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随着世界经济的低速增长,各行业对化工品的需求已较前几年逊色,价格平疲。从本届交易会出口成交看,化工品市场中的多数品种虽然较前平淡,但市场需求仍将继续有所增长或大体上较平稳,需求不振或需求畅旺的品种依然是少数。其中,无机化工品成交比有机化工品及石化原料好;染料、中间体及助剂趋向好转;有机颜料好于无机颜料,而橡胶及塑料市场较为平疲。询价较多或较为好销的品种有:白油,黄、白凡士林,酒石酸,  相似文献   

石化行业属于周期性发展行业,自身有一定的波动规律。1999年中国经济克服亚洲金融危机影响实现了软着陆后直至今年上半年,石油和化工行业发展一直保持上升态势,特别是近5年来,行业景气度最高。石化景气周期之所以超过此前有关人士的预期,一方面得益于下游需求旺盛,另外一个重要的因素是近年来国际原油和资源性原料价格一路攀升,从上游成本方面支撑石化市场在高位运行。随着原油价格一路向下滑落,也同时宣告石化景气周期见顶,开始向下运行。在国际金融危机影响下,石油价格下跌,成本支撑不再,石化行业景气周期步入下降通道。  相似文献   

世界化工市场经过前几年兴旺之后,自1989年起,大部分化工品市场需求已较前逊色,价格走势呈现疲软,市场竞争加剧,再加上我出口适销对路的品种和数量均较少,出口商品结构多以原料性初级产品及低裆无机盐类为主,这些产品多数是运输量大,价值较低,换汇成本偏高,故在一定程度上制约了当前的出口。但是,随着世界经济、贸易的低速发展,国际市场对化工品的需求仍将保持低速增长的势头。预计1991年下半年到1992年上半年对大多数化工品的需求尚较平稳,价格则易降难升,在较低水平上徘徊。其具体品种市场情况简述如下:  相似文献   

<正>四季度国内大宗化工品价格继续呈现弱势,产品跌多涨少,终端需求恢复缓慢,化工品市场信心缺乏,尤其随着北方供暖季节的临近,环保政策力度将日渐趋严,行业开工状况难言乐观,供应端供应量充裕,需求端却缺乏有效支撑,供需失衡明显,凸显国内化工品市场弱势下滑局面。  相似文献   

通过对传统路线、最大化路线、直接路线3种原油生产化学品技术发展现状的系统梳理可见,传统技术在化工品转化率、投资、能耗等方面,均无法与原油最大化生产技术、原油直接生产技术相媲美。随着技术的不断发展,原油直接生产化工品技术将给传统石化企业带来巨大冲击,并推动石化行业发生革命性改变。对于我国传统石化企业来讲,在当前供给侧结构性改革之际,除了加快转型升级步伐之外,更应加大原油直接生产烯烃和芳烃技术的研发与攻关,以应对未来石化行业的激烈竞争。  相似文献   

正一、经济运行概况10月份,上海石化行业经济总体保持平稳运行态势,但有下行迹象,主要原因是9月中旬以来,国际油价大幅跳水,石化产品失去价格支撑,贸易争端影响逐步显现,化工品需求受到一定抑制。上海市统计局数据显示,10月份,石油化工及精细化工制造业实现工业总产值340.58亿元,环比下降8.89%,比去年同期下降4.4%;1—10月份,累计实现工业总产值达到3 382.18亿元,同比增加279.56  相似文献   

<正>原料多样性和价格变化正在推动世界石化行业变革,相关公司必须积极应对。这是从上周在泰国召开的2014年亚洲石化工业会议上传出的信息。此次会议专门就全球石化工业预测以及石化行业变化趋势等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1990年春交会,国外客户到会较为踊跃,国外经营我化工品的基本客户多已到会,其中日本、南朝鲜、台湾等地客户还比上届有所增加。经过初步治理、整顿、深化改革,我可供出口的化工品货源有部分品种亦比上届增加。预计本届春交会广东化工出口成交额可达到1千多万美元,接近上届交易会成交额水平。从本届春交会广东化工品出口成交情况看,当前国际市场对我化工品市场需求,总的来说多数品种尚较为平稳,但出口成交价格则多见下跌,较为畅销或滞销的品种尚占少数,多数品种较为平销。  相似文献   

<正>截至6月末,石化业规模以上企业累计主营业务收入7.23万亿元,同比增长17.7%中国石油和化学工业联合会日前公布上半年全行业经济运行情况报告。报告显示,上半年,我国石化业经济运行总体良好,超出预期,表现为市场需求改善,价格总水平涨幅较高,出口实现较快增长,行业整体效益较好。但同时,市场价格波动剧烈,单位成本回升加快,投资动力不足,化工市场进出口压力依然很大。截至6月末,石化业规模以上企业累计主营业务收入7.23万亿元,同比增长17.7%;利润总额4323.9亿  相似文献   

本文从落袋价格理论出发,探讨如何对定价策略、折扣、隐含成本以及物流费用等影响落袋利润因素进行深入分析,为石化行业化工销售经营决策提供参考。  相似文献   

HPLC analysis of the stabilizer is one of the major methods in use for surveillance testing of diphenylamine (DPA) stabilized propellants. Often 0.2% DPA is used as a minimum content for safe propellants. In most cases the propellant can be stored much longer after this limit has been reached without any risk for self‐ignition. We report here about a reaction where DPA bonds to nitrocellulose, leaving a non extractable aromatic stabilizing compound left in the propellant, resulting in a longer time to autocatalysis than predicted. Diphenylnitramine is discussed as a possible intermediary compound occurring from the reaction between DPA and nitrocellulose. This should add to a better understanding of the degradation processes in propellants.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了台湾省各大学和研究院所对催化及催化剂的教学。研究与开发方面动向,相关催化方面学科带头人的研究领域和主要成果,并给出大量参考文献。  相似文献   

Renewed world interest in enzyme biotechnological industries now derives from the expectation that many new biocatalysts will be created by genetic engineering associated with protein engineering designer techniques, or by chemical modification of existing enzymes by use of protein tailoring methods. The biocatalysts produced are mainly enzymes, abzymes (catalytic antibodies) and synthesis (synthetic analogues or mimics), and these will be used in industry, synthesis, therapy: and in bioanalysis of components of foodstuffs, and the environment including water, air and soil. The biocatalysts, including whole cells, are firstly incorporated into a particular bioreactor form by use of enzyme engineering techniques such as immobilization, and are then used, as appropriate, to modify their substrates. Improved processing or enhanced products are thereby achieved in the case of manufacturing industry: or monitoring signals are generated, often in the form of a measurable change in current flow, in the case of environmental biosensors. Designer enzymes and cells can be made now for identified applications where the presently available biocatalysts are inadequate, incompatible or uncompetitive.  相似文献   

The accepted model of color naming postulates that 11 “basic” color terms representing 11 common perceptual experiences show increased processing salience due to a theorized linkage between perception, visual neurophysiology, and cognition. We tested this theory, originally proposed by Berlin and Kay in 1969. Experiment 1 tested salience by comparing unconstrained color naming across two languages, English and Vietnamese. Results were compared with previous research by Berlin and Kay, Boynton and Olson, and colleagues. Experiment 2 validated our stimuli by comparing OSA, Munsell, and newly rendered “basic” exemplars using colorimetry and behavioral measures. Our results show that the relationship between the visual and verbal domains is more complex than current theory acknowledges. An interpoint distance model of color‐naming behavior is proposed as an alternative perspective on color‐naming universality and color‐category structure. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 113–138, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10131  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most prevalent, chronic liver diseases, worldwide. It is a multifactorial disease caused by complex interactions between genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. Recently, several microRNAs, some of which epigenetically regulated, have been found to be up- and/or down-regulated during NAFLD development. However, in NAFLD, the essential role of the Polycomb Group protein Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2), which controls the epigenetic silencing of specific genes and/or microRNAs by trimethylating Lys27 on histone H3, still remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that the nuclear expression/activity of the EZH2 protein is down-regulated both in livers from NAFLD rats and in the free fatty acid-treated HepG2. The drop in EZH2 is inversely correlated with: (i) lipid accumulation; (ii) the expression of pro-inflammatory markers including TNF-α and TGF-β; and (iii) the expression of miR-200b and miR-155. Consistently, the pharmacological inhibition of EZH2 by 3-Deazaneplanocin A (DZNep) significantly reduces EZH2 expression/activity, while it increases lipid accumulation, inflammatory molecules and microRNAs. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the defective activity of EZH2 can enhance the NAFLD development by favouring steatosis and the de-repression of the inflammatory genes and that of specific microRNAs.  相似文献   

本文从化学反应工程分析的讲授体会出发,分析探讨了硕士学位课程的性质,讲授过程中教材的选取、内容和方法的把握,以及如何根据学生的具体情况,采用更有针对性的课堂讲解的议题。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法,以DiamonsilTMC1(8250mm×4.6mm,5μm)为色谱柱,甲醇∶水∶磷酸为60∶40∶0.35(pH值3~4)作为流动相,检测波长为272nm的条件下测定萘乙酸和吲哚丁酸含量,试验结果表明:在0~50.00mg.L-1范围内线性关系良好,相关系数r吲=0.9998,r萘=0.9998,最低检出浓度为0.025mg.L-1,试样在5.00、10.00、15.00mg.L-13个添加水平下的平均回收率在81.2%~99.4%之间,相对偏差在0.41%~1.61%之间,方法简便,准确。  相似文献   

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