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Let a program-predicate t testing another program p with respect to a given postcondition be given. Concrete tests d (data of the program p) are input data for t. Let us consider the program t when values of its argument d are unknown. Then a proof of the fact that the prediate t is true for all input data of the program p is verification of p with respect to the given postcondition. In this paper, we describe experiments on automatic verification of a number of cache coherence protocols with the SCP4 supercompiler (an optimizer of programs written in the REFAL-5 functional language).  相似文献   

We present a formally verified and executable on-the-fly LTL model checker that uses ample set partial order reduction. The verification is done using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL and covers everything from the abstract correctness proof down to the generated SML code. Building on Doron Peled’s paper “Combining Partial Order Reductions with On-the-Fly Model-Checking”, we formally prove abstract correctness of ample set partial order reduction. This theorem is independent of the actual reduction algorithm. We then verify a reduction algorithm for a simple but expressive fragment of Promela. We use static partial order reduction, which allows separating the partial order reduction and the model checking algorithms regarding both the correctness proof and the implementation. Thus, the Cava model checker that we verified in previous work can be used as a back end with only minimal changes. Finally, we generate executable SML code using a stepwise refinement approach. We test our model checker on some examples, observing the effectiveness of the partial order reduction algorithm.  相似文献   

We present bsp-why, a tool for deductive verification of bsp  algorithms with subgroup synchronisation. From bsp  programs, bsp-why generates sequential codes for the back-end condition generator why and thus benefits from its large range of existing provers. By enabling subgroups, the user can prove the correctness of programs that run on hierarchical machines—e.g. clusters of multi-cores. In general, bsp-why is able to generate proof obligations of mpi programs that only use collective operations. Our case studies are distributed state-space construction algorithms, the basis of model-checking.  相似文献   

Source code terms such as method names and variable types are often different from conceptual words mentioned in a search query. This vocabulary mismatch problem can make code search inefficient. In this paper, we present COde voCABUlary (CoCaBu), an approach to resolving the vocabulary mismatch problem when dealing with free-form code search queries. Our approach leverages common developer questions and the associated expert answers to augment user queries with the relevant, but missing, structural code entities in order to improve the performance of matching relevant code examples within large code repositories. To instantiate this approach, we build GitSearch, a code search engine, on top of GitHub and Stack Overflow Q&A data. We evaluate GitSearch in several dimensions to demonstrate that (1) its code search results are correct with respect to user-accepted answers; (2) the results are qualitatively better than those of existing Internet-scale code search engines; (3) our engine is competitive against web search engines, such as Google, in helping users solve programming tasks; and (4) GitSearch provides code examples that are acceptable or interesting to the community as answers for Stack Overflow questions.  相似文献   

bsp is a bridging model between abstract execution and concrete parallel systems. Structure and abstraction brought by bsp allow to have portable parallel programs with scalable performance predictions, without dealing with low-level details of architectures. In the past, we designed bsml for programming bsp algorithms in ml. However, the simplicity of the bsp model does not fit the complexity of today’s hierarchical architectures such as clusters of machines with multiple multi-core processors. The multi-bsp model is an extension of the bsp model which brings a tree-based view of nested components of hierarchical architectures. To program multi-bsp algorithms in ml, we propose the multi-ml language as an extension of bsml where a specific kind of recursion is used to go through a hierarchy of computing nodes. We define a formal semantics of the language and present preliminary experiments which show performance improvements with respect to bsml.  相似文献   

Massively parallel architectures are mainly based on a parallel heterogeneous setup. They are composed by different computing devices that speed up specific code regions, named kernels. These kernels are usually executed offline in the corresponding devices. Porting applications to a specific heterogeneous platform is a costly task in terms of time and human resources. The key points in the porting process are the manual analysis of the source code and kernel detection. Each device of these heterogeneous platforms has their own restrictions, such as the memory allocation support. Kernels must be mapped with suitable computing devices. We introduced AKI as an automatic kernel identification and annotation tool that aims to identify potential kernels on C\(++\) sequential applications. AKI identifies those kernels that can be offlined on heterogeneous computing devices. To annotate these kernels, REPARA C++ attributes have been defined. This annotation mechanism can aid future automatic source-to-source transformation tools to facilitate the work for parallel heterogeneous platforms. AKI has been evaluated over all benchmarks included in the NAS suite. The benchmark suite incorporates a big set of realistic high performance applications. The evaluation results demonstrate that AKI is a competitive solution for identifying and annotating parallel code fragments (aka kernels).  相似文献   

Over the last decade, great progress has been made in developing practical transactional memory (TM) implementations, but relatively little attention has been paid to precisely specifying what it means for them to be correct, or formally proving that they are. In this paper, we present TMS1 (Transactional Memory Specification 1), a precise specification of correct behaviour of a TM runtime library. TMS1 targets TM runtimes used to implement transactional features in an unmanaged programming language such as C or C++. In such contexts, even transactions that ultimately abort must observe consistent states of memory; otherwise, unrecoverable errors such as divide-by-zero may occur before a transaction aborts, even in a correct program in which the error would not be possible if transactions were executed atomically. We specify TMS1 precisely using an I/O automaton (IOA). This approach enables us to also model TM implementations using IOAs and to construct fully formal and machine-checked correctness proofs for them using well established proof techniques and tools. We outline key requirements for a TM system. To avoid precluding any implementation that satisfies these requirements, we specify TMS1 to be as general as we can, consistent with these requirements. The cost of such generality is that the condition does not map closely to intuition about common TM implementation techniques, and thus it is difficult to prove that such implementations satisfy the condition. To address this concern, we present TMS2, a more restrictive condition that more closely reflects intuition about common TM implementation techniques. We present a simulation proof that TMS2 implements TMS1, thus showing that to prove that an implementation satisfies TMS1, it suffices to prove that it satisfies TMS2. We have formalised and verified this proof using the PVS specification and verification system.  相似文献   

SyDPaCC is a set of libraries for the Coq proof assistant. It allows to write naive functional programs (i.e. with high complexity) that are considered as specifications, and to transform them into more efficient versions. These more efficient versions can then be automatically parallelised before being extracted from Coq into source code for the functional language OCaml together with calls to the Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML library. In this paper we present a new core version of SyDPaCC for the development of parallel programs correct-by-construction using the theory of list homomorphisms and algorithmic skeletons implemented and verified in Coq. The framework is illustrated on the maximum prefix sum problem.  相似文献   

The task assignment on the Internet has been widely applied to many areas, e.g., online labor market, online paper review and social activity organization. In this paper, we are concerned with the task assignment problem related to the online labor market, termed as ClusterHire. We improve the definition of the ClusterHire problem, and propose an efficient and effective algorithm, entitled Influence. In addition, we place a participation constraint on ClusterHire. It constrains the load of each expert in order to keep all members from overworking. For the participation-constrained ClusterHire problem, we devise two algorithms, named ProjectFirst and Era. The former generates a participationconstrained team by adding experts to an initial team, and the latter generates a participation-constrained team by removing the experts with the minimum influence from the universe of experts. The experimental evaluations indicate that 1) Influence performs better than the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of effectiveness and time efficiency; 2) ProjectFirst performs better than Era in terms of time efficiency, yet Era performs better than ProjectFirst in terms of effectiveness.  相似文献   

Many program optimizations require exact knowledge of the sets of array elements that are referenced in or that flow between statements or procedures. Some examples are array privatization, generation of communications in distributed memory machines, or compile-time optimization of cache behavior in hierarchical memory machines. Exact array region analysis is introduced in this article. These regions exactly represent the effects of statements and procedures upon array variables. To represent the flow of these data, we also introduce two new types of array region analyses: in and out regions. The intraprocedural propagation is presented, as well as a general linear framework for interprocedural analyses, which handles array reshapes. The intra- and inter-procedural propagation of array regions is implemented in pips, the interprocedural parallelizer of fortran programs developed at École des mines de Paris.  相似文献   

Peer-sampling protocols constitute a fundamental mechanism for a number of large-scale distributed applications. The recent introduction of WebRTC facilitated the deployment of decentralized applications over a network of browsers. However, deploying existing peer-sampling protocols on top of WebRTC raises issues about their lack of adaptiveness to sudden bursts of popularity over a network that does not manage addressing or routing. Spray is a novel random peer-sampling protocol that dynamically, quickly, and efficiently self-adapts to the network size. Our experiments show the flexibility of Spray and highlight its efficiency improvements at the cost of small overhead. We embedded Spray in a real-time decentralized editor running in browsers and ran experiments involving up to 600 communicating Web browsers. The results demonstrate that Spray significantly reduces the network traffic according to the number of participants and saves bandwidth.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Argonauts multi-agent framework which was developed as part of a one year student project at Technische Universität Dortmund. The Argonauts framework builds on a BDI approach to model rational agents that act cooperatively in a dynamic and indeterministically changing environment. However, our agent model extends the traditional BDI approach in several aspects, most notably by incorporating motivation into the agent’s goal selection mechanism. The framework has been applied by the Argonauts team in the 2010 version of the annual multi-agent programming contest organized by Technische Universität Clausthal. In this paper, we present a high-level specification and analysis of the actual system used for solving the given scenario. We do this by applying the GAIA methodology, a high-level and iterative approach to model communication and roles in multi-agent scenarios. We further describe the technical details and insights gained during our participation in the multi-agent programming contest.  相似文献   

Graphs are ubiquitous in computer science. Moreover, in various application fields, graphs are equipped with attributes to express additional information such as names of entities or weights of relationships. Due to the pervasiveness of attributed graphs, it is highly important to have the means to express properties on attributed graphs to strengthen modeling capabilities and to enable analysis. Firstly, we introduce a new logic of attributed graph properties, where the graph part and attribution part are neatly separated. The graph part is equivalent to first-order logic on graphs as introduced by Courcelle. It employs graph morphisms to allow the specification of complex graph patterns. The attribution part is added to this graph part by reverting to the symbolic approach to graph attribution, where attributes are represented symbolically by variables whose possible values are specified by a set of constraints making use of algebraic specifications. Secondly, we extend our refutationally complete tableau-based reasoning method as well as our symbolic model generation approach for graph properties to attributed graph properties. Due to the new logic mentioned above, neatly separating the graph and attribution parts, and the categorical constructions employed only on a more abstract level, we can leave the graph part of the algorithms seemingly unchanged. For the integration of the attribution part into the algorithms, we use an oracle, allowing for flexible adoption of different available SMT solvers in the actual implementation. Finally, our automated reasoning approach for attributed graph properties is implemented in the tool AutoGraph integrating in particular the SMT solver Z3 for the attribute part of the properties. We motivate and illustrate our work with a particular application scenario on graph database query validation.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider both the maximization variant Max Rep and the minimization variant Min Rep of the famous Label Cover problem. So far the best approximation ratios known for these two problems were \(O(\sqrt{n})\) and indeed some authors suggested the possibility that this ratio is the best approximation factor for these two problems. We show, in fact, that there are a O(n 1/3)-approximation algorithm for Max Rep and a O(n 1/3log?2/3 n)-approximation algorithm for Min Rep. In addition, we also exhibit a randomized reduction from Densest k-Subgraph to Max Rep, showing that any approximation factor for Max Rep implies the same factor (up to a constant) for Densest k-Subgraph.  相似文献   

When an agent program exhibits unexpected behaviour, a developer needs to locate the fault by debugging the agent’s source code. The process of fault localisation requires an understanding of how code relates to the observed agent behaviour. The main aim of this paper is to design a source-level debugger that supports single-step execution of a cognitive agent program. Cognitive agents execute a decision cycle in which they process events and derive a choice of action from their beliefs and goals. Current state-of-the-art debuggers for agent programs provide insight in how agent behaviour originates from this cycle but less so in how it relates to the program code. As relating source code to generated behaviour is an important part of the debugging task, arguably, a developer also needs to be able to suspend an agent program on code locations. We propose a design approach for single-step execution of agent programs that supports both code-based as well as cycle-based suspension of an agent program. This approach results in a concrete stepping diagram ready for implementation and is illustrated by a diagram for both the Goal and Jason agent programming languages, and a corresponding full implementation of a source-level debugger for Goal in the Eclipse development environment. The evaluation that was performed based on this implementation shows that agent programmers prefer a source-level debugger over a purely cycle-based debugger.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implementation of deformable ring gears in Multi-Body-Simulation-Models (MBS-Models) of planetary gearboxes using the example of a Wind Turbine (WT). For this purpose an add-on to the MBS-Software Simpack was developed and tested by the project partners Bosch Rexroth and the Institute for Machine Elements and Machine Design at Rwth-Aachen University (Ime).The presented research includes a measurement campaign on a test rig owned by Bosch Rexroth to obtain data for a validation of the newly developed add-on.  相似文献   

Fault localization is useful for reducing debugging effort. Such techniques require test cases with oracles, which can determine whether a program behaves correctly for every test input. Although most fault localization techniques can localize faults relatively accurately even with a small number of test cases, choosing the right test cases and creating oracles for them are not easy. Test oracle creation is expensive because it can take much manual labeling effort (i.e., effort needed to decide whether the test cases pass or fail). Given a number of test cases to be executed, it is challenging to minimize the number of test cases requiring manual labeling and in the meantime achieve good fault localization accuracy. To address this challenge, this paper presents a novel test case selection strategy based on Diversity Maximization Speedup (Dms). Dms orders a set of unlabeled test cases in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of a fault localization technique. Developers are only expected to label a much smaller number of test cases along this ordering to achieve good fault localization results. We evaluate the performance of Dms on 2 different types of programs, single-fault and multi-fault programs. Our experiments with 411 faults from the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository show (1) that Dms can help existing fault localization techniques to achieve comparable accuracy with on average 67 and 6 % fewer labeled test cases than previously best test case prioritization techniques for single-fault and multi-fault programs, and (2) that given a labeling budget (i.e., a fixed number of labeled test cases), Dms can help existing fault localization techniques reduce their debugging cost (in terms of the amount of code needed to be inspected to locate faults). We conduct hypothesis test and show that the saving of the debugging cost we achieve for the real C programs are statistically significant.  相似文献   

Given a simple undirected graph G = (V, E) and an integer k < |V|, the Sparsest k-Subgraph problem asks for a set of k vertices which induces the minimum number of edges. As a generalization of the classical independent set problem, Sparsest k-Subgraph is ????-hard and even not approximable unless ?????? in general graphs. Thus, we investigate Sparsest k-Subgraph in graph classes where independent set is polynomial-time solvable, such as subclasses of perfect graphs. Our two main results are the ????-hardness of Sparsest k-Subgraph on chordal graphs, and a greedy 2-approximation algorithm. Finally, we also show how to derive a P T A S for Sparsest k-Subgraph on proper interval graphs.  相似文献   

A degree-constrained graph orientation of an undirected graph G is an assignment of a direction to each edge in G such that the outdegree of every vertex in the resulting directed graph satisfies a specified lower and/or upper bound. Such graph orientations have been studied for a long time and various characterizations of their existence are known. In this paper, we consider four related optimization problems introduced in reference (Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)): For any fixed non-negative integer W, the problems MAX W-LIGHT, MIN W-LIGHT, MAX W-HEAVY, and MIN W-HEAVY take as input an undirected graph G and ask for an orientation of G that maximizes or minimizes the number of vertices with outdegree at most W or at least W. As shown in Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)).  相似文献   

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