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负荷模型对系统暂态稳定计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明理  王天  唐果  赵瑞  赵东成 《电网技术》2007,31(22):26-29
文中介绍了两种比较成熟的负荷模型,并将两种负荷模型分别应用到东北电网仿真计算当中,比较了两种负荷模型下系统的暂态稳定特性,并分析了特性不同的原因。文中的分析结果可为进一步认识电网负荷特性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文以西藏林芝电力系统中新线发生三相短路为背景,对比研究恒定阻抗、静态特性、综合负荷模型对电力系统暂态稳定计算的影响。研究中,同步发电机采用含有暂态参数的凸极式发电机模型,调速系统采用水轮机调速器和原动机相结合的模型。研究表明,三种负荷模型的暂态数值字仿真结果虽有一定差异,但没有本质的区别,三种负荷模型对林芝电力系统暂态稳定功角计算均具有较好的适用性。中新线三相短路持续2.5s时,电力系统能保持稳定且无不利影响。  相似文献   

随着电网复杂程度不断提升,人们对其安全稳定性越来越重视。负荷模型的正确选取与电网安全稳定性密切相关。本文以静态负荷模型为研究对象,选取感应电动机并联ZIP负荷的经典负荷模型,并利用IEEE 3机9节点系统进行了仿真。通过设置三种不同的静态负荷模型,在三相短路故障发生时得到它们对电力系统暂态稳定性的影响结果并进行了分析。仿真结果表明,恒功率模型与恒阻抗模型相比,恒功率模型的波动范围更小、安全性更强、稳定性更优,因此应当谨慎正确地选取静态负荷模型。  相似文献   

负荷模型对电力系统暂态稳定计算的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
负荷模型是影响电力系统暂态稳定的重要因素之一。迄今为止,暂态稳定计算中通常假定负荷由代表性的电动机和恒抗组成。文中提供了河南电力系统分别以传统的电动机和加恒阻抗模型和实测静态指数负荷模型算得的暂态稳定结果。两者情况有相当的差距,故而何种负荷模型更适合实际情况是值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

结合吉林电网,采用了3种不同的负荷模型:50%电动机+50%恒阻抗模型、基于实测的TVA模型、使用东北电网统一参数的SLM进行了电网的仿真计算,分别计算了吉林地区部分线路的极限切除时间及延吉断面的极限传输功率,证实了不同的负荷模型对电网稳定计算的影响差别较大.对于短路故障,基于实测的TVA模型最"乐观",使用统一参数的SLM最"保守".通过对城西变电站实测数据的回响测试,证明用基于变电站实测数据所建的TVA模型来描述该站的负荷特性要比使用统一参数SLM更准确.  相似文献   

福州地区负荷模型影响福建电网暂态稳定性的机理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综合负荷实质上是由各种用电设备、无功补偿设备等经过变压器、线路等连接而成的复杂网络。为了检验福建电网现有负荷模型的合理性,以福双(福州-双龙)线的稳定极限作为重要衡量指标,对福州地区电网采用不同的网架结构和节点负荷模型下福建电网的暂态稳定水平进行了计算,并对影响负荷特性和电网稳定水平的各因素进行了分析。分析表明,综合负荷中电动机负荷的模型、并联电容补偿以及变压器和线路的阻抗对于负荷的特性有较大的影响,应在负荷模型中得到合理的反映。  相似文献   

为克服低电压暂态稳定分析过程中负荷模型无法描述掉负荷特性的缺点,在对实测数据和各种负荷的低电压特性进行研究的基础上对原有的动态负荷模型进行了改进.新模型通过增加临界电压、延迟时间和衰减系数使低电压发生时负荷按负指数形式衰减,这可以在保持负荷动态特性连续的基础上,最大限度地模拟暂态故障中因低电压掉负荷造成的负荷前后稳态不一致的现象.新模型不仅扩展了原来动态负荷模型的适用范围,而且大大提高了大扰动下暂态稳定分析的可信度.实测数据验证了模型的有效性.  相似文献   

将东北电网大扰动试验实测数据拟合得到的配电网综合负荷模型应用于东北电网稳定计算中,定量分析了东北电网的暂态稳定性和电压稳定性。仿真计算结果表明,采用该负荷模型后东北电网主要安全断面的传输功率极限提高了约300 MW,在保证电网安全稳定运行的前提下,大大缓解了东北电网送电需求紧张的状况。基于该综合负荷模型得到的东北电网的动态特性更符合实际情况,更全面地反映了东北电网的动态特性。  相似文献   

综合负荷实质上是由各种用电设备、无功补偿设备等经过变压器、线路等连接而成的复杂网络。为了检验福建电网现有负荷模型的合理性,以福双(福州—双龙)线的稳定极限作为重要衡量指标,对福州地区电网采用不同的网架结构和节点负荷模型下福建电网的暂态稳定水平进行了计算,并对影响负荷特性和电网稳定水平的各因素进行了分析。分析表明,综合负荷中电动机负荷的模型、并联电容补偿以及变压器和线路的阻抗对于负荷的特性有较大的影响,应在负荷模型中得到合理的反映。  相似文献   

负荷动态实测参数与电网稳定计算   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
仿真计算了在暂态稳定问题中,负荷中感应电动机比例对极限切除时间的影响,并用负荷动态实测参数进行河南全网的稳定计算,与以往使用的近似负荷模型计算结果进行比较,结果表明,使用实测参数的河南电网商丘地区的电压稳定问题更加严重,而其他地区的稳定极限则由于实测负荷的电动机比例较小而有所提高。  相似文献   

选择交流励磁机系统IEEE—AC2A模型与静态励磁系统IEEE—ST1A模型进行仿真研究,仿真结果表明系统受大干扰后,静态励磁系统在抑制功角摆动、维持发电机机端电压和维持系统频率的能力上优于交流励磁机系统,为励磁系统建模,励磁系统选型,励磁系统大干扰稳定性分析等相关研究工作提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

暂态稳定分析中低压切负荷对仿真结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
负荷模型对电力系统仿真的结果有重要影响,随着系统中电压敏感负荷的增多,短暂低电压发生时负荷的切除对系统仿真结果的影响不可忽略。东北某变电站记录的大扰动实验时的实测数据表明,系统在低电压发生时存在负荷切除现象。10机39节点系统的仿真说明,切负荷现象对系统仿真结果影响巨大。在分析实测数据和原来综合负荷模型的基础上,通过增加有关低压切负荷因子,成功地模拟了电力系统在低压暂态过程中的掉负荷现象,所提出的新模型为研究电网大电压扰动下的动态稳定提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

静态负荷模型参数的动态修正法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种静态负荷模型参数的动态修正方法,根据负荷电压变化实时修正负荷模型参数。基于忽略频率特性的传统静态负荷模型,在系统电压额定值附近对电压求偏导数,根据系统电压连续变化调节电压特征系数,经泰勒系数展开并略去二次及高次项,化简得到修正后的有功和无功电压特征系数。应用动态修正法进行仿真,并与恒定参数进行扰动响应比较,结果表明,使用动态修正法所得静态负荷模型能更好地反映负荷和电压的实际特性。  相似文献   

It has become important in recent years that power systems be protected from voltage instability caused, in part, by heavy loads and the concentration of air conditioning loads during certain hours. Many studies have explored the problems and possible countermeasures. However, the load representations used in these studies are based on power values, i.e., P and Q; therefore, these analytic models are insufficient to express load responses and, thus, investigation is somewhat limited. This paper introduces a load model expressing load admittance responses by a first-order delay differential equation and uses this model in tandem with power network solutions to analyze power system voltage stability. This load model is shown to work reliably and effectively. Using this model, it is possible to investigate more precisely and widely than before the power system voltage stability phenomenon of arbitrary characteristic loads in lower voltage ranges and on propagations of instability through the networks.  相似文献   

Transient stability may be seriously affected when a large number of distributed generators (DG) stop simultaneously during voltage sag. It is necessary to analyze accurately the dynamics of bulk power systems with high DG penetration. In this paper, transient stability is studied by analyzing power‐angle curves of generators while considering load dynamics and model order reduction at lower voltages. Based on the analysis, a decrease in the load internal resistance after voltage sag causes transient instability of generators. The phenomenon is confirmed through simulation using a one‐machine and one‐load model. This paper also suggests that the simulation results might be misled by traditional bulk power system modeling such as using the static load model and ignoring impedance at lower voltages. As for the numerical simulation, a large level of DG stoppage leads to transient step out in a bulk power system, and the stability is greatly improved by DG voltage regulation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 162(2): 20– 29, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20608  相似文献   

In this paper the first order aggregate dynamic load models for the representation of the induction motor loads have been evaluated from the voltage stability analysis point of view. Two models, the First order Variable Admittance (FVA) model and the Aggregate Nonlinear Recovery (ANR) model have been considered along with the system dynamic equations to obtain the dynamic voltage stability limit of the system. The adequacy of these two models is verified with a third order Detailed Induction Motor (DIM) model for the representation of induction motor loads. The results are presented for all the models for three different test systems. It is shown that the dynamic load models used for the representation of induction motor loads have a tremendous effect on the voltage stability of the system.  相似文献   

Study of the transient stability of a large and interconnected power system requires a great deal of computational time. To reduce that time, power system equivalents are employed. A simplified transient stability method, based on the values of the ‘stability measures’, is presented in which generators with small swing are replaced by a new equivalent model, and appropriate simplified models are used for the rest of the generators. Results of this study are used to identify coherent groups of generators. Replacing coherent sets by their equivalent generators will further reduce the size of the system. The validity and accuracy of the method is demonstrated by stimulated tests on a sample power system.  相似文献   

采用具有全局寻优能力的微粒群优化(PSO)算法辨识负荷模型的参数;同时考虑负荷电压的变化,用动态修正法实时修正负荷模型的参数,建模仿真分析结果验证了PSO-动态修正算法的有效性和准确性.相对于线性回归分析的动态修正法,该算法能够提高负荷模型的辨识精度,所建模型更适合描述全电压范围下负荷的静态特性.  相似文献   

Along with the growth in size of electrical power systems, attention is increasingly being given to various reduction techniques of dynamic system models for transient stability studies. One of these is the topological reduction that includes coherency-based aggregation. A theorem from the nonlinear vibrations theory is applied to derive analytical coherency-criteria for a classical model of the system. A simplified algorithm of coherency recognition is given and results for a sample system are shown. Important properties of topological equivalents are proved and a relationship to modal reduction is pointed out.  相似文献   

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