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Referring to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident situation in LWRs, an analysis of the two-phase region just downstream from the broken pipe, in which a two-phase critical flow takes place, has been performed. A characterization of the flow pattern inside the unbounded two-phase jet is given considering:
• - jet's external shape, obtained by means of photographic pictures;
• - pressure profiles inside the jet, obtained by means of a movable “Pitot” gauge;
• - jet phase's distribution information, obtained by means of X-ray pictures.
Jet's X-ray pictures show the existence of a central high-density “core” gradually evaporating all around, which gives place to a characteristic “dart flow” the length of which depends on stagnation thermodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

The main problems encountered in pipe whip analysis are discussed and the way the authors tried to solve them is described. Such problems are:
1. (a) Breakage locations: AEC criteria are presented and discussed.
2. (b) Force computations: The jet force intensities during the accident are computed following Moody's theory. A computer program makes such an analysis automatically. Forces consequent to a longitudinal and a circumferential break are calculated; The forces consequent to the longitudinal break are computed as a sum of the forces consequent to two circumferential breaks, a mitigation coefficient is assumed.
3. (c) Preliminary analysis: Provided that a ‘restraint solution’ is necessary (and the related criteria are briefly discussed), a tentative distribution of the restraints is computed by means of a simple energy balance between the work done by the jet forces and the work absorbed both in the pipe and the restraint. A computer program makes such an analysis automatically.
4. (d) Final solution appraisal: The tentative solution obtained in the initial step is re-evaluated by means of a detailed dynamic elastoplastic code (FRUSTA, which is described in the companion paper).
A typical example is given, the jet forces and a tentative restraint distribution are computed; the various models used in the final appraisal solution are described and the results are evaluated mainly in order to check the validity of the preliminary criterion.  相似文献   

The question on “How safe is safe enough?” is being responded presently by deterministic criteria. Probabilistic criteria in support to more rational and less emotional decisions in regulatory and licensing issues, rationalization of resource allocation and research prioritization, among others, have a potential which is only marginally being explored.This paper discussed PSA limitations and proposes three areas for the use of PSA in decision making, namely:
1. (a) preventing accidents,
2. (b) mitigating accidents, and
3. (c) defining regulatory requirements.
Current activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency in these areas are mentioned.PSA studies depict clearly the uncertainties and this is viewed as a positive aspect, which is unique to the use of probabilistic methods.  相似文献   

The German Basis Safety Concept is an approach which allows the possibility of catastrophic failures to be excluded. It was developed in Germany to render the probabilistic approach unnecessary for safety cases relating to nuclear power plants. The process of evaluation started in 1972, and in 1979 the Basis Safety Concept was officially published and thus became a legal requirement for LWR plants. With appropriate modifications in regard of the particular features of LMFBR, this concept has also been applied to SNR 300. The “Structural Integrity Demonstration Concept” of SNR 300 is based on five principles:
• - Principle of quality by design and fabrication
• - Principle of multiple examination
• - Principle of worst case consideration
• - Principle of operating surveillance and documentation
• - Principle of verification and continuous development.
The same principles are taken over for SNR 2.The specific requirements on the components relevant to safety have to be defined at an early stage so that the components can be designed appropriately to the feasibility of the measures required by the concept.  相似文献   

The concept of “containment” is to provide a series of physical barriers between the radioactive products of the fission process and the public. All nuclear reactors have several such barriers and LMFBRs have more than most. These barriers are, successively:
1. fuel, which retains fission products;
2. fuel cladding, which encloses the fuel;
3. sodium coolant, which absorbs fission products released through fuel caldding;
4. primary coolant boundary, which has energy absorption and leakage control capabilities;
5. containment building, hereafter referred to as containment, which provides the final engineered barrier for control of radioactive releases;
6. exclusion distance, which provides space for natural attenuation of radioactive releases before reaching the public.
These barriers, along with the design approaches and features which protect their integrity under normal and accident conditions, assure that the public is adequately protected from the potential hazards of radioactivity residing in the core. It is only in the case of hypothesized core disruptive accidents (HCDAs) that these successive barriers can be sufficiently threatened as to pose a significant threat to the public. These HCDAs involve an extremely low probability sequence of successive failures resulting in core cooling imbalances which lead to fuel overheating. Under such conditions, the fuel and cladding barriers can be lost and energy sources can be generated which threaten the primary coolant boundary and containment. This paper addresses current perspectives on containment of HCDAs with emphasis on the approach and programs in the US.  相似文献   

The German nuclear safety standard KTA 2201: “Design of nuclear power plants against seismic events”, consists of the following parts: 1. basic principles; 2. characteristics of seismic excitation; 3. design of structural components; 4. design of mechanical and electrical parts; 5. seismic instrumentation; and 6. measures subsequent to earthquakes.While Part 1 was published in June 1975, Part 5 was approved by the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission — Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA) — in June 1977. The other parts are still under development. The requirements of the safety standard KTA 2201.5 deal with
1. (a) number of location (number and location of acceleration recording systems for different sites, single-block plants and multi-block plants);
2. (b) characteristics of instruments (readiness and operation of instruments, margin or errors, dynamic and operation characteristics, duration of records, seismic switch);
3. (c) triggering and information (loss of electric power, start of the acceleration recording systems, threshold of acceleration for triggers and seismic switches, optical and acoustic information); and
4. (d) documentation (results of recordings, inspection and tests).
The purpose of this paper is to present some detailed requirements of the safety standard KTA 2201.5, with its philosophy, and compare these with corresponding requirements in the US. It will be shown that with relatively few instruments, which are very reliable in operation and in triggering, an optimum of data may be available after an earthquake.  相似文献   

Starting from a theoretical analysis of the static contact problem “deformable body-rigid object” various solutions including the three-dimensional pneumatic tire contact problem are being discussed. The computed shapes and sizes of the footprint area as well as the load-deflection response are in good agreement with experimental results. The following approaches for a numerical solution are presented in this paper:
1. (1) Elimination method: This method is based on using the influence coefficient technique to compute the nodal forces as well as the footprint area by iteration applying a geometrical linear or nonlinear FE technique.
2. (2) ‘Nonlinear Programming’ technique: Recent developments in the theory of nonlinear optimization in abstract spaces suggest to describe the contact problem by a constrained optimization problem in function spaces. The minimization of the potential energy of the elastic body, the rigid obstacle being replaced by an operator constraint depending on the displacement functions, leads to three necessary conditions determining completely the equations of equilibrium, the contact zone and the pressure distributions in the contact zone. This result justifies the use of a nonlinear programming code to solve the discrete problem approximated by the method of finite elements.
3. (3) Variation of boundary conditions: This method is based on an incremental formulation including nonlinear geometry and variable boundary conditions.
This research has been made possible by a grant of the West German Minister of Research and Technology.  相似文献   

Comparison of results of soil-structure interaction analyses of the reactor building of a nuclear power plant using different analytical approaches and solution procedures is presented. The emphasis of the comparison was on the treatment of damping in these different approaches and procedures. An axisymmetric model of the reactor building was employed. The analyses were performed for the aircraft impact loadings. Two different locations were used for these loadings.The following four different sets of analyses were performed.
1. (1) Time-domain analysis using frequency-independent soil springs in conjunction with modal damping cut-off.
2. (2) Frequency-domain analysis using frequency-independent soil springs in conjunction with a complex modulus approach.
3. (3) Frequency-domain analysis using frequency-dependent soil-impedance coefficients in conjunction with a complex modulus approach.
4. (4) Frequency-domain analysis using frequency-dependent soil-impedance coefficients in conjunction with Rayleigh damping.
The frequency-independent soil springs were computed using the standard approach based on rigid base supported on an elastic layered half-space. The frequency-dependent soil impedance coefficients were computed in the form of a soil substructure matrix which included the uncoupled as well as the coupled terms. The computations were based on the use of a “flexible” base mat supported on a layered half-space. Unit dynamic loads, for each frequency, were applied to the layered half-space corresponding to each degree of freedom and the displacements were xomputed corresponding to all degrees of freedom. The compliance matrix so computed was inverted to obtain the impedance matrix for each frequency. The computations were repeated for all frequencies of interest for the aircraft impact loading.Floor response spectra were developed and compared at various floor elevations of the reactor building using the above four different sets of analyses. Conclusions were developed as a result of these comparisons.  相似文献   

The validation of a code for fuel rod behaviour prediction requires a comparison of its results with corresponding experimental data. Benchmarking of the COMETHE code has been done in parallel with its development, but more time has been spent on that work than in the development of the models themselves. Three experiments are presented; they have been selected from amongst those used by BN for the calibration as being good examples of various features:
1. (1) The ELP2 experiment, performed in the EL3 reactor by CEA-Saclay and related to fuel restructuring. Results show that behaviour is very well modelled in COMETHE.
2. (2) The BR3/VN post-irradiation data, which show a large sensitivity of the fission gas release to the power level and reveal that coupling between the fission gas release model and the gaseous swelling model is beneficial.
3. (3) The BM01 low density fuel BN pin, irradiated in the FBR RAPSODIE: close agreement is found between the cracking pattern computed by the “pivot model” and the experimental cold state results.
A lot of the benchmarking results arise from the EPRI RP 397 Fuel Rod Modeling Code Evaluation Project.  相似文献   

The code system, SEMER, was recently developed to evaluate the economic impact of various nuclear reactors and associated innovations. Models for nearly all fossil energy-based systems were also included to provide a basis for cost comparisons.Essentially, SEMER includes three types of model libraries: the global model, for a rapid estimation of various nuclear and fossil energy-based systems, the detailed models, for the finer cost evaluation of individual components and circuits in a PWR type of reactor and the fuel cycle models, for PWRS, HTRs and FBRs, allowing the cost estimations related to all the steps in the nuclear fuel cycle, including reprocessing and disposal.This paper summarises our on-going investigations on new developments in, and on the validation of, the SEMER system.Details of the modelling principles, and the results of validation carried out in the context of an EDF/CEA Joint Protocol Agreement, are also presented.First results of this validation are highly encouraging:
• Relative errors for the total kWh or overnight and investment costs are less than 5% for large PWR systems operating in France or other countries.
• These errors are less than 3% for small-sized compact PWRs and they are of the order of 4–7% for HTRs (as compared to IAEA estimations).
• For fossil energy-based power plants, the relative error, even with slightly different cost breakdown between SEMER and that of existing installations, is from 5 to 20%.
• Similarly, errors on the nuclear fuel cycle costs are about 1–4%, compared to published reference values.

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. The models
2.1. The global models
2.2. The detailed models
2.3. The fuel cycle model
3. Cost modelling principles
3.1. Input data and output
3.1.1. Input data
3.1.2. Output
3.1.3. Interest during construction
3.2. An illustrative example of power cost calculations
4. The fuel cycle model
4.1. An illustrative example of fuel cycle calculations
5. Validation
5.1. Validation results for nuclear reactors
5.2. More recent validation of operating power plants
5.3. Circuits, tubes and components
5.4. Fuel cycle costs comparisons
6. Conclusions

1. Introduction

This paper describes some of the salient features of the economic evaluation models, integrated in CEA’s code system, SEMER (Système d’Evaluation et de Modélisation Economique de Réacteurs).The basic aim of this development is to furnish top management and project leaders a simple tool for cost evaluations enabling the choice of competitive technological options.In the particular context of CEA’s R&D innovative programme, it was imperative to include this economic dimension in order to assess the economic interest of the proposed innovations and to search for other promising areas of R&D, leading to nuclear power cost reductions.SEMER is actually used in the form of a totally machine-independent and user friendly interface in the JAVA language.

2. The models

There are three distinct categories of models in the SEMER system.

2.1. The global models

These models are designed for a quick overall economic estimation. Current version of SEMER includes models for:
Nuclear power plants, such as PWR of the 1400 MWe type (double confinement and four loops), PWR of the 900 MWe type (single confinement, three loops), HTGR (high temperature, gas-cooled reactor), LTR (integral nuclear reactor for heat production), NP (compact PWR) and PWR-C (modular integral PWR such as the SIR concept).
Conventional, fossil energy-based power plants, such as pulverised (or fluidised bed), coal-fired plant, with desulphurisation treatment, oil-fired plant, gas-fired plant and diesel plants of all types. Also included are gas turbine plants, plant with a simple gas turbine, plant with a combined cycle gas turbine (“indoor” and “outdoor” constructions).

2.2. The detailed models

This option allows detailed cost estimations by individual modelling of reactor components, circuits and associated buildings, etc. In the present version, only the following models for PWR are available:
Reactor components, such as civil engineering of associated buildings and structures, reactor vessel, steam generator with U-tubes, steam generator with straight tubes, the pressuriser, primary circuit pumps, the travelling crane, cooling tower, cooling tower with mechanical ventilation, turbine-driven pumps, pump motors, centrifugal pumps, air ejectors, heat exchanger casing, special tubes in stainless steel and special tubes in black steel, with internal coating in stainless steel.
Reactor circuits, including: (1) basic circuits, such as primary circuit connecting the core, pressuriser, primary pumps and steam generator and secondary circuit connecting the steam generators and turbines; and (2) auxiliary circuits, such as steam generators blow-off circuit, steam generator emergency feed-water circuit, confinement spray system, chemical and volumetric control system, emergency core cooling system, component cooling system, water make-up and boron circuit, nuclear sampling system, drain, vent and exhaust circuits, residual heat removal system, effluent control and rejection system and diverse other circuits inside and outside the reactor building.
For the economic evaluation of an innovative PWR, the detailed models allow to take into account the specificities of the new concept and thus bring corrections to the global model, available in the SEMER library and considered having the closest analogies to the innovative PWR to be evaluated. This approach was used in Nisan et al. (2002) to evaluate the AP-600.

2.3. The fuel cycle model

In addition to the above, SEMER also incorporates a detailed model for the fuel cycle cost calculations of a nuclear reactor, treating all the stages of the nuclear fuel cycle from ore extraction to ultimate disposal, with the following options:
• Uranium oxide (UOX) cores.
• 100% mixed, uranium–plutonium oxide (MOX) cores.
• Cores with first loading in UOX, then equilibrium core in MOX.
• Mixed cores with x% MOX fuelled assemblies (under development).
• HTR cores and fast reactor (EFR type) cores.
Several options regarding the treatment of the fuel cycle front- and back-ends are also available:
• Global treatment as in the IAEA WREBUS study (IAEA, 1992).
• Detailed treatment as in the OECD study (OECD, 1994). This is the default option.
• A combination of the above, with a semi-detailed calculations, including the specific treatment and costs for B and C type of wastes, as used by the French Ministry of Industry, DIGEC and by EDF (DIGEC, 1997).
• The CEA model, derived from feed-back of experience for front- and back-end operations.
It should be noted that the standard OECD option includes all the steps in the fuel cycle from the mine to final disposal. The WREBUS option only considers a global value for the fuel cycle back-end. The EDF model (detailed in Table 10) is in between. Finally, in the CEA model, all the costs concerning the front-end, the fabrication and enrichment and the back-end (reprocessing, then final disposal) are expressed as polynomial expressions derived from the costs of a large number of real cases.

3. Cost modelling principles

The basic principle governing the development of models in the SEMER system is the fact that, for most projects, especially in their preliminary phases, it is sufficient to first make a relative cost estimation by the simplest and fastest methods available. The results obtained are then further refined in the final stages of the project when relevant choices of options and technologies are almost fixed. The only condition is that consistent estimating techniques be used so that alternatives can be compared on the same basis, and comparisons can also be made between competing projects.This principle was first used in the chemical and petrochemical industries where continued development over several decades has produced simple but powerful methods for cost evaluations (Popper, 1970).These methods were adapted to nuclear reactors and further developed at CEA during the last 20 years. They have been successfully applied, in particular for the cost assessment of nuclear submarine reactors, operating large-sized PWRs, new small- and medium-sized reactor concepts as well as for a variety of technologies and components, utilising nuclear or fossil energies.The basic steps involved in the development of such methods are:
1. The power plant cost is first carefully decomposed into several “cost modules”. This method was first proposed in the early 1970s for chemical plant cost estimations (Guthrie and Grace, 1970). An estimating module represents a group of cost elements (or items) having similar characteristics and relationships. Each of these elements can be made to represent a given function in the overall module (e.g. site acquisition and development, major process equipment such as a heat exchanger, a pressure vessel, etc.).
2. A detailed study is then made to make an inventory of the various generic models1 which bear a sufficient number of analogies with the module that one would like to assess. Thus, for example, the cost evaluation model for the PWR pressure vessel was developed from the available models for the stainless steel lined high pressure reservoirs used in the industry.
3. The cost Ci of an element i in a given module is then mathematically expressed in the form of simple equations of the type:
where A, B and n are the so-called “adjustment coefficients” and P is power or capacity (electric power of a reactor, for example).
4. The adjustment coefficients are then obtained by applying well-known mathematical techniques (a least-squares fit of a data base, for example) for a large number of values for P.
5. To qualify the algorithms, developed as above, the models are more finely tuned from the results of published data, taking into account the use of field materials, field labour and other industrial factors.
6. Finally, a validation of the model is undertaken by comparison with the “real” values from existing installations.
The SEMER system was basically developed for the assessment of innovations in reactor systems, made in the context of the French Nuclear Power Programme. The adjustment coefficients were then obtained from available data bases for experimental, operating or nuclear submarine PWRs and the fossil energy-based electricity producing systems. This is the main reason that the basic costs of most items need to be expressed in French Francs (FF) which are then converted into Euros or US dollars. Some information on other reactor types, e.g. HTRs, was also obtained from external sources such as the IAEA. In its current form, SEMER remains nonetheless highly oriented towards PWR type of technology.However, because of the inherent generic nature of the built in models, they can be easily adapted to treat other reactor systems. One could, for example, use the model for combined cycle gas turbines, to develop part of the models for HTRs with direct cycles.

3.1. Input data and output

3.1.1. Input data
Efforts were made to harmonise the input and output data for all power plant types, with only minor and easily comprehensible modifications in the input data.Examples of input data panels, for the global models of a nuclear reactor and a fossil fuelled plant, are summarised in Table 1.  相似文献   

As the structural material for RPV typical of increased dimensions, a set of ultra-large diameter steel forgings for a PHWR RPV is presented as outlined below.
1. (1) Material designation: 20 MnMoNi 5 5 (similar to SA508, Cl.3)
2. (2) Size of the forgings: flanges, 8.440 mm OD, a weight of 238 tons for shell flange; shells and torus, 7,920 mm OD, with large height; cover dome, 6,800 mm OD in chord and 460 mm thick; blank before formed to dome is ca. 8,000 mm OD.
3. (3) Chemical composition: particular effort was made for minimizing the tramp elements as P, S, As, Sn, Sb, Cu.
4. (4) Manufacturing, key points: steel making - combined refining and degassing in ladle; ingot making - largest size ingots, including 570 ton and 500 ton ingots; forging - special “outside-the-press” forging and forming techniques; heat treatment - prevention of H2 flaking in normalizing and tempering and handling of the extra-large forgings at water quenching.
5. (5) Metallurgical properties: sufficiently uniform carbon distributions in the forgings; a lowest possible content of hydrogen, non-metallic inclusions and oxygen.
Mechanical properties: uniformity in tensile and toughness properties; flaws - only limited number of spots of UT indications under 2 mm EFG (EFS).  相似文献   

According to past experimental studies, the damping effects of a structure may be considered to be structural damping mechanics in the elastic range, the damping factors or logarithmic damping ratios of which are independent of the frequencies of the disturbing force or the eigenvalues of the structure. In this paper, the authors propose a simple method of expressing the above-mentioned damping effects using complex numbers, although viscous damping mechanics is generally used as the conventional mathematical method. Thus, the spring constant can be expressed as k = k0 exp(i sgn ωø), where sgn ω = 1 for ω > 0; sgn ω = 0 for ω = 0; sgn ω = −1 for ω < 0.The concept of complex damping is described comparing it with the most common ‘Voigt model’ for a system with a single degree of freedom and it is concluded that both solutions are exactly identical under the conditions of free and forced vibration when both systems have equivalent natural periods and damping ratios. Furthermore, the authors attempt to apply the above complex stiffness to multi systems with many degrees of freedom and investigate their mathematical and dynamical characteristics. The fundamental mathematical characteristics can be described as follows:
1. (1) Any n degrees of freedom system that has 2n distinct eigenvalues occurring as n complex conjugate pairs and n complex conjugate pairs of corresponding eigenvectors according to the definition of ‘sgn ω’.
2. (2) The eigenvectors establish the orthogonality of the frequency domain when either ω > 0 or ω < 0, but they do not establish this property over the domains for both ω > 0 and ω <.
3. (3) By using the above properties, the equations of motion can be reduced to n conjugate pairs of first order differential equations and the solution is obtained by the superposition of n complex conjugate pairs.

The fundamental dynamic characteristics can also be described as follows:

1. (1) When the same damping values are assigned to all structural elements making up a vibrational system, the reduced equations form an estimate of the constant damping ratio over all of the modes from the lowest to the highest.
2. (2) Furthermore, when the different damping values are assigned to each individual structural element, the damping values of the reduced equations denote the value which is equivalent to that of any structure of which the mode shapes are predominant.
Finally, the authors present the computed results of a system with 18 degrees of freedom consisting of four individual structural elements with different damping values. Through the above studies, it is concluded that the authors' method is reasonable for estimating the damping effects of the structure.  相似文献   

D. Magallon   《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2006,236(19-21):1998-2009
The formation of corium debris as the result of fuel-coolant interaction (energetic or not) has been studied experimentally in the FARO and KROTOS facilities operated at JRC-Ispra between 1991 and 1999. Experiments were performed with 3–177 kg of UO2–ZrO2 and UO2–ZrO2–Zr melts, quenched in water at depth between 1 and 2 m, and pressure between 0.1 and 5.0 MPa. The effect of various parameters such as melt composition, system pressure, water depth and subcooling on the quenching processes, debris characteristics and thermal load on bottom head were investigated, thus, giving a large palette of data for realistic reactor situations.Available data related to debris coolability aspects in particular are:
• Geometrical configuration of the collected debris.
• Partition between loose and agglomerated (“cake”) debris.
• Particle size distribution with and without energetic interaction.
These data are synthesised in the present contribution.  相似文献   

FARST, a computer code for the evaluation of fuel rod thermal and mechanical behavior under steady-state/transient conditions has been developed. The code characteristics are summarized as follows:
1. (i) FARST evaluates the fuel rod behavior under the transient conditions. The code analyzes thermal and mechanical phenomena within a fuel rod, taking into account the temperature change in coolant surrounding the fuel rod.
2. (ii) Permanent strains such as plastic, creep and swelling strains as well as thermoelastic deformations can be analyzed by using the strain increment method.
3. (iii) Axial force and contact pressure which act on the fuel stack and cladding are analyzed based on the stick/slip conditions.
4. (iv) FARST used a pellet swelling model which depends on the contact pressure between pellet and cladding, and an empirical pellet relocation model, designated as “jump relocation model”.
The code was successfully applied to analyses of the fuel rod irradiation data from pulse reactor for nuclear safety research in Cadarache (CABRI) and pulse reactor for nuclear safety research in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (NSRR).The code was further applied to stress analysis of a 1000 MW class large FBR plant fuel rod during transient conditions. The steady-state model which was used so far gave the conservative results for cladding stress during overpower transient, but underestimated the results for cladding stress during a rapid temperature decrease of coolant.  相似文献   

Analysis of aircraft impact to concrete structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of aircraft impact to nuclear power plant structures is discussed utilizing a simplified model of a “fictitious nuclear building” to perform analyses using LS-DYNA software, representing the loading: (i) by the Riera force history method and (ii) by modeling the crash by impacting a model of a plane similar to Boeing 747-400 to the structure (i.e., “missile–target interaction method”). Points discussed include: (1) comparison of shock loading within the building as obtained from the Riera force history analysis versus from the missile–target interaction analysis, (2) sensitivity of the results on the assumed Riera force loading area, (3) linear versus nonlinear modeling and (4) on failure criteria.  相似文献   

A “channel” model was developed for the purpose of simulating the interactive fluid-structural response of curved pipes to pressure pulses. Simulation is shown to have been achieved analytically in both the axisymmetric (“breathing”) and transverse (“bending”) modes of interactive behavior.An experimental program which was aimed at the validation of the model is also described. Tests were run in both straight and curved pipe configurations. Comparisons between measurements and model calculations demonstrate the validity of the model within the range of parameters under consideration.The model was implemented into the DISCO code for nonlinear fluid-shell interaction.  相似文献   

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