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With the planned length of 36 km, Ghomroud tunnel is one of the longest tunnels under construction in central Iran. About half or 18 km of this tunnel was excavated by a double shield TBM. Several adverse geological conditions encountered, consisting of ground squeezing and face collapse, hindering TBM performance, and caused several TBM stoppages and jamming. This paper presents the impact of ground conditions on machine performance based on the information obtained from field observations and geotechnical site investigations. As built geological conditions are described while the method and results of tunnel convergence measurements and their impacts on tunneling operation is examined. Based on the detail study of the available geological information and tunnel convergence measurements, it was evident that the existence of weak structures in rock mass resulted in high rate of the convergence, which was the dominant factor in the TBM jamming. Since it was not possible to make observation and measurements of geological parameters when working in a lined tunnel built by a shielded machine, an attempt was made to correlate TBM operational parameters and ground convergence. The preliminary result of the analysis has indicated a good correlation among machine’s operational parameters and tunnel convergence. If the system is fully developed, these parameters can be used as an indicator of the potential for high rates of convergence. An early warning on ground convergence is essential for taking precautionary measures to avoid TBM from getting jammed by squeezing ground.  相似文献   

The S tunnel is a 4.2 km-long headrace tunnel. In the tunnelling project, the ground was assumed to be hard slate and suitable for TBM excavation based on the primary site investigation. However, TBM jamming frequently occurred with the increase of the tunnel cover, and the TBM excavation was cancelled. In order to investigate the TBM jamming, theoretical analyses and seismic investigations were conducted. It was found that analytical model proposed in this paper well explained the influence of the cover on the possibility of TBM jamming. It was also found that the depth of the loosened zone was expanded 6–8 m at the location where TBM jamming occurred.  相似文献   

The existence of squeezing ground conditions can lead to significant challenges in designing an adequate support system for tunnels.Numerous empirical,observational and analytical methods have been suggested over the years to design support systems in squeezing ground conditions,but all of them have some limitations.In this study,a novel experimental setup having physical model for simulating the tunnel boring machine(TBM)excavation and support installation process in squeezing clay-rich rocks is developed.The observations are made to understand better the interaction between the support and the squeezing ground.The physical model included a large true-triaxial cell,a miniature TBM,laboratoryprepared synthetic test specimen with properties similar to natural mudstone,and an instrumented cylindrical aluminum support system.Experiments were conducted at realistic in situ stress levels to study the time-dependent three-dimensional tunnel support convergence.The tunnel was excavated using the miniature TBM in the cubical rock specimen loaded in the true-triaxial cell,after which the support was installed.The confining stress was then increased in stages to values greater than the rock’s unconfined compressive strength.A model for the time-dependent longitudinal displacement profile(LDP)for the supported tunnel was proposed using the tunnel convergence measurements at different times and stress levels.The LDP formulation was then compared with the unsupported model to calculate the squeezing amount carried by the support.The increase in thrust in the support was backcalculated from an analytical solution with the assumption of linear elastic support.Based on the test results and case studies,a recommendation to optimize the support requirement for tunnels in squeezing ground is proposed.  相似文献   

The geology of Turkey is very complex and major Northern and Eastern Faults including minor faults associated to these faults create tremendous problems, like squeezing of the TBM, excessive water ingress, TBM face collapses, as encountered in the Kargi power tunnel, the Dogancay energy tunnel, the Gerede water tunnel, and the Nur Dagi railway tunnel. Mixed ground conditions with ophiolites, graphitic schists and melanges with boulders are other fundamental difficulties leading to squeezing and blocking of the TBMs or even causing complete failures of the segments and abandoning of the tunnel. A typical example for tunnel abandoning is the Kosekoy high speed tunnel and an example for excessive TBM squeezing is the Uluabat energy tunnel. The affects of dykes in the Istanbul region is known well by practicing tunnel engineers. These andesitic rocks, make fractures in the country rock and cause several problems during TBM excavation like blocking the cutterhead and excessive disc cutter consumption. Typical examples are the Goztepe-Kadıkoy Metro tunnels, and the Melen water tunnel. The Beykoz utility tunnel is one of the most difficult tunnelling projects in Istanbul. Presence of clay minerals existing within the geologic formations is also one of the main reasons clogging the cutterhead of TBM as encountered in the Suruc water project. The effects of complex geology on the excavation efficiencies of different type of TBM’s used in the ten projects mentioned above are explained in this paper and some recommendations with a ground classification system for proper use of TBMs in faultyzones are given.  相似文献   

The adverse geological conditions frequently encountered during TBM tunnelling present great challenges, and may trigger potential hazards if no precaution and treatment measures are taken. Comprehensive studies on adverse conditions are essential and critical to successful TBM tunnelling. In this overview paper, attempts are made to define the adverse geological conditions for TBM tunnelling. A simple classification and the influencing factors related to the adverse geological conditions are presented for better understanding of the topic. The main problems involved and the corresponding mitigation measures for TBM tunnelling under adverse geological conditions are discussed. Finally, further research needs for better coping with these problems are emphasized.  相似文献   

Drill and Blast (D&B) and Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) are the two dominating excavation methods in hard rock tunnelling. Selection of the cost effective excavation method for a tunnel is a function of tunnel cross section area, rock conditions, tunnel length, availability of skilled labour and proper equipment, and project schedule. Over the past few decades, major technological development and technical advances have been achieved in both methods. Yet, in many tunnelling projects, choosing the excavation method is still a challenge and requires considering pros and cons of each method and estimating construction time, costs, as well as post construction and operation & maintenance, and related risk in the planning phase. In this study, the productivity and efficiency of the D&B and TBM options for excavating certain size tunnels have been examined. The analysis is based on recent NTNU prediction models for advance rate and unit excavation cost for given ground conditions and tunnel geometry. For excavation of large size tunnels in very hard rock, the D&B method seems to be the cost effective choice irrespective to tunnel geometry. This is compared to smaller long tunnels with good boreability were the TBM has higher advance rate. The tunnel size and rock conditions have higher impact on the TBM performance and costs than for D&B. This refers to lower risk of using D&B where the use of this method is otherwise justified.  相似文献   

The prediction of the convergences during tunnel construction in squeezing ground is important for determining an adequate temporary support or excavation diameter in order to avoid costly and time-consuming repairs. It can be difficult, however, to make such predictions as the intensity of squeezing often varies over short distances, even without an obvious change in the excavation and support method, depth of cover, lithology and rock structure. The variability of squeezing behaviour could be observed during the construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in the Clavaniev Zone and in the northern part of the Intermediate Tavetsch-Massif. The paper analyses the data monitored during the tunnel construction and identifies some factors that correlate well with the convergences or the lack thereof. The variability of squeezing observed in the present case can be traced back to different degrees of tectonic disturbance (“kakiritization”), different orientations of the schistosity and the proximity of weaker or stronger zones.  相似文献   

Squeezing loading of segmental linings and the effect of backfilling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Overstressing of the segmental lining is one of the major hazard scenarios related to shielded TBM tunnelling in squeezing ground. The present paper deals with this specific problem, addressing the key question of the ground pressure acting upon a segmental lining installed behind a single shielded TBM. Starting with a structured discussion of the influencing factors and their interactions, the paper investigates how the type, location and thickness of the backfilling play an important role with respect to the loading of a segmental lining. Secondly, it explains how to take due account of the actual thickness of the backfilling (which is not known a priori since it depends on the deformations of the bored profile) in a numerical simulation. Thirdly, the paper advances a number of theory-based decision aids which cover the relevant range of ground parameters, initial stress, segmental lining and backfilling characteristics, thus supporting rapid initial assessments of the ground pressure acting upon a segmental lining and making a valuable contribution to the decision-making process.  相似文献   

The potential of geophysical probing methods in TBM tunnelling is discussed. Modern TBMs have made it possible to tunnel through a wide range of geological conditions. However, the development towards more complicated machines has raised prices and often causes delays before the machines can begin operating properly. If a reliable system were available, the machine could be given a simpler design and the tunnelling process could be continuously adjusted to the prevailing ground conditions without jeopardizing safety. Geophysical investigation methods such as seismics and radar now offer the possibility of monitoring ground conditions ahead of the tunnel face. An analysis of a number of TBM projects has shown that if certain requirements on the range and time of the investigations are fulfilled, probing can be integrated into the tunnelling cycle.  相似文献   

In order for tunnel boring machines to efficiently cut or break rock, it is necessary that the block of rock in contact with the cutter be adequately supported by the surrounding rock mass. This support is provided by the interlocking of blocks and the friction of the surfaces. If blocks are inadequately supported or become free without breakage the result can be jamming at the TBM face. Such blocky ground conditions are typically assessed according to the spacing and orientation of discontinuities (including joints) within the rock mass, typically using a rock mass classification system. In laboratory tests on cuttability or abrasivity of rocks, test samples are typically supported securely in a frame or jig. Numerical models of rock breakage also assume boundary conditions in which the sample is completely supported. Therefore the applicability of the results from laboratory and numerical studies depends on the same degree of support of blocks in the ground. The conditions required to adequately support a block for breakage are investigated and related to rock mass parameters, in particular, the three-dimensional patterns of discontinuities. A rock mass can be capable of providing adequate support to a block of rock such that the cuttability is adequately described by conventional methods. However, there are some rock mass conditions where support of blocks is not well developed, potentially resulting in otherwise unexpected poor TBM progress or jamming of TBM with loose blocks. Three-dimensional discontinuity patterns can be assessed using stereographic methods or borehole (αβ) methods. It is proposed that problematic conditions may occur where: two or more oblique (α between 20° and 70°) discontinuity sets are present (and over-represented relative to a uniform distribution); one or more of these discontinuity sets are dipping into the opening (β = 180° ± 90°) and additional discontinuities (in sets or randomly oriented) are present to form complete tetrahedral wedge blocks.  相似文献   

Small-scale tunnelling for oil has been performed onshore since the turn of the century. In the late 1970s and in the 1980s, several proposals were set forth for using subsea tunnels in the exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields. A prefeasibility study carried out for the Troll oil and gas field in the North Sea has yielded interesting results for the subsea oil tunnel concept. This article describes how existing geological knowledge combined with geophysical measurements and exploratory oil well data have given a surprisingly large amount of information regarding ground conditions where the “geology” is hidden by deep water. The expected ground conditions have been used to work out specifications for development of a tunnel boring machine and equipment to tackle the prevailing ground conditions, which include squeezing rocks and, possibly, running ground and shallow gas. A tunnelling progress of 5 km/yr in hard crystalline rocks and up to 10 km/yr in the soft sedimentary rocks offshore is regarded as possible, given active development of the equipment to be used. Many future offshore oil and gas fields—especially those in arctic areas exposed to icebergs and extreme weather conditions—can be exploited advantageously by using subsea tunnels.  相似文献   

Weathering is a process that turns rock into soil. Deep weathering is prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The resulting sub-surface conditions can be very onerous for tunnelling, with tunnel drives commonly encountering a significant proportion of mixed face conditions, comprising partly rock and partly soil. Problems that have been encountered have included: inability to maintain the face pressure, ground loss, sinkholes, slow rates of tunnelling, rapid tool wear, damage to tools, mixing arms and other parts of the TBM, very frequent and long interventions, clogging and blow-outs. The nature and extent of the problems on any particular tunnel have depended on the type and design of the TBM, the nature of the rock and the proportion of the tunnel in mixed ground. In Singapore this has resulted in a change from mainly EPB to mainly slurry tunnelling in weathered igneous rock; however, predominantly EPB TBMs have been used in weathered sedimentary rock. Information from EPB and slurry TBM drives is used to illustrate the issues involved.  相似文献   

There are many potential sources of geotechnical risk in mechanized rock tunnelling. Problems such as encountering fault zones with running and water bearing gouge, tunnel walls instabilities in running or blocky grounds, hard and abrasive rock sections and convergent tunnel sections are principal causes in geotechnical risk occurrence. On the other hand, the performance of each TBM encountering such conditions will be different. Therefore, using different TBMs will have variable risk levels. This paper is to discuss rock TBM selection based on geotechnical risk minimization. So, a new approach was proposed based on decision analysis using decision tree. Based on the newly proposed approach, the most appropriate TBM is one that has the minimum risk level either before or after hazards mitigation measures. To be able to check the performance of this approach in practice, selection of machine for Nosoud water transfer tunnel has been evaluated. A shielded TBM (either single or double shield one) was proposed for the tunnel based on the newly proposed method. However, a double shield TBM was selected because of its more flexibility in difficult ground conditions in comparison with single shield TBM and limitation of project construction duration. The machine performance during tunnelling period verifies the success of excavation using selected TBM.  相似文献   

The Kranji tunnel is part of the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System in Singapore. It is approximately 12.6 km in length. Along the tunnel alignment, all the ground is composed of granite with different weathering grades (from fresh rock to residual soil). The changing ground from hard rock to mixed face and soft ground (and vice versa) at the tunnel level was anticipated. The tunnel depth along the route is between 15 m and 50 m. Two EPB TBMs were deployed at this tunnel with a bored diameter 4.90 m. These machines were designed so that both hard rock and soft ground could be excavated. The cutter head was equipped with a combination of both rippers and disc cutters. During the excavation, it was found that the frequency of the ground change between hard rock and residual soil is much higher than that expected. Due to the frequently changing ground, correspondingly the tunnel boring machine (TBM) operation mode had to be transferred frequently from hard rock tunnelling to transition mode and to earth pressure balance (EPB) close mode. It resulted in great difficulties for the TBM in an optimized operation condition. These difficulties included high cutter wear and flat cutters, tunnel face instability, water inflow at weathering interface, and time delays. In order to overcome these problems and speed up the tunnelling progress, the TBM used in the north drive was modified to attempt the frequently changing ground. The performance of the modified TBM was highly improved. However, the highly abrasive and frequently changing mixed face ground still caused high cutter wear, especially flat cutter wear. These posed many challenges to the equipment and the tunnel crew.  相似文献   

One of the new components of water conveyance system in central Iran is the Ghomroud water conveyance tunnel that is being excavated by a double shield TBM. The 36 km long tunnel mainly passes through the metamorphic weak rocks of Jurassic age. Key geotechnical design issues for the tunnel, which has up to 650 m of overburden, include the potential for high ground pressure due to high in situ stress. In order to prevent the shield jamming in these weak rocks, it was necessary to evaluate the amount of ground pressure on the outer surface of TBM shield in the vicinity of the tunnel face. The stress and strain condition in the vicinity of the tunnel face has a 3D nature and it is not realistic to assume a two-dimensional stress state at the tunnel face area. In the convergence-confinement method, it is possible to simulate the tunnel face effect with an internal fictitious pressure that is imposed on the tunnel perimeter. In this study, based on the convergence-confinement method, a new method was introduced to calculate the tunnel face effect on ground pressure distribution around the tunnel face region. Then by using this method, critical areas with potential for shield jamming was predicted along the Ghomroud water conveyance tunnel. The obtained results by this method are in good agreement with the current TBM jamming situations along the Ghomroud tunnel.  相似文献   

Severe shield jamming events have been reported during excavation of Uluabat tunnel through adverse geological conditions, which resulted in several stoppages at advancing a single shielded tunnel boring machine(TBM). To study the jamming mechanism, three-dimensional(3D) simulation of the machine and surrounding ground was implemented using the finite difference code FLAC3D. Numerical analyses were performed for three sections along the tunnel with a higher risk for entrapment due to the combination of overburden and geological conditions. The computational results including longitudinal displacement contours and ground pressure profiles around the shield allow a better understanding of ground behavior within the excavation. Furthermore, they allow realistically assessing the impact of adverse geological conditions on shield jamming. The calculated thrust forces, which are required to move the machine forward, are in good agreement with field observations and measurements. It also proves that the numerical analysis can effectively be used for evaluating the effect of adverse geological environment on TBM entrapments and can be applied to prediction of loads on the shield and preestimating of the required thrust force during excavation through adverse ground conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new field to analyze three-dimensional (3-D) coupled linear flow for Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) tunnelling in saturated porous medium. This is important to control ground deformation and excess pore water pressure due to the process of shield tunnelling in three-dimension and time-dependent. A numerical model to simulate explicitly the behaviour of excess pore water pressure mobilization and its dissipation in time is presented. For the TBM tunnelling techniques, the positive pressure is applied to support the tunnel face and the grouting material is injected to decrease the deformation into the tail void gap behind the shield. Hence, this study is employed on 3-D model to investigate the impact of the most important parameters, which are slurry pressure and grouting pressure. The governing equations are derived in the light of the generalized Biot theory where displacement and excess pore pressure are the primary unknowns. The excavation stages during the advance of the machine in 3-D consolidation analysis is simulated. An isoparametric quadratic solid consolidation elastic soil model is used for this analysis. Results of this study indicate that a realistic modelling of soil behaviour, especially the distribution shape of the excess pore water pressure around the TBM tunnels during the construction stages and its dissipation during the consolidation time can be assessed. Thus, short-term as well as long-term effects of the TBM tunnelling are predicted. The practical importance of this analysis is the optimization of values and quantities of the slurry pressure and grouting pressure required for TBM technology. A design criterion based on this study can be suggested to tunnelling procedure in consolidated clay.  相似文献   

深埋隧道TBM卡机机理及控制措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前TBM在中国应用越来越广泛,然而TBM在深埋软弱岩石隧洞中施工时,很容易发生护盾被卡事故,造成严重后果,因此对其卡机机理及控制措施研究很有必要。首先,基于Hoek-Brown准则圆形隧道围岩流变变形研究成果,考虑管片衬砌支护和掌子面效应,提出了护盾区域围岩变形计算模型;其次,根据上述变形计算模型和围岩、护盾变形协调条件,建立了停机和连续掘进两种工况下卡机状态判断模型,两种模型均考虑了围岩流变效应;再次,在卡机机理研究成果基础上,进行了卡机控制措施的研究。推导了临界预留变形计算公式;同时提出了预留变形和超前支护相结合时临界超前支护强度的计算模型;最后,将卡机判据和临界预留变形量及超前支护强度理论在工程算例中进行了应用。  相似文献   

Unexpected ground conditions have always been a major problem for the tunnelling industry. As demand for the development of new underground structures, regardless of the ground conditions, has increased, safety and risk considerations have become even more important. The methodology presented in this paper aims at the identification of risk-prone areas, incorporating, at the same time, the uncertainty of ground conditions. It is focused on TBM tunnelling and can be implemented in the early stages of the project. The methodology assesses the hazards by introducing the concept of a vulnerability index, which is based on the principles of rock engineering systems, to identify the weighting of the parameters, and on probabilistic modelling to address the uncertainty in the parameters’ values. The proposed model is illustrated via the Athens Metro case study, used also for validating its performance under actual construction conditions.  相似文献   

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