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基于受限扩散模型,建立纤维介质表面粉尘颗粒沉积形成滤饼的模拟模型。粉尘颗粒在远离过滤介质的控制面上释放,假设对流扩散运动为颗粒输送和沉积的主要机理。定义Pe数为颗粒对流作用与扩散运动的比值,讨论不同Pe数对滤饼孔隙率的影响。对Pe数范围为0.25~1600进行模拟计算结果表明,Pe数对滤饼的孔隙率影响显著。当颗粒的扩散运动强于对流运动,颗粒沉积形成的滤饼为较为松散的结构,当Pe数较大时,颗粒沉积形成的滤饼为较为紧密的堆积结构。此外,考虑到实际过滤过程中粉尘颗粒大多为非等径粒子,也对多分散粒子对滤饼形成及孔隙率的影响作了分析。 相似文献
滤饼孔隙率的模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
采用计算机模拟方法,对滤饼中颗粒的凝聚机理进行简化,将所过滤的物料外形形态简化为球形颗粒,进行计算机程序设计,模拟物料在纤维过滤介质中过滤形成滤饼的过程,模拟得出滤饼结构,并进行孔隙率计算,在简化模型的基础上,分析滤饼孔隙率,滤饼厚度以及固体颗粒粒径的相关关系,探索滤饼结构研究的新方法及新途径。 相似文献
滤饼内过滤比阻分布存在极值问题的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以文献压缩透过试验数据为基础,推导出过滤比阻极小值α_(z,min)和临界空隙率ε_(zc)的计算公式,讨论了不同ε_(zc)下α_z分布可能出现的情况。并指出一般情况下,过滤比阻α_z的幂定律近似是有效的;仅当临界空隙率ε_(xc)小于滤饼表面空隙率ε_1时,α_z的幂定律关系才无效,但这类物料至今未见报道。 相似文献
本文通过实验研究,考察了滤饼的颗粒性质、饱和度、厚度、操作压差、滤布性质等因素对这过滤介质卸饼性能的影响,提出了评定过滤介质滤饼可剥落性实验方法的建议。 相似文献
本文对离心过滤中影响滤饼含液量的主要因素进行分析。选择细粒级的五种物料,在三足式过滤离心机上做脱液实验,获得的脱水和动力学试验数据,经因次分析,计算机处理,得到实验条件下滤饼含液量Wt的准数方程:研究结果表明:影响滤饼含液量的因素,首先是物料的物理性质:固体密度ρs,颗粒表面积体积平均粒径dsv和悬浮液粘度μsusp;其次是操作参数:转鼓角速度ω,脱液时间t和滤饼厚度h。实验条件:Fr=1048~1510,dsv=1.29~24.8μm,μsusp=1~10mPa·s 相似文献
M.S. Wu 《Powder Technology》2005,155(1):62-73
For several types of granular solids (sands, silicon carbide and copper shot), penetrations have been measured for a monodisperse aerosol (1.1 μm Dow microspheres) passing through fly ash deposited upon horizontal surfaces of the solids. Fractional penetrations can run as low as 10−5. Pressure drop data for dust cake/granular medium combinations are also given. The data illustrate significance of dust autohesivitiy and dust/granular solid adhesivity for granular-bed filtration assisted by dust cake formation. 相似文献
Cake properties of nanocolloid evaluated by variable pressure filtration associated with reduction in cake surface area

Eiji Iritani Nobuyuki Katagiri Ryota Nakajima Kuo‐Jen Hwang Tung‐Wen Cheng 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2014,60(11):3869-3877
A potential method has been developed for evaluating simultaneously both the average specific resistance and average porosity of the filter cake formed in unstirred dead‐end ultrafiltration of nanocolloids such as bovine serum albumin solution and silica sol. The method consists of variable pressure filtration followed by constant pressure filtration. The relation between the average specific cake resistance and the pressure drop across the cake was determined from the evolution of the filtration rate with time in the course of the variable pressure filtration period, based on the compressible cake filtration model. The average porosity was evaluated from the significant flux decline caused by a sudden reduction in the cake surface area in the middle of the constant pressure filtration period. The pressure dependences of both the average specific cake resistance and average cake porosity were obtained from only two runs which differed from each other in the pressure profiles. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 3869–3877, 2014 相似文献
In this study the preparation of filter aid from filter cake is considered. Two methods of preparation, carbonization at 550–600 °C and combustion at 800–1000 °C, are used and the optimum conditions determined. The performance of the products is assessed as both a precoat and body feed by comparison with a commercial grade of diatomite. It is shown that efficient filter aids, with performances comparable to that of diatomite, may be produced from filter cake. 相似文献
A new procedure has been developed for the determination of specific filter cake resistance from experimental filtration data. Unlike the conventional procedure which treats constant-pressure filtration data through the t/V vs. V plot and yields a single value of the average specific cake resistance (αav) from a given experiment, this new procedure allows the establishment of the relationship of αav vs. the cake compressive stress (ps) over a range of ps values. Results from the new procedures were compared with those obtained from the procedure based on the t/V vs. V plot as well as those from compression-permeability (C-P) measurements. Discussions on the possible improvement of the new procedure are also presented. 相似文献
硅藻土助滤剂在水过滤中的应用 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10
介绍了国外硅灌土助滤剂在过滤水中的应用和近年国内研究工作概况。有关资料表明,硅灌土这滤技术可用于饮用水、工业用水、游泳池水过滤以及工业废水、生活污水处理后的过滤净化。过滤设备简单、古地少、易操作、费用低、效果好,主要可滤除细微悬浮物、胶体物质、细菌病毒等,滤不清亮透明。 相似文献