):98-106
为提高大型风电机组电动变桨系统变桨角度故障的判别准确性,结合模糊粗糙集特征量约简和基于粒子群算法优化的支持向量机进行变桨角度故障诊断分析研究。首先基于模糊粗糙集理论建立变桨系统特征参数约简的数学模型,通过对变桨相关运行数据进行约简,确定对故障诊断贡献率较高的参数;再利用实际运行数据训练经粒子群优化的支持向量机,从而获得高精度诊断模型;然后设计基于双层支持向量机的故障程度判别模型,可对故障进行进一步分类。最后通过实际运行数据对变桨角度故障进行诊断实验,实验结果表明,该诊断方法能准确快速地判别故障并可进行故障程度分类。 相似文献
基于状态反馈线性化方法和最优控制理论,针对风速高于额定风速以上时,设计风力发电机组的非线性最优变桨距控制器,以保证系统的恒功率输出,并证明了该控制器的良好控制性能。 相似文献
为了提高和改善在电网故障下并网风电机组的暂态稳定性,该文以并网笼型异步风力发电机组为例,考虑风力机传动链柔性带给机组振荡的影响,在典型变桨控制策略的基础上提出了一种增加以风力机转速为控制量的分阶段控制策略.通过建立并网异步风力发电机组的电磁暂态模型,基于Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,应用改进的变桨距控制策略,对电网三相对称短路故障下并网异步风力发电机组的暂态运行特性进行了仿真,并将其结果和多种不同变桨控制策略以及无功补偿策略的结果进行了比较.仿真结果验证了该文提出的变桨距控制策略能有效改善风力发电机组的暂态稳定性. 相似文献
分别针对风电场的定桨失速型、直驱式永磁型和双馈异步型风力发电机组3种主流机型的机网扭振机理进行了分析.建立了风力发电机组机网扭振研究的小信号分析模型,包括风力机的机械旋转系统模型、发电机模型、控制模型及电网模型.其中机械旋转系统包括风力机的桨叶、高速轴、齿轮箱、低速轴和发电机转子,等效为3个集中质量块-弹簧模型;发电机、电网及控制模型均在dq坐标系下建立.建立了整个模型的状态方程.通过仿真研究了上述3种机型风电机组机网扭振的单机对无穷大仿真模型,利用输电线路首端三相短路故障激发风电场和电网间的机网扭振现象,得到了转速和转矩的扭振曲线,扭振频率与计算得出的风力发电机组机械旋转系统固有频率吻合,验证了模型的准确性. 相似文献
变速风力发电机组一般采用变桨距控制来稳定输出功率,但是桨距角的改变会引起攻角的改变,从而引起叶片气动性能的改变,所以在变桨距控制过程中,必须保证合适的攻角,以确保风力机具有良好的气动性能。采用统一变桨距控制方法,在matlab/simulink环境下,通过预测攻角仿真研究了变速风力发电机组的变桨距控制过程,结果表明,该控制模型能正确模拟各种风速下风力发电机组变桨距的动态过程,为进一步研究变速风力发电机的功率控制奠定了基础。 相似文献
As the size of wind turbines increases, the load alleviating capabilities of the turbine controller are becoming increasingly important. Load alleviating control schemes have traditionally been based on feedback from load sensor; however, recent developments of measurement technologies have enabled control on the basis of preview measurements of the inflow acquired using, e.g., light detection and ranging. The potential of alleviating load variations that are caused by mean wind speed changes through feed‐forward control have been demonstrated through both experiments and simulations in several studies, whereas the potential of preview control for alleviating the load variations caused by azimuth dependent inflow variations is less described. Individual or cyclic pitch is required to alleviate azimuth dependent load variations and is traditionally applied through feedback control of the blade root loads. In many existing studies, the performance of an advanced controller is compared with the performance of a simpler controller. In this study, the effect of three measurement types on the load alleviating performance of the same cyclic pitch control design is studied. By using a baseline cyclic pitch controller as test bench, the effect of the different measurement types on the controller performance can be assessed independent of control design. The three measurement types that are considered in this study are as follows: blade root out‐of‐plane bending moment, on‐blade measurements of angle of attack and relative velocity at a radial position of the blades, and upstream inflow measurements from a spinner mounted light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor that enables preview of the incoming flow field. The results show that for stationary inflow conditions, the three different measurement types yield similar load reductions, but for varying inflow conditions, the LiDAR sensor‐based controller yields larger load reductions than the two others. The results also show that the performance of the LiDAR sensor‐based controller is very sensitive to uncertainties relating to the inflow estimation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对传统PID变桨控制器参数自调整性能较差,适应性不强的问题,文章提出了风电机组变初值模糊PI变桨控制算法。通过模糊控制算法实现了PI参数的自动调节,根据风速大小设计了合理的变初值调整算法,实现了模糊控制器初值的在线调节。基于FAST风机软件中5 MW陆上风电机组非线性模型,分析了风电机组在额定风速以上运行时变桨系统的动态特性,从算法结构出发,设计了合适的模糊规则和量化、比例因子以及变初值调整算法,在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了变初值模糊PI变桨控制策略。通过仿真验证了控制策略在抑制转速波动和风机叶片、塔基受力力矩波动方面具有较好的效果。 相似文献
为探究不同海况及伺服系统下单桩式近海风力机的地震易损性,以DTU 10 MW风力机为研究对象,建立风浪相关的地震-湍流风-波浪多物理场模型,研究其在变速变桨伺服系统下的动力特性,基于增量动力分析方法评估其地震易损性。结果表明:变速变桨伺服系统可有效缓解风力机高风速下无地震作用时的塔顶振动;当风轮在大推力下,较小的波浪载荷一定程度上可降低风力机塔顶振动及塔底弯矩;随地震动强度增加,风力机各临界损伤状态失效概率逐渐增加;风力机地震易损性主要由地震动强度决定,波浪载荷与湍流风载荷对风力机地震易损性影响较小。 相似文献
针对经典PID变桨距控制器超调量大、波动剧烈等缺陷,提出了一种采用模糊PI控制与前馈控制相结合的控制器来控制浆距角,进而使机组功率稳定在额定功率附近的控制思路。通过对某1.5MW风力发电机组进行仿真,结果表明,该控制器控制效果优于经典PID变桨距控制器。 相似文献
A prototype 3 kW horizontal upwind type wind turbine generator of 4 m in diameter has been designed and examined under real wind conditions. The machine was designed based on the concept that even small wind turbines should have a variable pitch control system just as large wind turbines, especially in Japan where typhoons occur at least once a year. A characteristic of the machine is the use of a worm and gear system with a stepping motor installed in the center of the hub, and the rotational main shaft. The machine is constructed with no mechanical breaking system so as to avoid damage from strong winds. In a storm, the wind turbine is slowed down by adjusting the pitch angle and the maximum electrical load. Usually the machine is controlled at several stages depending on the rotational speed of the blades. Two control methods have been applied: the variable pitch angle, and regulation of the generator field current. The characteristics of the generator under each rotational speed and field current are first investigated in the laboratory. This paper describes the performances of the wind turbine in terms of the functions of wind turbine rotational speed, generated outputs, and its stability for wind speed changes. The expected performances of the machine have been confirmed under real wind conditions and compared with numerical simulation results. The wind turbine showed a power coefficient of 0.257 under the average wind speed of 7.3 m/s. 相似文献
针对多自由度、非线性、强耦合的漂浮式风电机组,为了缓解其在额定风速以上出现的风轮载荷不平衡、漂浮式基础摇荡及功率输出不稳定等问题,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的独立变桨控制方法,用于动态优化PID控制器参数。针对传统蚁群算法搜索效率低、质量差等问题,文章采用最优-最劣蚂蚁系统对其改进,得到了更适用于漂浮式风电机组的蚁群PID独立变桨控制方法。FAST-Matlab/Simulink联合仿真结果表明,相比于PID独立变桨控制,基于蚁群算法的独立变桨控制方法能有效地减小桨叶根部所受力矩,缓解漂浮式基础的纵向运动,保证功率输出的稳定。 相似文献