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S. Cannata T.E. Engle S.J. Moeller H.N. Zerby A.E. Radunz M.D. Green P.D. Bass K.E. Belk 《Meat science》2010
Pork loins (N = 53) were selected from a commercial packing plant to determine the influence of subjective marbling score on sensory attributes and eating quality properties. The pork loins were obtained from commercially raised hybrid barrows (average carcass weight = 67.7 kg), originating from nine cooperating herds, and fed similar diets throughout the finishing period. Carcass quality measurements, trained sensory panel analyses, fatty acid composition, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) index, and cholesterol content were assessed and analyzed on the individual pork loins. With an increase in marbling level, there was a corresponding decrease in drip loss (P = 0.049) and observed increases in pH (P = 0.001), sensory tenderness (P = 0.001), and sensory juiciness scores (P = 0.017). The most notable results demonstrated that protein concentrations were reduced as marbling levels amplified (P = 0.012). The increase in marbling score was observed to be a significant source of variation in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentrations. Linoleic and arachidonic acids decreased in both raw and cooked samples as marbling score increased. The data demonstrated that visual marbling score does have an influence on sensory properties and pork quality. 相似文献
Cooking method and endpoint temperature effects on sensory and color characteristics of pumped pork loin chops 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of pumping, cooking method and endpoint temperature on quality of fresh pork chops. The longissimus was removed from 30 paired pork sides. One side was pumped to 110% of original weight (0.4% phosphate, 0.4% salt+added water). Chops were cut (2.5 cm thick) then fried or grilled to 70 or 80 °C. As endpoint temperature increased from 70 to 80 °C, pork flavor increased (P<0.05) from 95 to 104 (on a 150 point scale) for pumped samples but remained constant in unpumped samples. Juiciness decreased when unpumped samples cooked to 80 °C (62) rather than 70 °C (78). Warner–Bratzler shear values were lower (P<0.05) in pumped chops than in unpumped controls. Pork flavor was higher and off-flavor was lower in fried chops. Pumping loins appears to enhance sensory attributes of chops even when cooked to abusive endpoint temperatures with limited detrimental effects on physical characteristics. 相似文献
The effect of muscle cortisol concentration on muscle fiber characteristics and technological and sensory quality of pork was investigated. With the exception of the percentage of type IIA fibers, muscle fiber characteristics were not associated to cortisol levels. However, muscle cortisol concentration was positively associated with muscle pH(24h) (r = 0.23, P<0.05) and negatively associated with drip loss (r = -0.49, P<0.001), lightness (r = -0.24, P<0.05), shear force (r = -0.25, P<0.05), and texture profile analysis-hardness (r = -0.35, P<0.01). Additionally, the water-holding capacity of meat samples was affected by cortisol levels, with lower cortisol concentrations associated with less tender samples. These results indicate that the concentration of cortisol in the muscle is related with meat quality as well as the sensory quality of cooked pork. 相似文献
The objective was to examine the relationship of trained panel sensory scores of cooked pork with fatty acid composition, muscle fiber type, and meat quality characteristics from Berkshire pigs. No or few associations were found between the panel sensory scores of cooked meat, especially tenderness attributes, and fatty acid composition; however, intramuscular fat content positively correlated with off-flavor score (r = 0.31). On the other hand, the morphological characteristics of muscle fibers were correlated with panel sensory values. Muscles with smaller cross-sectional area and higher density of fibers were more closely associated with softer, more tender panel scores and a lower number of chews than muscles with larger fiber area and lower density of fibers. The water holding capacity test of filter-paper fluid uptake was moderately correlated with panel scores of softness (r = 0.33), initial tenderness (r = 0.38), chewiness (r = 0.40), juiciness (r = − 0.27), flavor intensity (r = − 0.23), and off-flavor (r = 0.30). Panel sensory values of Berkshire pig meat was moderately related to postmortem meat quality, especially water holding capacity. A more thorough understanding of the relationships between fatty acid composition and muscle fiber type with palatability is needed. 相似文献
Manuel Juárez William R. CaineIvy L. Larsen Wayne M. RobertsonMike E.R. Dugan Jennifer L. Aalhus 《Meat science》2009
The experiment was conducted to examine opportunities for enhancing pork quality through the use of post-mortem ageing when combined with different chilling regimes. Large White (LW, n = 24) and Duroc × Large White (Duroc, n = 24) barrows were slaughtered and alternate carcass sides were either conventionally or blast-chilled. The longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle was dissected from the carcass sides (24 h post-mortem) and trimmed of cover fat. Three sections (15 cm length) were vacuum packaged and assigned to 2, 7 or 14 days of ageing (2 °C) randomized within muscle location. Blast-chilled meat had lower purge (P = 0.009) and drip (P = 0.0009) losses and higher hue (P = 0.02) than conventionally chilled meat. However chilling by conventional or blast-chilling methods had no effect on sensory characteristics (P > 0.1). When breeds were compared, meat from Duroc barrows had lower moisture (P < 0.0001) and higher intramuscular fat content (P < 0.0001), L∗ (P = 0.0003) and hue (P = 0.007) values than LW. Overall tenderness (P = 0.005), juiciness (P = 0.0007) and palatability (P < 0.0001), as well as flavour intensity (P < 0.0001) and desirability (P < 0.0001) values were higher and undesirable flavours were lower (P < 0.0001) for meat from Duroc pigs, when compared with LW. Ageing increased purge loss (P < 0.0001), L∗ (P < 0.0001), hue (P < 0.0001), chroma (P < 0.0001) and content of protein (P = 0.002), with corresponding decreases (P < 0.0001) in drip loss and moisture content. Instrumental (P < 0.0001) and sensory (initial, P < 0.0001 and overall, P < 0.0001) tenderness increased from day 2 to 14. Therefore independent of chilling method, ageing improved quality of pork loins. Moreover ageing had greater effect on tenderness, while breed had greater effect on flavour which may be related to differences in intramuscular fat content. 相似文献
Texture,sensory and swallowing characteristics of high-pressure-heat-treated pork meat gel as a dysphagia diet 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
To develop a soft meat product for a dysphagia diet, high-pressure technology was applied. Pressure-heat-treated ground pork meat (PH) was prepared from ground pork mixed with water (ground meat: water, 1:0.5 or 1:1) and salt (1.5%). PH-gels were made from these meat homogenates by treatment at 400 MPa for 20 min, followed by heat treatment. Heat-treated pork meat homogenates (H) were also prepared. The hardness and adhesiveness of the 1:1PH-gel was lower than those of the 1:1H-gel. The PH-gel scored higher in sensory evaluations of elasticity, smoothness and ease of swallowing. Scanning electron micrographs indicated that the superior textural property of the 1:1PH-gel was caused by a network of myosin filaments. Videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing revealed that the 1:1PH-gel was easy to swallow and left little residue in the oropharynx. These results proved the utility of pressurization in creating a dysphagia meat diet. 相似文献
Pork loin chops with the subcutaneous fat attached, without subcutaneous fat and the subcutaneous fat that was removed from chops were packaged and stored at 4°C±1°C in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film for 0-6 days or in high-oxygen barrier (HOB) film for 0-28 days. Aerobic plate counts (APCs) of lean and fat of intact chops packaged and stored in either PVC or HOB film did not differ (P>0·05) in most comparisons. The APCs of subcutaneous fat portions that were packaged and stored separately in HOB film often were higher than those of comparable fat samples of intact chops. There was no consistent pattern of differences in the microflora of lean and fat samples. Differences in mean scores for surface discoloration, off odor and overall appearance of intact chops and chops without subcutaneous fat usually were either not significant (P>0·05) or inconsistent. Lean color scores of chops with or without subcutaneous fat did not differ except that chops with the subcutaneous fat removed were rated higher than intact chops during the early periods of storage. Fat color of subcutaneous fat packaged and stored separately in HOB film was often rated higher (slightly whiter) than that of comparable fat of intact chops. 相似文献
V Alonso LM Najes L Provincial E Guillén M Gil P Roncalés JA Beltrán 《Meat science》2012,92(4):366-373
This study compared the influence of dietary fat sources on meat quality, fatty acid composition and sensory attributes in pork. The experiment was conducted with 43 entire male pigs (Pietrain×(Landrace×Large White)) which were fed a basal diet without added fat (control diet) or supplemented with different sources of fat: animal fat (1%, AF1; 3%, AF3), soyabean oil (1%, SBO1) and calcium soaps of palm oil (1%, CaSPO1). Dietary fat supplementation did not significantly affect ultimate pH, colour, Warner-Bratzler shear force values, sensory attributes or SFA. Pigs fed SBO1 had the lowest proportion of MUFA and the highest of PUFA. In conclusion, these dietary fat sources could be recommended for inclusion in diets, at these levels, with no detrimental effect on eating quality. Despite finding no significant differences, the PCA afforded a comprehensive view of the predominating attributes of pork from animals fed the different fats. 相似文献
Pork loins were pumped to 110% of original weight with solutions containing 5.5% salt and 3.3% sodium tripolyphosphate, 5.5% salt and 3.3% β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) enriched fraction or 5.5% salt and 3.3% whey protein concentrate 80% (WPC80) for comparison with non-enhanced control loins. The enhancement of pork loins significantly increased (p<0.001) the tenderness and juiciness. Warner-Bratzler shear force values were lower (p<0.001) in enhanced then in non-enhanced control chops. The enhanced pork chops had a slightly higher overall flavour and overall acceptability to the control pork chops. Sensory analysis showed that β-lg enriched fraction and WPC80 can be used as replacement ingredients to reduce the amount of phosphate used in enhancement solutions, as they were comparable to salt/sodium tripolyphosphate (salt/STPP) enhancement solution. Consumers rated the tenderness, juiciness and taste of the enhanced chops significantly (p<0.001) higher then the control chops. 相似文献
The physicochemical characteristics of two date palm varieties, “Khalas” and “Barhee”, commonly grown in the United Arab Emirates, were studied under commercial and industrial storage conditions. Storage conditions chosen were 2 months and 1 year at −3 °C and at room temperature (∼25 °C). Stored samples were analyzed for sugar, moisture, protein, ash and mineral element contents. Physical measurements on the date fruit, pit and flesh, measurements of the fruit's pitting pressure, shear pressure and modulus of elasticity, as well as sensory evaluation, were carried out on freshly harvested and stored samples. Significant variations in measured attributes were observed with storage treatments, but the two varieties did not behave similarly under matching storage conditions. Quality was best maintained after storage of 2 months at −3 °C for Khalas, and 1 year at −3 °C for Barhee. Overall, storage time and temperature as independent factors alone did not account for all of the observed variation in the studied attributes of Khalas and Barhee. Principal component analysis revealed that most of the variation of the stored dates comes from “size”, followed by “texture” variables. The work pointed to some probable chemical and physiological systems responsible for deterioration of dates, the understanding of which can prove extremely helpful in developing methods of short- and long-term preservation of the fruit. 相似文献
The effect of muscle type on physico-chemical properties and sensory characteristics of foal meat was investigated. Six muscles: longissimus dorsi (LD), semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), biceps femoris (BF), triceps brachii (TB) and psoas major & minor (PM) from twelve foals slaughtered at 15 months from an extensive production system in freedom regimen were extracted for this study. Regarding chemical composition, intramuscular fat content showed significant differences among muscle where PM presented higher values (0.7%) than the other ones. The heme-iron content also presented significant differences ranging between 1.5 and 2.4 mg/100 g fresh meat. ST was the lightest, while TB and PM presented a more intense redness. The muscles that had a greater capacity to hold water were ST and BF, which presented lower drip loss (2 and 2.2%) and cooking loss (17.3 and 17.2%), respectively. Textural traits established the following scale in response to the tenderness: LD > PM > ST > TB > BF > SM. Finally, sensory analyses revealed that color and texture traits (hardness, juiciness and fibrousness) were significantly influenced by muscle type. 相似文献
Jiménez Colmenero F Serrano A Ayo J Solas MT Cofrades S Carballo J 《Meat science》2003,65(4):1391-1397
The effects of different proportions (0, 5, 10, 15%) of added walnuts on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of restructured beef steak were evaluated. The addition of 10 and 15% walnut reduced (P<0.05) cooking loss. Increasing proportions of walnut in the beef steak increased (P<0.05) water binding and reduced (P<0.05) fat binding properties. The addition of walnut did not affect (P>0.05) textural properties in uncooked restructured beef steak, but in cooked products Kramer shear force and bind strength were reduced (P<0.05) when 10% or more of walnut was added. Product morphology characteristics suggest that walnut interferes with the formation of protein network structures. Restructured steaks made with added walnut presented acceptable sensory properties. Incorporation of nuts in meat products can be use to confer potential heart-healthy benefits (Spanish Patent Application 200300367). 相似文献
The influence of two diets with different fatty acid compositions has been studied with regard to overall pork quality and significance of specific fatty acids on sensory attributes in fried chops and oven roasts. Twenty castrates and 20 females were in a balanced experimental set-up fed with a standard diet supplemented with α-tocopherol (200mg/kg feed) where the fat source was either 3% of palm oil or 3% rapeseed oil. After slaughter, despite differences in lipid composition and sensory attributes, no significant difference in overall meat quality parameters and flavour precursors was found. Comparison of the two diets showed that supplementation with rapeseed oil resulted in a significantly higher content of C18:3n-3 (polar lipid (PL), neutral lipid (NL)), C18:2n-6c (NL) and C20:2 (NL) in LD and C18:1n-9c, C18:2n-6c, C18:3n-3, C20:3n-3, C22:5n-3 in backfat, while supplementation with palm oil resulted in a higher content of C16:0 (NL), C16:1 (PL), C18:1n-9t (NL) in LD and C16:0, C17:0, C18:0, C16:1, C20:4n-6 in backfat. A positive and significant correlation between the contents of C18:2n-6c, C20:3n-6 in the PL fraction and the sensory attributes fried meat odour and sweet odour were found in fried pork chops from female pigs. Likewise, positive correlations were seen between the content of C18:1n-9c in the PL fraction and sensory attributes such as sourish odour, piggy odour and piggy flavour in whole oven roasts. These data substantiate the view that specific fatty acids in the PL fraction influences flavour attributes in pork. 相似文献
The relation between measurements of colour made in the m. adductor (AD) at 45 min or 20 h post mortem and the quality, assessed subjectively in terms of colour and waterholding capacity, of the m. longissimus (LD) in the loin was examined. The study used data from 100 pig carcasses exhibiting a wide range of meat quality from extreme PSE (pale, soft and exudative) to extreme DFD (dark, firm and dry). The subjective assessments were confirmed by objective measures of paleness (reflectance) and waterholding capacity (drip loss in storage) in the LD. Lightness (L*) measured at 20 h post mortem in the AD was the best potential predictor of loin muscle quality, explaining 59% of the variation in subjective and objective quality measures. Comparable measurements at 45 min post mortem explained between 21% and 44% of the variation. The equation that described the relation between AD Lightness (L*) and subjectively assessed LD quality was derived. This could be used to transpose the AD L* values from a population of slaughtered pigs into nominal subjective scores for the LD, allowing the frequency of the five subjective quality groups (extremely DFD, slightly DFD, normal, slightly PSE, and extremely PSE) in the population of carcasses to be defined. 相似文献
Lee SH Choe JH Choi YM Jung KC Rhee MS Hong KC Lee SK Ryu YC Kim BC 《Meat science》2012,90(2):284-291
The purpose of this study was to compare parameters associated with pork quality, muscle fiber, and eating quality among various breeds, and to examine if differences in eating quality were associated to pork quality and muscle fiber characteristics. For carcass and pork quality, although there were significant differences among breeds, the values of parameters in all pigs were assigned a normal quality class, a likely outcome of the similarity in the area percentage of type I and IIB fibers. For eating quality, pork loins from Berkshire pigs were more tender and full of pork flavor than Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. Except juiciness and mouth coating, over 20% of the variability in the eating quality parameters can be explained by pork quality traits and muscle fiber characteristics using multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, differences in muscle pH24 h, cooking loss, shear force, and NPPC marbling score could explain a large proportion of variation in eating quality parameters associated with the texture of pork. 相似文献
A survey at five pigs' slaughterhouses was performed to investigate the effect of a quality assurance system, pre-slaughter conditions and slaughterhouse facilities on pork quality. Totally, 2246 pigs were included over four transports per slaughterhouse, i.e. two transports were produced according to a quality assurance system and the other two were conventional pigs. Meat quality was measured on 446 pigs. The pH in the longissimus dorsi muscle and the electrical conductivity in the semimembranosus muscle were measured 30min post-mortem. Twenty-four hours later pH and electrical conductivity in both the longissimus dorsi and the semimembranosus muscle were measured. Pigs managed according to a chain quality protocol showed an overall higher potential for improved meat quality. Differences in meat quality between the different slaughterhouses were also found, however they were dependent on muscle type and time of measuring. Influencing factors on pork quality seemed to be stocking density during transport, the handling during offloading the pigs from the truck, stocking density, and air temperature during lairage. 相似文献
The effects of different concentrations of dietary oregano essential oil supplementation on finishing pig meat characteristics were investigated in the present study. Thirty-two barrows and thirty-two gilts were divided into four equal groups. During the experimental period, which started when the animals were 5 months old and finished after 35 days, the first group was fed the control diet (group C), whereas the other three groups consumed the same diet, with the only difference that the feed was supplemented with oregano essential oil at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1 ml/kg of fed diet (groups OR1, OR2 and OR3, respectively). At the end of the experiment, pigs were fasted for 12 h, weighed and slaughtered. After overnight chilling, a 50 cm loin section was removed from the half of the carcasses (8 pigs per nutritional treatment; 4 barrows and 4 gilts) and transported to laboratory for further examination. 相似文献
The effect of growing pigs on free-range (FR) or in confinement with three different diets [acorn (A), acorn and grass (A-G) and formulated diet (FD)] on composition, volatile profile and sensory characteristics of dry-cured loin was studied. The FR, A and A-G diets, in comparison with FD, induce a higher α- and γ-tocopherol concentration, which limits the TBARs values at 24 h of air exposure. Sixty volatile compounds were identified in the headspace, including 14 aldehydes, 10 hydrocarbons, eight alcohols, five ketones, four furans, four pyrazines, four sulphur compounds, three acids, three esters, three phenols, one pyridine and one pyrrole. Volatiles from amino acid catabolism stressed the difference among batches FR being the batch with the highest level of these compounds. Products from FD showed the lowest fat content and L∗ value. FR loins obtained the highest scores for appearance, odour and flavour in the rank order test sensory analysis. 相似文献