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对新疆40个不同品种杏进行杏酒的发酵实验,通过对发酵过程中酒体的重量变化,发酵结束后杏酒的酒精度、残糖、干浸出物和总酸的测定以及感官评价,筛选出最佳的酿酒品种。结果表明:\  相似文献   

针对海南9个主栽香蕉品种的加工性质、酶解特性和酿酒性能进行了研究,结果表明,香蕉去皮后进行热烫和酶解处理能提高香蕉酒的品质;香蕉果浆经果胶酶处理后,不仅出汁率高、汁液清亮透明,而且稳定性好:通过对不同品种香蕉酒的品质比较发现,“皇帝蕉”为酿制香蕉酒的最佳品种,“8818”、“巴西”、“广东香蕉2号”、“巴贝多”和“广东香蕉1号”也为酿制香蕉酒的良好品种。  相似文献   

新疆葡萄资源中的酿酒品种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆葡萄资源中的酿酒品种杨承时刘双媛⒇(新疆农科院园艺所,830000新疆葡萄资源丰富,栽培面积52万亩,年产鲜葡萄50万吨(1996年全产区实际调查数)分别占全国的22.7%和28.7%。有地方品种(包括品系)80个,是全国地方品种最丰富的省区。葡...  相似文献   

本文所介绍的四个葡萄品种,都是世界葡萄酒发达国家的主栽品种。黑比诺、白比诺、琼瑶浆早于1892年引入我公司,但都没有得到大面积发展。监于目前国内引种者都很重视这几个品种,现就这四个品种的栽培、酿酒、历史状况作简略介绍,希望给大家有所帮助。  相似文献   

为推动华北地区葡萄种植业和酿酒业的发展,我站从1986年开始,选择引进德国、法国、意大利等国家的部分优良酿酒葡萄品种,经试种筛选出适宜华北地区推广种植的波鲁克斯、多米纳、桑娇维赛、黑马尔瓦西亚、白麝香、西万尼等6个品种,并于1990年12月通过河北省科委组织的专家鉴定.现将这6个品种的性状介绍如下.  相似文献   

著名的红色酿酒葡萄品种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
著名的红色酿酒葡萄品种近几年,我国白葡萄酒的生产得到了长足发展。相比之下由于缺乏优秀品种原料及其它原因,红葡萄酒生产的规模、质量水平都未能跟上形势的发展。下面就世界著名的红色葡萄品种作一些说明,供大家参考。解百衲〔Cabernet〕:赤霞珠〔Cabe...  相似文献   

上海是个酿酒葡萄发展的新区,从1972年开始引种,1976年建立原料基地,栽培面积逐年上升,至1984年曾发展至近800亩,主栽品种为北醇、北红和少量白羽。近几年原料基地的种植面积逐年下降,至今已不足100亩。下降的主要原因是北醇酿制的葡萄酒质不佳,白羽产量低,栽培性差,种植单位管理成本历年加大,但经济效益不高,管理粗放,品质下降,恶性循环,必自然淘汰。而酒厂也就避近求远,从山东  相似文献   

品丽珠--古老的贵族酿酒品种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 品种来源与别名品丽珠(Cabernet franc)同赤霞珠(Cabernet-Sauvignon)一样具有相同来源,即法国波尔多地区(Bordeaux)。但不要忽视它的第二故乡——法国卢瓦尔河谷地区(Vallede la Loire),在那里被称作“维龙”或“维龙人”(Vron, Vronais),这一称谓得名于法国西北边的维龙小镇。维龙位于席侬(Chinon)与卢瓦河-维埃讷河交汇处。它的别名首次出现在涅夫勒(Nivre)和德塞夫勒(Deux-Svres)地区。在布尔格耶(Bourgueil)如同席侬一样被称为布列塔尼亚人(Breton)或布列塔尼亚苗(Plant Breton)。按照当地传统,由…  相似文献   

几个酿酒葡萄品种及品系的有机酸分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用反相高效液相色谱技术,分析同一地区几个酿酒葡萄品种(赤霞珠、美乐和品丽珠等)及其品系的果实中4种有机酸(酒石酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸和草酸)的含量.结果表明:同一品种不同品系间果实有机酸含量存在显著差异;不同定植地点的赤霞珠果实有机酸含量也存在一定差异;不同品种的酿酒葡萄其有机酸含量也有所不同;而有机酸含量差异主要与苹果酸和酒石酸合成代谢中碳的流向改变有关.这些结果为品种及品系的选择及酿造工艺与产品类型的制定提供依据.  相似文献   

荔枝品种的酿酒适性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为充分利用荔枝资源,提高荔枝酒品质,研究了广东省主栽荔枝品种的加工性质、酶解性质和酿酒性能,结果表明:对酿酒品质影响较大的因素是荔枝的香气和糖酸含量,如“仙婆果”、“糯米糍”、“淮枝”和“妃子笑”荔枝清甜香浓,发酵时可赋予果酒典型的荔枝香味;经果胶酶酶解后,榨汁容易,出汁率高,且稳定性好。通过对不同品种荔枝成品酒的品质分析比较,得出“仙婆果”为酿造荔枝酒的最佳品种,“糯米糍”、“淮枝”和“妃子笑”为酿造荔枝酒的优良品种。  相似文献   

对巴旦木果仁的浸泡条件、酸凝乳的凝固性能及乳酸菌产酸能力进行了探讨,为巴旦木的开发利用开辟了一条新思路.  相似文献   

对16株野生酵母进行杏酒发酵试验,通过理化指标的测定和感官评价,筛选适合酿造杏酒的酵母.结果表明,酵母16、酵母06、酵母02是具有良好酿酒特性的菌种.其中酵母16发酵的杏酒感官质量最佳,其发酵的杏酒金黄清亮,具有优雅的果香与醇香,酒体饱满,酸甜适口;并且在杏汁中具有良好的适应能力,分别能在16%vol乙醇、600mg/L SO2、6%柠檬酸、70%含糖量的杏汁中发酵,在10℃时仍可发酵,在50℃时可以生长,为发酵杏酒的最佳菌株.  相似文献   

Aroma compounds of the eight Malatya apricot cultivars, six cultivars grown in the same breeding conditions from different locations and one hybrid cultivar were determined using SPME-GC-MS technique. In general, total concentration (sum of identified and unidentified peaks) of aroma compounds in Malatya apricot cultivars were lower than those others. Total concentration of aroma compounds were found to be in the range of 514 and 6232 μg/kg fresh weight. The main volatiles of apricot cultivars were aldehydes, alcohols, acetates, esters, terpenes and acids. Among these compounds; ethanol, hexanal, hexyl acetate, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, 1-hexanol, (Z)-3-hexenol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, were present in all cultivars studied at certain levels.  相似文献   

Malatya apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) varieties are among the most important agricultural products of Turkey and protected as a geographical indication. In this research, it was aimed to determine some important analytical properties (dry matter, soluble solid content, aw, ash, titratable acidity, pH, color, total phenolics, total carotenoids, β-carotene, sugars, organic acids, and mineral content) of Malatya apricots and to reveal the characteristic properties that differ these products from the similar ones. The apricot varieties, namely Hac?halilo?lu, Hasanbey, So?anc?, Kabaa??, Çatalo?lu, Çölo?lu, and Hac?k?z that are widely cultivated in Malatya region and other regions (Ere?li, ?zmir, I?d?r, and Bursa) of Turkey were involved in the study. All analytical properties were found to be significantly different (p < 0.05) among different apricot varieties. The results have shown that dry matter and sugar content of Malatya apricot varieties are considerably higher than the other apricot varieties investigated in this study, as well as the data of other researches on apricots. All apricot varieties were found to be a good source of phenolic compounds (4233.70–8180.49 mg of gallic acid equiv/100 g of dry weight), carotenoids (14.83–91.89 mg of β-carotene equiv/100 g of dry weight), and β-carotene (5.74–48.69 mg/100 g of dry weight). Sucrose, glucose, and fructose were determined as the major sugars in all apricot varieties. In addition, sorbitol contents (16.91–26.84 mg/100 g of dry weight) of Malatya apricots were remarkably higher than the other apricot varieties. This was considered to be the one of the unique properties of Malatya apricots. Malic acid was the predominant organic acid in all Malatya apricot varieties. The results have also shown that the potassium content of Malatya apricots was significantly high and these apricots were important sources of Mg, Zn, and Se. This study has revealed that Malatya apricot contains functional food components with high nutritional value.  相似文献   

杏中含有微量的氢氰酸,使其食用受到一定限制。在杏酒的开发过程中,对酵母酒精发酵是否能减少氢氰酸的含量作了探索研究。在采用的4种葡萄酒活性干酵母中,1号酵母菌和3号酒精发酵完成后,氰化物含量分别减少了56.7%和32.2%;2号酵母菌和4号酵母菌降解率低于10%。采用1号酵母菌的研究表明,随着发酵的进行氰化物含量逐步减少,在第6d降至最低。研究结果可能对利用微生物发酵解除或降低食品原料中有毒物质有所启发。  相似文献   

Effect of fruit position in the tree on properties of two commercially important apricot varieties (Hac?halilo?lu and Kabaa??) was investigated. Principal component analysis separated apricots based on their variety and canopy position. Hac?halilo?lu variety was distinguished from Kabaa?? variety by its higher pH, weight, dry matter (DM), soluble solid, citric acid, and catechin content. Major features which contribute to variation of the canopy position were β‐carotene, malic acid, catechin, ascorbic acid, soluble solid content, DM, malic acid, and neochlorogenic acid. Fruits located on the top of the tree were richer in phenolic compounds and exhibited higher degree of antioxidant activity measured by 2.2′‐azinobis[3‐ethylbenzthiazoline‐6‐sulphonic acid] (ABTS) method than those located on the bottom of the tree. Except for chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids, all other forms of phenolic compounds were higher in concentration in the fruits located on the top of the canopy especially for the Hac?halilo?lu variety.

Practical applications

The results of this study may be of interest for apricot breeders as it provides important information about cultivar specific canopy effect on fruit quality. Furthermore, the results can be used by apricot producers for canopy management and pruning strategies to create of homogenous microclimate in the fruit canopy which would limit quality variation.  相似文献   

本文对巴旦木果仁的浸泡条件;酸凝乳的凝固性能及乳酸菌产酸能力进行探讨,为巴旦木的开发利用开辟一条新思路。  相似文献   

巴旦木饮料的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简单叙述了巴旦木果仁的营养价值和生理功能,并对巴旦木果仁饮料的加工工艺进行了成功的探讨。  相似文献   

采用酒精发酵和液态深层醋酸发酵两步法,研究了杏果醋的发酵工艺。通过L9(34)正交试验优化得到最佳酒精发酵工艺条件为:初始糖度16°Bx、酵母接种量3%、酒精发酵温度30℃,发酵液的酒精度达8.6%。采用4因素二次通用旋转组合试验设计,通过响应面法对醋酸发酵条件进行了研究。结果表明,起始酒精度、醋酸菌接种量、摇床转速及发酵温度4个因素对杏果醋总酸含量有极显著影响(P<0.01)。在初始酒精度为6.7%、醋酸菌接种量为13%、发酵温度为34℃、摇床转速为153 r/min的最佳工艺条件下,杏果醋酸发酵液的总酸(以醋酸计)为7.11 g/100 mL,挥发酸(以醋酸计)为6.23 g/100 mL。  相似文献   

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