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金玉铤 《纯碱工业》1990,(2):59-61,64
本文以600kt/a 氨碱为基准,进行了两种原料路线的技术经济对比。对比结果表明:采用地下卤水为原料的氨碱生产比以海盐为原料的流程每年可增加利税1亿元以上。增加纯利润7000万元以上。不但可以填补卤水制碱的空白,同时将会获得显著的经济效益及社会效益。  相似文献   

关于卤水制碱的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于卤水制碱的问题王世常(化工部氯碱设计技术中心中国成达化学工程公司)烧碱和纯碱行业近两年由于一些产业的调整需求不旺,同时也由于制碱业连续扩改和新上项目,本身发展过快造成供大于求的被动局面。开工率下降、库存积压、价格下浮,企业效益下滑,加上原材料、燃...  相似文献   

介绍了利用叶县卤水制合格盐水的工艺。通过计算证明二次盐水浓度可满足电解槽的工艺要求。  相似文献   

春小麦品种甘16号品系采用花药培养结合后代南北异地选择技术育成,杂交组合为单357/甘春11号。研究结果表明,该品种适应性广,稳产性好;即耐高温天气,抗干热风,又耐阴湿天气;茎秆弹性好,抗倒伏能力强;株型好,叶片构型和分布合理;对当前流行的小麦条锈上种免疫。认为亲本选配是利用花培技术能否育成品种的关键,异地培育和选择有利于育成适应性广、稳产性好的品种。  相似文献   

卤水制碱的工艺改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据卤水(盐盐)与固体盐差价关系,调整生产工艺结构,处理卤水杂质,调节水平衡,达到大量使用卤水、陈低成本的目的。  相似文献   

根据卤水(卤盐)与固体盐差价关系,调整生产工艺结构,处理卤水杂质,调节水平衡,达到大量使用卤水、降低成本的目的.  相似文献   

大力开发卤水制碱   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张东海 《江西化工》2003,(4):213-214
本文研究了卤水制碱的多种方法及可行性、所带来可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

宣叔衡 《化工设计》1999,9(3):18-20
根据碳酸钠、氯化钠、水三元系相图,提出天然碱卤水蒸发浓缩析出一水碳酸钠后,卤水中纯碱、盐的分离方法及简要工艺流程  相似文献   

本文较全面地介绍了潍坊纯碱厂地下卤水的主要物理性质及有关情况,以及精制地下卤水典型的八种方法及特点。对地下卤水化盐制碱的工艺流程选择进行了论证,同时对地下卤水化盐的几个关键技术问题进行了论述。最后针对地下卤水化盐制碱的前景,从综合经济效益出发,提出了地下卤水最佳用量的概念。  相似文献   

介绍了几种卤水制碱的方法及冷冻卤水工艺的改进内容。经过比较,认为采用冷冻卤水制碱工艺技术可以节能降耗,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

盐田用含硫酸根卤水制取的光卤石含有硫酸盐杂盐,作者通过在卤水蒸发过程中不同阶段添加水氯镁石,考察硫酸根析出的影响研究.结果表明:75℃蒸发条件下,卤水在光卤石饱和点添加m(水氯镁石)∶m(原始卤水)=1∶18.75~1∶20时,可以减少硫酸盐析出,得到w(SO42-)=1.28%的纯度较高的光卤石.  相似文献   

The technical feasibility and economy of solar heat collection-forced evaporation process are the keys to its practicality,especially its application in strong brine treatment.The operation cost of applying solar collection in salt manufacturing through depth evaporation of brine has been studied.For Na~+,K~+,Mg~(2+)//Cl~-,SO_4~(2-)-H_2O salt–water system,most of the Na Cl and all of the Carnallite were separated.The operation cost reached the optimum when the heat collection and evaporation were controlled at 75 and 55°C,respectively.When the solar radiation amount was 19557 kJ·m~(-2)·d~(-1),the solar collector area for producing Carnallite was about 34.27 m~2·(t salt)~(-1),and the operation cost was 13 USD?(t salt)~(-1).The energy consumption of salt manufacturing is at least 25%higher than that of natural evaporation.Regarding the economy,the solar assisted salt manufacturing process is recommended to be performed at a production scale of more than 20 tons per day.  相似文献   

周涛 《中国氯碱》2001,(8):6-6,32
从理论上分析了隔膜法制碱中经过酸化的进槽盐水能够提高电解槽的阳极效率,降低副反应的发生,我公司的运行结果亦表明此法取得良好的经济效果。  相似文献   

采用溶液等电位原理,设计制作了能自动彻底消除杂散电流腐蚀,实现杂散电流在线监测的模拟实验装置。实验室模拟实验和氯碱厂现场试验结果均证实,用溶液等电位法消除杂散电流腐蚀是完全彻底的,监测杂散电流是准确可靠的。  相似文献   

Tin-zinc deposits with the Zn content varying from 13 to 0 weight percents (wt%) (close to the eutectic point of the Sn-Zn alloy, Sn-9Zn) were electroplated onto iron-coated copper substrates from a near-neutral (pH 5.0), non-cyanide bath. The corrosion parameters, including open-circuit potential-time curves (EOCP-t), corrosion potentials (ECORR), and corrosion currents (iCORR), of this series of materials before and after reflowing in N2 at 250 °C for 10 min were determined and systemically compared in a brine medium containing 3 wt% NaCl. For the as-prepared deposits, the Sn-5Zn deposit showed an activity very close to but more active than that of Fe in this brine medium. This deposit also exhibited the highest corrosion resistance in the study of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For the reflowed deposits, the anticorrosive ability of Sn-Zn deposits with the Zn content <9 wt% became relatively poorer than that of their corresponding as-prepared counterparts while the Sn-9Zn and Sn-5Zn deposits with reflowing showed the best anticorrosive properties in the 3 wt% NaCl solution. The crystalline information and the surface morphologies of the deposits before and after the reflowing treatment were compared by means of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analyses.  相似文献   

The comprehensive utilization and environment-friendliness of processes for recovering fresh water or valuable salt from seawater, salt-lakes, or mineral deposits are of utmost importance for sustainable development. One primitive sustainable process for recovering salt from sodium-sulfate-type brine in Yuncheng salt lake had been considered one of the greatest inventions of ancient China, however, the replaced process of mass extraction of single Na2SO4 in recent years, has reduced a large amount of residual brine. In this research, relying on the salt-forming diagram in the non-equilibrium state, the technical secrets of ancient salt processes were uncovered, and a new comprehensive utilization system was proposed and tested experimentally. The new system includes a vacuum salt-making process and a normal pressure kieserite process, which can gradually eliminate the existed waste liquid and aid in the sustainable development of the Yuncheng salt-lake. The continuous experiment of salt-making process running stably in the double salt region without double salt formation, which proves the feasibility of salt-forming diagram applied in industrial process. Thus salt-forming diagram would be extremely valuable to industry process design and control, especially, the treatment of concentrated brine.  相似文献   

阐述了MRO膜法除硝的设计原理、除硝生产工艺及其在离子膜烧碱装置中的应用情况。  相似文献   

论证了合并隔膜碱和离子膜碱盐水生产系统的可行性,指出两个盐水生产系统合并后降低了生产辅料 BaCl2消耗并有效地保护了环境。  相似文献   

孙勤 《氯碱工业》2004,(8):11-13,23
介绍了江苏苏龙化工有限公司烧碱生产装置由4.8万t/a扩至7.5万t/a工程项目的有关内容。装置扩建后一次性并网运行成功。扩建过程得到的经验:使用先进技术与设备,提高装置的技术水平;制定合理的方案;要明确分工,责任到人;注意工程同步。  相似文献   

凯膜工艺在新疆天业公司20万t/a一次盐水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了新疆天业股份有限责任公司依据老厂6万t/a离子膜烧碱一次盐水工段凯膜工艺的成功运行经验,对新建20万t/a离子膜烧碱项目一次盐水凯膜工艺的装置组成、一期开车运行总结、主要设备注意事项及目前工艺存在问题等方面一一作了阐述,并提出部分值得参考的意见。  相似文献   

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