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A possible direct estrogen requirement for growth of GH3/C14 rat pituitary tumor cells was evaluated in culture medium supplemented with estrogen-depleted serum prepared by a 56 degree C charcoal extraction procedure, and with serum obtained from ovariectomized sheep and ovariectomized adrenalectomized sheep. Growth of the GH3/C14 cells in culture medium in which the final estrogen concentration was 2 pg/ml or less was equal to growth in medium with normal serum and equal to growth in the presence of estrogen-depleted serum to which estradiol was added back at concentrations of 10-1,000 pg/ml. Under no conditions could a direct estrogen requirement for growth be demonstrated. The function of thyroid hormones in cell growth was examined in culture medium supplemented with serum from thyroidectomized sheep. In such medium the growth of the GH3/C14 cells was stimulated 3.5-fold by addition of 1.0 X 10(-8) M L-thyroxine (T4) or 1.0 X 10(-9) m L-triiodothyronine (T3). Investigation of the possible synergistic effects of estrogens and T4 revealed that combinations of estrogen and T4 or T3 did not stimulate growth over that seen with T4 or T3 alone. These data indicated that estrogens are not direct growth requirements for these cells but instead operate in vivo through secondary or indirect mechanisms; in contrast, thyroid hormones are directly mitogenic in vitro.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanism of inhibitory effects of Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) on human ovarian cancer cell in vitro. METHODS: The possibility of induction of apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cell line HO-8910 cells after treatment with TGF-beta 1 was studied by using methods of DNA electrophoresis, P1-staining, TdT-mediated dUTP-x nick end labeling and flow cytometer assay (FCM); and the kinetic change of expression of c-myc was also studied by relative quantified RT-PCR. RESULTS: DNA-strand nicks were present in cells after treatment with TGF-beta 1 at the final concentration of 20 ng/ml for 36 hours. The percent of labeled cells reached 75.55% on the time of 48 hours, PI staining-FCM assay also showed subdiploid peak of apoptotic cells at the same time. The typical apoptotic DNA ladder was present in genomic DNA preparation after treatment with TGF-beta 1 for 60 hours, meanwhile, the expression of c-myc in cells started to decrease beginning at treatment for 9 hours. CONCLUSIONS: TGF-beta 1 can induce apoptosis in HO-8910; such an inductive effect may occur mainly in G0/G1 phase. The effects of TGF-beta 1 on the inhibited expression of c-myc and on the enhancement of cAMP concentration may also play important roles in the process of apoptotic induction.  相似文献   

The urokinase receptor (u-PAR), a protein anchored to cell membrane by a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol, plays a central role in cancer cell invasion and metastasis by binding urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA), thereby facilitating plasminogen activation. Plasmin can promote cell migration either directly or by activating metalloproteinases that degrade some of the components of the extra cellular matrix. However, the IGR-OV1-Adria cell line contains the u-PAR but does not migrate even in the presence of exogenous u-PA, although the parental IGR-OV1 cell line migrates normally in the presence of u-PA. We therefore investigated the role of cell signalling for u-PA induced cell locomotion. We show that cell migration induced by u-PA-u-PAR complex is always associated with tyrosine kinase activation for the following reasons: (1) the blockade of the u-PAR by a chimeric molecule (albumin-ATF) inhibits not only the u-PA-induced cell migration, but also the signalling in IGR-OV1 line; (2) the binding of u-PA to u-PAR on non-migrating IGR-OV1-Adria cells was not associated with tyrosine kinase activation; (3) the inhibition of tyrosine kinase also blocked cell migration of IGR-OV1. Therefore tyrosine kinase activation seems to be essential for the u-PA-induced cell locomotion possibly by the formation of a complex u-PAR-u-PA with a protein whose transmembrane domain can ensure cell signalling. Thus, IGR-OV1 and IGR-OV1-Adria cell lines represent a good model for the analysis of the mechanism of u-PA-u-PAR-induced cell locomotion.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the factors contributory to the expression of invasiveness of oral squamous cell carcinoma, we conducted biochemical and morphological comparisons of well differentiated squamous carcinoma cell line OSC-19 (oral squamous cell carcinoma) and undifferentiated carcinoma cell line KB, both cultured on 3T3 cell-embedded collagen gel (in vitro invasion model). OSC-19 cells invaded 3T3 cell-embedded collagen gel, while KB cells and OSC-19 cells on 3T3 cell-free gel matrix were less invasive. Cultured OSC-19 cells were characterized by lower proliferating activity, lower secretion of laminin and higher secretion of fibronectin than those of KB cells. Although the basement membrane with deposition of laminin and type IV collagen was formed, it was discontinuous at the invasion front. Gelatin zymography and western blotting showed matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), i.e., 72 kDa gelatinase (MMP-2) and 92 kDa gelatinase (MMP-9). Gelatinolytic activity was assayed, and was higher in OSC-19 cells than in KB cells or OSC-19 cells of the 3T3 cell-free model. By immunohistochemical analysis, MMP-2-positive cells were found scattered in both cell lines without any preferential localization, and the positivity for MMP-9 was localized in the invasion front of OSC-19 cells. These results strongly suggest that the invasiveness of squamous cell carcinoma is well correlated with cell-matrix adhesion by fibronectin and with focal elaboration of metalloproteinases, especially MMP-9, which play a major role in degrading the extracellular matrix components.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to generate an immortal cell line representative of specialized human brain microvascular endothelia forming the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vivo. Human capillary and microvascular endothelial cells (HCEC) were transfected with the plasmid pSV3-neo coding for the SV40 large T antigen and the neomycin gene. The neomycin-resistant transfected cells overcame proliferative senescence, and after a 6-8 wk period of crisis produced immortalization-competent cell colonies. Single-cell clones of near-diploid genotype were isolated from these colonies, propagated, and characterized. Immortalized HCEC (SV-HCEC) exhibited accelerated proliferation rates, but remained serum and anchorage dependent and retained the characteristic cobblestone morphology at confluence. SV-HCEC displayed a stable nuclear expression of SV40 large T antigen, lacked the invasiveness of transformed cells, and maintained major phenotypic properties of early passage control cells including expression of factor VIII-related antigen, uptake of acetylated low-density lipoprotein, binding of fluorescently labeled lectins, expression of transferrin receptor and transferrin receptor-mediated endocytosis, and high activities of the BBB-specific enzymes alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. The diffusion of radiolabeled sucrose across SV-HCEC monolayers was fivefold lower than that observed with human lung microvascular endothelial cells. Furthermore, media conditioned by fetal human astrocytes increased the transendothelial electrical resistance of SV-HCEC monolayers by 2.5-fold. Therefore, this newly established human cell line expressing the specialized phenotype of BBB endothelium may serve as a readily available in vitro model for studying the properties of the human BBB.  相似文献   

Bet v 1, the single major allergen from birch pollen, shares IgE epitopes with all major tree pollen allergens from closely related species such as alder, hazel, hornbeam, beech, and European chestnut. Because of high sequence homologies among these allergens and the well-studied cross-reactivities on B cell epitopes, Bet v 1 is a representative model protein which can be used for in vitro studies. The cDNA coding for Bet v 1, the single major allergen from birch pollen, was cloned into the T7-based Escherichia coli expression system pMW 175/BL21(DE3) and synthesized as a nonfusion protein. In contrast to other E. coli systems (e.g., pKK233-2/JM105), this system produces high levels of readily extractable proteins corresponding to 5-10% of E. coli total protein, the percentage varying with culture conditions. The overall yield was 8-10 mg of purified recombinant protein per liter of culture medium. The recombinant allergen was purified by several steps, including ion-exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The purified recombinant allergen showed identical immunological properties with the respective natural counterpart. The use of recombinant allergens of high purity is expected to result in more accurate diagnostic procedures, but possibly also in a superior immunotherapy of Type I allergic diseases when compared with methods using crude allergen extracts containing various amounts of allergen concentrations.  相似文献   

Co-expression of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and its receptor (c-fms) is often found in ovarian epithelial carcinoma, suggesting the existence of autocrine regulation of cell growth by M-CSF. To block this autocrine loop, we have developed hammerhead ribozymes against c-fms mRNA. As target sites of the ribozyme, we chose the GUC sequence in codon 18 and codon 27 of c-fms mRNA. Two kinds of ribozymes were able to cleave an artificial c-fms RNA substrate in a cell-free system, although the ribozyme against codon 18 was much more efficient than that against codon 27. We next constructed an expression vector carrying a ribozyme sequence that targeted the GUC sequence in codon 18 of c-fms mRNA. It was introduced into TYK-nu cells that expressed M-CSF and its receptor. Its transfectant showed a reduced growth potential. The expression levels of c-fms protein and mRNA in the transfectant were clearly decreased with the expression of ribozyme RNA compared with that of an untransfected control or a transfectant with the vector without the ribozyme sequence. These results suggest that the ribozyme against GUC in codon 18 of c-fms mRNA is a promising tool for blocking the autocrine loop of M-CSF in ovarian epithelial carcinoma.  相似文献   

In this report, we demonstrated that Interleukin-6 (IL-6) production could be induced by stimulating renal cell carcinoma cell lines, namely ACHN, Caki-1 and TC-1 cells with Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta). IL-1 beta had no effects on cell proliferation in ACHN cells. However, IL-1 beta could suppress cell proliferation in Caki-1 and TC-1 cells. Flow cytometric cell cycle analysis by double staining method with propidium iodide and Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) disclosed IL-1 beta caused cell accumulation at G1 phase. Fine granules were visualized in perinuclear area of TC-1 cells treated with IL-1 beta under microscopy. High electron density granules and spherically dilated rough endoplasmic reticula were observed by electron microscopic examinations. In TC-1 cell culture, IL-1 beta excretion into the supernatant was demonstrated by bioassay and ELISA. These results suggest that IL-1 beta functions as an "autocrine growth inhibitor" against TC-1 cells. Half-maximal inhibition of IL-1 beta and IFN-alpha was 6.5 pg/ml, and 720 U/ml, respectively for TC-1 proliferation and combination of these cytokines showed enhanced activity in cell growth inhibition.  相似文献   

If age-specific birth rate mx of a stable population drop abruptly to mx/Ro, where Ro is the net reproduction rate, then, according to Keyfitz, the size of the ultimate stationary population relative to that at the beginning of the process is given by I = beoo(Ro - 1)/(rmuRo), where b and r are the birth rate and the rate of growth, respectively, of the stable population, eoo the life expectancy at birth, and mu the average age at childbirth in resulting stationary population. Noting that the decline in mx need not necessarily be uniform, investigation has veen carried out to examine the effect on I when fertility decline is more rapid at higher ages. In particular, the effect of the reduced age-specific rates such as mxe-rx (which also produces a stationary population) has been analyzed, and simplifications of the results carried out separately for three different models of the net maternity function. It has also been shown the when mx drops abruptly to some m* x, where the form of m*x need not be specified except for the restriction that the resulting population will be stationary, the value of the index can be approximately obtained from I* = beoo (1 - rmu/2), where mu is the average age at childbearing of theinitial stable population.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was harvested by removing the superficial layers of the mucosa and the external muscular layers. The remaining 80 microns thick sheet was disinfected and sterilized by methods which removed all cellular components. The SIS-ECM, retaining its native 3-dimensional microarchitecture and composition, was evaluated for its ability to support in vitro cell growth. Six separate cell types were seeded either alone or in coculture with other cells upon this matrix, grown in selected media, a examined daily for time periods ranging from 48 h to 2 weeks. The six cell types tested were NIH Swiss mouse 3T3 fibroblast, NIH 3T3/j2 fibroblasts, primary human fibroblasts, primary human keratinocytes, human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs), and an established rat osteosarcoma (ROS) cell line. All cell types showed the ability to attach a proliferate. All fibroblast cell line and the keratinocytes proliferated and/or migrated into the 3-dimensional scaffold of the SIS matrix. The ROS cells and the HMECs were confined in their growth pattern to the surface of the matrix. Coculturing of NIH 3T3/J2 fibroblasts and primary human keratinocytes resulted in a distinctive spatial orientation of the two cell types. The fibroblast populated the mid-substance of the 3-dimensional matrix and the keratinocytes formed an epidermal structure with rete ridge-like formation and stratification when the composite was lifted to an air liquid interface in culture. In summary, SIS provides a substratum with a 3-dimensional scaffold that allows for cell migration and spatial organization. The substratum is suitable for in vitro studies of the interaction between epithelial or mesenchymal cells and a naturally occurring extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

A subclone of rat pituitary tumor cells, designated GH3/C14, was isolated from the parent population of GH3 pituitary cells and was estrogen-dependent for growth in vivo. GH3/C14 cells inoculated into host animals formed tumors in intact females, estrogen-treated ovariectomized females, and estrogen-treated males, but not in untreated intact or castrated males, or untreated ovariectomized females. Exogenous treatment with estrogens supported tumor formation in male animals. Radioimmunoassay of the average serum estradiol concentrations that support tumor growth in intact females, estradiol-treated intact females, and estradiol-treated intact males gave values of 41 +/- 4, 1,130 +/- 150, and 730 +/- 140 pg/ml, respectively. Tumor formation by GH3/C14 cells inoculated into male animals was not supported by either exogenous progesterone or hydrocortisone acetate. Further, these two steroid hormones had no significant effect on the estrogen-promoted growth in males or females. Exogenous testosterone treatment promoted tumor formation in males and ovariectomized females, but dihydrotestosterone was completely ineffective. Radioimmunoassay of the serum from tumor-bearing animals and the medium from the cells in culture showed that the cells produced growth hormone in vivo and in vitro but did not produce measurable amounts of luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone. The groth of GH3/C14 cells in culture was examined in medium without added estrogen, and with estradiol added to the level of either the normal intact female rat or the estradiol-treated animals. No direct growth stimulation by estrogens could be detected in culture; the data suggested an indirect growth control mechanism.  相似文献   

Death is a commonly used concept but is surrounded by much mystery. The concept of death is examined using the Walker and Avant (1995) framework for concept analysis. The use of the concept death is considered in the intensive care unit. In the intensive care unit a conflict often exists between the curing culture and the inevitability of death.  相似文献   

A new human prostate tumor cell line (ALVA-31) has been established from a biopsy specimen of primary tumor obtained during prostatectomy. The cell line has been maintained for more than 48 months in stable growth. The in vitro doubling time was determined to be approximately 26 hr. The chromosome number ranged from 24-112, with a modal number of 59 tested over several time points throughout continuous culture. Karyotypic analysis of late-passaged cells demonstrated approximately 70 human chromosomes, 8-14 markers, and two X chromosomes without a Y chromosome. Prostatic origin was confirmed by the expression of both prostate specific antigen and prostatic acid phosphatase, using specific antisera and immunoradiolabelling techniques. Prostate tumor xenografts were grown in intact male, castrate male, and female athymic mice; however, the rate of tumor growth was clearly dependent upon serum testosterone levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The hypothesis that progastrin-derived peptides act as autocrine growth factors for colorectal carcinomas has generated considerable interest. However, the influence of autocrine gastrins on nontumorigenic colonic cells has not been investigated. This study tested the above hypothesis in the nontumorigenic, conditionally immortalized mouse colon cell line YAMC. METHODS: The effects of expression of antisense or sense gastrin messenger RNA, treatment with antibodies against progastrin-derived peptides, or treatment with gastrin receptor antagonists on YAMC cell proliferation were measured. RESULTS: YAMC clones expressing antisense gastrin messenger RNA had reduced levels of immunoreactive progastrin-derived peptides and a reduced rate of proliferation, relative to vector only-transfected cells. Glycine-extended gastrin17, but not amidated gastrin17, reversed the antisense-induced inhibition of proliferation and stimulated the proliferation of sense- or vector only-transfected cells. YAMC cells bound 125I-glycine-extended gastrin17 (Kd, 0.36 nmol/L, 1810 sites/cell), but not 125I-amidated gastrin17, and binding was unaffected by gastrin receptor antagonists including benzotript. Proliferation of all YAMC clones was partially inhibited either by an antibody selective for glycine-extended gastrin or by preincubation with benzotript, and the inhibitory effects were additive. CONCLUSIONS: YAMC cells use nonamidated progastrin-derived peptides as autocrine growth factors, partly through binding to an extracellular receptor selective for glycine-extended gastrin, and partly through an intracellular mechanism.  相似文献   

Human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 was grown during a period of four months in the presence of increasing concentrations of cisplatin (25-100 ng/ml). In the course of this treatment, the cells exhibited dramatic changes in morphology, including reduction in cell size, loss of cellular projections and clustering. This was accompanied by the appearance of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) on the cell membrane, as detected by flow cytometry and immunochemistry methods using the anti-Pgp monoclonal antibodies MRK16 and C219. The new cell line, designated SKOV3/CIS, was also resistant to alkylating agents, such as chlorambucil, similarly to the parental SKOV3 cells. In addition, it also acquired resistance to classical multidrug resistance drugs, such as doxorubicin, taxol and actinomycin D. Verapamil enhanced the sensitivity of SKOV3/CIS to doxorubicin (260-fold), in conformity with the proposed mechanism of Pgp in multidrug resistance (MDR), but it did not potentiate cisplatin cytotoxicity in SKOV3/CIS cells. Our results suggest that cisplatin can cause Pgp expression, and that both cisplatin-resistance and Pgp-mediated MDR phenotypes can coexist in some tumor types. Although Pgp does not appear to be responsible for cisplatin resistance, exposure to cisplatin can lead to the development of MDR phenotype, a complication that should be considered in clinical situations, especially in the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Human leukemia K-562(S) cells are a useful model system to study the relationship between cell proliferation and induced erythroid differentiation. In these studies K-562(S) cells were cultured in alpha -medium, 10% fetal calf serum and induced to express erythroid genes by 75 microM hemin, 1.2 mM butyric acid or 1.5 ng/ml actinomycin D. Cell number was determined using a ZF Coulter Counter and the increase in the proportion of hemoglobin-containing cells was detected by a specific colorimetric reaction with benzidine. The characterization of the synthesized hemoglobins was performed by cellulose-acetate gel electrophoresis of post-mitochondrial supernatants. By cloning K-562(S) cells in semi-solid medium (O,33% agar) containing 75 microM hemin a variant cell line, denominated K-562(S6), have been isolated which does not undergo terminal cell division but does express human globin genes and accumulates on the average 12 pg of Hb/cell. K-562(S6) cells accumulate, upon exposure to 75 microM hemin, mostly Hb Gower 1 (zeta 2 epsilon 2) and low amounts of Hb X (epsilon 2 gamma 2) and Hb Portland (zeta 2 gamma 2), being suitable for studies focused on the expression of embryonic globin genes and on the molecular mechanisms controlling the switching from embryonic-type to fetal-type hemoglobin accumulation, when in the human embryo zeta and epsilon globin genes become less active, being sharply increased accumulation of alpha and gamma globin chains.  相似文献   

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