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针对二阶网络化多智能体系统中前向通道、反馈通道和智能体之间通道同时存在通信约束(网络诱导时延和丢包)问题,提出一种基于网络化预测控制方法和时滞系统方法的新型解决方案.首先,基于智能体自身滞后的位置和速度信息,通过迭代预测得到智能体当前时刻的位置和速度预测值;然后,考虑到智能体之间通道的通信约束,设计基于邻居智能体滞后信息的时变编队控制协议;进而,推导出包含前向通道和智能体之间通道通信约束的闭环时滞系统,并利用李雅普诺夫方法给出闭环系统稳定的充分条件;最后,通过对比仿真验证所提出方法的有效性,以及网络化预测控制方法在主动补偿通信约束方面的优势. 相似文献
多智能体编队是多智能体应用中的一个典型问题,由于多智能体通信受限在编队过程中非常常见(如通信时延,通信中断,通信距离受限等).本文基于一致性理论的多智能体编队的数学模型,通过对不同智能体的队形进行控制并实现编队,根据一致性理论的数学模型保证编队的稳定性.在多智能体通信受限和受环境约束的情况下,分析了基于一致性理论中通信... 相似文献
异构变时延多智能体系统编队控制分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实际工程应用中,异构多智能体的编队控制问题研究具有十分重要的意义。考虑现实环境影响,编队系统个体之间的通信变时延难以忽略。系统收敛速率是评价系统性能的重要依据,然而现有编队控制问题研究很少能给出相应的量化指标。针对上述情形,对包含一、二阶智能体的异构变时延系统的编队控制问题进行分析研究。首先,考虑固定有向通信拓扑情况,对领航跟随者模式下异构变时延多智能体系统提出线性一致性控制协议。然后,构建误差系统模型,利用图论与矩阵论分析方法,并结合Routh-Hurwitz定理与牛顿-莱布尼兹公式,获得系统实现编队控制的充要条件,同时得到估算系统收敛速率的不等式关系。最后,仿真算例中随机给定一种系统节点0全局可达的通信拓扑,并对不同时延情况的编队控制效果进行分析,验证一致性控制协议的正确性和有效性。 相似文献
为了解决多智能体系统的协作问题,在所有智能体只能与一个云服务器进行间断通信的约束下,提出了一种分布式的自触发控制策略.通过引入“约定”的概念,智能体可以更好地估计邻居的未来状态,使得此策略下的每个智能体不仅可以自治地查明下一次的通信时刻,还可以减少请求通信的数量.而且,因为智能体与云服务器建立通信时才能获得邻居的信息,... 相似文献
针对一类具有任意初始状态的部分非正则多智能体系统,提出一种迭代学习控制算法.该算法将具有固定拓扑结构的多智能体编队控制问题转化为广义上的跟踪问题,即让领导者跟踪给定的期望轨迹,而跟随者要始终保持预定队形对某一智能体进行跟踪,并将该智能体作为自身的领导者.同时,为了使每个智能体在任意初始状态下都能按照期望队形进行编队,对每个智能体的初始状态设计迭代学习律,并从理论上对算法的收敛性进行严格证明,给出算法收敛的充分条件.所提出的算法对于各个智能体在任意初始位置条件下均能实现在有限时间区间内系统的稳定编队.最后,通过仿真算例进一步验证了所提出算法的有效性. 相似文献
多智能体系统队形控制的研究主要集中于队形形成、队形保持和队形变换3个方面;首先,介绍、分析了多种队形控制方法,包括轨迹跟踪法、行动选择法、假想刚体法、网络关系图分析法、动态编队法、虚拟势场法、学习控制法和混合控制法等;其次,对移动机器人、无人机、水下机器人等多智能体系统的队形控制应用进行研究;然后,给出了近年来多智能体系统队形控制的研究进展,包括基于复Laplacian矩阵的多维空间队形控制方法,其它领域技术(云计算、图像处理等)用于队形控制的研究成果,并对基于队形控制的多移动机器人和无人机搬运作了介绍;最后,给出了当前队形控制研究中尚未解决的问题,包括队形扩展,队形稳定性,通信、传感器功能,异构多智能体系统队形控制和机械臂编队等。 相似文献
In this paper, the problem of H∞ output tracking control for networked control systems with random time delays and system uncertainties is investigated. Effective sampling instant that is tightly related with transmission delay from sensor to actuator is proposed to ensure that the random variable time delay is always shorter than one effective sampling period. By using both active time‐varying sampling period strategy and hybrid node‐driven mechanism, the switching instant is coincided with the effective sampling instant. An augmented time‐varying networked tracking system model is provided by including the output tracking error as an additional state. However, random transmission delay causes indeterminate sampling period, which induces infinite subsystems. Gridding approach is introduced to transform the continuous time axis into discrete‐time sequences, which guarantees the finite number of switching rules. By employing multiple Lyapunov–Krasovskii functions, linear matrix inequality (LMI)‐based output tracking H∞ performance analysis is presented, and robust switching H∞ model reference tracking controller for networked control systems with communication constraints and system uncertainties is designed to guarantee asymptotic tracking of prescribed reference outputs while rejecting disturbances. Finally, simulation results illustrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
蔺青 《电脑编程技巧与维护》2012,(4):51-52
随着无线网络通信技术的不断发展,其应用也越来越广泛,在诸如挖掘机器人设计、GPS检测和自动化管理等方面均起到了较大作用。对该技术的研究及其一些典型应用进行总结与分析。 相似文献
This article studies two distributed bearing-based event-triggered schemes to achieve formation stabilization. We focus on systems with double-integrator dynamics with bearings sensing capabilities. Firstly, we propose a bearing-only event-triggered condition (ETC) that is edge-dependent which drives the control updates of the agents using only information dependent on relative sensed quantities. Secondly, along with bearing measurements we make use of local agent state measurements to arrive at an ETC that uses this collective measurement to drive the sensing and control updates of an agent. In doing so, we propose a new control law that renders the final formation stationary. Simulations are provided to verify the validity of the proposed algorithms. 相似文献
It is well known that control effort is the key factor considered in formation control of a multi-agent system (MAS). To reduce the controller effort, an economic event-triggered super twisting control (STC) protocol for the formation tracking of a nonlinear MAS, which avoids the unnecessary computations and transmission of control inputs among agents. Specifically, a distributed leader-follower control framework, combing the multi-input STC with event-triggered strategy, is proposed to ensure that the followers' states reach an agreement on the leaders state. Then, the sufficient conditions for the selection of controller parameters are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). On this basis, the event-triggered conditions for implementing the STC protocol in the network environment are obtained using Lyapunov stability theory. Simulation study is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and merits of the STC in terms of formation construction, trajectory tracking, and robustness to system uncertainties. 相似文献
目前,国内建筑中的网络主要以有线形式为主,安装麻烦、不易扩展。为了提高建筑环境控制的智能性,提供一个舒适、节能的办公环境,本文研究了智能办公环境的无线网络系统的构建问题,提出了一种基于多智能体(Agent)技术、ZigBee无线网络技术、模糊Q学习算法的无线网络系统。设计了系统的网络结构和多Agent系统模型,分析了模型中各种Agent的设计和通信方法,给出了系统的软硬件平台设计方案。最后进行了实验分析,验证了引入多Agent模糊Q学习加快了系统学习进程。另外设计了测试方案进行系统网络性能测试,测试结果表明该网络系统的丢包率较低。因此,系统具有可应用性。 相似文献
Amirhosein Golfar 《International journal of systems science》2019,50(7):1313-1326
In the presence of probabilistic communication networks between agents, the convergence analysis of max-consensus algorithm (MCA) is addressed in this paper. It is considered that at each iteration of MCA, all agents share their measurements with adjacent agents via local communication networks which is applicable in many multi-agent systems (MASs). It is assumed that the communication networks have Bernoulli dropouts, i.e. the information exchanged between agents may be lost with Bernoulli distribution. In the proposed method, the information topology of MAS is modelled as a dynamic graph with the Bernoulli adjacency matrix. It is proved that in the presence of Bernoulli dropouts and under non-restrictive assumptions concerning the MAS features and communication topology, the MCA converges with a probability one in the finite time. Furthermore, the upper bounds are provided by means of deterministic and probabilistic expressions for the expectation and dispersion of convergence time, respectively. It is shown that the proposed upper bounds are asymptotic, i.e. there are specific conditions of MAS in which the convergence time of MCA tends to the proposed upper bounds. The convergence accuracy of MCA is discussed in terms of probabilistic equations. The validity of the proposed theorems is illustrated by means of simulation results. 相似文献
源于分布式人工智能的多智能体系统,以其突出的灵活性和适用性,被应用于多机器人协调系统领域。论文从多智能体理论出发,研究在真实世界里利用多协议全双工的通讯机制如何来实现多智能体机器人系统的技术和方法,并通过编队试验对系统性能进行验证。结果表明系统的构建是稳定可行的。 相似文献