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The formation of amyloid structures has traditionally been related to human neurodegenerative pathologies and, in recent years, the interest in these highly stable nanostructures was extended to biomaterial sciences. A common method to monitor amyloid growth is the analysis of Thioflavin T fluorescence. The use of this highly selective dye, diffused worldwide, allows mechanistic studies of supramolecular assemblies also giving back important insight on the structure of these aggregates. Here we present experimental evidence of self‐quenching effect of Thioflavin T in presence of amyloid fibrils. A significant reduction of fluorescence lifetime of this dye which is not related to the properties of analyzed amyloid structures is found. This result is achieved by coupling Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy with phasor approach as suitable model‐free methods and constitute a serious warning that have to be taken in account if is dye is used for quantitative studies.  相似文献   

Introduction: Here we co‐cultured hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to investigate whether the co‐culture environments could increase hepatocytes form. Methods: Three‐dimensional (3D) co‐culture model of HPCs and MSCs was developed and morphological features of cells were continuously observed. Hepatocyte specific markers Pou5f1/Oct4, AFP, CK‐18 and Alb were analyzed to confirm the differentiation of HPCs. The mRNA expression of CK‐18 and Alb was analyzed by RT‐PCR to investigate the influence of co‐culture model to the terminal differentiation process of mature hepatocytes. The functional properties of hepatocyte‐like cells were detected by continuously monitoring the albumin secretion using Gaussia luciferase assays. Scaffolds with HPCs and MSCs were implanted into nude mouse subcutaneously to set up the in vivo co‐culture model. Results: Although two groups formed smooth spheroids and high expressed of CK‐18 and Alb, hybrid spheroids had more regular structures and higher cell density. CK‐18 and Alb mRNA were at a relatively higher expression level in co‐culture system during the whole cultivation time (P < 0.05). Albumin secretion rates in the hybrid spheroids had been consistently higher than that in the mono‐culture spheroids (P < 0.05). In vivo, the hepatocyte‐like cells were consistent with the morphological features of mature hepatocytes and more well‐differentiated hepatocyte‐like cells were observed in the co‐culture group. Conclusions: HPCs and MSCs co‐culture system is an efficient way to form well‐differentiated hepatocyte‐like cells, hence, may be helpful to the cell therapy of hepatic tissues and alleviate the problem of hepatocytes shortage. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:688–696, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The graphical representation of single‐frequency phase‐modulation fluorescence lifetime imaging data, referred to as the AB plot, is extended to take into account measurements of the polarized components of the fluorescence. For a hindered rotator model (characterized with a single excited‐state lifetime, a single rotational correlation time and limiting initial and final anisotropies) the rotational correlation time and the excited lifetime can be determined from the AB plot of any two of the following emission components: parallel, perpendicular, total emission or combinations thereof. A strategy for resolving the component hindered rotations and lifetimes for mixtures of two hindered rotators from measurements of the total, parallel and perpendicular components of the emission is developed. The analysis does not require prior knowledge of the initial limiting anisotropy or of the steady‐state anisotropy or of the excited state lifetime. Plots in polarized AB space derived for heterogeneous systems are constructed to aid interpretation of frequency‐domain dynamic depolarization imaging microscopy experiments. These plots can be used to distinguish spatially dependent rotational correlation time heterogeneity from heterogeneity in limiting anisotropies. The effects of noise and aperture depolarization are discussed. It is anticipated that the polarized AB plot will provide a useful adjunct to existing methods for visualizing and analysing dynamic polarization phenomena arising from molecular dynamics and homo‐energy transfer in single‐frequency microscopy applications.  相似文献   

Photon counting detectors currently used in fluorescence lifetime microscopy have a number of deficiencies that result in less‐than‐ideal signal‐to‐noise ratio of the lifetimes obtained: Either the quantum efficiency is unsatisfactory or the active area is too small, and afterpulsing or tails in the temporal response contribute to overall timing inaccuracy. We have therefore developed a new FLIM detector based on a GaAsP hybrid photomultiplier. Compared with conventional PMTs and SPADs, GaAsP hybrid detectors have a number of advantages: The detection quantum efficiency reaches or surpasses the efficiency of fast SPADs, and the active area is on the order of 5 mm2, compared with 2.5 10?3 mm2 for a SPAD. The TCSPC response is clean, without the bumps and the diffusion tails typical for PMTs and SPADs. Most important, the hybrid detector is intrinsically free of afterpulsing. FLIM results are therefore free of signal‐dependent background, and FCS curves are free of the known afterpulsing peak. We demonstrate the performance of the new detector for multiphoton NDD FLIM and for FCS. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The endometrial layer of the uterus is characterized by continuous cycle of cell growth and apoptosis in response to hormonal changes. Apoptosis is regulated by several apoptotic regulators, but their significance in involuting uterus has not been well understood. For that reason, aim of this study was to investigate possible role of apoptosis‐related proteins (bax and survivin) and enzymes (caspase‐3 and calpain‐1) in the involuting uterus of the rat, using immunohistochemistry. Our results indicated cytoplasmic and nuclear immunostaining for bax, caspase‐3, calpain‐1 and survivin proteins were found in the endometrial epithelium and stromal cells such as fibroblasts, mast cells and macrophages, and blood vessels; however, calpain‐1 immunoreactivity in the endometrial fibroblast was quite weak or absent. Supranuclear punctate bax immunolabelling was also observed in the endometrial fibroblasts and luminal and glandular epithelial cells from days 1st and 3rd following parturition, respectively. Although survivin was localized in the apical cytoplasm underneath the apical membrane of the luminal epithelium on the 1st and 3rd days, it was also localized in the apicolateral membrane and basal cytoplasm on the 10th and 15th days of involution. Immunostainigs demonstrated that expression patterns of all examined proteins varied with structural changes in the luminal epithelium, and number of immunopositive fibroblasts for bax, caspase‐3 and survivin increased with advance of postpartum days and reached a maximum on postpartum days 10 and 15. These results suggest that the process of postpartum involution of endometrium may be regulated by apoptotic and non‐apoptotic activity of bax, caspase‐3, calpain‐1, and survivin. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:285–297, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Several examples of the application of high resolution autoradiography to the study of nucleic acid distribution in ultrathin sections of fixed and plastic embedded or frozen material are presented. Newly-synthesized DNA, labelled by very short pulses of 3H-thymidine is found to be localized throughout the nucleus. In the blastomeres of early mouse embryos developing after fertilization by 3H-thymidine-labelled spermatozoa, the labelled paternal DNA is distributed non-homogeneously in the nucleus. Finally some results obtained by using a cytochemical enzymatic technique for visualization of DNA directly in ultrathin sections of fixed and embedded cells are demonstrated. Concerning the distribution of RNA, perichromatin localization of rapidly transcribed RNA is described in different cell systems. This label can be attributed to perichromatin fibrils. In cells labelled for longer periods of time, sometimes followed by prolonged postincubations, a residual label is always found over the nucleus. Clusters of interchromatin granules are usually only weakly labelled or unlabelled. These structures probably contain a limited amount of rather slowly labelled RNA. The present results are discussed in the context of some biochemical evidence and of the data described by other investigators.  相似文献   

Despite the great number of studies devoted to neural stem/progenitor cell biology, the ultrastructural characteristics of these cells in vitro have not been fully studied. To determine the fine structure of hippocampal neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in culture, mouse fetal hippocampi (E18) were extracted, dissected, and cells were expanded as adherent monolayer culture. Electron microscopy revealed that NPCs had an immature phenotype, with a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, small and scant organelles, underdeveloped endoplasmic reticulum, and many free ribosomes and polysomes. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of the fine structure and physiology of hippocampal NPCs in vitro. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:128–133, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiphoton microscopy is widely employed in the life sciences using extrinsic fluorescence of low‐ and high‐molecular weight labels with excitation and emission spectra in the visible and near infrared regions. For imaging of intrinsic and extrinsic fluorophores with excitation spectra in the ultraviolet region, multiphoton excitation with one‐ or two‐colour lasers avoids the need for ultraviolet‐transmitting excitation optics and has advantages in terms of optical penetration in the sample and reduced phototoxicity. Excitation and detection of ultraviolet emission around 300 nm and below in a typical inverted confocal microscope is more difficult and requires the use of expensive quartz optics including the objective. In this technical note we describe the adaptation of a commercial confocal microscope (Nikon, Japan E‐C1 or E‐C2) for versatile use with Ti‐sapphire and OPO laser sources and the addition of a second detection channel that enables detection of ultraviolet fluorescence and increases detection sensitivity in a typical fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy experiment. Results from some experiments with this setup illustrate the resulting capabilities.  相似文献   

Fluorescent protein-based FRET is a powerful method for visualizing protein-protein interactions and biochemical reactions in living cells. It can be difficult, however, to avoid photobleaching when observing fluorescent cells under the microscope, especially those expressing CFP. We compared the sensitivity of two protein-based FRET pairs to light-induced fluorescence changes in the donor, on FRET determination by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Thanks to the very low excitation light levels of the time- and space-correlated single photon counting (TSCSPC) method, FLIM acquisitions were achieved without donor photobleaching. Here, we show that photobleaching of CFP by a mercury lamp under the microscope induced a decrease in the mean fluorescence lifetime, which interfered with FRET determination between CFP and YFP. Importantly, the range of light-induced variation of the mean fluorescence lifetime of CFP was not proportional to the decrease in the steady state fluorescence intensity and varied from cell to cell. The choice of the CFP/YFP pair therefore requires that the cells be observed and analyzed at very low light levels during the whole FRET experiment. In contrast, the GFP/mCherry pair provided an accurate FRET measurement by FLIM, even if some GFP photobleaching took place. We thus demonstrate that CFP can be an unreliable donor for FRET determination in living cells, due to its photosensitivity properties. We demonstrate that the GFP/mCherry pair is better suited for FRET measurement by FLIM in living cells than the CFP/YFP pair.  相似文献   

The deconvolution of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data that were processed with global analysis techniques is described. Global analysis of FLIM data enables the determination of relative numbers of molecules in different protein reaction states on a pixel-by-pixel basis in cells. The three-dimensional fluorescence distributions of each protein state can then be calculated and deconvolved. High-resolution maps of the relative concentrations of each state are then obtained from the deconvolved images. We applied these techniques to quantitatively image the phosphorylation state of ErbB1 receptors tagged with green fluorescent protein in MCF7 cells.  相似文献   

Fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase has been studied in adult mouse brain of different ages using an antibody directed against the liver isoform. The presence of liver fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase in cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus was assayed using Western blot and different immunocytochemical techniques. Immunocytochemistry with peroxidase reaction product was used to locate fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase in both neurons and astrocytes in the same areas, as well as in the rest of the brain, at light and electron microscope levels. Double immunofluorescence with neuronal or astrocytic markers confirmed the neuronal and astrocytic location of fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase in confocal microscope images. At the subcellular level, fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase was located in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of both neurons and astrocytes, at all ages studied. Ultrastructurally, immunostaining appeared as small patches in the nucleus and the cytosol. In addition, immunostaining was present over the outer mitochondrial membrane, the plasma membrane, and the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope, but not over Golgi membranes. In the neuropil fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase was located in dendritic spines, as well as in abundant astrocytic processes that, in some cases, surrounded immunopositive synapses. The possible role of fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase in neurons and astrocytes is discussed. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) confined in liposomes of diameters around 200 nm produce strong scattering signal owing to surface plasmon resonance, and therefore bright-field optical tracking of the AuNP-encapsulating liposomes can be conducted in living cells. Using an optical profiling technique called noninterferometric wide-field optical profilometry and a bright-field tracking algorithm, the polynomial-fit Gaussian weight method, we analyze three-dimensional (3D) motion of such liposomes in living fibroblasts. The positioning accuracy in three dimensions is nearly 20 nm. We tag the liposome membranes with fibroblast growth factor-1 and reveal the intracellular transportation processes toward or away from the nucleus. On the basis of a temporal analysis of the intracellular 3D trajectories of AuNP-encapsulating liposomes, we identify directed and diffusive motions in the transportation processes.  相似文献   

近来在大肠杆菌中新发现的Era蛋白(E.coli ras-like protein)是一类新的GTP结合蛋白,研究表明Era蛋白参与调节细胞分裂、细胞周期以及部分细胞代谢过程。植物中相关研究报道尚少,推测ERG蛋白可能定位在线粒体,并且与种子的正常发育相关。本实验通过构建植物表达载体初步观察了ERG437蛋白在拟南芥悬浮细胞中的定位情况,同时利用CoxⅣ蛋白初步观察到绝大部分ERG437蛋白定位于线粒体。  相似文献   

Due to its extensive antitumor activity, curcumin has been focused on by more researchers. But, its antiproliferative mechanisms are still unknown. Here we studied the antiproliferative activity of curcumin in human liver cancer HepG2 cells. In order to analyze the cytotoxic activity and anticancer mechanisms of curcumin, we carried out cytotoxicity tests using 3‐[4,5‐dimethyl‐2‐thiazolyl]‐2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The HepG2 cell cycle distribution and the expression of tubulin were detected by flow cytometry. Alterations in morphological and cytoskeletal properties of HepG2 cells were investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Simultaneously, the effects of curcumin on the growth and proliferation of HepG2 cells were also assayed by MTT method. Cells were incubated with different doses of curcumin (0–80 μmol/l) for 24 h, the cell viability decreased from 91.10 ± 3.2% to 10.84 ± 4.0%, and the 50% inhibiting concentration (IC50) was 23.15 ± 0.37 μmol/l. Moreover, flow cytometry quantitatively detected that curcumin treatment resulted in a dose‐dependent accumulation of HepG2 cells in G2/M phase with concomitant losses from G0/G1 phase, so curcumin caused cell‐cycle arrest at G2/M phase. Furthermore, we discovered that curcumin was able to upregulate the expression of tubulin in HepG2 cells. In addition, AFM analysis including cell‐membrane structure and cytoskeleton networks is helpful to explain the relationship between the changes of cells and external pharmacologic stimulation. SCANNING 35: 253‐260, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Manual cell counting is time consuming and requires a high degree of skill on behalf of the person performing the count. Here we use a technique that utilizes digital holography, allowing label‐free and completely non‐invasive cell counting directly in cell culture vessels with adherent viable cells. The images produced can provide both quantitative and qualitative phase information from a single hologram. The recently constructed microscope Holomonitor™ (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden) combines the commonly used phase contrast microscope with digital holography, the latter giving us the possibility of achieving quantitative information on cellular shape, area, confluence and optical thickness. This project aimed at determining the accuracy and repeatability of cell counting measurements using digital holography compared to the conventional manual cell counting method using a haemocytometer. The collected data were also used to determine cell size and cellular optical thickness. The results show that digital holography can be used for non‐invasive automatic cell counting as precisely as conventional manual cell counting  相似文献   

A spectrograph with continuous wavelength resolution has been integrated into a frequency‐domain fluorescence lifetime‐resolved imaging microscope (FLIM). The spectral information assists in the separation of multiple lifetime components, and helps resolve signal cross‐talking that can interfere with an accurate analysis of multiple lifetime processes. This extends the number of different dyes that can be measured simultaneously in a FLIM measurement. Spectrally resolved FLIM (spectral‐FLIM) also provides a means to measure more accurately the lifetime of a dim fluorescence component (as low as 2% of the total intensity) in the presence of another fluorescence component with a much higher intensity. A more reliable separation of the donor and acceptor fluorescence signals are possible for Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements; this allows more accurate determinations of both donor and acceptor lifetimes. By combining the polar plot analysis with spectral‐FLIM data, the spectral dispersion of the acceptor signal can be used to derive the donor lifetime – and thereby the FRET efficiency – without iterative fitting. The lifetime relation between the donor and acceptor, in conjunction with spectral dispersion, is also used to separate the FRET pair signals from the donor alone signal. This method can be applied further to quantify the signals from separate FRET pairs, and provide information on the dynamics of the FRET pair between different states.  相似文献   

As one of the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) methods, spermatogonial stem cells (SSCS) extract is considered as new approach in stem cell therapy of infertility. 5‐aza‐2′‐deoxycytidine (5‐aza‐dC) inhibits methyltransferase enzyme, and induces gene reprogramming; herein, the effects of SSCS extract incubation in 5‐aza‐dC‐treated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) has been surveyed. BMMSCs were isolated from femurs of three to four weeks old male NMRI mice, and the cells at passage three were treated with 2 µM 5‐aza‐dC for 72 hours. SSCs were isolated, cultured, and harvested at passage three to collect SSCS extract; BMMSCs were then incubated with SSCS extract in the three time periods: 72 hours, one week and two weeks. There were five groups: control, sham, extract, 5‐aza‐dC and extract‐5‐aza‐dC. After one week of incubation, flow cytometry and real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) exhibited high levels of expression for β1‐ and α6‐integrins and promyelocytic leukaemia zinc finger (PLZF) in extract and extract‐5‐aza‐dC groups (P < 0.05 vs. control and 5‐aza‐dC), and cells in these two groups had two forms of morphology, round and fusiform, similar to germ‐like cells. 5‐aza‐dC had no significant effects during the three time periods of evaluation. These data disclose the effectiveness of SSCs extract incubation in transdifferentiation of BMMSCs into germ‐like cells; this strategy could introduce a new approach for treatment of male infertility in clinic. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:365–373, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Trace metals play important roles in biological function, and x‐ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) provides a way to quantitatively image their distribution within cells. The faithfulness of these measurements is dependent on proper sample preparation. Using mouse embryonic fibroblast NIH/3T3 cells as an example, we compare various approaches to the preparation of adherent mammalian cells for XFM imaging under ambient temperature. Direct side‐by‐side comparison shows that plunge‐freezing‐based cryoimmobilization provides more faithful preservation than conventional chemical fixation for most biologically important elements including P, S, Cl, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and possibly Ca in adherent mammalian cells. Although cells rinsed with fresh media had a great deal of extracellular background signal for Cl and Ca, this approach maintained cells at the best possible physiological status before rapid freezing and it does not interfere with XFM analysis of other elements. If chemical fixation has to be chosen, the combination of 3% paraformaldehyde and 1.5 % glutaraldehyde preserves S, Fe, Cu and Zn better than either fixative alone. When chemically fixed cells were subjected to a variety of dehydration processes, air drying was proved to be more suitable than other drying methods such as graded ethanol dehydration and freeze drying. This first detailed comparison for x‐ray fluorescence microscopy shows how detailed quantitative conclusions can be affected by the choice of cell preparation method.  相似文献   

Rituximab is an exciting monoclonal antibody drug approved for treating B‐cell lymphomas and its target is the CD20 antigen which is expressed on the surface of B cells. In recent years, the variable efficacies of rituximab among different lymphoma patients have become an important clinical issue and urgently need to be solved for further development of antibodies with enhanced efficacies. In this work, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the nanoscale distribution of CD20 on the surface of tumour B cells from lymphoma patients to examine its potential role in the clinical therapeutic effects of rituximab. By performing ROR1 fluorescence labelling (ROR1 is a specific tumour cell surface marker) on the bone marrow cells prepared from B‐cell lymphoma patients, the tumour B cells were recognized, and then AFM tips carrying rituximabs via polyethylene glycol crosslinkers were moved to the tumour cells to probe the specific CD20‐rituximab interactions. By applying AFM single‐molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) at the local areas (500×500 nm2) on the surface of tumour B cells, the nanoscale distributions of CD20 on the surface of tumour B cells were mapped, visually showing that CD20 distributed heterogeneously on the cell surface. Bone marrow cell samples from three clinical B‐cell lymphoma cases were collected to analyze the binding affinity and nanoscale distribution of CD20 on tumour cells. The experimental results showed that CD20 distribution on tumour cells were to some extent related to the clinical therapeutic outcomes while the CD20‐rituximab binding forces did not have distinct effects to the clinical outcomes. These results can provide novel insights in understanding the rituximab's clinical efficacies from the nanoscale distribution of CD20 on the tumour cells at single‐cell and single‐molecule levels.  相似文献   

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