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ZHANG Xian-di LI Man-li 《中国电子科技》2005,3(3):280-283
Parameters k-distance and k-diameter are extension of the distance and the diameter in graph theory. In this paper, the k-distance dk (x,y) between the any vertices x and y is first obtained in a connected circulant graph G with order n (n is even) and degree 3 by removing some vertices from the neighbour set of the x. Then, the k-diameters of the connected circulant graphs with order n and degree 3 are given by using the k-diameter dk (x,y). 相似文献
ZHANG Xian-di 《电子科技学刊:英文版》2004,2(4):72-75
The diameter of a graph G is the maximal distance between pairs of vertices of G. When a network is modeled as a graph, diameter is a measurement for maximum transmission delay. The k-diameter dk(G) of a graph G, which deals with k internally disjoint paths between pairs of vertices of G, is a extension of the diameter of G. It has widely studied in graph theory and computer science. The circulant graph is a group-theoretic model of a class of symmetric interconnection network. Let Cn(i, n/2) be a circulant graph of order n whose spanning elements are i and n/2, where n4 and n is even. In this paper, the diameter, 2-diameter and 3-diameter of the Cn(i, n/2) are all obtained if gcd(n,i)=1, where the symbol gcd(n,i) denotes the maximum common divisor of n and i. 相似文献
Parameters k-distance and k-diameter are extension of the distance and the diameter in graph theory. In this paper, the k-distance dk(x,y) between the any vertices x and y is first obtained in a connected circulant graph G with order n(n is even) and degree 3 by removing some vertices from the neighbour set of the x. Then, the k-diameters of the connected circulant graphs with order n and degree 3 are given by using the k-diameter dk(x,y). 相似文献
针对大规模移动对象网络在构建图立方体的过程中产生的大量浓缩图,引入了图压缩的思想,提出了进一步压缩浓缩图的算法MC-compress,用来合并浓缩图中顶点和相应的边.通过将图中相邻的两个顶点进行合并,再比较两条边合并后权重的最大差异度,从而找出最优的合并顶点对,最终产生构建压缩图的超级顶点和超级边.通过压缩图结构,加快了在图立方体上查询图结构的显示过程,减少了构建图立方体过程中存储大量浓缩图的空间. 相似文献
根据认知用户占用信道时长的统计分布和认知用户带宽需求的统计分布,利用随机分布函数和均匀分布的关系,建立了认知用户模拟模型。在MATLAB下,根据某地区通信基站的基本要求,结合认知用户模拟模型,建立了基于图论模型的认知用户仿真模型,可以计算空闲频谱矩阵、分配矩阵、干扰矩阵等图论模型要素。通过MATLAB仿真实验,验证了此模型与实际情况的吻合性。 相似文献
传统的多路寻址液晶驱动矩阵电路设计规模与矩阵阶数平方成正比。研究表明:由正交块循环矩阵构造出的多路寻址驱动矩阵的实现复杂度由原来的与矩阵的阶数平方成正比下降为与矩阵的阶数成正比。分析正交块循环矩阵特性后,介绍了基于类单位矩阵的系统化构造正交块循环矩阵的方法。在多行(COMMON)快速帧频响应的多路寻址液晶驱动设计中采用正交块循环矩阵可大大降低实现成本。 相似文献
图和线图的邻接谱及拉普拉斯谱的关系 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
图谱理论是图论研究的重要领域之一,也是非常活跃的研究方向。实践表明,对特征值的计算十分复杂,但可以研究不同定义的谱之间的关系确定特征值的上下界。通过利用对称矩阵和半正定矩阵的一些性质,讨论简单无向图G及其线图Gl的邻接谱之间的一些关系,推广已有的结果。同时也讨论图的邻接谱和拉普拉斯谱之间的关系。对判定某些图的邻接谱和拉普拉斯谱的范围具有一定的指导作用。 相似文献
可压缩成像是一种新兴的基于压缩感知理论的新成像技术,其核心思想是如果空间场景是稀疏或可压缩,那么它可以用远少于经典的Nyquist采样数目的测量值捕获的足够信息重构原场景;构建合适的测量矩阵并易于使用物理实现压缩感知理论中对于图像的随机线性测量是可压缩成像理论实用化的关键之一。该文在研究Bernoulli和Circulant矩阵的基础上,提出一种新的随机间距稀疏三元循环相位掩膜矩阵。模拟实验结果表明,在可压缩双透镜成像系统单次曝光下,与Bernoulli和Bernoulli-Circulant相位掩膜矩阵相比,新相位掩膜矩阵的成像信噪比与之相当;但是该文提出的矩阵随机独立变元个数和非零元个数显著减少,易于数据存储与传输;更重要的是物理上更容易实现,重构时间是只有原来的约20%~50%。新的相位掩膜矩阵的研究对于可压缩成像理论的实际应用具有重要的意义。 相似文献
With the development of computer networks, the attacks with respect to them are increasing explosively. It is a very important problem for security testers to test the security situation of a specific network (i.e., to use a method to model all the possible attacks within the environment). Of all the modeling methods, the Network Attack Graph is widely used because of its visual intuition. Under this circumstance, this paper firstly introduces the construction methods of the Network Attack Graph, then describes its application in the network security, and lastly previews some research directions of the Network Attack Graph. 相似文献
针对传统手指静脉识别方法往往存在识别率低或者计算量大等问题,本文提出一种基于轻量型图卷积网络的手指静脉识别方法。首先用一个加权图描述一张手指静脉图像,图的顶点特征和加权边集分别由指静脉图像的局部方向能量特征和特征间相关性确定。图数据作为输入,经过基于切比雪夫多项式的图卷积层和由图粗化协助的快速池化层,然后全连接层进行特征整合,再进行分类识别。实验结果显示,该方法识别效率远高于传统算法,并在实验室自制手指静脉数据库达到96.80%的识别率,在不同数据库有较好的普适性。 相似文献
对于一个平面图G实施扩3-轮运算是指在G的某个三角形面xyz内添加一个新顶点v,使v与x, y, z均相邻,最后得到一个阶为|V(G)|+1的平面图的过程。一个递归极大平面图是指从平面图K4出发,逐次实施扩3-轮运算而得到的极大平面图。 所谓一个(k,l)-递归极大平面图是指一个递归极大平面图,它恰好有k个度为3的顶点,并且任意两个3度顶点之间的距离均为l。该文对(k,l)-递归极大平面图的存在性问题做了探讨,刻画了(3,2)-及(2,3)-递归极大平面图的结构。 相似文献
ANewAlgorithmofHarmoniousDecompositionofLinearGraphLiLinAndLuJiajian(DepartrnentofTelecommunicationEngineering,Xi'aninstitute... 相似文献
针对图像分割是典型的结构不良问题,将图谱划分理论作为一种新型的模式分析工具应用到图像分割并引起广大学者关注。考虑到现有的图谱阈值法中图权计算方法采用基于欧氏距离的幂指数函数导致其计算量过大的不足,首先采用基于欧氏距离的分式型柯西函数代替基于欧氏距离的幂指数函数提出图权计算的新方法,其次将其应用基于图谱划分测度的图像阈值分割算法中并得到一种改进的图谱阈值分割方法。实验结果表明,该方法的计算量小且对目标和背景相差比例较大的图像能获得满意的结果。 相似文献
To detect copy-paste tampering, an im-proved SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform)-based al-gorithm was proposed. Maximum angle is defined and a maximum angle-based marked graph is constructed. The m arked graph feature vector is provided to each SIFT key point via discrete polar coordinate transformation. Key points are matched to detect the copy-paste tamper-ing regions. The experimental results show that the pro-posed algorithm can effectively identify and detect the ro-tated or scaled copy-paste regions, and in comparison with the methods reported previously, it is resistant to post-processing, such as blurring, Gaussian white noise and JPEG recompression. The proposed algorithm performs better than the existing algorithm to dealing with scaling transformation. 相似文献