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To understand the functional roles of Cys residues in the subunitof tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli, single mutantsof the subunit, in which each of the three Cys residues wassubstituted with Ser, Gly, Ala or Val, were constructed by site-directedmutagenesis. The effects of the substitutions on the functionof tryptophan synthase were investigated by activity measurements,calorimetric measurements of association with the ßsubunit and steadystate kinetic analysis of catalysis. Althoughthe three Cys residues are located away from the apparentlyimportant parts for enzymatic activity, substitutions at position81 by Ser, Ala or Val caused decreases in the intrinsic activityof the subunit. Furthermore, Cys81Ser and Cys81Val reducedstimulation activities in the and ß reactions dueto formation of a complex with the ß subunit. Thelower stimulation activities of the mutant proteins were notcorrelated with their abilities to associate with the ßsubunit but were correlated with decreases in kcat. The presentresults suggest that position 81 plays an indirectly importantrole in the activity of the subunit itself and the mutual activationmechanism of the complex.  相似文献   

The surface properties of wild-type and six mutant -subunitsof tryptophan synthase substituted at the same position, 49,which is buried in the interior, were measured by surface tension,foaming and emulsifying properties to correlate the surfaceproperties with the stabilities. The conformational stabilitiesof the seven -subunits differed dramatically depending on thecharacteristics of the substituting residues [Yutani et al.(1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 84, 4441–4444]. The mutantproteins substituted by isoleucine and phenylalanine in placeof glutamic acid at position 49 were more stable than the otherproteins and showed higher surface tension and lower foamingand emulsifying properties than the wild-type and other mutantproteins. Good correlations were observed between these surfaceproperties and values of the Gibbs free energy of unfoldingin water, of the proteins. This indicates that the surface propertiesof the -subunits of tryptophan synthase depend closely on theconformational stabilities.  相似文献   

To identify the sites important for the different biologicalactivities of human interleukin-l (hIL-1), 56 single-amino acid-substitutedmutants of hIL-l were produced in Escherichia coli using site-directedmutagenesis, and were examined for their biological activitiessuch as mouse lymphocyte activating factor activity (LAF activity),cytostatic activity against human melanoma cells A-375 (A375activity) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) inducing activity in humanosteosarcoma cells MG-63 (PEI activity). Two amino acid residues,Asp26 and Asp151, were found to be important for these activities.The replacement of Asp26 by Val caused a decrease in LAF andA375 activities by one or two orders of magnitude and a slightdecrease in A375 activity. The Tyr or Phe substitution for Asp151caused decreases in LAF and A375 activities by one or two ordersof magnitude and complete loss of PEI activity. The change fromAsp151 to Lys or Arg resulted in marked decrease in LAF activityand complete loss of A375 and PEI activities. Since Asp26 andAsp151 are close to each other in the three-dimensional structure,the region involving these amino acids seems to be importantfor the biological activities of hIL-1.  相似文献   

The N-terminus of the helix of the chymotrypsin inhibitor 2from barley (CI2) has an N-capping box (Ser at the first positionin the helix and Glu at position 4) as well as a frequentlyfound Glu at position 3. The energetic importance of this motifhas been studied by determining the free energy of unfoldingof the wild-type and protein mutants derived from those residuesusing guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation and differentialscanning microcalorimetry. Mutating N-cap residue Ser31 to eitherAla or Gly destabilizes CI2 by 0.8-1 kcal mol–1. Truncationof the box in the mutants SA31EA33EA34 or SG31EA33EA34 destabilizesthe protein by 1.5–2 kcal mol–1. The N-capping boxis an important motif in stabilizing proteins and delineatingthe beginning of -helices in the pathway of protein folding.  相似文献   

To elucidate correlative relationships between structural changeand thermodynamic stability in proteins, a series of mutanthuman lysozymes modified at two buried positions (Ile56 andIle59) were examined. Their thermodynamic parameters of denaturationand crystal structures were studied by calorimetry and X-raycrystallography. The mutants at positions 56 and 59 exhibiteddifferent responses to a series of amino acid substitutions.The changes in stability due to substitutions showed a linearcorrelation with changes in hydrophobicity of substituted residues,having different slopes at each mutation site. However, thestability of each mutant was found to be represented by a uniqueequation involving physical properties calculated from mutantstructures. By fitting present and previous stability data formutant human lysozymes substituted at various positions to theequation, the magnitudes of the hydrophobicity of a carbon atomand the hydrophobicity of nitrogen and neutral oxygen atomswere found to be 0.178 and –0.013 kJ/mol.Å2, respectively.It was also found that the contribution of a hydrogen bond witha length of 3.0 Å to protein stability was 5.1 kJ/moland the entropy loss of newly introduction of a water moleculeswas 7.8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Insertion sites for cysteines with optimal stereochemistry forthe formation of unstrained disulfide bridges were identifiedin recombinant human interferon- (rhu-IFN-) by computer modelling.We have engineered two different disulfide cross-linked mutants,containing a pair of symmetry-related disulfide bonds, whichstabilize the N-termini of both monomers of the homodimenc protein.Mutations E7C and S69C allow the formation of an intramonomerdisuffide bond between helices A and D. In contrast, the A17Cand H111C mutations lead to a covalent cross-link between bothmonomers. The AB-loop is linked to helix F. The fluorescenceproperties of native and disulfide cross-linked proteins werestudied as a function of guanidine hydrochloride concentration.Melting temperatures (Tm) were calculated from the decreasein CD ellipticity at 220 nm. The induction of the antiviraleffect was measured using A549 fibroblast cells infected withencephalomyocarditis virus. The ability to induce the expressionof the HLA-DR antigen in Colo 205 cells was determined by fluorescence-activatedcell scanning analysis. The stability of both mutants was stronglyenhanced against temperature- and cosolvent-induced unfolding.The Tm of mutant IFN- E7C/S69C was 15°C. All measured biologicalactivities of this mutant were equal to wild type. In the caseof the other mutant IFN- A17C/H111C, the Tm value was 25°C.This mutation abolishes nearly the entire biological activity(<1%) with no detectable changes of secondary structure inthe CD spectrum. Our results illustrate the importance of theN-terminal helix A and the AB-loop for the unfolding pathwayand thermodynamic stability of rhu-IFN-.  相似文献   

Lysl8, Arg86, Asn283, Ser286, Thr288 and Glu292 of glutathionesynthetase from Escherichia coli B are presumed to be highlyconcerned with the substrate, -L-glutamyl-L-cysteine (-Glu-Cys),binding by X-ray crystallography and affinity labeling studies.Using site-directed mutagenesis, we investigated functionalroles of those residues for -Glu-Cys binding. The mutant enzymesof Arg86 and Asn283 altered their kinetic parameters, especiallythe Michaelis constants of -Glu-Cys. In the case of Asn283,the residue is not likely to have an essential role in -Glu-Cysbinding but its side chain would extend to make a van der Waalscontact with bound -Glu-Cys. Chemical modification of a cysteineresidue with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) showed Arg86would not only be much responsible for -Glu-Cys binding butwould also have a role in maintaining the structural integrityof the enzyme. The other mutant enzymes showed little defectin their kinetic parameters of -Glu-Cys.  相似文献   

Assumptions about the dependence of protein unfolding on theconcentration of urea have been examined by an extensive surveyof the equilibrium unfolding of barnase and many of its mutantsmeasured by urea denaturation and differential scanning calorimetry.The free energy of equilibrium unfolding and the activationenergy for the kinetics of unfolding of proteins are generallyassumed to change linearly with [urea]. A slight downward curvatureis detected, however, in plots of highly precise measurementsof logjtu versus [urea] (where ku is the observed rate constantfor the unfolding of barnase). The data fit the equation logkku= logkuH2O* + mku*.[urea] – 0.014[urea]2, where mku*is a variable which depends on the mutation. The constant 0.014 was measured directly on four destabilized mutants and wildtype, and was also determined from a global analysis of data from>60 mutants of barnase. Any equivalent deviations from linearityin the equilibrium unfolding are small and in the same region,as determined from measurements on 166 mutants. The free energyof unfolding of barnase, GU–F, appears significantly largerby 1.6 kcal mol–1 when measured by calorimetry than whendetermined by urea denaturation. However, the changes in GU–Fon mutation, GU–F, determined by calorimetry and by ureadenaturation are identical. We show analytically how, hi general,the curvature in plots of activation or equilibrium energiesagainst [denaturant] should not affect the changes of thesevalues on mutation provided measurements are made over the sameconcentration ranges of denaturant and the curvature is independentof mutation.  相似文献   

To examine the feasibility of a ß structure for thepore-lining region of the voltage-gated potassium channel, wehave characterized a family of 12 antiparallel ß-barrels.Each is comprised of four identical pairs of ß-strandsorganized with approximate 4-fold symmetry about a channel axis.The Cand N-termini of the ß-strand pairs are assumedto be at the extracellular end of the channel, and each pairis connected by a hairpin turn at the intracellular end of thechannel. The models differ in the residues located in the hairpinturn and in the orientation of the two strands of each pairin the barrel, i.e. whether the C-terminus of a pair is clockwise(CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) from the N-terminus when thechannel is viewed from outside the cell. Following known structureprecedents and potential energy predictions, the barrel is assumedto be right-twisting in all cases. All models have crowded layersof inward-projecting aromatic sidechains near the center ofthe channel which could regulate channel selectivity. The modelswith an odd number of amino acids in the hairpin turn have theadvantage of predicting that F433 points into the barrel, butthe disadvantage that V438 does not. Of these models, two ofthe models are most consistent with the external tetraethylanunonhim(TEA) block data, and of those, one (T439 CCW 3:5) is most consistentwith the internal TEA block data.  相似文献   

A gene for expression of horse heart myoglobin in Escherichiacoli has been constructed in one step from long synthetic oligonucleotides.The synthetic gene contains an efficient translation initiationsignal and used codons that are commonly found in E.coli. Uniquerestriction sites are placed throughout the gene. It has beeninserted in a phagemid vector and is expressed from the lacpromoter in E.coli at high efficiency, the soluble heme proteinrepresenting 10% of soluble protein. Two versions of horse heartmyoglobin were produced with aspartic acid or asparagine atresidue 122. Comparison of chromatographic mobilities of thesetwo proteins with authentic horse heart myoglobin identifiedaspartic acid as the correct residue 122. The availability ofthis gene, which is designed to facilitate oligonucleotide mutagenesisor cassette mutagenesis, will allow systematic structure—functionanalysis of horse heart myoglobin.  相似文献   

We examined the independent self-assembly of the - and ß-fragmentsof human metallothionein (MT) into cadmiumbinding conformationin an Escherichia coli expression system, in addition to wild-typeMT expression. The expressed -fragment formed independentlythe structure of a metal-binding cluster without the aid ofthe ß-fragment. The -fragment and wild-type MT expressedin E.coli were purified and analyzed for their biochemical andspectroscopic properties. The apparent cadmium binding of the-fragment was approximately 12-fold greater than that for thewild-type MT, whereas in other respects the studied biochemicalproperties were similar. In contrast, we were unable to obtainany independently expressed ß-fragment as the cadmium-bindingform in this study. Possible explanations for this phenomenonare discussed.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase Y is a serine carboxypeptidase isolated fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae with a preference for Cterminal hydrophobicamino acid residues. In order to alter the inherent substratespecificity of CPD-Y into one for basic amino acid residuesin P'1, we have introduced Asp and/or Glu residues at a numberof selected positions within the Si binding site. Hie effectsof these substitutions on the substrate specificity, pH dependenceand protein stability have been evaluated. The results presentedhere demonstrate that it is possible to obtain significant changesin the substrate preference by introducing charged amino acidsinto the framework provided by an enzyme with a quite differentspecificity. The introduced acidic amino acid residues providea marked pH dependence of the (kcat/Km)FA-A-R-OH/(kcatm)FA-A-R-OHratio. The change in stability upon introduction of Asp/Gluresidues can be correlated to the difference in the mean buriedsurfac surface area between the substituted and the substitutingamino acid. Thus, the effects of acidic amino acid residueson the protein stability depend upon whether the introducedamino acid protrudes from the solvent accessible surface asdefined by the surrounding residues in the wild type enzymeor is submerged below.  相似文献   

The consequences of active site mutations of the Escherichiacoli D-xylose isomerase (E.C. [EC] ) on substrate bindingwere examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Site-directed mutagenesisof conserved tryptophan residues in the E.coli enzyme (Trp49and Trpl88) reveals that fluorescence quenching of these residuesoccurs during the binding of xylose by the wild-type enzyme.The fluorescent properties of additional active site substitutionsat His101 were also examined. Substitutions of His101 whichinactivate the enzyme were shown to have altered spectral characteristics,which preclude detection of substrate binding. In the case ofH101S, a mutant protein with measurable isomerizing activity,substrate binding with novel fluorescent properties was observed,possibly the bound pyranose form of xylose under steady-stateconditions.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of phosphorylase b kinase () and an engineeredtruncated form (-trc, residues 1 –297) have been expressedin Escherichia coli. The truncated protein included the entirecatalytic domain as defined by sequence alignment with otherprotein kinases but lacked the putative calmodulin binding domain.Full-length protein was produced in insoluble aggregates. Someactivity was regenerated by solubilization in urea and dilutioninto renaturating buffer but the activity was found to be associatedwith a smaller molecular weight component. Full-length proteincould not be refolded successfully. The truncated subunit wasproduced in the soluble fraction of the cell as well as in inclusionbodies. The insoluble protein was refolded by dilution fromurea and purified to homogeneity, in a one step separation onDEAESepharose to give a protein mol. wt 32 000 ± 2000with a high sp. act. of 5.3 µmol 32p incorporated intophosphorylase b(PPB)/min/nmol. Kinetic parameters gave Km forATP 46 ± 3 µM and Km, for PPb 27 ± 1 µM.The sp. act. and the Am values are comparable to those observedfor the activated holoenzyme and indicate that the -trc retainsthe substrate recognition and catalytic properties. The ratioof activities at pH 6.8/8.2 was 0.84. -trc was inhibited byADP with a Ki of 52 µM and was sensitive to activationby Mg2+ and inhibition by Mn2+, properties that are characteristicof the holoenzyme and the isolated subunit. Calmodulin whichconfers calcium sensitivity on the isolated subunit had noeffect on the enzymic properties of -trc. A small inhibitionby free Ca2+ was observed with peptide substrate.  相似文献   

The S variant of the human 1-antitrysin with E-264 – V,is responsible for a mild 1-antitrypsin deficiency quite commonin the European population. S protein specifically cleaved atthe susceptible peptide bond was crystallized and its crystalstructure determined and refined to 3.1 Å resolution.The S variant crystallizes isomorphous to the normal M variant.The difference Fourier electron density map shows the E –V change as outstanding residual density. In addition, smallstructural changes of the main polypeptide chain radiate fromthe site of mutation and affect parts far removed from it. Bythe mutation, internal hydrogen bonds and salt linkages of E-264to Y-38 and K-487, respectively, are lost. They cause the far-reachingslight distortions and are probobly related to the reduced thermalstability of the S mutant. They may also be responsible forslower folding of the polypeptide chain and the clinical symptomsof 1-antitrypsin deficiency. In a theoretical study by moleculardynamics methods simulations of the M and S proteins were madeand the results analysed with respect to structrual and dynamicproperties and compared with the experimental results. Thereis a significant correlation between experimental and theoreticalresults in some respects.  相似文献   

A composite plot for depicting in two dimensions the conformationand the secondary structural features of protein residues hasbeen developed. Instead of presenting the exact values of themain- and side-chain torsion angles (, and 1), it indicatesthe region in the three-dimensional conformational space towhich a residue belongs. Other structural aspects, like thepresence of a cis peptide bond and disulfide linkages, are alsodisplayed. The plot may be used to recognize patterns in thebackbone and side-chain conformation along a polypeptide chainand to compare protein structures derived from X-ray crystallography,NMR spectroscopy or molecular modelling studies and also tohighlight the effect of mutation on structure.  相似文献   

-Lactalbumins and the type-c lysozymes are homologues with similarfolds that differ in function and stability. To determine ifthe lower stability of -lactalbumin results from specific substitutionsrequired for its adaptation to a new function, the effects oflysozyme-based and other substitutions on thermal stabilitywere determined. Unblocking the upper cleft in -lactalbuminby replacing Tyr103 with Ala, perturbs stability and structurebut Pro, which also generates an open cleft, is compatible withnormal structure and activity. These effects appear to reflectalternative enthalpic and entropic forms of structural stabilizationby Tyr and Pro. Of 23 mutations, only three, which involve substitutionsfor residues in flexible substructures adjacent to the functionalsite, increase stability. Two are lysozyme-based substitutionsfor Leu110, a component of a region with alternative helix andloop conformations, and one is Asn for Lys114, a residue whosemicroenvironment changes when -lactalbumin interacts with itstarget enzyme. While all substitutions for Leu110 perturb activity,a Lys114 to Asn mutation increases Tm by more than 10°Cand reduces activity, but two other destabilizing substitutionsdo not affect activity. It is proposed that increased stabilityand reduced activity in Lys114Asn result from reduced flexibilityin the functional site of -lactalbumin.  相似文献   

An efficient random mutagenesis procedure coupled to a replicaplate screen facilitated the isolation of mutant subtilisinsfrom Bacillus amyloliquefaciens that had altered autolytic stabilityunder alkaline conditions. Out of about 4000 clones screened,approximately 70 produced subtilisins with reduced stability(negatives). Two dones produced a more stable subtilisin (positives)and were identified as having a single mutation, either IIe107Valor Lys2l3Arg (the wild-type amino acid is followed by the codonposition and the mutant amino acid). One of the negative mutants,Met50Val, was at a site where other homologous subtilisins containeda Phe. When the Met50Phe mutation was introduced into the B.amyloliquefaciens gene, the mutant subtilisin was more alkalinestable. The double mutant IIe107Val/Lys2l3Arg) was more stablethan the isolated single mutant parents. The triple mutant (Met50Phe/IIel07Val/Lys2l3Arg)was even more stable than IIe107Val/Lys2l3Arg (up to two timesthe autolytic half-time of wild-type at pH 12). These studiesdemonstrate the feasibility for improving the alkaline stabilityof proteins by random mutagenesis and identifying potentialsites where substitutions from homologous proteins can improvealkaline stability.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to model the motionsand conformational behavior of the whey protein bovine ß-lactoglobulin.Simulations were performed for the protein by itself and complexedto a single retinol ligand located in a putative interior bindingpocket. In the absence of the retinol ligand, the backbone loopsaround the opening of this ulterior pocket shifted inward topartially close off this cavity, similar to the shifts observedin previously reported molecular dynamics simulations of theuncomplexed form of the homologous retinol binding protein.The protein complexed with retinol does not exhibit the sameconformational shifts. Conformational changes of this type couldserve as a recognition signal allowing in vivo discriminationbetween the free and retinol complexed forms of the 3-lactoglobulinmolecule. The unusual bending of the single a-helix observedin the simulations of retinol binding protein were not observedin the present calculations  相似文献   

Bacterial cell-surface exposure of foreign peptides and solubleproteins has been achieved recently by employing a fusion proteinmethodology. An Lpp'–OmpA(46–159)–Bla fusionprotein has been shown previously to display the normally periplasmicenzyme ß-lactamase (Bla) on the cell surface of theGram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Here, we have investigatedthe role of the OmpA domain of the tripartite fusion proteinin the surface display of the passenger domain (Bla) and havecharacterized the effects of the fusion proteins on the integrityand permeability of the outer membrane. We show that in additionto OmpA(46–159), a second OmpA segment, consisting ofamino acids 46–66, can also mediate the display of Blaon the cell surface. Other OmpA domains of various lengths (aminoacids 46–84, 46–109, 46–128, 46–141and 46–145) either anchored the Bla domain on the periplasmicface of the outer membrane or caused a major disruption of theouter membrane, allowing the penetration of antibodies intothe cell. Detergent and antibiotic sensitivity and periplasmicleakage assays showed that changes in the permeability of theouter membrane are an unavoidable consequence of displayinga large periplasmic protein on the surface of E.coli. This isthe first systematic report on the effects that cell surfaceengineering may have on the integrity and permeability propertiesof bacterial outer membranes.  相似文献   

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