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埋入光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪检测复合材料梁的分层 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
将光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪的传感臂埋入到复合材料梁的中性层来检测梁的分层。不论梁是连续支撑还是简单支撑,均取得了很好的实验结果。通过用榔头连续下压梁,由光纤干涉仪可以得到一条输出曲线,从这条曲线就可以准确判断梁内部是否存在分层,以及分层的位置。 相似文献
表面粘贴光纤干涉仪测量复合材料梁的分层 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从理论上和实验中分别讨论了将光纤干涉仪的传感臂粘贴在梁的表面时,在简单支撑和弹性连续支撑条件下,通过检测光纤(即梁的表面)的形变,检测复合材料的分层,理论分析和实验都表明,在连续支撑下,可以测量出分层的存在,在有分层的地方,干涉仪的输出会反向,在简单支撑下,不能测出是否存在分层,因为材料本身的变形对粘贴在表面的光纤的影响远远大于分层的影响,这一技术也适用于复合材料修补后的脱层检测。 相似文献
对于对称正交铺层复合材料层板单向受拉分层问题,本文在引入混合边界条件的前提下,根据穆什海里什维利的求解各向同性平面问题与列赫尼兹基的求解各向异性平面问题的复变函数方法,得到了满足所有基本方程、裂纹表面边界条件与层间连续条件的应力场、位移场的本征展开式。进而利用分区广义变分原理代替裂纹表面以外的边界条件,确定应力强度因子。由于所有基本方程预先得以满足,在变分方程中只有线积分而无面积分。计算表明,本方法前期准备工作很少,计算节省机时,结果收敛迅速。 相似文献
基于兰姆波的结构工况检测技术在评估复合材料和金属结构的安全性和耐久性方面发挥着重要的作用。作为对传统的压电换能器(PZT)的一种很好的替代,光纤传感器在传感方面的应用正被广泛地挖掘出来,包括兰姆波检测。本文从理论上建立了超声兰姆波作用下光纤非本征法布里.玻罗(EFPI)传感器参数与其输出性能之间的关系。数值结果显示了传感器的性能与其相对于声源的方向角以及传感器的计量长度与超声波长的比值相关。所得出的结论对于EFPI传感器精确地探测兰姆波提供了理论依据。 相似文献
We have investigated ballistic response of polyethylene/polyethylene (PE/PE) composites to impact by Uzi bullets. For comparison, limited work was carried out on PE/aramid fiber hybrids and PE fiber/Polycarbonate plate laminates. The plates exhibited an average ballistic resistance, V
50, of approximately 90 m/s per 1 kg/m2 area density. In term of the protection level per thickness, the ballistic resistance was 76 m/s per 1 mm. Visual and microscopic examinations identified indentation and delamination as the prevailing failure mechanisms. The delamination, energy calculated on the basis of a simple delamination model considering the fracture surface energy of the matrix, was shown to fully balance the dissipated kinetic energy of the bullet, while the contribution of the fiber fracture process was negligible. This is taken as strong circumstantial evidence for the significant role of this failure process in the ballistic resistance of these composites. 相似文献
以炭纤维网布为基体,通过电镀工艺在炭纤维网布上形成Ni催化剂膜,采用化学气相沉积方法原位合成炭纤维网布/螺旋纳米碳纤维复合材料,采用扫描电镜(SEM)、Raman光谱和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对生长的螺旋纳米碳纤维的形态和结构进行表征。考察主要反应因素—温度对螺旋纳米碳纤维生长的影响,并就生长过程进行了讨论;对其制备出的炭纤维网布/螺旋纳米碳纤维复合材料在8.2~12.4GHz频段的电磁性能进行分析,考察其吸波性能。结果表明制备出的炭纤维网布/螺旋纳米碳纤维复合材料比单一的螺旋纳米碳纤维具有更高的电磁损耗角正切,电损耗正切值由0.7提高到3.8,表明复合材料具有较好的吸波性能。 相似文献
Shaw Ming Lee 《Composites Science and Technology》1992,43(4):317-327
A systematic study has been conducted to identify the effect of fiber/matrix interface strength on various composite properties. A new fiber treatment technique was developed to allow fibers to be treated and then made into prepregs and composites of acceptable quality. T500 carbon fibers were treated with release agent to establish the extreme case of poor fiber/matrix interface. Composite systems made of toughened epoxy R6376 and T500 fibers with and without such a treatment were subjected to a number of fracture and impact tests. For tests involving propagating pre-existing delamination cracks, such as double cantilever beam (DCB), end notched flexural (ENF) and crack lap shear (CLS) methods, the material properties were not appreciably affected by the release agent-treated fiber surfaces. For tests that had to initiate cracks in specimens without pre-introduced cracks, such as impact and edge delamination, the material variables and failure modes were highly sensitive to the fiber/matrix interface. The critical role of the fiber/matrix interface in crack initiation was demonstrated in this study. 相似文献
对于混杂CFRP/GFRP筋高性能混凝土(HPC)梁, 研究一种新的三维非线性梁壳组合单元, 对HPC梁进行了全过程分析。引入实体退化壳单元理论, 利用空间梁单元模拟预应力CFRP筋, 并根据CFRP筋单元节点线位移和转角位移的协调性, 推导CFRP筋单元对梁壳组合单元刚度矩阵的贡献, 同时对GFRP筋和HPC梁采用分层壳单元模拟。并运用Jiang屈服准则、 Madrid强化准则等描述混凝土的材料非线性, 提出一种新的非线性梁壳组合单元, 研制相应的三维非线性计算程序。计算结果与试验数据吻合良好, 说明本文构造的非线性梁壳组合单元的正确性和研制程序的可靠性, 以及混凝土材料非线性描述的合理性; 采用组合单元能准确模拟CFRP筋的几何构形, 能综合考虑其拉压弯剪性能, 利于全面地反映配筋对结构的增强作用。 相似文献
The influence of SiO2 nanoparticles and rubber micro-fillers on the mechanical and thermal responses of an epoxy based composite is investigated using classical quantitative thermo-mechanical testing (tensile tests, DMTA, TMA), microstructural analysis (Micro-CT, TEM, SEM microscopy) as well as distributed optical sensing in order to determine different residual strain fields generated during processing. The results show that the tensile modulus of the compounds increases with the addition of SiO2 and decreases with the rubber content, following estimates of the Hashin–Shtrikman model. The coefficient of thermal expansion appears to be insensitive to the particles’ content in the temperature range investigated. The residual strains generated during processing are influenced by the rubber content that introduces a strong relief, with respect to the one generated by the neat resin, whereas the silica content tends to increase their level. 相似文献
温度与应变是监测复合材料热压罐固化成型工艺两个最重要的表征参数,利用光纤布拉格光栅传感原理,采用毛细钢管封装的方法,制备了完全屏蔽应变信号的温度传感器,将温度传感器和应变传感器同时埋植在复合材料内部,实现了对热压罐成型全过程的实时监测,获得了复合材料成型过程中的内部温度和应变信息.对复合材料平板件和T型加筋板三角填充区域进行的温度监测结果表明,复合材料内部温度变化较罐内温度有一定滞后,传统成型工艺控制给出的加压点偏早,可能引起复合材料贫胶等缺陷.应变监测结果表明,平板件内部的应变变化主要反应树脂固化过程中的物理化学变化,在T型加筋板三角填充区域,应变监测在自然冷却阶段出现了不同于平板件的应变"回弹"现象,一定程度上反映出该区域在成型过程中容易出现缺陷的原因. 相似文献