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邝宏斌  罗贵明 《计算机工程》2008,34(19):23-25,2
并行化是提高模型检测效率的重要手段。该文研究了基于标号迁移系统的C程序模型检测,提出一种软件模型检测并行化的方法。该方法利用软件模型检测工具模块化验证(MAGIC)的模块化特性对C程序进行组件分解,将各组件均衡地分发到若干计算节点,由节点调用MAGIC完成验证。由于保证节点间只有少量的通信与同步,该方法能达到较好的并行加速比,具有良好的可扩展性。实验结果显示,该方法大幅压缩了检测时间,有利于大规模软件的形式化验证。  相似文献   

Software Model Checking: The VeriSoft Approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Verification by state-space exploration, also often referred to as model checking, is an effective method for analyzing the correctness of concurrent reactive systems (for instance, communication protocols). Unfortunately, traditional model checking is restricted to the verification of properties of models, i.e., abstractions, of concurrent systems.We discuss in this paper how model checking can be extended to analyze arbitrary software, such as implementations of communication protocols written in programming languages like C or C++. We then introduce a search technique that is suitable for exploring the state spaces of such systems. This algorithm has been implemented in VeriSoft, a tool for systematically exploring the state spaces of systems composed of several concurrent processes executing arbitrary code.During the past five years, VeriSoft has been applied successfully for analyzing several software products developed in Lucent Technologies, and has also been licensed to hundreds of users in industry and academia. We discuss applications, strengths and limitations of VeriSoft, and compare it to other approaches to software model checking, analysis and testing.  相似文献   

Model checking is a popular formal verification technique for both software and hardware. The verification of concurrent software predominantly employs explicit-state model checkers, such as SPIN, that use partial-order reduction as a main technique to deal with large state spaces efficiently. In the hardware domain, the introduction of symbolic model checking has been considered a breakthrough, allowing the verification of systems clearly out-of-reach of any explicit-state model checker.This paper introduces ImProviso, a new algorithm for model checking of software that efficiently combines the advantages of partial-order reduction with symbolic exploration. IMPROVISO uses implicit BDD representations for both the state space and the transition relation together with a new implicit in-stack proviso for efficient partial-order reduction. The new approach is inspired by the Twophase partial-order reduction algorithm for explicit-state model checking.Initial experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the existing symbolic model checking approach and can be used to tackle problems that are not tractable using explicit-state methods.  相似文献   

软件模型检测中的抽象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
软件模型检测对保证软件的正确性和可靠性具有十分重要的意义,而抽象是减轻模型检测中状态爆炸问题最重要的技术之一。本文综述当前广泛应用于软件模型检测中的抽象技术,介绍了该领域的进展及研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents a software model checking algorithm that combats state explosion by decomposing each thread's execution into a sequence of transactions that execute atomically. Our algorithm infers transactions using the theory of reduction, and supports both left and right movers, thus yielding larger transactions and fewer context switches than previous methods. Our approach uses access predicates to support a wide variety of synchronization mechanisms. In addition, we automatically infer these predicates for programs that use lock-based synchronization.  相似文献   

刘吉锋  孙吉贵 《计算机科学》2006,33(12):255-260
如何保证软件系统的正确性和可靠性是当前软件开发面临的主要问题之一。模型检测作为一种重要的自动化验证技术在软件的分析与验证中正取得越来越多的成功。本文以微软的SLAM和加州大学伯克利分校的BLAST为例综述性地介绍了基于抽象-验证-细化范例的软件模型检测。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how formal software verification systems can be improved by utilising parallel assignment in weakest precondition computations.We begin with an introduction to modern software verification systems. Specifically, we review the method in which software abstractions are built using counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR). The classical NP-complete parallel assignment problem is first posed, and then an additional restriction is added to create a special case in which the problem is tractable with an O(n2) algorithm. The parallel assignment problem is then discussed in the context of weakest precondition computations. In this special situation where statements can be assumed to execute truly concurrently, we show that any sequence of simple assignment statements without function calls can be transformed into an equivalent parallel assignment block.Results of compressing assignment statements into a parallel form with this algorithm are presented for a wide variety of software applications. The proposed algorithms were implemented in the ComFoRT reasoning framework [J. Ivers and N. Sharygina. Overview of ComFoRT: A model checking reasoning framework. Technical Report CMU/SEI-2004-TN-018, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, 2004] and used to measure the improvement in the verification of real software systems. This improvement in time proved to be significant for many classes of software.  相似文献   

抽象是解决模型检测中状态爆炸问题的一个基本方法.对近年来软件模型检测研究中所提出的一系列抽象模型进行综述.首先以抽象解释为理论框架阐述了抽象软件模型检测的各组成部分.然后根据模型的结构和功能特征,将抽象模型分为3类:1)传统的用于支持自上逼近或者自下逼近的布尔Kripke结构;2)分别对应于3值和4值Kripke结构的Kripke模态迁移系统(Kripke modal transition systems, KMTS)和混合迁移系统(mixed transition system, MixTS),可同时支持自上逼近和自下逼近的抽象;3)具有超迁移关系的广义Kripke模态迁移系统(generalized Kripke modal transition system, GKMTS)和超迁移系统(hyper transition system, HTS),可提供更精确的抽象模型检测;重点分析这些模型的提出原因、相应的逼近关系、最优模型及其局限性以及抽象模型完备性的研究结果.最后,分析了目前关于抽象模型的理论和应用研究中存在的问题,给出进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

石玉峰  魏欧  周宇 《计算机科学》2015,42(2):167-172
软件产品线在保留每个产品的可变性前提下通过最大化产品间的共性实现资源的再利用,从而提高生产效率和节约生产成本。近年来,基于特征的状态迁移系统应用于软件产品线的建模和验证中。然而现有的方法不能很好地支持软件产品线中存在的信息不确定和不一致的情况。为此,首先提出一种基于双格的特征迁移系统,用于软件产品线的行为建模,采用投影的方法定义产品的行为模型;然后采用动作计算树逻辑描述系统的时序属性,并且给出它在新系统上的语义,用于支持基于双格的模型检测;最后,采用多值模型检测工具χchek对方法的有效性进行实验分析。  相似文献   

Effective model-checking of modern object-oriented software systems requires providing support for program features such as dynamically created threads, heap-allocated objects and garbage collection. These features have often proven problematic to treat using many previous model-checking frameworks that do not provide sophisticated heap representations and optimizations.In this paper, we define a flexible framework for combined heap and thread symmetry reductions in explicit-state model checking that can be tuned to trade run-time overhead for precision. In addition, we describe various strategies for duplication-reducing state-space encodings for object-oriented heap structures. We have implemented these techniques in Bogor (our extensible software model-checking framework), and we present empirical data to support the effectiveness of these memory reductions on a collection of realistic examples and to demonstrate that they improve upon previous approaches. These techniques, formalized in a group theoretic framework, can be applied to any non-deterministic heap object diagram.  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件系统日益复杂,如何保证其正确性和可靠性成为日益紧迫的问题。在为此提出的诸多理论和方法中,模型检测(model checking)以其简洁明了和自动化程度高而引人注目。具体介绍了模型检测的一些理论,同时将它应用于具体的软件程序,运用模型检测方法对软件进行测试。从而证明了模型检测方法与测试结合对于软件可靠性和正确性所起的巨大作用。  相似文献   

Verification techniques relying on state enumeration (e.g., model checking) face two important challenges: the state-space explosion, an exponential increase in the state space as the number of components increases; and environment generation, modeling components that are either not available for analysis, or that cannot be handled by the verification tool in use. We propose a semi-automated approach for attacking these problems. In our approach, interfaces for the components not under analysis are specified using a specification language based on grammars. Specifically, an interface grammar for a component specifies the sequences of method invocations that are allowed by that component. We have built an compiler that takes the interface grammar for a component as input and generates a stub for that component. The stub thus generated can be used to replace that component during state space exploration, either to moderate state space explosion, or to provide an executable environment for the component under verification. We conducted a case study by writing an interface grammar for the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) persistence interface, and using the resulting stub to check EJB clients using the JPF model checker. Our results show that EJB clients can be verified efficiently with JPF using our approach.  相似文献   

嵌入式软件广泛应用于不同领域,如消费电子、工业控制、汽车电子、移动通信等。嵌入式软件的可靠性保证十分关键。嵌入式软件中常见的错误包括状态机错误、时序错误、栈溢出/存储溢出等,在开发过程中对嵌入式软件进行验证十分重要。  相似文献   

面向源代码的软件模型检测及其实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
模型检测应用于检测软件可靠性具有重要意义.介绍了一种基于谓词抽象和反例引导抽象求精技术对源程序进行建模和验证的模型检测方法,并结合自行研发的Jchecker工具详细介绍了该软件模型检测技术的运作过程和关键算法.  相似文献   

Software Model Checking consists of a broad collection of techniques to tackle the complexity and the diversity in the use of software in safety-critical systems. The contributions in this special issue address some of the core problems in software model checking. The articles are based on papers selected from the 2013 SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software, an annual forum for practitioners and researchers interested in symbolic and state space-based techniques for the validation and analysis of software systems.  相似文献   

软件体系结构经过10多年的发展,在体系结构的基础理论、体系结构风格、体系结构描述语言和体系结构建模等方面的研究取得了一系列可喜的成就。目前,就软件体系结构的分析、评价、测试和验证的研究也在如火如荼地进行中。模型检验是一种基于自动机理论的形式验证方法,采用穷举状态空间的方式来证明系统的模型是否满足要验证的属性。同传统的测试和验证的手段相比,模型检验有其自身的优势。为此,越来越多的研究人员正在将模型检验技术应用到软件体系结构的分析和验证中。本文调查了模型检验技术在软件体系结构中的应用现状,剖析了影响软件体系结构模型检验的因素,给出了软件体系结构模型检验的未来主题。  相似文献   

Microsoft Research.Zin项目
  • MOPS:an Infrastructure for Examining Security Properties of Software
  • 程序分析技术 2005
  • 基于符号模型检测方法的应对规划系统 2006
  • >>更多...  相似文献   

    软件安全静态分析是检测软件安全漏洞的一种手段。本文在总结现有的软件安全静态分析方法的基础上,将在硬件设计领域得到成功应用的模型检验方法引入到软件产品的检验中,给出了一种基于自动机理论的检测软件安全的模型检验方法,阐述了其原理和工作流程,并用实例进行了验证说明。  相似文献   

    针对软件模型检测目前很难处理大型程序的问题,提出用程序重构技术对待检的源代码进行预处理,以提高模型检测算法的效率.程序重构将大型程序分解成语义一致的小型过程的集合,由于模型检测算法中过程总结边可单独计算,而且在程序中对某过程的调用可能有多次,这种预处理可以避免状态空间的重复搜索,从而降低模型检测算法在空间和时间上的开销.根据表达程序性质的线性时序逻辑LTL公式的构成,给出了程序重构预处理前后程序语义相等的充分条件;并给定程序和性质公式,用blast作为程序模型检测实验工具,比较程序重构预处理前后blast的运行结果.理论分析和部分程序上的实验表明:程序重构预处理能降低大型程序的模型检测开销,并满足软件模型检测的安全性要求.  相似文献   

    孙炎  罗晓沛 《计算机工程》2008,34(9):50-51,5
    针对如何保证大量测绘采集的图形数据能满足空间数据建库的要求,提出一套可以提供规范、通用、自动、高效的数据检查软件,通过质检任务、质检方案、质检模板和质检规则的四要素质检模型,实现质检软件的可配置化和工程化解决思路,支持质检方案的动态定制。结果证明该软件可实现大部分空间数据类型的质量检测。  相似文献   

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