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A method is presented for concurrent aerostructural optimization of wing planform, airfoil and high lift devices. The optimization is defined to minimize the aircraft fuel consumption for cruise, while satisfying the field performance requirements. A coupled adjoint aerostructural tool, that couples a quasi-three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis method with a finite beam element structural analysis is used for this optimization. The Pressure Difference Rule is implemented in the quasi-three-dimensional analysis and is coupled to the aerostructural analysis tool in order to compute the maximum lift coefficient of an elastic wing. The proposed method is able to compute the maximum wing lift coefficient with reasonable accuracy compared to high-fidelity CFD tools that require much higher computational cost. The coupled aerostructural system is solved using the Newton method. The sensitivities of the outputs of the developed tool with respect to the input variables are computed through combined use of the chain rule of differentiation, automatic differentiation and coupled-adjoint method. The results of a sequential optimization, where the wing shape and high lift device shape are optimized sequentially, is compared to the results of simultaneous wing and high lift device optimization.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary global shape optimization requires a geometric parameterization method that keeps the shape generality while lowering the number of free variables. This paper presents a reduced parameter set parameterization method based on integral B-spline surface capable of both shape and topology variations and suitable for global multidisciplinary optimization. The objective of the paper is to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method in comparison to standard parameterization and to prove that the proposed method can be used in an integrated multidisciplinary workflow. Non-linear fitting is used to test the proposed parameterization performance before the actual optimization. The parameterization method can in this way be tested and pre-selected based on previously existing geometries. Fitting tests were conducted on three shapes with dissimilar geometrical features, and great improvement in shape generality while reducing the number of shape parameters was achieved. The best results are obtained for a small number (up to 50) of optimization variables, where a classical applying of parameterization method requires about two times as many optimization variables to obtain the same fitting capacity.The proposed shape parameterization method was tested in a multidisciplinary ship hull optimization workflow to confirm that it can actually be used in multiobjective optimization problems. The workflow integrates shape parameterization with hydrodynamic, structural and geometry analysis tools. In comparison to classical local and global optimization methods, the evolutionary algorithm allows for fully autonomous design with an ability to generate a wide Pareto front without a need for an initial solution.  相似文献   

A geometry and mesh transformation approach is proposed to overcome the traditional problem of poorly shaped elements at the boundary using the grid-based method of mesh generation. This is achieved by transforming the original geometric model to a topologically similar recognition model which conforms fully to the Cartesian directions. Such a recognition model is constructed by tessellating the original model and then employing a fuzzy logic method to determine the normal directions of the faces. A three-dimensional field morphing algorithm is used to position the features of the recognition model. Such a recognition model is then meshed with hexahedral elements without any degeneracy using the new grid-based algorithm. The mesh of the recognition model is mapped back to the original geometric model by employing a transformation based on the Laplacian-isoparametric equation.  相似文献   

The unification of computer aided design (CAD) and the finite element method (FEM) has greatly enhanced the engineer's ability to evaluate potential designs (Finniganet al. 1989). However, analysis alone is not the answer to design, and thus shape optimization methods have become increasingly popular, particularly for structural problems (Yanget al. 1992; Botkin 1992). However, for shape optimization methods to be fully accepted by the engineering community they must first be integrated with CAD systems. To date, the difficulty of integrating CAD and shape optimization is the inability to relate the finite element nodal coordinates to the CAD solid model dimensions. Here, the critical link between these CAD and FEM data is developed within an industry standard feature-based modelling environment. A three-dimensional connecting rod model is optimized to exemplify the method.Also: Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics  相似文献   

Surface approximation with smooth functions suffers the problems of choosing the basis functions and representing non-smooth features. In this work, we introduce a sparse representation for surfaces with a set of redundant basis functions, which efficiently overcomes the overfitting artifacts. Moreover, we propose an approach of parameterization transformation, which makes the possibility to represent non-smooth features by the composition of a smooth function and a non-smooth domain optimization. We couple the sparse representation and the parameterization transformation in a global optimization to respect sharp features with smooth polynomial basis functions. Our approach is capable for approximating a wide range of surfaces with different level of sharp features. Experimental results have shown the feasibility and applicability of our proposed method in various applications.  相似文献   

在骨骼蒙皮动画中需要处理大量的网格三角形,而在很多骨骼蒙皮动画的应用中都需要很高的动画实时性,为了提高骨骼蒙皮动画的实时性,对网格的优化是其中一项重要的工作。该文提出了一种优化网格的方法,并予以实现。  相似文献   


Experiments on fifteen simulated keyboards with different key sizes and inter-key spacings are reported. It was found that the movement time on these keyboards was well described by the model of Drury (Drury and Hoffmann 1992). Minimum movement times occurred when the inter-key spacing was approximately equal to the finger pad size. There was found to be an effect of the number of keys moved, which was not predicted by the model. This effect remained in a further experiment in which the target keys were marked.  相似文献   

This paper presents an open and integrated tool environment that enables engineers to effectively search, in a CAD solid model form, for a mechanism design with optimal kinematic and dynamic performance. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of such an environment, design parameterization that supports capturing design intents in product solid models must be available, and advanced modeling, simulation, and optimization technologies implemented in engineering software tools must be incorporated. In this paper, the design parameterization capabilities developed previously have been applied to support design optimization of engineering products, including a High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). In the proposed environment, Pro/ENGINEER and SolidWorks are supported for product model representation, DADS (Dynamic Analysis and Design System) is employed for dynamic simulation of mechanical systems including ground vehicles, and DOT (Design Optimization Tool) is included for a batch mode design optimization. In addition to the commercial tools, a number of software modules have been implemented to support the integration; e.g., interface modules for data retrieval, and model update modules for updating CAD and simulation models in accordance with design changes. Note that in this research, the overall finite difference method has been adopted to support design sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The quality of finite element meshes is one of the key factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of finite element analysis results. In order to improve the quality of hexahedral meshes, we present a novel hexahedral mesh smoothing algorithm which combines a local regularization for each hexahedral mesh, using dual element based geometric transformation, with a global optimization operator for all hexahedral meshes. The global optimization operator is composed of three main terms, including the volumetric Laplacian operator of hexahedral meshes and the geometric constraints of surface meshes which keep the volumetric details and the surface details, and another is the transformed node displacements condition which maintains the regularity of all elements. The global optimization operator is formulated as a quadratic optimization problem, which is easily solved by solving a sparse linear system. Several experimental results are presented to demonstrate that our method obtains higher quality results than other state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Structured and semi-structured (a.k.a. swept or extruded) hexahedral meshes are used in many types of engineering analysis. In finite element analysis, regions of structured and semi-structured mesh are often connected in an unstructured manner, preventing the use of a globally consistent parametric space to represent these meshes. This paper describes a method for mapping between the parametric spaces of such regions, and methods for representing these regions and interfaces between them. Using these methods, a 57% reduction in mesh storage cost is demonstrated, without loss of any information. These methods have been implemented in the MOAB mesh database component, which provides access to these meshes from both structured and unstructured functions. The total cost for representing structured mesh in MOAB is less than 25 MB per million elements using double-precision vertex coordinates; this is only slightly larger than the space required to store vertex coordinates alone.Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the United States department of energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing, SciDAL program.  相似文献   

A cross-layer optimization framework for wireless mesh networks is presented where at each node, various smart antenna techniques such as beam-forming, spatial division multiple access and spatial division multiplexing are employed. These techniques provide interference suppression, capability for simultaneous communication with several nodes and transmission with higher data rates, respectively, through multiple antennas. By integrating different combinations of the multi-antenna techniques in physical layer with various constraints from MAC and network layers, three Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models are presented to minimize the system activation time. Since these optimization problems are complex combinatorial, the optimal solution is approached by a Column Generation decomposition method. The numerical results for different network scenarios with various node densities, number of antennas, transmission ranges and number of sessions are provided. It is shown that the resulted directive, multiple access and multiplexing gains combined with scheduling, effectively increase both the spectrum spatial reuse and the capacity of the links and therefore, enhance the achievable system throughput. Our cross-layer approach is also extended to consider heterogeneous networks and we present a multi-criteria optimization framework to model the design problem where the objective is to jointly minimize the cost of deployment and the system activation time. Our results reveal the benefits of joint design in terms of reducing the cost of deployment while achieving higher system performance.  相似文献   

面部表情重建的实时性与重建效果的真实性是人脸表情动画的关键问题,提出一种基于Kinect人脸追踪和几何变形技术的面部表情快速重建新方法。使用微软的Kinect设备识别出表演者面部并记录其特征点数据,并利用捕捉到的特征点建立覆盖人脸的网格模型,从中选取变形使用的控制点数据,由于Kinect可以实时地自动追踪表演者面部,由此实现了利用三种不同变形算法对目标模型实时快速重建。实验结果表明,该方法简单易实施,不用在表演者面部做任何标定,可以自动地将人脸表情动作迁移到目标模型上,实现人脸表情快速重建,并且保证目标模型表情真实自然。  相似文献   

为了更好地估算网格模型离散微分几何属性,构造出一个新的三阶局部拟合算子.将Razdan 和Bae的网格模型二阶局部拟合曲面进行推广至三阶拟合曲面,更加准确地估算网格顶点法向量和曲率值;接着定义网格顶点的测地主挠率,使用该三阶拟合曲面对其估算;将估算出的曲率和挠率值作为几何特征属性,构造三维网格模型灰度图,并应用在非真实感绘制中,获得较好的渲染效果.  相似文献   

Structural shape optimization integrated with CAD environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The research work presented here is based on the concept of the integration of optimization techniques and numerical analysis with the finite element method (FEM) and computer-aided design (CAD). A microcomputer aided optimum design system, MCADS, has been developed for general structures. Certain techniques to be discussed in the paper, e.g. the semi-analytical method for design sensitivity analysis, optimization analysis modelling for shape design, application oriented user interfaces and the coupling of automated optimization and user intervention have rendered MCADS pratical and versatile in applications for engineering structures. The above techniques and an application are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

针对单配送中心—多客户配送系统,建立带时间窗约束的单周期随机需求库存—运输整合优化(ITIO)问题模型。运用禁忌搜索算法,求解无时间窗约束的算例,结果表明库存—运输整合优化策略在总成本和车辆数上都优于全选最佳和全选次优策略,证明ITIO问题的研究具有理论意义和实际价值。同时,与遗传算法求解结果的比较表明,禁忌搜索算法求解此类问题具有优势。求解引入时间窗约束的算例,结果显示既满足时限要求,又比其他两种策略节省了库存—运输总成本,使得本模型及其求解算法更贴近实际应用要求。  相似文献   

针对控制向量参数化方法敏感度方程求解耗时长、时间节点数难确定等问题,提出一种改进的控制向量参数化方法.首先利用分段常数对系统敏感度方程进行近似处理,有效地得到了敏感度方程的近似解析解,避免了对高维敏感度方程数值积分的计算负担;然后根据目标函数关于控制参数的敏感度来选择需要细化的控制参数,得到满足优化精度要求的最优时间节点数.针对非线性CSTR 的仿真研究验证了所提出算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   


Delaunay mesh generation method is a common method for unstructured mesh (or unstructured grid) generation. Delaunay mesh generation method can conveniently add new points to the existing mesh without remeshing the whole domain. However, the quality of the generated mesh is not high enough if compared with some mesh generation methods. To obtain high-quality mesh, this paper developed an automatic Delaunay mesh generation method and a physically-based mesh optimization method on two-dimensional regions. For the Delaunay mesh generation method, boundary-conforming problem was ensured by create nodes at centroid of mesh elements. The definition of node bubbles and element bubbles was provided to control local mesh coarseness and fineness automatically. For the physically-based mesh optimization method, the positions of boundary node bubbles are predefined, the positions of interior node bubbles are adjusted according to interbubble forces. Size of interior node bubbles is further adjusted according to the size of adjacent node bubbles. Several examples show that high-quality meshes are obtained after mesh optimization.


Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - This paper is concerned with the topological optimization of elastic structures, with the goal of minimizing the compliance and/or mass of the...  相似文献   

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