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为实现高速动车组运行时车内温湿度的实时监测,提出一种基于ZigBee无线网络的温湿度监测系统,介绍监测系统的设计思想和实现过程。系统以51单片机C8051F021和射频收发芯片MC13193为核心,采用数字式温湿度传感器SHT21来设计传感器节点实现高速动车组车内温湿度数据的采集,并使用LabVIEW软件编写监控界面,实现整个监测系统的温湿度数据显示、查询和存储。实验证明:基于ZigBee的高速动车组车内温湿度监测系统可以很好地满足监测系统中采样点布置的灵活性,更好地符合高速动车组车内温湿度监测的需求。  相似文献   

为满足实际生产中对齿轮箱温度实时监控的要求,提出将ZigBee无线传感技术应用于温度监测系统中。该系统采用符合ZigBee标准的CC2530射频芯片并通过配置邻居表对传统路由算法进行改进。温度数据的采集则利用DS18B20温度传感器。通过RS-232进行数据传输实现与PC机的通信,并在温度达到报警值时,及时应用PID对冷却水流量进行调控,进而达到智能监控环境温度的目的。实际应用表明:该监测系统运行稳定,可靠,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。  相似文献   

基于ZigBee技术的无线环高测量仪系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对环高测量仪布线复杂、机动性差、难以组网等问题,采用ZigBee芯片CC2430设计并实现了一种无线环高测量仪系统。根据ZigBee无线传感网的应用特点,重点讨论了系统的硬件实现、软件设计方法以及监控系统的实现。系统由8031单片机控制的环高测量仪、基于ZigBee芯片CC2430的无线网络以及基于LabVIEW串口通信的上位计算机组成。通过对该系统的测试,系统工作正常,网络拓扑结构稳定,满足实时监测的需求,同时系统移植能力强,可以应用到其他监测领域。  相似文献   

Many older adults find it difficult to accept new forms of information and communication technology (ICT), despite its advantages such as convenience and efficiency. It is necessary to identify the reasons for low ICT use among older people—even among those with positive attitudes toward ICT—to help older adults cope with social changes and bridge the digital divide. This study explored technology acceptance and related factors among older Korean adults living in rural areas. Based on an existing model (the senior technology acceptance model), a new conceptual framework for technology acceptance was proposed, and the framework was tested using pathway analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in three focus groups (n = 15), and a survey questionnaire was administered to older Korean adults living in a rural area (n = 233) from 17 January 2021 to 18 February 2021. Qualitative data were analyzed using directed content analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using pathway analysis. Four categories, 11 subcategories, and 18 codes were identified, and a new conceptual framework was proposed based on the qualitative findings. The results of the model revealed significant positive direct paths from external controls (β = 0.45, p < .001), attitudinal beliefs (β = 0.33, p < .001), and cognitive health (β = 0.10, p = .040) to internal abilities. It is necessary to develop and apply a targeted and tailored ICT education program to improve self-efficacy and reduce anxiety regarding technology use among older Korean adults living in rural areas.  相似文献   

针对中控室内的操作员不易发现空分设备透平膨胀机联锁时的报警提示,设计了一套透平膨胀机联锁声光报警装置,从而使当班操作人员能及时发现透平膨胀机的联锁报警情况。  相似文献   

A system has been developed at the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario to monitor temperatures in 30 controlled atmosphere and specialty storage research rooms. Temperatures are recorded every 30 min using resistance temperature detectors, a data acquisition unit and a microcomputer. A computer program has also been developed to compare measured temperatures to high/low set points and to activate a Telesponder alarm system. The Telesponder is capable of signalling a remote pager and providing a synthesized voice message through the telephone system to operational personnel.  相似文献   

双炉体真空烧结炉报警系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分析了几种真空烧结炉常见的报警量,并给出了工程解决方案.在真空炉控制系统中合理利用报警量,可以有效提高人员和设备的安全性.  相似文献   

In developing countries, there is constant concern regarding ways to achieve a sustainable socioeconomic growth in a dynamic, globalized environment. This is a multifaceted problem which is so complex that conventionally it is addressed inappropriately, due to the conflict between economic, technical, and social objectives. Studies have indicated that one of the limiting factors for rural development is related to energy access. In this study, a robust methodology is proposed, based on complementary experimental approaches, so as to produce biochar and assess biomass energy storage capacity. As a case study, Colombian grape crop waste was investigated, in order to identify its capacity for energy storage and generation, by means of pyrolysis. Raw materials were analyzed through proximate and ultimate analyses, higher heating value, thermogravimetry, and morphology analysis, using petrographic examination. Results showed that raw materials had a high level of variance in physicochemical properties. Biochar was produced from grape waste through the devolatilization process, at both 600 and 800 °C, in a tubular reactor. The biochar produced through pyrolysis was characterized by higher energy storage capacity and low property variance. Finally, using these experimental results, the biomass was assessed for electric power generation. It was found that waste from one hectare could produce power for approximately four families. This investigation demonstrates the importance of performing various experimental analyses in order to evaluate and understand the energetic potential of lignocellulosic waste. It is believed that this approach produces valuable insights, which are useful for appropriate system process designs, and operations for energy production from lignocellulosic waste.  相似文献   

Appropriate technology can be developed to improve living conditions in remote rural areas. In transfer of technology, patent documents may play an important role. A Documentation and Information Centre for developing countries should be specifically directed to assist in this transfer of technology. In this respect, the usefulness is demonstrated, of patents dealing with simple manual tools such as spades and of patents relating to solar energy.  相似文献   

Police Accident Reports (PAR) reveal that in a 5-year period between 1993 and 1997, there were 892 crashes at 87 two lane, undivided roadway sites in Strafford County, NH, a county consisting of suburban and rural communities. The purpose of this paper is to describe: (1) logistic regression model building efforts to identify statistically significant factors that predict the probabilities of crashes and injury crashes; and (2) to use these models to perform a risk assessment of the study region. The models are functions of factors that describe a site by its land use activity, roadside design, use of traffic control devices and traffic exposure. Comparative risk assessment results show village sites to be less hazardous than residential and shopping sites. Residential and shopping sites, which are distinctly different from village sites, reside in single-purpose, land-use zones consisting mostly of single-family dwelling units and roadside shopping units with ample off-street parking. Village sites reside in multi-purpose, land-use zones permitting a combination of activities found in residential, shopping and commercial areas. They are pedestrian friendly, that is, have sidewalks and crosswalks, permit onstreet parking, have speed limits and other amenities that promote walking. Adjusted odds ratios and other comparative risk measures are used to explain why one site is more hazardous than another one. For example, the probability of a crash is two times more likely at a site without a sidewalk than at a site with one. The implications on roadway design to improve safety are discussed.  相似文献   

火灾报警控制系统的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王宇  韦强 《工程设计学报》2003,10(4):229-231
为了提高火灾报警控制系统的通用性及可靠性,分析了国内广泛使用的火灾报警控制系统的产品特性和目前设计中所存在的问题.利用各厂家产品在网络构成、设计、布线上的共通性,指出火灾报警控制系统通用性设计的必要性及可能性,提出了一种新的设计方法,使之能较合理可靠地适用于目前大多数的主流产品,极大地提高系统的可靠性,以满足建筑市场发展的需要.  相似文献   

Fluoride concentrations in ground water have been monitored in rural areas of Dhar and Jhabua districts in Madhya Pradesh, India. A correlation of fluoride concentration with pH, TDS and conductivity has been estimated to identify surrogate monitoring parameter. Further, fluoride removal from drinking water has been achieved by using adsorbents specially developed for domestic applications. These adsorbents have been evaluated using three different methods namely; loose adsorbent, pre-packed sachet and packed bamboo column. Comparative evaluation of these methods has been demonstrated in the laboratory and field. The stringent limit of 1mg/L for fluoride concentration in drinking water has been achieved by use of specially designed adsorbents. A feedback from end-users in Tarapur and Ukala villages of Dhar districts Madhya Pradesh regarding the adsorbents and its acceptability has been collected. User's perception regarding these household treatments reveals encouraging response for defluoridation methods. According to user's perception loose adsorbent approach emerged out as most simple, clean and safe household defluoridation method.  相似文献   

随着人们对海底油气资源的开发,在海底铺设的管道越来越多,海底管道泄漏风险日益增加,亟需高效、实时的检测方法。文章利用自主式水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, AUV)平台,搭载多波束测深声呐与基于VxWorks的嵌入式处理单元,设计了一套水下气体泄漏自动检测系统,将多波束测深声呐采集的水体图像数据传送给嵌入式处理单元,采用模板匹配方法对图像数据进行处理,完成对海底管道气体泄漏点的实时检测。湖试和海试都验证了该系统方案的有效性与先进性。  相似文献   

采用多传感器数据融合技术的消防报警系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了多传感器数据融合消防报警系统,然后在分析信号特征和各种算法的基础上提出数据融合的思想。根据多传感器的不同性质,进行多级别、多方面处理,以求更可靠更准确的结果。并提出了基于传感器数据融合的火灾报警的基本框架,最后讨论了传感器数据融合的方法和管理实施。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the adoption of mobile banking by farmers and some of its potential determining factors. Our sample comprises 115 complete questionnaires answered through the paper-and-pencil method. The respondents are farmers who have properties located close to 20 different cities in Brazil, specifically in the state of Minas Gerais. We employed the confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the constructs and the structural equation modeling to test the study hypotheses. The main results indicate that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust are the main constructs related to the use of mobile banking by the farmers who answered the questionnaire. However, the relationship between social influence and the use of mobile banking was negative. This result is opposite to the one usually found in the literature. This research contributes to expand the understanding about the benefits of information technology to the financial routine of farmers, since they operate in a relevant economic sector in Brazil.  相似文献   

冯远  易丹  毕琼 《中国工程科学》2009,11(6):138-145
针对大开间少墙砌体结构的受力特点,结合教学楼震害,分析了构造柱、圈梁对砌体结构抗震性能的影响,并对提高结构延性的设计理念进行了阐述;同时对大开间少墙单面走廊砌体结构的设计提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine age-related differences in visual scanning as drivers performed three separate maneuvers (going straight across, making a left and right turn) at two median-divided highway intersections with different crash frequencies. An on-road study was conducted with 60 drivers in three age groups: younger (18-25), middle-aged (35-55), and older (65-80). The study consisted of two between-subject (age and gender) and two within-subject variables (drive maneuver and intersection type). Drivers’ behavior was measured by the proportion of time they visually sampled towards the left, right and rearview mirror, and by an entropy rate representative of randomness in visual scanning. The results showed that older and younger drivers do not utilize their full scanning range when compared to middle-aged drivers, as indicated by lower entropy rate and the tendency to check fewer areas before executing a maneuver through the intersections. This trend was more obvious during left and right turn maneuvers indicating a greater likelihood to miss an unexpected event. Older drivers had a significantly smaller proportion of visual sampling to the left and right during intersection negotiations when compared to younger and middle-aged drivers. Older and younger drivers checked the rearview mirror significantly less when compared to middle-aged drivers.  相似文献   

基于DSP的路障视频监控报警硬件系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统安全监控措施不完善的问题,设计了一套用于监控铁路路障的视频监控及报警硬件系统。系统中采用了,TI(TExAs INsTuMENT)的多媒体处理芯片TMS320DM642作为主要处理器,用于对系统所采集到的视频信号进行识别与处理,当系统判定路口中存在路障时,则通过无线收发器对列车发出报警信号,列车员收到信号后便可以对列车制动从而避免事故的发生。整个系统分为两个部分,一部分设计为架设在铁路口边,另一部分则设置在列车上。其它主要选用的器件还有视频解码芯片TVP5150PBS和无线收发芯片nrf401等。  相似文献   

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