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Respiratory viruses are a common cause of morbidity in childhood. Except in the child with immunodeficiency, the common respiratory viruses rarely pose a serious threat to life. Because infection with most of these viruses in childhood is nearly universal and usually bestows partial immunity, the "childhood respiratory viruses" are not generally thought of as being a cause of disease in adults. However, adults who work around children, who are frequently exposed to other adults and children with respiratory tract infections (as in a hospital clinic setting), or who are military recruits appear to be at risk of infection or reinfection with one of these agents. In addition, adults with immune deficiency are at a significant risk for serious infection. The risk of serious disease can be reduced by maximizing immunity with (re)immunization and optimal treatment of any underlying disorders. Tobacco smoke and respiratory irritants should be avoided and adults at risk for severe disease should avoid contact with infected children and adults as much as possible. Specific chemotherapy for viral pneumonia, when available, may reduce morbidity in selected individuals.  相似文献   

Conducted 2 studies to test the hypothesis that depressed individuals are more sensitive to aversive stimuli than nondepressed individuals. Undergraduates were classified into depressed, psychiatric control, and normal control groups (n = 24) on the basis of therapist ratings, interview techniques, and MMPI subscale scores. Autonomic response (skin resistance) to aversive stimulation was studied both before, during, and after Ss were given a mild electric shock. Adaptation over repeated presentations of the same aversive situation was also studied. It was found that depressed Ss showed a significantly greater autonomic response during, but not before or after, the presentation of the aversive stimulus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine individuals with "hidden" traumatic brain injury (TBI), defined in this study as those who sustained a blow to the head, with altered mental status, and experienced a substantial number of the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional sequelae typically associated with brain injury but did not make the causal connection between the injury and its consequences. DESIGN: Comparison of four groups of individuals matched for age, gender, years of education, and duration of loss of consciousness. SETTING: This study of hidden TBI followed the identification of 143 individuals who, within a larger study of people with TBI who live in the community, identified themselves as "nondisabled" (they were to be part of the comparison sample) but who had experienced a blow to the head that left them at minimum dazed and confused. PARTICIPANTS: 21 of these 143 individuals also reported large numbers of symptoms (eg, headaches, memory problems) associated with TBI. This group (Hidden TBI-High Symptoms group) was compared to three other matched samples: one with known TBI (Known Mild TBI group) and one with no disability (No Disability group) (both of which were drawn from the larger study), and one group of individuals who identified themselves as having no disability but who had experienced a blow to the head that resulted in a few symptoms (Head Trauma-Low Symptoms group). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All study participants were administered an interview that incorporated several existing instruments documenting levels of reported symptoms, emotional well-being/distress, and vocational/social handicaps. RESULTS: The Hidden TBI-High Symptoms group was found to be similar to the Known Mild TBI group in terms of the number and types of symptoms experienced, whereas the Head Trauma-Low Symptoms group was similar in this respect to the No Disability group. The two former groups also evidenced high levels of emotional distress, whereas the two latter groups did not. However, on measures of handicap, the Hidden TBI-High Symptoms and Head Trauma-Low Symptoms groups were similar to the No Disability group and dissimilar from the Known Mild TBI group in that the last group experienced vocational handicap, in particular, whereas the other groups did not. Conclusions: We conclude that hidden TBI occurs at a nontrivial level (7% of our nondisabled sample). Also, individuals with hidden TBI (with persistent symptoms), unlike those with known mild TBI, are likely to experience emotional distress but not vocational handicap following injury.  相似文献   

Compared the quality of decisions on 3 economic problems for individuals, 2 forms of real 5-person groups, and 3 synthetic group-decision rules. A total of 185 undergraduates first made decisions as individuals or as group members and then participated in the opposite condition. Real groups with no previous exposure to the problems made better decisions than did groups whose members had previously made individual decisions on the same tasks, and made decisions superior to a plurality synthetic decision rule, but inferior to the "best man" or I. Lorge and N. Solomon's Model A rule (1955). Both types of real groups outperformed individuals. The relationship between decision quality and riskiness of decision alternatives varied in the 3 decision tasks. Real groups with no prior exposure to the task responded to the suggested risk norm more appropriately than did other decision-making units. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the feasibility of using spectral analysis techniques to identify potential biomarkers of diminished postural control in elderly individuals. DESIGN: Data from spectral signatures (derived from postural sway) of 21 young adults and 42 elderly individuals classified as "high" or "low" risk with regard to functional balance capacity were analyzed using Risk Category (3) x Sensory Condition (3) multivariate analyses of variance. Postural control was challenged by varying the visual conditions under which individuals stood on a measurement platform. RESULTS: Results indicated that measures of central tendency and dispersion of the spectral frequency distribution from medial-lateral components of sway (but not antero-posterior sway) clearly differentiated between "high" and "low" risk elderly. Low risk elderly were not different from young adults. High risk elderly exhibited greater dispersion and lower mean frequency than other groups. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in spectral characteristics of medial-lateral components of sway were more related to risk category than to age. Elderly persons with high functional balance capacity displayed characteristics similar to those of young adults. Thus, spectral frequency analysis techniques may be a clinically useful tool for identifying individuals potentially at risk of falling.  相似文献   

A major issue in the psychotherapy of the chronically suicidal is the patient's avoidance of his responsibility. If the patient is not helped to recognize this avoidance, the therapist's efforts may be consigned to future attempts to either assume responsibility for the patient or to rescue him.  相似文献   

Four experiments were carried out to investigate an early- versus late-selection explanation for the attentional blink (AB). In both Experiments 1 and 2, 3 groups of participants were required to identify a noun (Experiment 1) or a name (Experiment 2) target (experimental conditions) and then to identify the presence or absence of a 2nd target (probe), which was their own name, another name, or a specified noun from among a noun distractor stream (Experiment 1) or a name distractor stream (Experiment 2). The conclusions drawn are that individuals do not experience an AB for their own names but do for either other names or nouns. In Experiments 3 and 4, either the participant's own name or another name was presented, as the target and as the item that immediately followed the target, respectively. An AB effect was revealed in both experimental conditions. The results of these experiments are interpreted as support for a late-selection interference account of the AB.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the effects of information pamphlets with those of group counselling on cardiovascular risk among individuals from a community with low socioeconomic status. METHODS: Risk factors for coronary heart disease were assessed in 1131 men and women from a community with low socioeconomic status in suburban Melbourne. Individuals deemed to be at moderate risk, on the basis of an integrated risk score greater than 65, were asked to participate in a randomized trial comparing two simple interventions designed to reduce cardiovascular risk. One hundred and sixty-four individuals were randomly assigned to group A (n = 85) and participated in a single group counselling session lasting between 1.5 and 2.0 h. Group B (n = 79) received a specially prepared pamphlet that provided brief written information concerning risk-factor modification. Both groups were asked to attend a follow-up assessment of risk factors 3 and 6 months after entry. RESULTS: There were no significant difference in the change in risk-factor levels between those receiving information pamphlets and those attending the group counselling session after 3 or 6 months of follow-up. Small but significant decreases (P<0.05) were seen in systolic and diastolic blood pressures (-5/4 mmHg for group A, -5/3 mmHg for group B), total plasma cholesterol level (-0.30 mmol/l for groups A and B) and overall coronary risk score (-14.4 and -13.9 for groups A and B, respectively). Body weight remained unchanged during the study period in both groups. CONCLUSION: Screening together with 1.5-2h group counselling had no more influence on cardiovascular risk factors than screening together with provision of information pamphlets in a population with low socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

"These experiments indicate that another claim for the 'hypnotic transcendence of normal functions' is not substantiated. Some individuals 'hallucinate' a color and 'see' its appropriate afterimage after a minimal 'hypnotic induction procedure'; other individuals do essentially the same thing without a 'hypnotic induction procedure.' In fact, some Ss do better on this task without the 'hypnotic procedure.' However, these experiments also indicate that 'trance' behavior may be an essential component in 'projecting' or 'hallucinating' colors." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine in detail the association between witnessing domestic violence (DV) and long-term psychological adjustment. Important limitations of past research were addressed, including controlling for several associated risk factors. Special attention was paid to whether the perpetrator of the violence was the maternal or paternal figure, as well as to whether the witness to the violence was male or female. Participants completed measures examining DV witnessed, direct child abuse experienced, and current psychopathology. Following screening for physical and sexual abuse, a sample of 351 individuals was selected. Four groups of participants were compared. Results indicated that individuals who had witnessed either physical DV or major psychological DV had higher levels of psychopathology than individuals who reported witnessing minor psychological DV or controls. After controlling for direct psychological abuse experienced, witnessing DV remained a significant predictor of psychopathology for males but not for females. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies were reviewed with respect to three different target groups for preventing AIDS among intravenous (IV) drug users by (a) providing drug abuse treatment for those who want to stop injecting drugs, (b) providing "safer" injection for those who are likely to continue injecting, and (c) preventing drug injection among those who are at high risk for beginning to inject. The studies reviewed were limited to those that include "hard" data: validated self-reports, seroprevalence outcomes, or self-reports of behavior that is opposed to any of the demand characteristics generated by the research setting. For two groups of current IV drug users—those entering drug treatment and those continuing to inject—these hard data studies show rapidly induced AIDS risk reduction but suggest a need for large-scale change maintained over long time periods. In terms of preventing initial injection, alternative forms of intense drug use have emerged but have not supplanted drug injection, and basic knowledge of AIDS does not appear to deter initial drug injection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although it is established that apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 allele increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD), epidemiological studies indicate that genetic risk decreases late in life. This raises the question of whether the effects of APOE on cognition that are seen in midlife arise from a cognitive phenotype of APOE or from the presence of early AD in some APOE-e4 carriers. The authors addressed this question by comparing the cognitive consequences of variation in the APOE gene between individuals over the age of 80 (old-old) and middle-aged and young-old individuals. A spatially cued discrimination paradigm--previously shown to be sensitive to AD and to APOE genotype--required a speeded categorization of a target letter following cues that were valid, invalid, or neutral in predicting target location. Results revealed greater costs of invalid cues in the APOE-e4 carriers of middle-aged and young-old, but not old-old, groups. The dissipation of the APOE effect in old-old individuals at lower risk of AD suggests that visuospatial attention impairments seen as early as midlife in APOE-e4 carriers may be a preclinical marker of AD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Group members often take more responsibility for the group's outcomes than others give to them. Extending evidence that egocentrism can be muted when group members are individuated (the "unpacking effect"), the authors predicted that members of open groups would be less egocentric than members of closed groups. In open groups, the possibility of membership fluctuation reduces collectiveness, breaking the group into individuals, which in turn lessens egocentrism. The authors tested these predictions in a study of groups of students working on a task relevant to their academic success. Members claimed more personal responsibility when they worked in closed groups relative to open groups (egocentrism), and lack of cohesion mediated the open- versus closed-group link to responsibility allocations. Moreover, members of open groups did not take more responsibility after a success than a failure, whereas those in closed, successful groups claimed more credit than members of failure groups (self-serving bias). The discussion suggests that open groups, although often thought to create conflict as members compete, may contribute to a reduction in both egocentrism and self-serving responsibility allocations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A 10-month direct mail campaign was implemented to increase use of emergency medical services via 911 calls and to reduce prehospital delay for individuals experiencing acute myocardial infarction symptoms. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, controlled trial involved three intervention groups (receiving brochures with informational, emotional, or social messages) and a control group. RESULTS: Intervention effects were not observed except for individuals who had a history of acute myocardial infarction and who were discharged with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction; their 911 use was meaningfully higher in each intervention group than in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The mailings affected only the individuals at greatest risk.  相似文献   

The individuals are distributed in 9 risk groups (adults and children), in which an HIV transmission way is predominant. Taking into account a simplified graph of the HIV infection evolution, kinetic equations for the number of individuals from each risk group--situated in various stages of HIV infection--are written. The approximative solutions of these equations give us: the characteristic exponents of the temporal evolutions of the main and secondary local epidemics; the ratios Ci/Bi and Di/Bi of asymptomatically contaminated and dead (as consequence of AIDS)--versus symptomatically contaminated; the onset of local epidemics in various risk groups; the relative amplitude of the secondary local epidemics versus the main local ones.  相似文献   

The studies aimed to estimate an incidence of the low back pain (LBP) in the youngsters and teenagers and correlating it with risk factors. A groups of 2,346 secondary school pupils (1,704 girls and 642 boys) of a mean age 17 +/- 1 yrs, and 970 high-school students (532 women and 438 men) of a mean age 24 +/- 2 yrs have been examined. Low back pain has been seen in 1,416 out of 2,346 secondary school pupils (60%), and in 32% of the examined students. Statistical analysis with chi 2 test has confirmed a correlation between LBP and such risk factors as the incorrect sedentary position (p < .001 for pupils, and p < .02 for students), and smoking (p < .001 for students and p < .02 for pupils).  相似文献   

The magnitude and importance of changes in scores of neuropsychological tests on retest in the elderly, especially over long time periods, is not well established. Three neuropsychological tests and one mental status test were initially administered to screen for potential dementia and were readministered to 380 of the surviving individuals 2.4 years later who either failed the screening examination or were an age matched control. Of the 380 women and men aged 65 and older, 56 were diagnosed as having Alzheimer disease (AD), 82 as at risk for developing AD, and 242 as having normal cognition. The present report focuses on changes in test scores between the two visits. In the normal and at risk groups, significant improvements were seen on retest of the Visual Reproduction Test (VRT), the Trails B test, and the Mini-Mental Status examination; verbal fluency decreased, and savings score of the VRT showed small variations. On most tests, scores of the AD group decreased. Practice effects, biases, and other variables may have played a role in the improvements seen in those labeled normal and at risk. If these results are confirmed, savings score of the VRT (which remained stable over time in normals and individuals at risk and decreased in patients with dementia) and verbal fluency (which decreased in all groups) may be better measures of true cognitive performance than the other tests that we evaluated.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to validate a hip fracture risk function, composed of age and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). This estimate of the 1-year cumulative risk was previously developed on the basis of Dutch hip fracture incidence data and BMD in men and women. A cohort of 7046 persons (2778 men) aged 55 years and over was followed for an average of 3.8 years. The 1-year hip fracture risk estimate was calculated for each participant according to the risk function and categorized as low (<0.1%), moderate (0.1 to < 1%), or high (> or =1%). Observed first hip fracture incidence was then analyzed for each of these risk categories by age and gender. Additionally, we calculated the relative risk per standard deviation (SD) decrease in femoral neck BMD in this population. At baseline, 2360 individuals were categorized as low risk, 2567 as moderate risk, and 378 as high risk During follow-up, 110 first hip fractures were observed corresponding to an incidence rate of 4.1/1000 person-years (pyrs) (95% confidence interval 3.4-5.0). The observed incidence rate in the low risk group was 0.2/1000 pyrs (0.1-0.9), 2.7/1000 pyrs (1.8-3.9) in the moderate risk group, and 18.4/1000 pyrs (12.4-27.2) in the high risk group. Below the age of 70 years, incidence was low in all categories, and very few individuals were considered at high risk Above the age of 70 years, the observed incidence was high in the high risk group, while in the low and moderate risk groups, the incidence remained low even over 80 years of age. In women, the age-adjusted relative risk for hip fractures was 2.5 per SD decrease in femoral neck BMD (1.8-3.6), while in men this relative risk was 3.0 per SD (1.7-5.4). In conclusion, we observed a similar relation of hip fracture with femoral neck BMD in men and women and were able to predict accurately hip fracture rates over a period of almost 4 years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the associations of BMI and fat distribution with diabetes risk are modified by race. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (1971-1992), were used to investigate potential interactions of BMI and fat distribution with race. Incident diabetes was defined by self-report of physician-diagnosed diabetes, hospital and nursing home discharge records, and death certificates. RESULTS: Among the 1,531 black and 9,852 white subjects who were nondiabetic at baseline, 1,139 (10.0%) developed diabetes during 20 years of follow-up. Although the cumulative risk of diabetes increased with baseline BMI in all four race-sex groups, the sex-specific odds ratios (ORs) for black:white subjects decreased with increasing BMI. In particular, for BMI of 22 kg/m2, the OR of diabetes for black:white individuals was 1.87 and 1.76 (P < 0.01) for men and women, respectively; for BMI of 32 kg/m2, the OR decreased to 0.99 and 1.20 (NS) for men and women, respectively. Skinfold ratio was also associated with increased diabetes risk in all race-sex groups, but did not modify the association between race and diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the effect of BMI on diabetes risk is different for black and white Americans, with a larger risk for blacks than whites at low BMI and an equivalent risk for both groups at high BMI. A lower degree of visceral adiposity among blacks at higher BMI or a greater impact of visceral adiposity among blacks at low BMI may help explain the interaction of race and BMI on diabetes risk.  相似文献   

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