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Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been researched and developed for more than 20 years. Rather than removing materials, AM processes make three-dimensional parts directly from CAD models by adding materials layer by layer, offering the beneficial ability to build parts with geometric and material complexities that could not be produced by subtractive manufacturing processes. Through intensive research over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in the development and commercialization of new and innovative AM processes, as well as numerous practical applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, energy and other fields. This paper reviews the main processes, materials and applications of the current AM technology and presents future research needs for this technology.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,市场竞争变得愈来愈激烈,如何去适应当今市场快速多变的需求,不断提高我国产品质量,低成本的快速开发适销对路产品,在竞争中求生存、求发展,已成为我国企业共同追求的目标.近几年来,世界各国都意识到制造业是一个国家的支柱产业,只有加强和发展制造业才能振兴经济和增强国家工业实力.  相似文献   

As a new generation of materials/structures, heterostructure is characterized by heterogeneous zones with dramatically different mechanical, physical or chemical properties. This endows heterostructure with unique interfaces, robust architectures, and synergistic effects, making it a promising option as advanced biomaterials for the highly variable anatomy and complex functionalities of individual patients. However, the main challenges of developing heterostructure lie in the control of crystal/...  相似文献   

介绍了CIMS的有关基本概念、发展过程和应用特点。论述了它对现代制造业的发展所起的巨大推动力,及近几年我国在CIMS技术上的发展与创新。  相似文献   

通过对国内外激光熔覆技术现状的研究,概括了激光熔覆技术的适用材料,工艺流程及发展优势,以及激光熔覆技术在现阶段的发展动态及存在的问题,最后探讨了激光熔覆技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

Micro injection moulding is a mass production of micro optics that offers the possibility of a high functional integration within a single micro part by insert moulding. Since the functionality of the micro parts depends on the homogeneity of the overmoulded polymer layer, a robust, accurate and fast metrology system is needed for a quantitative quality assessment. Here, we demonstrate an in-line metrology approach for the optical inspection of insert molded micro parts. In contrast to standard interferometers, the proposed system has low demands regarding the coherence of illumination. Thus, an LED light source can be used instead of a laser, reducing the cost and increasing the safety of the production platform. In addition, the system is robust against mechanical distortions, since it is based on a common path approach. These advantages make the system a good candidate that fulfills the needs in regard to the in-line inspection of insert molded micro parts. As an example of application, the proposed system is used to inspect a cannula with overmolded thermoplastic as a light sleeve providing illumination over a specific area of surgery.  相似文献   

Thirty years into its development, additive manufacturing has become a mainstream manufacturing process. Additive manufacturing build up parts by adding materials one layer at a time based on a computerized 3D solid model. It does not require the use of fixtures, cutting tools, coolants, and other auxiliary resources. It allows design optimization and the producing of customized parts on-demand. Its advantages over conventional manufacturing have captivated the imagination of the public, reflected in recent mainstream publications that call additive manufacturing “the third industrial revolution.” This paper reviews the societal impact of additive manufacturing from a technical perspective. Abundance of evidences were found to support the promises of additive manufacturing in the following areas: (1) customized healthcare products to improve population health and quality of life, (2) reduced environmental impact for manufacturing sustainability, and (3) simplified supply chain to increase efficiency and responsiveness in demand fulfillment. In the mean time, the review also identified the need for further research in the areas of life-cycle energy consumption evaluation and potential occupation hazard assessment for additive manufacturing.  相似文献   

电流变技术在机械工程中的应用展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨俊刚  赵晓鹏 《机械》2001,28(5):1-3
电流变技术是机电控制领域的一门新兴学科 ,尤其是它在机电转换过程中表现出的智能化控制特征 ,更具有巨大的潜在应用前景。本文简略回顾了电流变技术及其发展 ,以几个实际的例子介绍了目前设计的各类电流变元器件 ,展望了电流变技术在机械工程领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

云制造典型特征、关键技术与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在近两年来云制造理论研究、技术攻关、工程实施与应用示范的实践基础上,进一步讨论云制造的内涵,提出云制造的典型技术特征,即在数字化的基础上,具有硬软制造资源和制造能力的"物联化、虚拟化、服务化、协同化、智能化",以实现全生命周期制造的智慧化;进而分析了云制造与制造信息化和云计算的关系。基于对云制造典型技术特征的分析,进一步讨论了支持这些特征实现的技术体系与关键技术;给出了正在实施的面向集团企业和中小企业的四个典型案例,最后对云制造的进一步工作提出几点建议。  相似文献   

海洋资料浮标观测技术应用现状及发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
海洋资料浮标是一个涉及电子、通信、控制等多个领域的复杂系统,可以在各种复杂的海洋环境中提供长期、连续、实时、可靠的海洋观测数据,是海洋观测技术中最可靠、最有效、最重要的手段之一。本文简述海洋资料浮标的系统结构及其关键技术,分析了我国海洋资料浮标技术的技术水平及其与国际先进水平的差距;重点总结了近年来国内外海洋资料浮标技术发展与应用现状,对比分析了我国典型代表浮标与国外同类浮标的系统参数及观测参数,在此基础上,结合我国当前面临的形势及迫切需求,展望了海洋资料浮标技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

一、主轴的高速化近几年来 ,为了提高生产率 ,机床的一个重要的发展是主轴的高速化。 1999年在我国的展览会上就展出了 7台转速在 10 0 0 0r/min以上的机床 ,表明我国在主轴的高速化上有了一个良好的开端 ,在主轴的高速化方面 ,支撑它的外围技术是多方面的 ,如支承系统、润滑系统、结构材料等。以滚珠轴承为例 ,随着保持架材料的变化、形状的最佳化和滚珠的小直径化 ,发展了陶瓷滚珠轴承 ,使滚珠轴承的转速延伸到了高速的领域 ;现在又发展成为气体静压、液体静压、动压以及动静压混合形式的各种主轴 ;由于更高转速的要求 ,磁力轴承形式…  相似文献   

论述柔性制造的基本概念、主要组成部分和分类,并以实例说明柔性制造发展的现状,展望柔性制造的发展趋势及其在先进制造业中的重要作用。  相似文献   

管路数字化布局设计与制造及检测集成技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高航空航天等复杂产品的质量和可靠性,结合复杂产品中管路研制的工程实践,提出一种管路数字化布局设计、制造与检测集成方法,建立了该方法的技术框架和集成应用业务流程,系统阐述了管路布局设计与自动评价、导管弯曲成形质量预测与检测、导管数字化制造集成技术及工艺数据库建立、基于多目视觉的管路数字化测量四个关键技术。通过在北京卫星制造厂中的应用,验证了所提方法的有效性。随着该技术的进一步发展,可真正实现全数字量传递的科学的管路一体化设计与制造。  相似文献   

制造业信息化与先进制造技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍加快发展制造业信息化和先进制造技术的重要性和必要性,制造业信息化和先进制造技术的国内外现状及前景,以及实施制造业信息化工程中需注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

将柔性制造的思想引入到增/减材制造中,形成增/减材柔性制造工艺。阐述了该工艺的内涵及加工范围,确立了增/减材柔性制造工艺流程,描述了各组成工序的特点,详细阐述了增/减材柔性制造中材料沉积、材料去除两工序内部及其之间的多种柔性加工方式。在此基础上,确立了增/减材柔性制造系统的设备构成及其相互关系,给出了加工设备的总体布局。为进一步研究该工艺的加工序列规划及各种构成设备具体结构形式等方面打下基础。  相似文献   

当前中国工程机械工业已引进了发达国家大量的主机设计和制造技术,逐步采用了国际先进的密封系统设计构思和密封装置的应用技术。但由于国内密封件工业制造水平的制约,工程机械密封技术的应用水平仍落后于国际先进水平约20~25年。主机无泄漏正常工作小时仅有400h左右,不足国际先进水平的1/10。从而可见国产密封件的产品品种及质量仍无法满足引进先进制造技术的工程机械的发展和配套需要。  相似文献   

数字化制造是先进制造技术的核心技术   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
综观国内外先进制造技术的现状和发展,不难看出数字化制造技术实为先进制造技术的核心技术。阐述了数字化时代,数字化工程,数字化技术和数字化制造技术等的内涵,回顾了制造领域20年来发生的一些重要事件。列举了世纪之交制造业面临的挑战,讨论了数字化制造技术和我国制造业的振兴。最后,对数字化制造学科的发展作了展望,指出了开展制造科学研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

The trend in industrial automation is to move towards fast and real-time identification, further improving the high-level of accuracy that is needed to enable continuous identification and monitoring. The interest in adopting radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for use in automation systems with minimal manual involvement is increasing rapidly. RFID systems are capable of providing real-time object visibility with high accuracy enabling continuous identification and location of all items and thereby providing accurate real-time data management instead of simple snapshots. In this paper, the use of multiple reader antennas is examined against collision and interference avoidance. Also, antenna operation is studied in typical industrial environments containing metallic objects or other conducting surfaces. In addition, this paper reviews different tag antennas and their characteristics for particular item identification cases. These cases include items made of specific materials that obstruct or prevent radio wave propagation by either absorbing or reflecting them. The results given in this paper are fully applicable with practical RFID solutions.  相似文献   

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