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Cuticular lipid components were examined from fourth-instar larvae ofManduca sexta reared on artificial diet or growing plants. The plants used were potato, tobacco, and tomato grown in pots in a greenhouse. Twenty-eight components made up the bulk of the lipids, but there were significant differences in the proportions of them present in insects reared on the different diets. In the case of some insect cuticular lipid components, there was an obvious relationship with the surface components of the plant, but generally this relationship was weak. Nonetheless, the differences may have ecological relevance, as indicated by preliminary work on predation.  相似文献   

Catalase activity was detected in the midgut tissues and regurgitate of several lepidopteran pests of the tomato plant. Greatest activity in the midgut was detected in larvalHelicoverpa zea, followed bySpodoptera exigua, Manduca sexta, andHeliothis virescens. We present evidence that catalase, in addition to removing toxic hydrogen peroxide, may inhibit the oxidation of plant phenolics mediated by plant peroxidases. Small amounts of larval regurgitate significantly inhibited foliar peroxidase activity via removal of hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of foliage with purified catalase nearly eliminated peroxidase activity and was superior as a larval food source compared to untreated foliage. Tomato foliar peroxidases oxidize an array of endogenous compounds including caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, coumaric acid, cinnamic acid, and guaiacol. The oxidized forms of these compounds are potent alkylators of dietary and/or cellular nucleophiles (e.g., thiol and amino functions of proteins, peptides, and amines). When tomato foliar protein was pretreated with peroxidase and chlorogenic acid and incorporated in artificial diet, larval growth was reduced compared to larvae fed untreated protein. Thus, the diminution of peroxidase activity and removal of hydrogen peroxide by catalase may represent an important adaptation to leaf-feeding. The secretion of catalase in salivary fluid during insect feeding is also suggested to be a potential mechanism for reducing hydrogen peroxide formation as an elicitor of inducible plant defenses.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatography was used to follow the fates of iridoid glycosides ingested by four species of lepidopteran herbivores. These four species differed in their feeding strategy, ranging from generalist to monophagous specialist; and in their predator avoidance strategy, ranging from cryptic and palatable to aposematic and unpalatable. The fates of the iridoid glycosides ranged from sequestration by the unpalatable specialist,Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae); to passage into the hemolymph and eventual elimination in the meconium by the specialistsJunonia coenia (Nymphalidae) andCeratomia catalpas (Sphingidae); to elimination of the intact compounds in the feces of the generalist feeder,Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae).  相似文献   

Response of male gypsy moths from a sparse infestation in Italy to an observer apparently contaminated with disparlure at least two years previously is reported. Other examples of pheromone contamination of people or things are also recorded.Authorized for publication as paper No. 5946 in the Journal Series of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station.The observations in Italy were made while the author was a Gastdozent at the Entomologisches Institute, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

The toxic effect of hypericin (HYP), a photodynamic quinone that occurs in certain species of the genusHypericum, towardsManduca sexta third-instar larvae was investigated. The LD50 of purified hypericin was 16 g/g larval initial fresh weight in constant light (22 W/m2). Reduced irradiance resulted in decreased mortality. Sublethal applications retarded larval growth (body fresh weight) in a dose-dependent manner. Toxicity had an absolute light dependence at the dose levels used, the active wavelengths being >500 nm. The phototoxic effect was rapidly lost when larvae were maintained in darkness (>8 hr) prior to irradiation. However, the potential for light-dependent mortality was retained if larvae were starved prior to irradiation.  相似文献   

The role of leaf lipids in food plant selection by larvae ofManduca sexta was investigated by measuring preference responses in a two-choice preference test using glass fiber filter paper disks laced with extract (test) or water (control). The larvae respond to the petroleum ether extract of whole leaves of the host-plantLycopersicon esculentum (tomato) extract in a concentration-dependent manner. At natural concentration it is the most strongly stimulating extract or compound yet tested using the disk test. This response is affected by food plant experience of the larvae, suggesting stimulation by plant-specific compounds in the extract. The extract contains volatile compounds that attract the larvae. In contrast, it does not promote continued feeding on an agar-cellulose diet that incorporates the extract. Also stimulating are the extracts of leaf surfaces of two hosts,L. esculentum andSolanum pseudocapsicum, and two acceptable nonhosts,Brassicae napus andVigna sinensis, indicating the presence of nonpolar feeding stimulants at the leaf surface. However, similar leaf-surface extracts of the unacceptable plantCanna generalis were inactive, although the surface extraction process renders this plant acceptable. Leaf-surface extracts ofL. esculentum, S. pseudocapsicum, andB. napus evoke feeding responses that are qualitatively comparable to those of their corresponding leaves. However, no such parallel is found for surface extracts ofV. sinensis andC. generalis. Thus, nonpolar compounds at the leaf surface of host and some acceptable non-host-plant species strongly stimulate feeding and hence must play an important role in food selection by the tobacco hornworm.  相似文献   

Polyacetylenes and their thiophene derivatives, characteristic secondary metabolites of the Asteraceae, were examined for their effects on herbivorous insects. Three thiophenes (a monothiophene, a bithiophene, and -terthienyl) and four polyacetylenes (phenylheptatriyne, phenylheptadiynene, phenylheptadiyene acetate, and matricaria lactone) were studied for their phototoxicity and light-independent toxicity to (1) a polyphagous lepidopteran,Ostrinia nubilalis, whose host range includes a number of phototoxic Asteraceae, (2) a polyphagous lepidoteran,Euxoa messoria, whose host range includes very few species of Asteraceae, and (3) an oligophagous lepidopteran,Manduca sexta, which is a specialist on Solanaceae. Several compounds were phototoxic toM. sexta andE. messoria even at very low irradiance levels, but behavioral adaptations, including spinning silk and boring into diet, allowedO. nubilalis to avoid photosensitization. Light-independent activity of the compounds to all three species involved feeding deterrence increasing in the orderO. nubilalis, E. messoria, andM. sexta, and longterm metabolic toxicity in the form of impaired nutrient utilization. The biosynthetically derived thiophenes were more toxic than their acetylenic precursors, and toxicity increased with increasing number of thiophene rings. The results are discussed in terms of plant-insect coevolution.  相似文献   

The chemical basis of feeding responses to the acceptable nonhost plantVigna sinensis (cowpea) by larvae ofManduca sexta was investigated using chemical isolation techniques directed by a novel chemosensory-based bioassay. The presence of feeding stimulatory and inhibitory compounds in leaves or leaf extracts was determined in a two-choice preference test using leaf disks or glass fiber filter paper disks laced with leaf extract as test substrate and filter paper disks laced with water as control. Larvae strongly prefer the control disks over leaf disks, indicating the presence of feeding inhibitory compounds in the leaf. An ethanol extract of both fresh and dried leaves neither stimulated nor inhibited feeding. The cause of this inactivity was examined by using larvae that respond strongly to either feeding stimulatory or inhibitory compounds due to selective chemosensory deprivation. Larvae having chemosensory organs remaining only on the maxillary palps are stimulated to feed by whole leaf disks and by the ethanol extracts. In contrast, larvae having only the medial and lateral maxillary sensilla styloconica and the epipharyngeal sensilla remaining are strongly inhibited by whole leaf disks and the ethanol extract of fresh leaves. Thus, the ethanol extract contains both feeding stimulatory and inhibitory compounds, which elicit opposite behavioral effects in unoperated larvae, therefore nullifying any stimulatory and inhibitory activity. These compounds can only be demonstrated by using discrimination-enhanced larvae in the choice tests. Further isolation of the feeding stimulatory principle inV. sinensis yielded two separate fractions of neutral compounds, suggesting at least two different chemicals belonging to two different classes: nonpolar and polar lipids. Feeding inhibitory chemicals have apparently polar properties because strong activity was found in the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of dried leaves. The role of feeding stimulatory and inhibitory compounds in food selection ofM. sexta larvae is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction by dietary nicotine of a series of cytochrome P-450 enzyme activities was investigated in early fifth-instarManduca sexta larvae. At a low nicotine concentration in the diet (0.1 %), three of 12 midgut microsomal enzyme activities were significantly increased. At a higher concentration (0.75%) commonly found in plants of the genusNicotiana, nine of 12 activities were induced by 1.4- to 10.0-fold. Total cytochrome P-450, P-450 reductase activity, and midgut microsomal metabolism of nicotine were also increased by feeding 0.75% nicotine. Nicotine was metabolized by midgut microsomes to nicotine-1-N-oxide and cotinine-N-oxide. Fat body microsomal nicotine metabolism was low and unaffected by dietary nicotine. Isolated nerve cords were able to metabolize nicotine in vitro but this metabolism was not inducible by dietary nicotine. Nicotine-fed fifth-instarM. sexta larvae showed an increased tolerance to subsequent nicotine injection when compared to larvae fed a control diet. These results support the idea that induction of midgut cytochrome P-450-related metabolism is an adaptation ofManduca sexta to dietary nicotine.  相似文献   

A variety of oxidases, reductases, esterases, epoxide hydrolases, and group transferases in herbivorous insects and mites detoxify and facilitate the excretion of toxic phytochemicals (allelochemicals). Current theory indicates that the cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) are by far the most important enzymes because they have many attributes that are essential for an effective detoxification system. Data presented here on the midgut microsomal MFO activity of larvae of the gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar, are discussed in the light of previous work and support the theory. In the gypsy moth, the MFO levels exhibit a parallel trend with changes in specific feeding rates, and changes in the specific activity of the enzyme appear to be regulated ontogenetically and by inductive effect of chemicals in the diet. The specific activity of the MFOs rises more sharply on leaves of a highly preferred type-1 plant, the pin oak, than on an artificial wheat germ diet; the increase from mid-second instar to mid-fifth is 4.5- and 1.8-fold, respectively. The relationship of food consumption rate to increase in body mass (W) was slightly in excess of a 11 ratio for both pin oak and the artificial diet, indicating that the feeding rate surpasses the increase in W (a rare phenomenon in insects). Moreover, the surface-to-volume ratios are fairly constant for combined data of gut lumen and epithelium in second to fifth instars, because the volume occupied by the epithelial cells is much larger than in older ones. Thus, it is concluded that greater specific activity of the MFO is necessary with larval advancement to higher instars in order that they may process dietary allelochemicals with an efficiency comparable to younger larvae. Additional data suggest that MFO level increases reflect further adaptation to: (1) normal, seasonal changes in plants' allelochemical composition and concentration; (2) increase in allelochemical concentration in response to leaf damage; and (3) the risk faced by dispersing larvae of encountering a greater amount and variety of allelochemicals on suboptimal/ less suitable plants. Evidence also has emerged recently for MFO-catalyzed metabolism/deactivation of numerous plant allelochemicals, including compounds that induce the enzyme. MFOs are further adapted for participation in the biogenesis of substances physiologically important to insects. Moreover, the catalytic center of the MFO system, cytochrome P-450, occurs in multiple forms; the significance of this important feature is discussed.Paper presented at the Symposium Bioorganic Chemistry of Communication Systems, at the NERM-15 ACS meeting, SUNY College at New Paltz, New York, June 1985.  相似文献   

Adult monarch butterflies,Danaus plexippus L. (Lepidoptera: Danaidae), store only some of the cardenolides present in the larval milkweed (Asclepiadaceae) host. Feeding known doses of individual cardenolides to 4th instar monarch larvae led to more efficient larval tissue incorporation at low doses than at high ones, and favored storage of cardenolide glycosides over genins. A qualitative regulation also occurs during larval feeding; calactin and calotropin were stored as such but uscharidin was rapidly converted to a mixture of calactin and calotropin which were the forms stored by the larvae. Two genins, uzarigenin and digitoxigenin, were stored by larvae as polar cardenolide metabolites.Research supported by National Science Foundation grants DEB 7514266 and DEB 7514266-AO2 (U.C. Davis) and DEB 7514265 (Amherst College).  相似文献   

Midgut and fat body homogenates of monarch butterfly larvae,Danaus plexippus L. (Lepidoptera:Danaidae), were examined for microsomal monooxygenase activity usingp-chloro-N-methylanilineN-demethylation and for the ability to metabolize a milkweed (Asclepias spp.) cardenolide (C23 steroid glycoside), uscharidin. All homogenates tested had bothN-demethylation and uscharidin biotransformation activities. Both transformations required NADPH. The monooxygenase inhibitors sesamex, SKF525A, and carbon monoxide inhibitedN-demethylation but not uscharidin biotransformation. Subsequent subcellular fractionation revealed the uscharidin biotransformation occurs in the soluble fraction and not the microsomal fraction, whileN-demethylation occurs in the microsomal fraction and not the soluble fraction. The larval NADPH-dependent microsomal monooxygenase apparently is not involved in the metabolism of uscharidin.  相似文献   

Studies were made of the comparative in vitro metabolism of [14C]xanthotoxin and [14C]aldrin by homogenate preparations of midguts and bodies (carcass minus digestive tract and head) of last-stage larvae of the black swallowtail butterfly (Papilio polyxenes Fabr.) and the fall armyworm [Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith)]. The two substrates were metabolized by 10,000g supernatant microsomal preparations from both species. Evidence gained through the use of a specific inhibitor and cofactor indicated that mixed-function microsomal oxidases were major factors in the metabolism and that the specific activity of this enzyme system was considerably higher in midgut preparations fromP. polyxenes than in similar preparations fromS. frugiperda. Aldrin was metabolized 3–4 times faster byP. polyxenes, and xanthotoxin 6–6.5 times faster.  相似文献   

A model system involving severalNicotiana species containing novel nicotine alkaloids was used to study heritability and expression of alkaloid production in leaf trichomes. The three species that comprise the section Repandae (N. repanda, N. stocktonii, andN. nesophila) were hybridized with eitherN. tabacum orN. sylvestris (neither of which producesN-acylnornicotine). The progeny of the hybrid with sylvestris produced theN-acylnornicotines at a level found in the Repandae parent.Nicotiana repanda was crossed toN. tabacum, and the F2 progeny produced the alkaloid at the same level as the original Repandae parent. Inheritance of the ability to acylate nornicotine in Repandae species is inherited in hybrids in a dominant manner These and other data obtained suggest that theN-acyltransferase that acylates nornicotine in Repandae species inherited in hybrids is in a dominant manner and that the regulatory sequence(s) for the gene is expressed in leaf trichomes when the gene is in a foreignNicotiana background.  相似文献   

Pheromone traps baited with (+)-disparlure,cis-7,8-epoxy-2methyocta-decane, captured males ofLymantria dispar, L. monacha, andL. mathura in northeastern People's Republic of China.L. dispar responded to the addition of olefin to (+)-disparlure-baited traps in a negative doseresponse manner. Observations on site and seasonal capture ofL. dispar andL. mathura are discussed.Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae.  相似文献   

In high-density populations, the male gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) appetitive flight is primarily vertical and within 1–50 cm of tree boles. Preceding location of a female, males land on trees or occasionally tree foliage and walk while wing-fanning. In high-density populations females may mate before calling, often prior to wing expansion or hardening. Additional matings may occur before any or full deposition of egg masses. Virgin females are not coy, whether their wings are unexpanded, or hardened and held rooflike, or whether they are calling or not. They generally mate with the first willing male and do not exercise sexual selection by an acceptance or rejection reaction. The mating structure in dense populations would seem to reduce selective pressure for female emission of and direct male anemotactic flight to attractant pheromone. A low proportion of males search appropriate objects, especially tree trunks, in the walking-wing-fanning state. Such males often are successful in locating virgin females before calling commences. This male strategy presumably would not be successful in low population densities.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 10253.  相似文献   

The Sutton and more recent Gaussian plume models of atmospheric dispersion were used to estimate downwind concentrations of pheromone in a deciduous forest. Wind measurements from two bivane anemometers were recorded every 12 sec and the pheromone was emitted from a point source 1.6 m above ground level at known rates. The wingfanning response of individually caged male gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) at 15 sites situated 20 to 80 m downwind was used to monitor when pheromone levels were above threshold over a 15-min interval. Predicted concentrations from these Gaussian-type models at locations where wing fanning occurred were often several orders of magnitude below the known behavioral thresholds determined from wind tunnel tests. Probit analyses of dose-response relationships with these models showed no relationship between predicted dose and actual response. The disparity between the predictions of concentration from these models and the actual response patterns of the male gypsy moth in the field was not unexpected. These time-average models predict concentrations for a fixed position over 3-min or longer intervals, based upon the dispersion coefficients. Thus the models estimate pheromone concentrations for time intervals appreciably longer than required for behavioral response.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 10914.  相似文献   

California overwintering monarch butterflies contain both pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and theirN-oxides. Analysis of 76 individual monarchs by TLC, HPLC, GLC, and GC-MS has shown the presence of three types of PAs, the saturated diester sarracine, the saturated monoester 7-angelylplatynecine, and the unsaturated dialcohol retronecine. Monarchs arriving at the overwintering site in Santa Cruz, California, showed a wide variation in both the type and amount of PA present. Those sampled after a PA-containing plant (Senecio mikanioides) had bloomed at the site showed an altered PA profile. While the plant was found to contain sarracine and 7-angelylplatynecine, which are nontoxic to mammals, the monarchs showed an increase in retronecine levels, a toxic PA, after the plant bloom. Apparently monarchs utilize PA-containing plants both en route to their overwintering site and at the site, and potentially alter those PAs to forms toxic to mammals.  相似文献   

Parasitoids developing within tobacco hornworms or fall army-worms exhibit significant differences in development and survival depending on whether their hosts fed on nicotine-free or nicotine-containing diets. The effects of nicotine were more severe on the relatively less adapted parasitoid,H. annulipes than the specialist parasitoid,Cotesia congregata. Labeled alkaloid originally placed in herbivore diet was incorporated in several parasitoid tissues. These results suggest that interactions between plant allelochemicals and parasitoids should be considered in the development of theory on insect herbivory and plant defense.Scientific article No. A4408, Contrib. No. 7397 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Entomology. Research supported by USDA. Competitive Grant No. 59-2241-1-1-749-0 and NSF grant BSR-84-00614.Mention of a commercial product does not constitute an endorsement.  相似文献   

This paper is the first in a series on cardenolide fingerprinting of monarch butterflies and their host-plant milkweeds in the eastern United States. Spectrophotometric determinations of the gross cardenolide content of 60Asclepias viridis plants in northwestern Louisiana indicate a positively skewed variation ranging from 95 to 432 g/0.1 g dry weight with a mean of 245 g/0.1 g. Butterflies reared individually on these plants contained a normal cardenolide distribution ranging from 73 to 591 g/0.1 g dry weight with a mean of 337 g/0.1 g. The uptake of cardenolide by the butterflies best fit a logarithmic function of the plant concentration. Female monarchs (385 g/0.l g) contained significantly greater mean cardenolide concentrations than did males (287 g/0.1 g). No indications of a metabolic cost for either cardenolide ingestion or storage were adduced from size or dry weight data. Thin-layer chromatograms of 24 individual plant-butterfly pairs developed in two solvent systems resolved 21 individual spots in the plants and 15 in the butterflies.A. viridis plants appear to contain several relatively nonpolar cardenolides of the calotropagenin series which are metabolized to the more polar 3'-hydroxy derivatives calactin and calotropin as well as to calotropagenin in the butterflies. The epoxy cardenolides labriformin and labriformidin were absent, although desglucosyrioside (a 3'-hydroxy derivative) appeared present in both plants and butterflies. Quantitative evaluation of theR f values, spot intensities, and probabilities of occurrence in the chloroform-methanol—formamide TLC system produced a cardenolide fingerprint clearly distinct from those previously established for monarchs reared on otherAsclepias species, supporting the use of fingerprints to make ecological predictions concerning larval host-plant utilization.A. viridis is the predominant early spring milkweed throughout most of the south central United States and may be important in providing chemical protection to spring and early summer generation monarchs in the eastern United States.Lepidoptera: Danaidae.Apocynales: Asclepiadaceae.  相似文献   

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