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In this paper, the multi-channel access technology of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in the wireless ultraviolet (UV) scattering communication is studied. A multi-interface and multi-channel device is deployed in each UV transceiver node. The band-pass filter is configured in the receiving node so as to realize the multi-channel access by use of the UV WDM technology. Both the UV communication node model and the UV channel model are established. Three types of UV no-line-of-sight (NLOS) multi-channel communications are simulated in the mesh topologies with NS2. The results show that the UV multi-channel access technology can increase network throughput effectively with using WDM.  相似文献   

为了实现光波的波分复用功能并且提高光波的辐射效率,设计了一种基于双环形谐振腔结构的二维光子晶体波分复用器.首先,对光子晶体结构参数进行设计,通过谐振腔和微腔耦合选择不同频率的光波,设计光子晶体滤波器模型;然后,根据模式耦合理论确定主干波导与谐振腔之间的最佳耦合条件,设计波分复用器;最后,加入散射介质柱并调整两谐振腔之间...  相似文献   

A highly reliable wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network architecture for the fifth generation (5G) applications is designed by combining a tree topology with a dual-fiber ring. While the tree topology ensures the transmission quality of the network, the dual-fiber ring topology allows one to achieve flexible switching between the nodes, which aims to provide fault protection and network reliability. The signal transmission under the normal and three types of protection modes are analyzed. The performance analysis verifies the feasibility of the proposed architecture.  相似文献   

双信道解复用长周期光纤光栅的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
长周期光纤光栅是近几年出现的一种波长选择滤波器件。利用其波长选择损耗特性,提出将之用于1310nm/1550nm波分复用系统的解复用。采用电弧熔融刻槽的方法,制备了长周期光纤光栅。并通过控制电弧放电过程和光栅的周期长短及周期数,得到了较为理想的谱特性。结果显示,其通道插入损耗能够小于0.5dB,20dB损耗阻带带宽可达15nm,信道隔离度估计约25dB。  相似文献   

数值分析了双芯光子晶体光纤的耦合特性,设计出0.85/1.55μm、0.98/1.55μm和1.3/1.55μm基于通信波段的波分复用器件,其光纤长度分别为542μm、996μm和932μm.在双芯光子晶体光纤的基础上,光纤长度固定不变时,通过调节中心空气孔材料折射率,材料折射率分别为1.281、1.343和1.348...  相似文献   

基于阵列波导光栅的波分复用器件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阵列波导光栅波分复用 /解复用器有 N个输入端口和 N个输出端口 ,能同时传输 N2 路不同的光信号 ,除具有波分复用和解复用功能外 ,能灵活地与其它光器件组成多波长激光器、光路分插复用器、光路交叉连接器、波长路由器等波分复用器件 ,在光通信网络中有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Lin  K.-C. Lee  W.-Y. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(14):1259-1261
To improve the wavelength sensitivity of the multimode interference phenomenon and thus reduce the device length, a restricted-resonance multimode interference scheme and a lower beat length ratio were adopted to design a novel 1.3/1.55 μm wavelength division multiplexer. Using the modal propagation analysis, transmission characteristics of the device were investigated  相似文献   

文章提出了一种基于马赫曾德尔干涉结构的硅基 波分复用器。该器件可通过集成的电 光移相器实现对器件中各通道传输谱的调节,来补偿外界温度变换和工艺误差造成的波长漂 移。测试结果表明,热光移相器的效率为3mW/π,可以实现4个通道的波分复用,通道间隔 为3.3 nm,隔离度大于30 dB。  相似文献   

The article presents results of theoretical and experimental investigation of quasioptical multiplexer based on reflecting diffraction grating. Diffraction losses caused by reflection into mirror harmonic, and by angle divergence of wave beams are calculated. In an experimental multiplexer, wave beams with the frequencies 70 GHz and 79 GHz were mixed with power losses less than 1%.  相似文献   

Optical networks based on the ‘clockwork’ routing mechanism have significant advantages for high-speed optical packet switched applications in which latency is critical, such as parallel and distributed computing. The main advantages are that no optical buffers and no centralized contention arbitration are required. However, the network performance decreases rapidly with increasing network size. This article proposes the use of wavelength division multiplexing, in combination with clockwork routing, to provide significant improvements in network scalability and bisection bandwidth, resulting in higher throughput and reduced latency.  相似文献   

城域网CWDM技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述CWDM的基本概念和技术特点,其在成本、性能等方面的特点,使之在城域网中得以应用.通过分析城域网业务特点和发展要求,结合与DWDM技术的比较,介绍应用于城域网的CWDM技术的优势和应用方案.通过与其它传输技术相结合,使CWDM在城域网中的应用越来越广泛.  相似文献   

A first-generation design, called Rainbow, for optical wavelength division multiaccess (WDMA) computer networks is described. The Rainbow research prototype takes the form of a direct detection, circuit-switched metropolitan-area-network (MAN) backbone consisting of 32 IBM PD/2's as gateway stations, communicating with each other at 200-Mb/s data rates and submillisecond switching times. The prototype architectural options for realizing WDMA networks are discussed, along with reasons for choosing this design point. Experimental measurements on the prototype are presented. Ways of extending this prototype to more stations, higher bit rates, and faster setup times are given  相似文献   

提出了一种大有效模面积的折射率渐变型分布模式 信道的新型6模式复用器,采用光束传播法和全矢 量有限元方法研究了模分复用器的性能指标。结果表明,本文复用器实现了折射率渐变型分 布、大有效模场 面积、低非线性系数、高耦合效率和宽工作波段6模式复用解复用操作;在1450650n m工作波段, 模分复用器耦合效率优于-0.449dB,模式LP01 、LP 11a、LP11b、LP21a 和LP21b耦合效率分别优于0、 -0.018、-0.018、-0.449和-0.036dB, 呈现出平坦特性;在C波段内,模分复用器耦合效率 呈现出更好的平坦特性,所有模式对应的平坦度均优于0.066dB;在 1550nm,所有模式的有效面积均大于标准单模光纤(SMF)的14.9倍,非线性系数均远小于标准SMF。  相似文献   

A theoretical and experimental investigation is reported on a novel all-fiber technique for interrogation of interferometric low-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities. It is based on the modulation of the spectral transfer function of a wavelength-division multiplexer. Results are given when both serrodyne and sinusoidal modulation formats are considered  相似文献   

介绍了基于交换集线器的虚拟局域网(VL-AN)的特点及应用。  相似文献   

The problem of interconnecting many high-speed terminal users via an optical local area network (LAN) is addressed. Space-division multiplexing (SDM) is used to provide point-to-point connectivity, so simple light sources and receivers are all that is required. The call setup between a source and a destination is based on the broadcasting of a short address packet called flooding, which is a simple topology-independent routing method that alleviates the need to have intelligent nodes (cross points). A simple protocol is used to establish an end-to-end path using flooding. Once a source/destination path is established, the actual call starts. The established path is not interrupted by other call setup flooding attempts and/or other cells. A performance analysis for a simple tree network indicates that a capacity of 66% can be achieved at reasonable average blocking delays. The network users can each access full electronics speeds, and the total throughput of the network is a multiple of full electronics speed, with concurrency achieved by SDM  相似文献   

目前智能变电站内部整体还采用的是直采直跳的通信方式,存在工作量大、且控制回路量大、复杂等缺陷。在三网合一的通信网络条件下提出一种基于GOOSE网与SV网的通信网络,遵循IEC 62850标准并提出基于ID的Tag虚拟局域网的划分,依照ACL规则过滤报文,对局域网中的网络交换机进行优化配置,实现变电站内部网络消息传输的智能化并提高通信网络的稳定性。  相似文献   

The integrated operation of a 16×1 wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) source with distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers and electroabsorption modulators has been demonstrated. By using repeated holographic exposures and wet chemical etching, 16 different wavelengths from 1.544 to 1.553 μm with an average channel spacing of 6 Å are obtained. A high-performance combiner is used to obtain a very uniform coupling into the single-output waveguide, and with the integration of an optical amplifier an average optical power of -8 dBm per channel is coupled into a single-mode fiber  相似文献   

A novel ultracompact 2/spl times/2 wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) for 1.55-/spl mu/m operation based on highly dispersive two-mode interference (TMI) was designed, theoretically modeled, and verified using a finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method. A two-moded waveguide assisted with a dispersive tooth-shaped grating provided a mode-dependent reflection band of central wavelength at 1.55 /spl mu/m. The wavelengths of 1538 and 1572 nm that were at the band edges and had the lowest reflection losses and relatively high dispersion were selected for wavelength multiplexing. The result showed that the wavelengths were separated by grating dispersion in a coupler length of 75 /spl mu/m which was much shorter than the required length of 1.1 mm in a regular TMI multiplexer of no grating. Insertion loss of about 1.7 dB and channel contrast of about 12 dB were achieved.  相似文献   

A communication protocol for a local network that handles voice signals and uses ‘direct sequence spread spectrum’ techniques ( DS-SS), is presented. The control of the protocol is distributed among the network users, providing them with the capability for full-duplex communication and successful channel acquisition without data collisions. The access of the single communication channel by any user of the network and the routing of calls are based on the detection of the number of the decoded signal levels. The implementation of the network is simplified with the use of a single code per communication. The protocol operation ( including the call scheduling and signalling processes) that generates all the signals necessary for communication in the network ( ring, idle, busy) is described in detail.  相似文献   

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