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We still have little idea how the differential expression of one 'master' gene can control the morphology of complex structures, but recent studies suggest that the Drosophila Hox gene Ultrabithorax micromanages segment development by manipulating a large number of different targets at many developmental stages.  相似文献   

Development of paired appendages at appropriate levels along the primary body axis is a hallmark of the body plan of jawed vertebrates. Hox genes are good candidates for encoding position in lateral plate mesoderm along the body axis and thus for determining where limbs are formed. Local application of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) to the anterior prospective flank of a chick embryo induces development of an ectopic wing, and FGF applied to posterior flank induces an ectopic leg. If particular combinations of Hox gene expression determine where wings and legs develop, then formation of additional limbs from flank should involve changes in Hox gene expression that reflect the type of limb induced. Here we show that the same population of flank cells can be induced to form either a wing or a leg, and that induction of these ectopic limbs is accompanied by specific changes in expression of three Hox genes in lateral plate mesoderm. This then reproduces, in the flank, expression patterns found at normal limb levels. Hox gene expression is reprogrammed in lateral plate mesoderm, but is unaffected in paraxial mesoderm. Independent regulation of Hox gene expression in lateral plate mesoderm may have been a key step in the evolution of paired appendages.  相似文献   

The complete Hox gene complement of the Japanese pufferfish has now been determined, together with the genomic organisation of all four Hox gene clusters. One of the many surprises is that this strange fish has lost an unusually large number of Hox genes.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and its analogues have been reported to increase the release of tissue plasminogen activator in vitro. The aim of the present study was to reevaluate these findings and to investigate whether retinoids in doses used in dermatological therapy could enhance the release of endothelial fibrinolytic factors. Our results showed that endothelial cells incubated in vitro with retinoic acid increased the release of tissue plasminogen activator to the supernatant without concomitant secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. In patients treated with isotretinoin or etretinate these findings were confirmed, showing enhanced baseline tissue plasminogen activator concentrations in plasma in association with unchanged levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and von Willebrand factor. These findings are consistent with chronically augmented tissue plasminogen activator secretion without evidence of endothelial cell damage and may be of importance for the interpretation of the safety of lon-term therapy with regard to retinoid-induced hyperlipemia and the development of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Some investigators have noted an increased incidence of suicidal ideation and attempts in individuals with panic attacks. The direct temporal relationship between the panic state and suicidal thoughts and behaviors has not been well elucidated however. Furthermore, although aggressive behavior is often manifested in individuals with suicidal behavior, the relationship between aggression and panic has received little attention. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and type of reported suicidal and aggressive ideation and behaviors that occur during the panic state in patients with panic disorder. In order to evaluate the contribution of depression, individuals with pure (i.e. uncomplicated) panic disorder were compared with individuals who had comorbid panic and major depression. Nineteen patients with a diagnosis of pure panic disorder and 28 patients with comorbid panic plus major depression were included in the study. All patients were given the Panic, Suicide and Aggression Scale (PSAS), a questionnaire specifically designed to assess reported suicidal and aggressive thoughts and behaviors that occur during panic attacks. Other scales given to all patients included overall measures of impulsivity, suicide risk and violence risk. Patients with pure panic disorder reported high rates of suicidal and aggressive ideation and behavior during panic. The presence of comorbid depression resulted in a doubling of the rate of reported panic-associated suicidal ideation, property destruction and assaults, and a five-fold increase in the rate of homicidal ideation. The rate of reported suicide attempts was equal in the pure panic and comorbid group. There were also high correlations in all panic patients between measures of panic-associated suicide and aggression with the psychometric measures of impulsivity, suicide risk and violence risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The marked efficacy of isotretinoin in the treatment of acne is undoubtedly due to its potential to inhibit sebaceous gland activity. The question arises if the anti-acne effect of new oral retinoids can be predicted by using the currently available experimental models. METHODS: We reviewed the effects of various oral retinoids on sebum excretion in humans and their efficacy in acne. The human data were compared to the results obtained from in vitro and animal models. RESULTS: Oral retinoids such as etretinate, acitretin and the so-called arotinoids were not able to inhibit the sebum production in humans and were ineffective against acne. In various animal models (i.e. sebum production in rats, flank organ size in hamsters, ear sebaceous gland size in hamster, most of these retinoids were shown to be effective. Furthermore, in addition to isotretinoin, some retinoids were able to suppress the proliferation of human sebocytes in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: The elucidation of the mechanism of action of isotretinoin on the sebocyte biology is critical for the search of more reliable models and for the discovery of new retinoids with anti-acne activity.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the mechanisms by which Hox genes compete for the control of positional identity. Functional dominance is often observed where different Hox genes are co-expressed, and frequently the more posteriorly expressed Hox gene is the one that prevails, a phenomenon known as posterior prevalence. We use dpp674, a visceral mesoderm-specific enhancer of decapentaplegic (dpp), to investigate functional dominance among Hox genes molecularly. We find that posterior prevalence does not adequately describe the regulation of dpp by Hox genes. Instead, we find that abdominal-A (abd-A) dominates over the more posterior Abdominal-B (Abd-B) and the more anterior Ultrabithorax (Ubx). In the context of the dpp674 enhancer, abd-A functions as a repressor whereas Ubx and Abd-B function as activators. Thus, these results suggest that other cases of Hox competition and functional dominance may also be understood in terms of competition for target gene regulation in which repression dominates over activation.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of inadequacy of the respiratory apparatus conditioning function (RACFI) necessitates carrying out an appreciable volume of calculations to determine observable and required values for its parameters, together with drawing up a concluding statement according to the existing RACFI classification. The above rapid method permits the 2.5-fold cut in man-power to be streamlined into research on respiratory heat-exchange in patients with cardiopulmonary disorders. The suggested method is recommended for use in therapeutic, pulmonological, cardiological departments and functional-diagnosis units in hospitals.  相似文献   

Reciprocal inductive signals between the endoderm and mesoderm are critical to vertebrate gut development. Sonic hedgehog encodes a secreted protein known to act as an inductive signal in several regions of the developing embryo. In this report, we provide evidence to support the role of Sonic hedgehog and its target genes Bmp-4 and the Abd-B-related Hox genes in the induction and patterning the chick hindgut. Sonic is expressed in the definitive endoderm at the earliest stage of chick gut formation. Immediately subjacent to Sonic expression in the caudal endoderm is undifferentiated mesoderm, later to become the visceral mesoderm of the hindgut. Genes expressed within this tissue include Bmp-4 (a TGF-beta relative implicated in proper growth of visceral mesoderm) and members of the Abd-B class of Hox genes (known regulators of pattern in many aspects of development). Using virally mediated misexpression, we show that Sonic hedgehog is sufficient to induce ectopic expression of Bmp-4 and specific Hoxd genes within the mesoderm. Sonic therefore appears to act as a signal in an epithelial-mesenchymal interaction in the earliest stages of chick hindgut formation. Gut pattern is evidenced later in gut morphogenesis with the presence of anatomic boundaries reflecting phenotypically and physiologically distinct regions. The expression pattern of the Abd-b-like Hox genes remains restricted in the hindgut and these Hox expression domains reflect gut morphologic boundaries. This finding strongly supports a role for these genes in determining the adult gut phenotype. Our results provide the basis for a model to describe molecular controls of early vertebrate hindgut development and patterning. Expression of homologous genes in Drosophila suggest that aspects of gut morphogenesis may be regulated by similar inductive networks in the two organisms.  相似文献   

Hox genes are important regulators of limb pattern in vertebrate development. Misexpression of Hox genes in chicks using retroviral vectors provides an opportunity to analyze gain-of-function phenotypes and to assess their modes of action. Here we report the misexpression phenotype for Hoxd-13 and compare it to the misexpression phenotype of Hoxd-11. Hoxd-13 misexpression in the hindlimb results in a shortening of the long bones, including the femur, the tibia, the fibula and the tarsometatarsals. Mutations in an alanine repeat region in the N-terminus of Hoxd-13 have recently been implicated in human synpolydactyly (Muragaki, Y., Mundlos, S., Upton, J. and Olsen, B. R. (1996) Science 272, 548-551). N-terminal truncations of Hoxd-13 which lack this repeat were constructed and were found to produce a similar, although slightly milder, misexpression phenotype than the full-length Hoxd-13. The stage of bone development regulated by Hox genes has not previously been examined. The changes in bone lengths caused by Hoxd-13 misexpression are late phenotypes that first become apparent during the growth phase of the bones. Analysis of tritiated thymidine uptake by the tibia and fibula demonstrates that Hox genes can pattern the limb skeleton by regulating the rates of cell division in the proliferative zone of growing cartilage. Hoxd-11, in contrast to Hoxd-13, acts both at the initial cartilage condensation phase in the foot and during the later growth phase in the lower leg. Ectopic Hoxd-13 appears to act in a dominant negative manner in regions where it is not normally expressed. We propose a model in which all Hox genes are growth promoters, regulating the expression of the same target genes, with some Hox genes being more effective promoters of growth than other Hox genes. According to this model, the overall rate of growth in a given region is the result of the combined action of all of the Hox genes expressed in that region competing for the same target genes.  相似文献   

Chelicerates constitute a basic arthropod group with fossil representatives from as early as the Cambrian period. Embryonic development and the subdivision of the segmented body region into a prosoma and an opisthosoma are very similar in all extant chelicerates. The mode of head segmentation, however, has long been controversial. Although all other arthropod groups show a subdivision of the head region into six segments, the chelicerates are thought to have the first antennal segment missing. To examine this problem on a molecular level, we have compared the expression pattern of Hox genes in the spider Cupiennius salei with the pattern known from insects. Surprisingly, we find that the anterior expression borders of the Hox genes are in the same register and the same relative segmental position as in Drosophila. This contradicts the view that the homologue of the first antennal segment is absent in the spider. Instead, our data suggest that the cheliceral segment is homologous to the first antennal segment and the pedipalpal segment is homologous to the second antennal (or intercalary) segment in arthropods. Our finding implies that chelicerates, myriapods, crustaceans, and insects share a single mode of head segmentation, reinforcing the argument for a monophyletic origin of the arthropods.  相似文献   

The role of retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) in limb and tail regeneration is the focus of this review. The dramatic effects of excess retinoids on regeneration are considered, which consist of the respecification of each of the cardinal axes of the limb and the transformation of tail regenerates into limbs. The evidence that retinoids are endogenous components of the regeneration blastema and are required for normal regeneration is then addressed. This evidence consists of the fact that various techniques can detect endogenous retinoic acid in the blastema and that retinoic acid receptors are present, and an individual function in regeneration has been established for each of three receptors. Finally, experiments are described in which retinoic synthesis has been inhibited, and this results in the inhibition of both limb development and limb and tail regeneration.  相似文献   

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