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Automatic detection of a user's interest in spoken dialog plays an important role in many applications, such as tutoring systems and customer service systems. In this study, we propose a decision-level fusion approach using acoustic and lexical information to accurately sense a user's interest at the utterance level. Our system consists of three parts: acoustic/prosodic model, lexical model, and a model that combines their decisions for the final output. We use two different regression algorithms to complement each other for the acoustic model. For lexical information, in addition to the bag-of-words model, we propose new features including a level-of-interest value for each word, length information using the number of words, estimated speaking rate, silence in the utterance, and similarity with other utterances. We also investigate the effectiveness of using more automatic speech recognition (ASR) hypotheses (n-best lists) to extract lexical features. The outputs from the acoustic and lexical models are combined at the decision level. Our experiments show that combining acoustic evidence with lexical information improves level-of-interest detection performance, even when lexical features are extracted from ASR output with high word error rate.  相似文献   

We are interested in the problem of robust understanding from noisy spontaneous speech input. With the advances in automated speech recognition (ASR), there has been increasing interest in spoken language understanding (SLU). A challenge in large vocabulary spoken language understanding is robustness to ASR errors. State of the art spoken language understanding relies on the best ASR hypotheses (ASR 1-best). In this paper, we propose methods for a tighter integration of ASR and SLU using word confusion networks (WCNs). WCNs obtained from ASR word graphs (lattices) provide a compact representation of multiple aligned ASR hypotheses along with word confidence scores, without compromising recognition accuracy. We present our work on exploiting WCNs instead of simply using ASR one-best hypotheses. In this work, we focus on the tasks of named entity detection and extraction and call classification in a spoken dialog system, although the idea is more general and applicable to other spoken language processing tasks. For named entity detection, we have improved the F-measure by using both word lattices and WCNs, 6–10% absolute. The processing of WCNs was 25 times faster than lattices, which is very important for real-life applications. For call classification, we have shown between 5% and 10% relative reduction in error rate using WCNs compared to ASR 1-best output.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of recognizing a vocabulary of over 50,000 city names in a telephone access spoken dialogue system. We adopt a two-stage framework in which only major cities are represented in the first stage lexicon. We rely on an unknown word model encoded as a phone loop to detect OOV city names (referred to as ‘rare city’ names). We use SpeM, a tool that can extract words and word-initial cohorts from phone graphs from a large fallback lexicon, to provide an N-best list of promising city name hypotheses on the basis of the phone graph corresponding to the OOV. This N-best list is then inserted into the second stage lexicon for a subsequent recognition pass.Experiments were conducted on a set of spontaneous telephone-quality utterances; each containing one rare city name. It appeared that SpeM was able to include nearly 75% of the correct city names in an N-best hypothesis list of 3000 city names. With the names found by SpeM to extend the lexicon of the second stage recognizer, a word accuracy of 77.3% could be obtained. The best one-stage system yielded a word accuracy of 72.6%. The absolute number of correctly recognized rare city names almost doubled, from 62 for the best one-stage system to 102 for the best two-stage system. However, even the best two-stage system recognized only about one-third of the rare city names retrieved by SpeM. The paper discusses ways for improving the overall performance in the context of an application.  相似文献   

韦向峰  张全  熊亮 《计算机科学》2006,33(10):152-155
汉语语音识别的研究越来越重视与语言处理的结合,语音识别已经不是单纯的语音信号处理。N-gram语言模型应用到语音识别系统中,大大增强了系统的正确率和稳定性,但它也有其自身的局限性,使得语音识别出现许多语法和语义的错误结果。本文分析了语音识别产生语音和文字方面的错误的原因和类型,在概念层次网络语言模型的基础上提出了一种基于语句语义分析和混淆音矩阵的语音识别纠错方法。通过三个发音人、5万字的声音语料和216句实验语句的纠错测试,本文的纠错系统在纠正语义搭配型错误方面有比较好的表现,可克服N-gram语言模型带来的一些缺陷。本文提出的纠错方法还可以融合到语音识别系统中,以便更好地为语音识别的纠错处理服务。  相似文献   

Traditional information extraction systems for compound tasks adopt pipeline architectures, which are highly ineffective and suffer from several problems such as cascading accumulation of errors. In this paper, we propose a joint discriminative probabilistic framework to optimize all relevant subtasks simultaneously. This framework offers a great flexibility to incorporate the advantage of both uncertainty for sequence modeling and first-order logic for domain knowledge. The first-order logic model provides a more expressive formalism tackling the issue of limited expressiveness of traditional attribute-value representation. Our framework defines a joint probability distribution for both segmentations in sequence data and possible worlds of relations between segments in the form of an exponential family. Since exact parameter estimation and inference are prohibitively intractable in this model, a structured variational inference algorithm is developed to perform parameter estimation approximately. For inference, we propose a highly coupled, bi-directional Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm to find the maximum a posteriori (MAP) assignments for both segmentations and relations. Extensive experiments on two real-world information extraction tasks, entity identification and relation extraction from Wikipedia, and citation matching show that (1) the proposed model achieves significant improvement on both tasks compared to state-of-the-art pipeline models and other joint models; (2) the bi-directional MH inference algorithm obtains boosted performance compared to the greedy, N-best list, and uni-directional MH sampling algorithms.  相似文献   

一种基于N-最优阶次序列的无线传感器网络节点定位方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于阶次序列的无线传感器网络(Wireless sensor networks, WSN)定位方法是一种新颖的高精度定位方法, 该方法将定位空间划分为不同的子区域, 每个子区域用一条阶次序列唯一标识. 但该方法存在区域边界节点定位误差较大且不能保证平均定位误差最优. 提出了一种基于N-最优阶次序列的节点定位方法. 首先基于无线信号衰减模型产生虚拟测试点, 以参考点为样本, 通过随机采样确定最优N值,然后选择阶次位于前N位的序列所表示的子区域, 对目标进行加权定位. 文中完成了100个节点的仿真实验、15个ZigBee网络硬件节点的室外实验以及10个ZigBee硬件节点的防空洞模拟矿井应用实验. 结果表明, 本文方法有效地降低了平均定位误差, 并改善了边界节点的定位精度.  相似文献   

We compared the performance of an automatic speech recognition system using n-gram language models, HMM acoustic models, as well as combinations of the two, with the word recognition performance of human subjects who either had access to only acoustic information, had information only about local linguistic context, or had access to a combination of both. All speech recordings used were taken from Japanese narration and spontaneous speech corpora.Humans have difficulty recognizing isolated words taken out of context, especially when taken from spontaneous speech, partly due to word-boundary coarticulation. Our recognition performance improves dramatically when one or two preceding words are added. Short words in Japanese mainly consist of post-positional particles (i.e. wa, ga, wo, ni, etc.), which are function words located just after content words such as nouns and verbs. So the predictability of short words is very high within the context of the one or two preceding words, and thus recognition of short words is drastically improved. Providing even more context further improves human prediction performance under text-only conditions (without acoustic signals). It also improves speech recognition, but the improvement is relatively small.Recognition experiments using an automatic speech recognizer were conducted under conditions almost identical to the experiments with humans. The performance of the acoustic models without any language model, or with only a unigram language model, were greatly inferior to human recognition performance with no context. In contrast, prediction performance using a trigram language model was superior or comparable to human performance when given a preceding and a succeeding word. These results suggest that we must improve our acoustic models rather than our language models to make automatic speech recognizers comparable to humans in recognition performance under conditions where the recognizer has limited linguistic context.  相似文献   

We report an empirical study of n-gram posterior probability confidence measures for statistical machine translation (SMT). We first describe an efficient and practical algorithm for rapidly computing n-gram posterior probabilities from large translation word lattices. These probabilities are shown to be a good predictor of whether or not the n-gram is found in human reference translations, motivating their use as a confidence measure for SMT. Comprehensive n-gram precision and word coverage measurements are presented for a variety of different language pairs, domains and conditions. We analyze the effect on reference precision of using single or multiple references, and compare the precision of posteriors computed from k-best lists to those computed over the full evidence space of the lattice. We also demonstrate improved confidence by combining multiple lattices in a multi-source translation framework.  相似文献   

Parallel integration of automatic speech recognition (ASR) models and statistical machine translation (MT) models is an unexplored research area in comparison to the large amount of works done on integrating them in series, i.e., speech-to-speech translation. Parallel integration of these models is possible when we have access to the speech of a target language text and to its corresponding source language text, like a computer-assisted translation system. To our knowledge, only a few methods for integrating ASR models with MT models in parallel have been studied. In this paper, we systematically study a number of different translation models in the context of the $N$-best list rescoring. As an alternative to the $N$ -best list rescoring, we use ASR word graphs in order to arrive at a tighter integration of ASR and MT models. The experiments are carried out on two tasks: English-to-German with an ASR vocabulary size of 17 K words, and Spanish-to-English with an ASR vocabulary of 58 K words. For the best method, the MT models reduce the ASR word error rate by a relative of 18% and 29% on the 17 K and the 58 K tasks, respectively.   相似文献   

In speech recognition systems language models are used to estimate the probabilities of word sequences. In this paper special emphasis is given to numerals–words that express numbers. One reason for this is the fact that in a practical application a falsely recognized numeral can change important content information inside the sentence more than other types of errors. Standard \(n\) -gram language models can sometimes assign very different probabilities to different numerals, according to their relative frequencies in training corpus. Based on the assumption that some different numbers are more equally likely to occur, than what a standard \(n\) -gram language model estimates, this paper proposes several methods for sorting numerals into classes in an inflective language and language models based on these sorting techniques. We treat these classes as basic vocabulary units for the language model. We also expose the differences between the proposed language models and well known class-based language models. The presented approach is also transferable to other classes of words with similar properties, e.g. proper nouns. Results of experiments show that significant improvements are obtained on numeral-rich domains. Although numerals represent only a small portion of words in the test set, a relative reduction in word error rate of 1.4 % was achieved. Statistical significance tests were performed, which showed that these improvements are statistically significant. We also show that depending on the amount of numerals in a target domain the improvement in performance can grow up to 16 % relative.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between a language model’s perplexity and its effect on the word error rate of a speech recognition system. Much recent research has indicated that these two measures are not as well correlated as was once thought, and many examples exist of models which have a much lower perplexity than the equivalent N -gram model, yet lead to no improvement in recognition accuracy. This paper investigates the reasons for this apparent discrepancy. Perplexity’s calculation is based solely on the probabilities of words contained within the test text; it disregards the probabilities of alternative words which will be competing with the correct word within the decoder. It is shown that by considering the probabilities of the alternative words it is possible to derive measures of language model quality which are better correlated with word error rate than perplexity is. Furthermore, optimizing language model parameters with respect to these new measures leads to a significant reduction in the word error rate.  相似文献   

Conventional approaches to speech-to-speech (S2S) translation typically ignore key contextual information such as prosody, emphasis, discourse state in the translation process. Capturing and exploiting such contextual information is especially important in machine-mediated S2S translation as it can serve as a complementary knowledge source that can potentially aid the end users in improved understanding and disambiguation. In this work, we present a general framework for integrating rich contextual information in S2S translation. We present novel methodologies for integrating source side context in the form of dialog act (DA) tags, and target side context using prosodic word prominence. We demonstrate the integration of the DA tags in two different statistical translation frameworks, phrase-based translation and a bag-of-words lexical choice model. In addition to producing interpretable DA annotated target language translations, we also obtain significant improvements in terms of automatic evaluation metrics such as lexical selection accuracy and BLEU score. Our experiments also indicate that finer representation of dialog information such as yes–no questions, wh-questions and open questions are the most useful in improving translation quality. For target side enrichment, we employ factored translation models to integrate the assignment and transfer of prosodic word prominence (pitch accents) during translation. The factored translation models provide significant improvement in assignment of correct pitch accents to the target words in comparison with a post-processing approach. Our framework is suitable for integrating any word or utterance level contextual information that can be reliably detected (recognized) from speech and/or text.  相似文献   

Some applications of speech recognition, such as automatic directory information services, require very large vocabularies. In this paper, we focus on the task of recognizing surnames in an Interactive telephone-based Directory Assistance Services (IDAS) system, which supersedes other large vocabulary applications in terms of complexity and vocabulary size. We present a method for building compact networks in order to reduce the search space in very large vocabularies using Directed Acyclic Word Graphs (DAWGs). Furthermore, trees, graphs and full-forms (whole words with no merging of nodes) are compared in a straightforward way under the same conditions, using the same decoder and the same vocabularies. Experimental results showed that, as we move from full-form lexicons to trees and then to graphs, the size of the recognition network is reduced, as is the recognition time. However, recognition accuracy is retained since the same phoneme combinations are involved. Subsequently, we refine the N-best hypotheses' list provided by the speech recognizer by applying context-dependent phonological rules. Thus, a small number N in the N-best hypotheses' list produces multiple solutions sufficient to retain high accuracy and at the same time achieve real-time response. Recognition tests with a vocabulary of 88,000 surnames that correspond to 123,313 distinct pronunciations proved the efficiency of the approach. For N = 3 (a value that ensures we have fast performance), before the application of rules the recognition accuracy was 70.27%. After applying phonological rules the recognition performance rose to 86.75%.  相似文献   

藏文分词问题是藏文自然语言处理的基本问题之一,该文首先通过对35.1M的藏文语料进行标注之后,通过条件随机场模型对其进行训练,生成模型参数,再用模版对未分词的语料进行分词,针对基于条件随机场分词结果中存在的非藏文字符切分错误,藏文黏着词识别错误,停用词切分错误,未登录词切分错误等问题分别总结了规则,并对分词的结果利用规则进行再加工,得到最终的分词结果,开放实验表明该系统的正确率96.11%,召回率96.03%,F值96.06%。  相似文献   

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