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A liquid yeast product (about 11% DM), produced as a by-product of riboflavin synthesis, was incorporated into a TMR at three concentrations to determine the maximal inclusion rate and acceptability as a feed supplement in diets of lactating cows. Twelve Holstein cows in midlactation were randomly assigned to TMR treatments containing (as-fed basis) 1) no yeast product (control), 2) 20% dietary yeast product, or 3) 40% dietary yeast product in a 3 x 3 Latin square design with 3-wk periods. Dietary DM contents were 90, 74.2, and 58.4% for the 0, 20, and 40% yeast product TMR, respectively. The control TMR was based on a 45:55 ratio (DM basis) of mixed concentrate and chopped alfalfa hay. The DMI decreased linearly with increasing percentages of dietary yeast product. Milk yield and milk protein percentage were not altered by inclusion of the dietary yeast product. Milk fat tended to respond quadratically to increases in the percentage of dietary yeast product in the TMR. The supplemental dietary yeast product had no effect on ruminal pH; however, the ratio of acetate to propionate decreased, and propionate percentage tended to increase, as supplementation of the yeast product increased. Addition of yeast product to the TMR had no adverse effect on milk flavor. Milk from cows fed yeast product had better flavor than milk from control cows. Results indicate that inclusion of this yeast product at 40% depressed feed intake.  相似文献   

Based on previous in vitro results that showed reduced biohydrogenation of oleamide by ruminal microbes, this study was conducted to determine whether the addition of oleamide to the diets of dairy cows would enhance the C18:1 concentration in milk. Nine first lactation Holstein cows were fed three diets in a 3 x 3 Latin square replicated three times. Each period lasted 3 wk. The total mixed diets consisted of 42% corn silage and 58% concentrate (dry matter basis) with either no added fat (control), 3.5% high oleic canola oil, or 3.5% oleamide. Dry matter intake was reduced when oleamide was added to the diet but not when canola oil was added. Milk yields were the same for cows fed all three diets. Canola oil reduced fat-corrected milk yield and milk fat concentration, but these were not affected by oleamide. Milk protein concentration was lower for cows fed oleamide than for cows fed canola oil. Milk C18:1 averaged 23.16% of total fatty acids for cows fed the control diet and increased to 35.13% when canola oil was fed. Oleamide further increased C18:1 to 48.16% of total fatty acids in milk. All fatty acids with > or = 16 carbon chain length were reduced by oleamide. Oleamide was more effective than was canola oil in this study at increasing the oleic acid content of bovine milk. Oleamide reduced dietary intake when added at 3.5% of the dietary dry matter but still had no effect on milk yield or milk composition.  相似文献   

Relationships between clinical mastitis and milk yield and composition in dairy cows were reviewed. Requirements for inclusion were: data had to be collected after 1975; dependent variables for milk yield and milk composition had to be defined at the cow level; mastitis cases had to be defined by clinical signs, and at least 250 lactations had to be considered. Twenty studies dealing with milk-yield loss and, for four of them, also with related composition changes were selected. Study populations, design of data collection, and analysis methods differed widely between studies. As expected from these differences--but also due to structural-variation factors such as type of pathogen, animal and production level--estimates for milk-yield losses differed in average magnitude and pattern. Literature data regarding changes in milk-fat % and total-protein % changes were contradictory. Critiques of materials and methods allowed us to propose some final recommendations for values to be used as basic inputs in economic calculations of losses caused by mastitis.  相似文献   

Fourteen midlactation Holstein cows were used in an 80-d study to examine supplementation strategies during intensive rotational grazing. Factors examined were the concentration of protein in the supplement [12 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis] and the amount of supplement offered (6.4 or 9.6 kg/d per cow). The supplement was offered in equal portions three times daily after milking. Pasture, composed of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), was divided into 27 0.16-ha paddocks that were grazed for 12 to 24 h. Intake of forage tended to increase as CP in the supplement increased but was unaffected by the amount of supplement offered. Intakes of organic matter and dry matter and the digestion of these nutrients in the total tract increased as CP in the supplement increased and as the amount of supplement increased. Ruminal pH and concentrations of volatile fatty acids were unaffected by treatments, but concentrations of NH3 N increased as CP in the supplement increased. An increase in CP resulted in a greater intake and flow of total N to the duodenum. The flow of microbial N to the duodenum and the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis were unaffected by treatment. Flows of total amino acids and essential amino acids to the duodenum tended to increase as CP in the supplement increased. Yield of fat-corrected milk and concentrations of fat and protein in milk were unaffected by treatment. These results suggested that the supply and digestion of nutrients in grazing dairy cows may be improved through an increase in the CP concentration of the supplement or the amount of supplement offered. However, effects on the yield of milk and milk components may be small.  相似文献   

Lactating dairy cows were offered diets containing increasing quantities of Tifton 85 bermudagrass hay or silage and increasing dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) to determine effects of method of bermudagrass storage and dietary fiber content on intake, milk yield, and nutrient digestion. Bermudagrass was added as hay or silage at the rate of 8.5, 15.9, or 23.3% of dietary dry matter and was substituted for an equal quantity of corn silage. The method of bermudagrass storage did not affect intake [20.8 vs. 20.3 (+/- 0.3) kg/d for bermudagrass hay and silage diets; respectively], but an increase in the amount of bermudagrass and NDF in the diet did reduce intake. Dietary NDF concentration was well above minimum recommendations of the National Research Council. Milk yield was not altered by method of bermudagrass storage but declined as dietary NDF increased. Digestion of NDF tended to be lower for bermudagrass silage than for bermudagrass hay. An increase in the amount of bermudagrass in the diet improved digestion of dietary dry matter, acid detergent fiber, and NDF; however, milk yield declined because total intake declined. Improved NDF digestion caused by added bermudagrass hay or silage was confirmed by in vitro analyses. High quality bermudagrass hybrids could potentially be used in diets of lactating dairy cows because of the good digestion characteristics and relatively small effects on intake despite the high dietary fiber content. Tifton 85 bermudagrass may serve as a forage alternative for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine whether ruminally protected amino acids (AA) increased milk protein when this content was depressed by the addition of whole cottonseeds in the diets of early lactation Jersey cows. Treatments were 1) a control diet, 2) a diet containing whole cottonseed, and 3) a diet containing whole cottonseed and ruminally protected lysine and methionine. Cows were assigned to treatments at a mean of 7 d postpartum and remained on the experiment for 18 wk. Dry matter intake and yields of milk, milk fat, fat-corrected milk, and energy-corrected milk were not affected by treatment. Milk fat content tended to decrease for cows fed diets containing whole cottonseed. However, the percentages of milk protein, total N, and casein N were depressed by the addition of whole cottonseed and were increased by the addition of ruminally protected AA. Plasma concentrations of methionine, but not lysine, were increased when ruminally protected AA were fed, suggesting that lysine was the most limiting.  相似文献   

Five multiparous Holstein cows in midlactation that were fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 3 x 5 incomplete Latin square. The objective of this study was to examine the effects on nutrient digestion of wheat processing and method of tallow addition to the diets of lactating dairy cows. Diets consisted of 45% forage and 55% concentrate, and each diet contained 20% wheat and 2% tallow (as-fed basis). Treatments were dry-rolled wheat with tallow added to the concentrate, steam-rolled wheat with tallow added to the concentrate, and steam-rolled wheat with tallow added first to the wheat. The dry matter intake; digestion of starch, fiber, and fatty acids; ammonia N concentration; and molar proportions of volatile fatty acids in ruminal fluid were not affected by treatments. The apparent digestibility in the total tract of organic matter and nitrogenous compounds was significantly higher for the steam-rolled treatment with tallow added first to the wheat. Mean ruminal fluid pH was similar across treatments; however, cows fed the diet containing steam-rolled wheat with tallow added first to the wheat had the smallest pH change from 0 to 2 h postfeeding. Milk yield did not differ, regardless of cow diet. Method of tallow addition had marked effects on the apparent digestibility of organic matter and N in the total tract of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Thirty-two cows (16 Montbeliardes and 16 Tarentaises) in midlactation were used in an experiment utilizing a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Throughout the trial, cows received first-cutting cocksfoot hay for ad libitum intake supplemented with a fixed amount of concentrate that was individually adapted to the milk yield of each cow. During a 23-d experimental period, one group of cows walked 9.6 km/d; the other group of cows remained in the barn. Cows that walked daily ate less hay (-1.3 and -2.1 kg/d of dry matter for Tarentaise and Montbeliarde cows, respectively) and yielded less milk (-1.7 and -2.5 kg/d for Tarentaise and Montbeliarde cows, respectively) than did cows that did not walk daily. A residual effect of walking on milk yield was observed during the 10 d following the experimental period. For both breeds, fat content and, to a lesser extent, protein content were higher (+6.4 and +1.0 g/kg, respectively) for cows that walked. Somatic cell count was also higher for cows that walked (+115,000 cells/ml). This difference was more marked in cows that were initially infected by a minor or major pathogen (+185,000 cells/ml) than in uninfected cows (+47,000 cells/ml) and on the 1st d of walking when walking was linked to increases in pH, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin G1 contents of milk (+0.08 unit, +0.16 g/L, and +0.19 g/L, respectively). Throughout the experimental period, walking induced a rise in body temperature (+1 degree C) and in plasma nonesterified fatty acids (+0.63 mM/L). On the 1st d of walking, plasma glucose, lactic acid, and cortisol contents were significantly higher for cows that walked (+0.25 g/L, +0.64 g/L, and +28.8 ng/ml, respectively).  相似文献   

Four fistulated Holstein cows were arranged in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to study the effects of graded amounts of glucose (0, 500, 750, and 1500 g/d) infused in the duodenum on milk yield and composition and plasma metabolites. Cows were fed a basal diet of 50% corn silage, 17% dehydrated alfalfa, and 33% concentrate. The treatments (feed plus infusions) were isoenergetic. Increased amounts of glucose did not affect milk yield or protein content. Fat yield and content decreased in a curvilinear manner; the lowest fat content was obtained with about 750 g of glucose. The decrease in milk fat resulted from a reduced yield of long-chain fatty acids (C16 and C18), probably caused by lower mobilization of fat. The glucose treatments significantly affected profiles of medium-chain fatty acids, which promoted the elongation process. The most important change in the plasma concentration of amino acids concerned decreased branched-chain amino acids. The lactose content was not greatly affected by infusions of glucose despite a significant linear increase in the concentration of milk glucose. In conclusion, an increase in the supply of glucose had no effect on milk yield and had a slight, positive effect on protein yield but induced a dramatic decrease in fat yield.  相似文献   

The effect of roasted soybeans, blood meal, and tallow as sources of fat and RUP for lactating dairy cows was studied. Forty-five cows, blocked by age, calving date, and milk yield during the previous lactation, were assigned randomly to the following treatments (ingredient in the DM, RUP as a percentage of CP, and fat in the DM, respectively): 1) soybean meal (16, 35, and 3.2%), 2) whole roasted soybeans (18, 40, and 6.2%), 3) ground roasted soybeans (18, 40, and 6.2%), 4) blood meal (2.7, 40, and 3.2%), and 5) blood meal plus tallow (2.7 and 3, 40, and 6.2%). Diets were fed from wk 3 to 18 of lactation and consisted of 20% alfalfa silage, 30% corn silage, and 50% concentrate. The DMI of blood meal and whole roasted soybean diets was about 11% lower than DMI of the soybean meal diet. Milk yield (38.4 kg/d) and milk fat percentage (3.37%) were similar among diets. The roasted soybean diets resulted in the lowest milk protein percentage. Less than 2.7% blood meal might be advisable for diets fed to high yielding dairy cows to avoid reduced DMI.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous and 4 primiparous Jersey cows averaging 92 d of lactation were utilized in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with 28-d periods to determine responses to bovine somatotropin (bST) and ruminally protected Met and Lys when diets were fed that contained supplemental fat. Treatments were 1) control [no bST or ruminally protected amino acids (AA)], 2) control plus bST, 3) control plus ruminally protected AA, and 4) control plus bST plus ruminally protected AA. Dry matter intake was increased by bST but was unaffected by ruminally protected AA. Milk yield was increased by bST but was not altered by ruminally protected AA compared with the control diet. The bST tended to increase percentages of fat and total solids in milk and increased yields of fat, protein, 3.5% fat-corrected milk, and total solids. Ruminally protected AA increased percentages of fat, protein, and total solids in milk; however, yields of milk components were unaffected by ruminally protected AA. Body weight and body condition scores were unaffected by treatment. Concentrations of essential AA in plasma were unaffected by bST administration. Ruminally protected Met and Lys increased the concentration of Met and tended to increase the concentration of Lys in plasma. The lack of an increase in yields of milk and milk protein when ruminally protected AA were fed suggests that adequate amounts of Met and Lys were supplied by the control diet and protein reserves of the cows to meet the AA requirements for synthesis of milk and milk components.  相似文献   

To measure the effect of intergroup transfer, four cows were added to a group of 20 cows at 28-day intervals in five trials. The two groups of cows were housed in adjoining lots and fed identical rations from opposite sides of a feed bunk which provided .9 m linear feeding space per cow. Means of the number of agonistic encounters per transferred cow were 9.4, 4.4, 4.3, 3.8, 3.3, and 2.6 during the 1-h period immediately following the first feeding on days 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The average dominance values of the transferred cows during the 28 days (.19, .14, and .32) showed no perceptible trend, and mean body weight (567, 569, and 571 kg) was not limited. On day 1 the mean 4% fat-corrected milk yield of the transferred cows decreased .51 kg or 3%, and nontransferred cows increased .01 kg. The decrease in milk yield of the transferred cows was not associated with number of agonistic encounters per se. After day 1 regrouping had no effect on milk yield.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of various amounts of CP and RUP on AA flow to the small intestine and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. The first trial was a 5 x 5 Latin square design using five ruminally and duodenally cannulated multiparous cows. Diets contained chopped alfalfa hay, corn silage, high moisture corn, solvent-extracted soybean meal, and specially processed soybean meal (60.2% RUP). Soybean meal replaced high moisture corn to increase dietary CP from 14.5 to 16.5 or 18.5%, and specially processed soybean meal replaced solvent-extracted soybean meal in diets containing 16.5 or 18.5% CP to provide 6.2, 7.3, 6.7, and 8.3% RUP. Increasing dietary CP increased the flows of all AA to the duodenum. Increasing dietary RUP increased flows of Arg, His, Lys, Phe, Asp, and Glu to the duodenum. In a second trial, 36 cows were fed diets similar to those used in trial 1. Increased amounts of RUP in diets tended to increase milk yield because of improved protein status, improved intake of metabolizable energy, or both.  相似文献   

Milk protein secretion is changed by increasing the proportion of energy, mainly as propionic acid, or the availability of AA. Whether associative effects exist between energy nature and protein amounts is unknown. Therefore, ruminal isoenergetic infusions of low or high propionate mixtures were combined factorially with duodenal infusion of sodium caseinate or control. Four ruminally and duodenally fistulated Holstein cows were used. The diet was limited and consisted of 70% forage and 30% concentrate. Caseinate infusion increased milk yield and protein and casein contents and decreased milk fat content; curd yields and coagulation properties of milk were improved. The infusion of propionic acid caused a large increase in rumen propionate. Milk yield tended to decrease, and milk fat decreased, but protein, casein, and curd yields were unchanged; milk-coagulating properties were improved. No interaction existed between energy and protein amounts. Alteration of VFA had little effect on milk composition, but increasing the protein supply to the duodenum increased milk protein.  相似文献   

Twelve Holstein cows and 12 Jersey cows were used in six 4 x 4 Latin squares to investigate the effects of the degradability of dietary protein and supplemental dietary fat on milk components. Dietary dry matter contained 16% crude protein with two concentrations of ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) obtained by substituting blood meal for a portion of the soybean meal. Treatments were 1) 29% RUP, 0% added fat; 2) 29% RUP, 2.7% added fat (Ca soaps of fatty acids); 3) 41% RUP, 0% added fat; and 4) 41% RUP, 2.7% added fat. The dry matter of the total mixed ration fed at 1000 and 1400 h consisted of 30% corn silage, 29% alfalfa haylage, and 41% concentrate. Supplemental dietary fat depressed dry matter intake by 6.2%. Plasma urea N was greater at 0700 and 1600 h for Jerseys fed diets containing added fat and greater at 0700 h for Holsteins fed diets containing 41% RUP than for Holsteins fed 0% added fat and 29% RUP. When averaged across both breeds, milk production increased 7.1%, and production of 4% fat-corrected milk by Jerseys increased 8.4%, in response to added dietary fat. Milk protein was reduced when Holstein diets contained 41% RUP. Milk protein content was reduced 7.1 and 3.9%, and milk urea N was increased 4.9 and 8.5%, by added fat and 41% RUP in both breeds, respectively. Added fat reduced the concentration, but not the yield, of milk components. Substitution of blood meal decreased the concentration and yield of milk protein and casein N.  相似文献   

Four fistulated Holstein cows were arranged in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to study the effects of level and type of energy source on milk yield and composition. Treatments consisted of a basal diet fed alone (low energy treatment) or with 3.3 Mcal of net energy for lactation from extra nutrients perfused either into the rumen (either propionic acid or a mixture of volatile fatty acids) or into the duodenum (glucose). Increasing the energy input without changing the volatile fatty acid profile improved milk yield and slightly increased milk protein and fat yields. Compared with the isoenergetic mixture of volatile fatty acids, both propionic acid and glucose infusions significantly decreased fat content (-4.5 g/kg) and yields (respectively, -111 and -160 g/d), but affected fatty acid proportion and yield differently (more elongation process and less C18 with glucose infusion). Protein yield was slightly increased by propionic acid infusion but not by glucose because of the counterbalanced effects on milk yield (-1.3 kg/d) and protein content (1.5 g/kg). The coagulating properties of milk were directly linked to variations in protein, casein and mineral contents. In conclusion, propionic acid or glucose scarcely affected milk protein content, but induced a similar decrease in milk fat content probably through different metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adipocytes were incubated with serum lipoproteins or lymphchylomicrons which contained 14c-labeled cholesterol. The specific activity of lipoprotein free cholesterol decreased and that of cellular free cholesterol increased linearly up to 7 h. At this time the cell cholesterol specific activity was only 11% of that of medium cholesterol indicating that the rate of exchange was slow. The specific activity of lipoprotein esterified cholesterol remained unchanged while that of cells showed a slight increase suggesting esterification of incorporated free cholesterol. No detectable change of the lipoprotein or cellular cholesterol concentration occurred indicating that the uptake of radioactive free cholesterol was due to exchange without net movement of sterol. The radioactive cholesterol was incorporated into both membrane fraction and the fat droplet of the adipocytes. The rate of cholesterol exchange was temperature-dependent but it was not influenced by the metabolic state of the cells and not by addition of metabolic inhibitors. Trypsin or pronase treatment of the cells were without influence on the rate of the exchange and denaturation of the plasma lipoproteins with formalin increased the rate of exchange. These results indicate that the exchange of cholesterol is a physical chemical process, which is not linked to energy metabolism of the cells, and which is not mediated by either specific lipoprotein receptors on fat cell membranes or pinocytic uptake of lipoproteins. The rate of free cholesterol exchange showed a linear correlation with the concentration of lipoprotein particles in the medium. The relative transfer rate was highest for chylomicrons and decreased in order chylomicron remnants greater than very low density lipoprotein greater than low density lipoprotein greater than high density lipoprotein. A saturation of the system could be obtained only with high density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Five primiparous Holstein cows (55 d in milk) that were fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 4 x 5 incomplete Latin square to determine the effects of blends of steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn on site and extent of nutrient digestion and milk yield and composition. Diets were fed as total mixed rations and consisted of 45% forage and 55% concentrate; each diet contained 27% corn grain. Dietary treatments were composed of blends of dry-rolled and steam-flaked corn in ratios of 100:0, 67:33, 33:67, and 0:100. Intake of dry matter; digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, neutral detergent fiber, fatty acids, and N; and microbial efficiency were unaffected by diet. Ruminal, postruminal, and total tract digestion of starch increased linearly, and starch passage to the duodenum decreased linearly, as the proportion of dry-rolled corn in the diet decreased. Ruminal propionate and valerate increased linearly, and acetate, butyrate, isovalerate, and the acetate to propionate ratio decreased linearly, as proportions of dry-rolled corn in the diet decreased; however, no changes in total volatile fatty acid concentrations in ruminal fluid were observed. Ruminal fluid pH was similar across diets. A decrease in dry-rolled corn decreased ruminal ammonia N and plasma urea N linearly. Milk yield and composition, as well as milk N fractions, were similar across diets. Although changes in fatty acid composition of milk fat were small, linear decreases in percentages of trans-C16:1 and cis-9- and cis-10-C18:1, as well as a linear increase in the percentage of C18:2 occurred as the proportion of dry-rolled corn in the diet decreased. An increased proportion of dry-rolled corn in the diet decreased digestion of starch in the rumen, and patterns of volatile fatty acid concentrations shifted accordingly. However, no effects on lactational parameters were observed.  相似文献   

Three semipurified diets containing a low level of fat or 10 percent of either beef tallow or beef tallow free fatty acids were fed to young pigs. Jejunal digesta was sampled 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 h after feeding by aspiration through tubes leading from the jejunal lumen to the exterior. The samples were forced through Millipore filters (1 x 10(-7) m pore size) to separate aqueous phase and oil phase lipid. The total and aqueous phase lipid was separated into triglyceride, monoglyceride, and free fatty acid, and the fatty acid composition of each fraction determined. The concentration of aqueous phase lipid was not influenced by diet, although the concentration of the oil phase lipid was generally higher for the addition of fat to the diets; the increase was greater for the beef tallow free fatty acid diet than for the beef tallow diet. Free fatty acids were the predominant component of the aqueous phase lipid along with some monoglyceride and traces of triglyceride. The major component of the oil phastions of triglyceride and monoglyceride. These must have been derived from endogenously secreted lipid in the case of the tallow fatty acid diet. Thus, the lower digestibility of completely hydrolyzed beef tallow than of conventional beef tallow was not due to an absence of monoglyceride in the intestinal lumen. The proportion of stearic acid in the jejunal digesta was greater than in the dietary lipid, whereas there were lower proportions of palmitic and oleic acids in the jejunal digesta than in the diet; the effect being most pronounced for the tallow free fatty acid diet. The ratio of oleic to palmitic acid in the aqueous phase was less than in the lipid phase suggesting preferential uptake of oleic acid from the micelle by the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

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