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黄酒是以稻米,黍米,玉米,小米,小麦等粮食为主要原料,经蒸煮,糖化,发酵,压榨,过滤,贮存,勾兑等工艺生产的酿造酒。黄酒酒精度低,耗粮较少,富含多种氨基酸,蛋白质,维生素和对人体有益的矿物元素,营养丰富。  相似文献   

人们还依稀记得,沱江曾是四川人引以为荣的美丽之江,她淌过634公里路程,滋润三百万平方公里土地,欢快地流入长江。放眼望去,两岸青青,江水碧透,商船往来,渔舟结伴,而或夜幕降临,萤火明灭,星月当空,清风徐起,岸柳依依,情语细细。夏日里,淘气的小男孩三五成群,光着身子在江边嬉水。  相似文献   

叶剑秋 《园林》2005,(4):56-56
美女樱Verbena x hybrida,马鞭草科,美女樱属,分布于美洲热带,多年生草本,作一,二年生栽培,全株被毛,株高20-30厘米,茎直立性不强,外倾性,常有4棱,木质化。叶对生,长圆形至长圆状卵形,边缘有不整齐的锯齿。穗状花序,小花高脚碟型,花色丰富,红,粉红,白色,紫及各种双色种。  相似文献   

叶剑秋 《园林》2005,(9):54-54
金鱼草,产地欧洲,玄参科,金鱼草属,株高30-80厘米。茎直立,节不明显,颜色深浅与花色相关。叶对生,尤其基生叶,卵形,上部叶有互生或近对生,呈卵状披针形,全缘,一般叶色较深。总状花序;小花为唇形花冠,花冠筒膨大成囊状,上层2裂,下层3裂,喉部往往异色;  相似文献   

林云甲 《园林》2005,(4):44-45
杜鹃根系纤细,分布较浅,吸引功能较弱,既怕干,又怕涝,需肥但又怕浓肥,所以在土质,光照,浇水,施肥,温度等方面,均需细心管理,否则轻则落蕾,落叶,重则死亡。现就杜鹃无故死亡的原因及防治方法综述如下:  相似文献   

丰富的林木资源,使丰县成为在全国颇具影响的木材集散地,目前,该县投资近千万元,在县城西部建成国内最大的进口红榉木批发市场和木线条加工专业区,来自北京,广州,青岛,浙江等地的木材经销商,分别通过青岛,广州,天津,连云港等口岸,源源不断地把法国,德国,乌克兰,俄罗斯等国生产的红榉木进口到丰县市场,再销往各地,日均销量达1000多立方米,占全国榉木销售量的60%,如今这里已成为我国最大的进口榉木交易市场。  相似文献   

小城镇建设是推动农村社会经济发展,实现农村工业化,城乡一体化的必由之路,是农民致富奔小康的重大举措.近年来,我们认真贯彻执行“全面规划,正确引导,依靠群众,自力更生,因地制宜,逐步建设”的方针,着眼农村工业化.立足农民奔小康.突出重点,统一规划,合理布局,统一组织.  相似文献   

袁翠陵 《园林》2004,(12):36-36
蓬莱松(Asparagus myriocladus),别名乡球松,水松,松叶文竹,松叶天门冬等,百合科,天门冬属多年生灌木状草本。株高1.5米左右,茎直立或稍铺散,木质化呈灌木状,具白色,肥大的肉质根,小枝纤细,叶呈短松针状,簇生成团,极似五针松叶,新叶翠绿色,老叶深绿色,花白色,浆果黑色。  相似文献   

吕秀立 《园林》2005,(2):45-45
红花七叶树(Aesculus camea ‘Briotii’)系七叶树科,七叶树属。原产北美,落叶乔木,高可达25米。树干通直。树冠圆形且富于变化,树皮灰褐色,掌状复叶,小叶5~7枚,长7.5~15厘米,春季新叶鲜红,十分艳丽,夏季树叶多色,上部微红,中间嫩绿,下部墨绿,  相似文献   

张磊 《园林》2002,(3):38-39
硬枝老鸦嘴(Thunbergia erecta)又武汉蓝吊钟.爵床科山牵牛属多年生常绿灌木,植株高2-3米,分枝多,枝条较柔软,幼茎四棱形,绿色至深褐色。叶具短柄,对生,卵形至摊圆状,长4-5厘米,宽3.5~4厘米,先端渐尖.纸质,腹面深绿色,背面灰绿色,全缘。花单生于叶腋,苞片绿色,长1~1.3厘米,萼极短隐藏于苞片内.花冠斜喇叭形,5裂,花冠管长约5厘米,弯曲。直径3-4厘米,蓝紫色,喉管部为杏黄色。蒴果圆锥形,长约3厘米,基部阔.向上渐狭成喙。花期1-3月,8-11月。  相似文献   

罗小龙  韦雪霁  张京祥 《规划师》2011,27(2):38-41,52
通过回顾中国国际化城市的总体历程可知:从定位看,国际化城市大致可分为国际化大都市、区域性国际城市和专业特色国际城市三类;从空间分布看,国际化城市大多为沿海、沿江、沿边开放城市,以及内陆省会开放城市和经济体制改革试点城市;从人口,经济特征看,国际化城市呈现出人口、经济和产业结构与国际化定位匹配的特征.我国一方面应编制国家...  相似文献   

选择安全、环保、效果好的灭火产品要考虑灭火产品的安全环保性、经济合理性、产品的适用性、可调整性等综合性能;在国际、国内应用的广泛性及大型项目的业绩;在国际、国内获得的产品的认可及认证;系统设计的配套工具如系统设计计算的软件等。  相似文献   

Dissolved ( < approximately 4 nm, dialysis in situ), colloidal ( < 0.45 microm filtered, minus dissolved) and particulate (total, minus < 0.45 microm filtered) concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, (Al) in eight (three) mining polluted rivers were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (flame and graphite furnace). The metal size distribution in the rivers was compared to pH, Ca concentration, alkalinity, conductivity, and total organic carbon (TOC). Data plots based on the present and other studies also yielded information about the interrelations between TOC, pH and metal adsorption in rivers and lakes. Less than 10% of Cu, Zn, and Cd were sorbed on particles or colloids in two rivers with average pH at 3.1 and 5.1, whereas 46%, 21%, and 21% of Cu, Zn, and Cd, respectively, occurred in sorbed form in six pH neutral rivers. In three pH neutral rivers, on average 55% of Al was in colloidal form, whereas the dissolved and particulate fractions were 21% and 23%, respectively. Our data combined with data from similar studies support conclusions from other research suggesting that the percent fraction of metals adsorbed on particles rises steeply from almost zero to nearly 100% within a narrow and element specific pH range. Changes in TOC concentration seem capable of shifting the pH to % metal absorption curves in the order of one pH unit.  相似文献   

碱-矿渣水泥缓凝物质的选择研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了氯化钡、硝酸钡、硫酸铁、铬酸钠、氯化镁、硫酸镁、硫酸铝等无机盐以及酒石酸、草酸等有机酸对碱-矿渣水泥凝结时间的影响.试验结果表明,氯化钡、硝酸钡、氯化镁、硫酸铝、酒石酸有良好的缓凝作用,硫酸铁、铬酸钠、硫酸镁、草酸不产生缓凝作用.通过强度测试发现,氯化钡、硝酸钡、氯化镁、硫酸铝、酒石酸均对碱-矿渣水泥的强度有一定的不良影响.  相似文献   

因装修引起的住宅室内空气污染主要包括甲醛污染、苯类污染、氨气污染和氡气污染。分析上述污染物的来源,介绍光触媒、臭氧、负离子、活性炭、抗污染花草等多种室内空气污染治理方法,比较各种治理方法的利弊特点。  相似文献   

海外石油项目的环境合规性管理意义重大,环境合规性管理的关键问题是识别合适的规范体系。从法学理论分析,资源国法律及其批准的国际公约、投资开发协议所要求的法律法规、金融机构的融资担保合同中所要求的法律法规、投资母国的法律规范构成了对海外石油项目的硬法约束;国际组织通过约束跨国公司行为的协定指南、企业加入的自愿性承诺、国际行业标准以及被视为最佳实践和惯例的标准导则构成了软法约束。本文结合主要国际石油公司的环境合规性实践分析,认为在实际管理中,可以根据规范来源与效力、企业追求目标等因素将上述规范区分为核心规范和其他规范,其中核心规范进一步区分为必选规范和可选规范。  相似文献   

构成体系下,强调几何抽象的点、线、面、体是最基本的视觉造型元素。其中,"线"作为建筑语汇,具有造型、表意和组织等多种功能,在建筑构成中发挥着重要作用。本文用理性和抽象的方法,从构成视角出发,分析了西方现代建筑创作中关于线性要素与建筑的结构、形态、空间以及秩序等构成层面的关联性,探究其形式表现背后的构成逻辑,从而开阔建筑创作视野。  相似文献   

Customers, the public generally, the water industry, its regulators and the government are aware that water can be a scarce and costly product. Resource planning and development must increasingly be viewed as a combined package of water efficiency in (a) use, (b) metering and tariff policy, (c) leakage reduction, and (d) physical schemes.
Droughts, fears over possible climate change, concerns about resources and the environment, a greater awareness of the role and costs of the water industry and statements by the Department of the Environment, the Office of Water Services, and the National Rivers Authority have added weight to this sensible shift in emphasis.
However, society needs reliable water supplies and cannot completely rely upon the uncertain impact that demand side-measures may bring about – nor, even where achieved and cost-effective, on the important savings in losses. New resource schemes can take many years to implement. Therefore, in order to ensure adequate and reliable supplies, plans for new schemes must be brought to a state of readiness, and, in many cases, implemented.  相似文献   

引入分级制概念,概述了英国、日本、中国香港和美国的城市消防分级制总体状况,着重介绍了美国在分级时所考虑的特征、对应的扣分值和所涉及的条款,包括供水、消防局、消防通讯、防火安全控制和补充条款环境、气候等因素及应用范围,进而提出了在我国开展消防安全分级制的必要性。  相似文献   

In a time of global challenges, cities are critical not only as vehicles for progress, but also as centers of diversity and resilience. Confronted with intensifying climates, and social, ecological, and economic issues, McGregor Coxall focuses on the stories people tell in making their cities. Our projects accept and challenge these stories which underpin city-making: the engine of economic progress, the marketplace of cultural production, and the myth of our separation from “nature.” The success of contemporary city is built on a paradoxical relationship with two pressures: global development and environmental impacts. To address these crises, McGregor Coxall works at two scales, simultaneously, on all of our projects: in the large-scale realm of regional economic development and ecosystemic operations, and at the scale of the person, the street, and the neighbourhood. The systemic understanding provides the contextual basis by which projects perform, economically and environmentally, while our understanding of communities makes each project a genuine product of its time, place, and culture.  相似文献   

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