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提出基于新型平衡传输线——双面平行带线(DSPSL)结构的电容加载电可重构平面带通滤波器,并以梳状线 和磁耦合谐振环带通滤波器为例验证该方案的可行性。相对于常见的微带线结构,双面平行带线具有对称性以及较高 的功率使用容量。这些特性使得滤波器在没有无限大金属地板的情况下,仍然获得了良好的性能。采用DSPSL 结构 进行微波电路设计不但可以减小电路的尺寸,同时还增加了电路设计的灵活性。  相似文献   

A novel wideband bandpass filter (BPF) using a cross-shaped microstrip multiple-mode resonator (MMR) is presented in the letter. The MMR is composed of a section of open-ended microstrip-line and a pair of short-ended stubs. Its three resonant modes are used to construct the passband of the proposed BPF. And two coplanar waveguides are used as the input/output transmission-lines to improve the coupling between the MMR and input/output transmission-lines. The filter has been investigated numerically and experimentally. Both simulated and measured results show that the filter has a good performance, including controllable bandwidth from 66% to 114%, low insertion loss (lower than 0.78 dB), and a small group delay variation.  相似文献   

滤波器是微波毫米波电路与系统中一个重要的部件.提出了一种CMRC加载基片集成波导( substrate integrated waveguide,SIW)滤波器.该滤波器具有体积小、重量轻、容易加工和集成等优点.滤波器的中心频率为5.3 GHz,相对带宽为36%,中心频率处的插入损耗为1.5 dB,仿真与实验结果吻合良好.  相似文献   

采用变形的阶梯阻抗谐振器(SIR)设计了一款小型化、高性能新型宽带带通滤波器.通过对经典的SIR进行弯折,在高阻抗线之间引入交叉耦合构成交叉耦合多模谐振器.该谐振器具有与经典SIR相同的谐振模式,由前两个谐振模式构成通带,并且在上下阻带产生两对对称的传输零点.该带通滤波器结构紧凑、带内差损非常小,同时由于带外传输零点的存在,一阶杂散得到有效抑制,带外特性明显改善.  相似文献   

this letter proposes a novel building block for developing tunable wideband bandpass filters. The proposed circuit block mainly consists of short circuit coupled lines and short circuit stubs with pin diodes as tuning elements. This work aims to demonstrate reconfigurable bandwidth of this type of filter. Two filters are designed and fabricated; one can be switched between a fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 16.3% and 35% at a center frequency of 1.9 GHz, and the other can be switched from a FBW of 27.8% to 37.4% at a center frequency of 1.9 GHz. The insertion loss and return loss in the first filter range from 4.17 dB to 0.4 dB and 27.54 dB to 19.04 dB. The second filter exhibits an insertion loss ranging from 0.73 dB to 0.43 dB and a return loss range from 31.1 dB to 27.7 dB. The tested filters show good agreement with EM simulations.   相似文献   

A novel multimode bandpass filter with high and wide rejection band is proposed by using an open stub. The open-stub has two functions in the filter: (1) perturbation for the multimode operation and (2) zero point generation at the stopband for the stopband control. With proper input/output coupling, additional two poles, i.e., four poles, can be generated for the proposed filter structure. The design is then verified by experiment. The single structure four-mode filter has low insertion loss, good stopband performance, and compact size and linear phase.  相似文献   

文中设计并实际开发了一种基于砷化镓(Gallium Arsenide, GaAs)集成无源器件(Integrated Passive Device, IPD)技术的小型化高选择性宽带带通滤波器。首先,所提出的带通滤波器是通过引入集总参数谐振器来设计的,以实现高选择性和宽带性能。其次,进一步研究了实现高选择性和宽带性能的工作原理。最后,为了证明所述性能,基于GaAs-IPD技术设计、制造和测量了一个紧凑型高选择性宽带带通滤波器。该滤波器工作频率覆盖了整个X波段(6~13 GHz),相对带宽为74.0%,带外实现了四个传输零点,从而实现了高选择性和良好的带外性能,芯片尺寸为0.05λ0×0.03λ0。比较了实测结果与电磁仿真结果,验证了该设计的可行性。  相似文献   

设计了一个中心频率为2.58 GHz的8极点宽带带通滤波器,利用计算机辅助设计工具ADS对该滤波器进行仿真和优化设计.通过仿真得到了该滤波器的响应曲线,与实验结果吻合较好,证明了设计方法的可行性.  相似文献   

采用修改的多模谐振器(MMR)结构,在输入端与输出端开槽形成交叉耦合,实现了一种结构紧凑、频率选择性较高的超宽带(UWB)带通滤波器。修改的多模谐振器能产生5个模式和2个在高低截止频率附近的传输零点,提高了频率选择性。在滤波器的基础上,通过加载谐振器,形成在8.11 GHz处具有陷波特性的超宽带带通滤波器。利用HFSS13.0验证设计原理。仿真结果表明,该超宽带带通滤波器通带为2.61~11.21 GHz,陷波频率为8.11 GHz,能有效抑制X频段(7.91~8.31 GHz)卫星通信系统对超宽带通信系统的影响,适用于超宽带无线通信系统。  相似文献   

A compact wideband microstrip bandpass filter using transversal resonator and asymmetrical interdigital coupled lines is proposed in this letter. A wide passband is first constructed using transversal signal-interference technique, resulting a pair of transmission zeros at each side of the desired passband. By driving this transversal resonator with two asymmetrical interdigital coupled lines at two sides, five extra transmission zeros are generated in the lower/upper stopbands with excellent dc-choked property, thus making up a wide passband with improved out-of-band performance. This wideband microstrip filter is then designed, implemented and experimented. Good insertion/return losses, flat group delay and good out-of-band rejections are achieved as demonstrated in both simulation and experiment.  相似文献   

Novel ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filters (BPFs) are proposed based on broadside coupled capacitive-loaded transmission line resonators (C-L TLR) in this letter. By utilizing the wideband harmonic suppression behavior of C-L TLR, the proposed UWB BPFs were designed with wide stopband and implemented using multilayer organic liquid crystal polymer (LCP) technology. As demonstrations, a vialess five-pole BPF was designed first, and then by adopting shunt short-circuited microstrip stubs at input/output ports, a compact UWB BPF was designed to meet FCC-defined UWB indoor mask. The proposed UWB BPFs were fabricated using multilayer LCP technology. Good agreements between simulated and measured results of fabricated filters were observed. The measured results show that the fabricated BPFs have good selectivity, wide stopband and high rejection level. The fabricated UWB BPFs have compact sizes of 15.15 mm by 4.7 mm (about $0.55lambda_{rm g0}$ by $0.17lambda_{rm g0}$); and 9.6 mm by 9.2 mm (about $0.35lambda_{rm g0}$ by $0.33lambda_{rm g0}$), respectively, where $lambda_{rm g0}$ is the guided wavelength of $50~Omega$ microstrip line at 6.85 GHz. They are attractive for UWB communications and radar systems.   相似文献   

一种具有陷波特性的超宽带带通滤波器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对超宽带(UWB)系统易受窄带信号干扰问题,本文提出了一种新颖的带陷波特性的UWB带通滤波器,该带通滤波器由两级交指梳状耦合谐振器级联而成.通过在交指梳状耦合谐振器的一端添加非对称的开路负载,使该滤波器具有了通带内陷波特性.合理地调整开路负载的长度和宽度可以对通带内的任意频段进行抑制.本文设计的UWB带通滤波器工作频段为3.1~10.6GHz,陷波频段为5.8~5.9GHz,抑制电平达到-40dB.仿真结果和测试结果吻合较好,验证了设计的正确性.  相似文献   

为了得到小型化的带通滤波器,该文提出了一种新的羊角形缺陷地结构(DGS),并将其与耦合开路枝节线结合,设计并制作了一种新型宽带带通滤波器。该带通滤波器的中心频率为7.95GHz,3dB通带为5.25~10.65GHz,相对带宽达到了68%。与以往的宽带带通滤波器相比,它具有结构简单,尺寸小的特点,仿真和测量结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

将忆阻器作为射频开关,采用传统双模谐振器与改进式短路阶跃阻抗谐振器的组合结构,设计了一款可切换的三频带通滤波器.通过合理设计忆阻器偏置电路的位置,利用忆阻器阻抗的非易失性来实现滤波器通带的可切换功能.当滤波器工作时忆阻器处于断电的记忆状态,从而改善了可切换滤波器的互调性能.文中设计的滤波器拥有四种可切换工作状态,包括三...  相似文献   

This letter proposes an ultra wideband (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) based on embedded stepped impedance resonators (SIRs). In this study, broad side coupled patches and high impedance microstrip lines are adopted as quasi-lumped elements for realizing the coupling between adjacent SIRs, which are used to suppress stopband harmonic response. An eight-pole UWB BPF is developed from lump-element bandpass prototype and verified by full-wave simulation. The proposed filter is fabricated using multilayer liquid crystal polymer (LCP) process and measured using vector network analyzer. Good agreement between simulated and measured response is observed. The measurement results show that the fabricated filter has a low insertion loss of 0.18 dB at center frequency 6.05 GHz, an ultra wide fractional bandwidth of 127.3% and excellent stopband rejection level higher than 32.01 dB from 10.9 to 18.0 GHz.   相似文献   

A microstrip dual‐wideband bandpass filter using a multimode resonator (MMR) is proposed in this letter. The proposed MMR loaded with a T‐shaped open‐ended stub and a short‐ended stub exhibits triple mode characteristics, and a synthesis method is developed to illustrate the wide passband with independently controllable center frequencies and bandwidths. To verify this design methodology, a dual‐wideband filter with fractional bandwidths of 19.1% and 27.9% is designed and fabricated. The measured results agree with the simulations.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种具有陷波可重构功能的差分宽带带通滤波器,具有良好的差模响应与共模抑制效果。所设计的差分带通滤波器通过采用对称的四阶分支线结构,在差模激励下可等效出电壁,在共模激励下可等效出磁壁。同时,该滤波器通过对称地耦合两个1/4波长的阶梯阻抗谐振器来产生所需频段的陷波特性,并通过改变阶梯阻抗谐振器上变容二极管两端的直流偏置电压来改变阶梯阻抗谐振器的电长度,从而调整陷波的频段。仿真和测试结果表明该差分带通滤波器的工作频带为2.7~7.3 GHz,相对阻抗带宽为92%。在工作频段中,差模回波损耗均大于10 dB,共模抑制大于15 dB。随着变容二极管两端直流控制电压从10.3 V变化到3.6 V,陷波的中心频率从5.6 GHz移动到6.1 GHz,同时滤波器宽带带通特性基本保持不变。  相似文献   

阶梯阻抗谐振器高低阻抗微带线直线连接,实现输入输出强耦合需要减小和方形环双模谐振器之间的耦合距离,距离过小会造成实物加工困难。为此,提出了高低阻抗微带线垂直连接且在连接处输入输出的方式,使高低阻抗微带线都能与方形环谐振器耦合,且输入和输出也能耦合,加大了阶梯阻抗谐振器和方形环谐振器的耦合以及输入和输出的直接耦合。仿真结果表明,该方法在提高滤波器性能的同时减小了电路尺寸。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a micromachined thick single-metal-layer high aspect-ratio coplanar waveguide (CPW) wideband bandpass filter with compact unit cells based on the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) concept. The filter is miniaturized as a result of using the EBG concept in design, and also by realizing high aspect-ratio structures with polymer-based deep X-ray lithography fabrication. Cascaded unit cells in the EBG model consist of capacitive and inductive parallel periodically loaded transmission lines, which determine the filter bandwidth. Compact unit cells are realized by using high aspect-ratio CPW stepped-impedance resonators. The main advantage of this approach is that the high aspect-ratio CPW structures make short unit cells practically realizable, resulting in a compact filter structure. A bandpass filter with 47% bandwidth is designed and fabricated using deep X-ray lithography, and the performance and physical size is compared to a conventional quarter-wavelength-based admittance inverter filter.   相似文献   

李博文  戴永胜  周围 《微电子学》2016,46(5):672-674, 679
提出了一种基于LTCC技术的高性能超宽带带通滤波器的实现方法。该滤波器电路采用交织结构,同时只采用了4个谐振级,有效降低了通带内插入损耗,增大了滤波器带宽。借助电路仿真以及电磁场三维仿真软件进行电路优化,实际测试结果与仿真结果吻合较好,中心频率为1 080 MHz,带宽为500 MHz,在通带内插入损耗优于1.6 dB。由于该滤波器频率较低,属于UHF波段,波长较长,采用半集总半分布式结构实现了滤波器的小型化,封装尺寸仅为3.4 mm×4.8 mm×1.5 mm。  相似文献   

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