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In this paper, we investigate the cooperative strategy with total power constraint in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying scenario, in the presence of an eavesdropper. Due to the difference of channel for each source-relay link, not all relay nodes have constructive impacts on the achievable secrecy rate. Besides, the final achieved secrecy rate depends on both source-relay and relay-destination links in DF relaying scenario. Therefore, the principal question here is how to select cooperative strategy among relays with proper power allocation to maximize the secrecy rate. Three strategies are considered in this paper. First, we investigate the cooperative jamming (CJ) strategy, where one relay with achieved target transmission rate is selected as a conventional relay forwarding signal, and remaining relays generate artificial noise via CJ strategy to disrupt the eavesdropper. Two CJ schemes with closed-form solutions, optimal cooperative jamming (OCJ) and null space cooperative jamming (NSCJ), are proposed. With these solutions, the corresponding power allocation is formulated as a geometric programming (GP) problem and solved efficiently by convex programming technique. Then, to exploit the cooperative diversity, we investigate the cooperative relaying (CR) strategy. An iterative algorithm using semi-definite programming (SDP) and GP together with bisection search method is proposed to optimize the cooperative relaying weight and power allocated to the source and relays. Furthermore, to exploit the advantages of both CR and CJ, we propose an adaptive strategy to enhance the security. Simulation results demonstrate that the efficiency of the proposed cooperative strategies in terms of secrecy rate.  相似文献   

针对现有多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, MIMO)太赫兹通信网络双信道MAC协议存在波束重叠干扰和冗余控制开销等问题,提出了一种太赫兹网络中基于中继协作转发的双信道MAC协议(High Efficiency Dual channel MAC Protocol Based on Relay Cooperative Forwarding in Terahertz Networks, HE-RCFMAC)。HE-RCFMAC协议包含动态帧聚合、基于位置信息自适应协作转发和精简RTS(Request To Send)/CTS(Clear To Send)帧三种机制。经三种机制处理后,可有效提升信道利用率,同时减小控制开销,提高数据传输成功率和整体网络吞吐量。仿真结果表明,所提协议与现有的MIMO太赫兹双信道MAC协议相比,MAC层吞吐量、数据传输成功率和信道利用率分别提升了12.82%、12.28%和8.73%,证明了所提协议的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, Symbol-Error-Rate (SER) performance analysis is provided for a Decode-and-Forward (DF) cooperative scheme in satellite mobile channel environment. We present a satellite mobile cooperative communication system model and derive two generalized error probability expressions with Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) or not. We also derive and simulate SER of the proposed system over different satellite mobile channels. The results show that the analytical results are in great accordance with the ones obtained by simulation. Also, it was shown that, whether or not adopt CRC depends on the channel link quality between the source node and the relay node.  相似文献   

周健  郑宝玉 《信号处理》2014,30(10):1128-1133
本文首先利用中继节点和目标节点在第一时隙中的接收信噪比之和最大准则,推导出优化问题并解得优化的预编码器矢量。然后又利用目标节点最大比合并后的接收信号信噪比最大准则,推导出性能更佳的预编码器优化问题,但由于表达式复杂不能得到闭式解。为此本文提出了两种次优解决方法,分别是梯度下降迭代法和近似求解法。仿真结果表明,提出的两种准则优化预编码器方法都能有效改进系统性能,且因后者更能直接反映接收端情况,效果更好。两种次优的解优化方法能够获得几乎相同的系统性能,但梯度下降法采用迭代运算,计算量比较大,而近似求解法在性能不损失的情况下大大降低了计算复杂度。   相似文献   

A single source-destination pair communicating via a layer of two parallel relay nodes under slow fading is considered. The bit error rate (BER) performance of Alamouti-Coded Amplify-and-Forward (ACAF) transmission protocol under different power control strategies is investigated. The optimal power control rule is analytically derived and two distributed approximations to this rule are proposed. The optimal rule reveals an interesting fact: The transmission of each relay is on-off in nature. Simulation results show that our proposed distributed approximations improve the BER performance significantly.  相似文献   

For cooperative relay multicast networks, the general cross-layer optimization approaches converge to the global optimal value slowly because of the large quantity of relay terminals. However, the mobility of relay terminals requires quick converging optimization strategies to refresh the relay links frequently. Based on the capacity analysis of multiple relay channels, an improved cross-layer optimization scheme is proposed to resolve this problem, in which the bound of the relay selecting region is determined as a pre-processing. Utilizing the primal-dual algorithm, a cross-layer framework with pre-processing optimizes both the relay terminal selection and power allocation with quick convergence. The simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

The effects of clipping and quantization on the performance of the min-sum algorithm for the decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes at short and intermediate block lengths are studied. It is shown that in many cases, only four quantization bits suffice to obtain close to ideal performance over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios. Moreover, we propose modifications to the min-sum algorithm that improve the performance by a few tenths of a decibel with just a small increase in decoding complexity. A quantized version of these modified algorithms is also studied. It is shown that, when optimized, modified quantized min-sum algorithms perform very close to, and in some cases even slightly outperform, the ideal belief-propagation algorithm at observed error rates.  相似文献   

Yang  Bo  Li  Bo  Yan  Zhongjiang  Yang  Mao 《Wireless Networks》2018,24(2):627-646
Wireless Networks - Recently, explosive growth of bandwidth demands has motivated many technological revolutions in the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) such as the IEEE 802.11ax task group,...  相似文献   

面向认知无线电网络中能量高效协作感知任务需求,提出了面向单次协作感知过程的能量最小化节点选择问题EMNS和面向在线协作感知的能量高效节点选择问题OENS。证明了两问题均为NP-hard难题。针对EMNS问题,提出采用分枝定界算法BAB求最优解和贪婪节点选择算法GS求近似解。针对OENS问题,提出为每个节点引入考虑能量消耗负载均衡的动态权重系数,基于BAB和GS算法设计了启发式的在线节点选择算法OBAB、OGS1。仿真实验结果表明,提出的算法可显著增加网络完成的协作感知过程次数,可有效延长网络"生存期"。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of maximizing the data transmission rate of a cooperative relay system in an underwater acoustic communication channel. With amplify‐and‐forward relaying and adaptive source transmission, we present optimal transmit signal power adaptation policies that maximize the data transmission rate, considering both frequency and time domains. The analysis takes into account a physical model of acoustic path loss and ambient noise power spectral density. Typical characteristics of underwater channel such as frequency‐dependent fading and time variations are also considered. Capacity bounds for channel state information (CSI) only at the receiver and CSI at both transmitter and receiver are presented. To maximize the data rate, we use the notion of an optimal bandwidth which corresponds to efficient allocation of signal power across the transmission bandwidth. Under the constraint of an average transmit power, the optimal transmit power adaptation policy is found to be ‘water‐pouring’ in frequency‐time domain, while the transmit power adaptation policy with a total power constraint is ‘water‐pouring’ in frequency domain. Results show that both frequency domain and frequency‐time domain power adaptation schemes provide much greater improvement in average data rate over that of the constant power case. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

频谱检测是认知无线电中一项至关重要的技术.次用户通过周期性检测可获得信道状态的先验信息并借助该信息确定检测算法快速发现空闲信道,从而使搜索到空闲信道的时延大大降低,使次用户自身业务的平均中断概率最小化.本文综合考虑信道空闲概率和信道利用率两个因素提出了空闲信道搜索优化算法并且推导了搜索到第一个空闲信道的平均时延表达式....  相似文献   

基于交织多址网络编码中继合作系统,分析了其采用Turbo编码后在多径信道环境下的系统性能。研究了该系统中利用不同交织器来实现多用户的多址接入方式以及网络编码的中继合作机制。将多径信道以及Turbo编码融入该系统中,搭建计算机仿真环境,通过仿真数据分析系统性能。仿真结果表明,在多径信道环境下,采用Turbo编码的交织多址网络编码中继合作系统的系统误码率有明显改善。  相似文献   

在协作通信中,各节点获得信道状态信息存在偏差会直接导致系统性能的衰减。同时,在保证基本服务质量的前提下,采用优化方法最大限度地节约传输成本,可以延长无线网络寿命。针对上述问题,在放大—转发协议中,采用最坏情况的设计思想,提出了CSI偏差下的双约束波束成形算法。该算法利用凸函数的性质和扩展的S引理将不易求解的半正定问题转化成拟凸优化问题,再利用二分法获得最优解。算法使用重要性采样构建椭圆形收敛域,在保证该收敛域是凸集的条件下,减少了搜索范围。通过仿真证明,该算法在中继总功率和单个中继功率的双重约束条件下,仍然能够通过协作分集提高系统增益,并有效抵抗CSI偏差带来的性能损失。  相似文献   

Devipriya  S.  Martin Leo Manickam  J.  Anita  X. 《Wireless Networks》2022,28(7):3247-3259
Wireless Networks - In this paper, the issue of secondary network access in cognitive wireless sensor networks is investigated. An efficient scheme (in terms of both power and spectrum) named...  相似文献   

To decrease the interference to the primary user (PU) and improve the detected performance of cognitive radio (CR), a single‐band sensing scheme wherein the CR periodically senses the PU by cooperative spectrum sensing is proposed in this paper. In this scheme, CR first senses and then transmits during each period, and after the presence of the PU is detected, CR has to vacate to search another idle channel. The joint optimization algorithm based on the double optimization is proposed to optimize the periodical cooperative spectrum sensing scheme. The maximal throughput and minimal search time can be respectively obtained through the joint optimization of the local sensing time and the number of the cooperative CRs. We also extend this scheme to the periodical wideband cooperative spectrum sensing, and the joint optimization algorithm of the numbers of the sensing time slots and cooperative CRs is also proposed to obtain the maximal throughput of CR. The simulation shows that the proposed algorithm has lower computational quantity, and compared with the previous algorithms, when SNR = 5 dB, the throughput and search time of the proposed algorithm can respectively improve 0.3 kB and decrease 0.4 s. The simulation also indicates that the wideband cooperative spectrum sensing can achieve higher throughput than the single‐band cooperative spectrum sensing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cooperative communication is one of the fastest growing research areas of today. It can efficiently mitigate the effect of shadowing and fading with the help of relays and proper relay selection technique. In this paper, a novel relay selection scheme combined with artificial noise (AN) is devised to enhance the secrecy of cooperative networks with amplify‐and‐forward scheme, over Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The probability of path selection of ant colony optimization algorithm is used for selecting the best relay with high end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio. The probability of choosing a path depends on the significance of channel gain (G) and fading coefficients (h). The proposed algorithm finds the best relay in the following wireless scenarios: when (i) both channel gain and fading coefficients are significant; (ii) only fading coefficients are significant; and (iii) only channel gain is significant. Because the direct links between source and destination and source and eavesdropper are considered, AN along with the information is sent by both the source and the selected relay. The performance is evaluated based on secrecy rate (Rs); for the relays randomly placed between the source and destination and for different eavesdropper's location. The results show that the proposed relay selection scheme achieves better secrecy for different wireless scenarios compared with traditional schemes. With the help of AN, the secrecy rate can be made positive even when the eavesdropper lies near to source.  相似文献   

为解决ZigBee网络由于不合理的路由策略导致节点能量浪费和网络陷入局部死亡的问题,提出一种降低节点能量开销的ZBR路由算法。所提ZBR优化算法在路由发送阶段,利用节点自动维护的邻居表信息,优先实现两跳路由传输;在路由发现过程中,根据最大传输跳数和节点间的父子关系,控制ZigBee网络中RN+节点RREQ分组的洪泛,减少能量浪费;在路由选择时,设计节点能量标志位和能量感知的路由成本函数,减少能量偏低节点的使用概率,降低网络开销和提高节点生存率。通过与原ZBR算法及其他几种改进ZBR算法进行剩余能量和节点生存率对比仿真实验,结果表明:改进的ZBR算法的平均剩余能量提高了7.74%,在网络运行80s时节点生存率提高了20.29%,也高于其他几种改进ZBR算法,该算法可有效减少网络能量消耗,大大提高节点生存率。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an exact and limit analysis framework for numerically assessing the outage performance of the maximum ratio combining in cooperative cognitive networks with proactive relay selection under channel information error on all channels simultaneously, maximum transmit power constraint, interference power constraint, and independent and non-identical fading channels. The proposed framework can be used for corresponding analysis in dual-hop cognitive networks with proactive relay selection to study how much performance gain can be achieved from utilizing the direct channel between the source and the destination in relaying communications. Various results demonstrate considerable system performance degradation and error floor phenomenon due to channel information error. However, performance degradation and error floor degree can be drastically mitigated by increasing the number of relays. Moreover, the direct channel significantly contributes to performance improvement at virtually no cost of system resources such as power and bandwidth.  相似文献   

The medium access control protocol determines system throughput in wireless mobile ad hoc networks following the ieee 802.11 standard. Under this standard, asynchronous data transmissions have a defined distributed coordination function that allows stations to contend for channel usage in a distributed manner via the carrier sensing multiple access with collision avoidance protocol. In distributed coordination function, a slotted binary exponential backoff (BEB) algorithm resolves collisions of packets transmitted simultaneously by different stations. The BEB algorithm prevents packet collisions during simultaneous access by randomizing moments at stations attempting to access the wireless channels. However, this randomization does not eliminate packet collisions entirely, leading to reduced system throughput and increased packet delay and drop. In addition, the BEB algorithm results in unfair channel access among stations. In this paper, we propose an enhanced binary exponential backoff algorithm to improve channel access fairness by adjusting the manner of increasing or decreasing the contention window based on the number of the successfully sent frames. We propose several configurations and use the NS2 simulator to analyze network performance. The enhanced binary exponential backoff algorithm improves channel access fairness, significantly increases network throughput capacity, and reduces packet delay and drop. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using genetic algorithm (GA), optimal wavelets are obtained to reduce ISI and ICI powers of a wavelet‐based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system over a practical two path low‐voltage powerline channel or two path fading channel by relaxing the perfect quadrate mirror filter (QMF) orthogonality. Optimum wavelet‐based OFDM system experiences less interference compared to conventional and Daubechies (Db) wavelet‐based OFDM systems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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