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Accounting for uncertainty reduction measures (URMs) is critical to maximize the potential benefits of probabilistic design methods such as reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) and tackle the challenges in the design and construction of lightweight, high quality and reliable products. This work formulates and solves the RBDO of a Formula SAE (FSAE) brake pedal model with two failure modes (stress-Smax and buckling-fbuck) accounting for uncertainty reduction measures (URMs) throughout the product lifecycle while establishing the URMs global relative contributions to weight savings (expected value and variability) and computational expense. Given a set of URMs such as number of coupon tests, mesh refinement and manufacturing control, the solution approach includes: i) modeling structural analysis errors, ii) construction of surrogate models for the functions of interest, e.g., mass-M, Smax, fbuck and the corresponding error functions, iii) modeling pre-design and post-design URMs, such as material property density functions from coupon tests, and manufacturing tolerances (quality control), iv) solving the RBDO problems associated with each of the entries in a DOE with replication, and v) using ANOVA to compute main effects of most significant URMs on selected performance measures, i.e., mean and standard deviation of brake pedal mass, and computational expense. Results show that in the context of the brake pedal case study: the adoption of URMs led to reductions of up to 15 and 85% of mass mean and standard deviation, respectively, design and post-design URMs were responsible for 77 and 19% of the maximum mass reduction, respectively, and it was possible to set preliminary guidelines for URMs allocation and meet a particular performance objective under alternative URMs.  相似文献   

With the advent of powerful computers, vehicle safety issues have recently been addressed using computational methods of vehicle crashworthiness, resulting in reductions in cost and time for new vehicle development. Vehicle design demands multidisciplinary optimization coupled with a computational crashworthiness analysis. However, simulation-based optimization generates deterministic optimum designs, which are frequently pushed to the limits of design constraint boundaries, leaving little or no room for tolerances (uncertainty) in modeling, simulation uncertainties, and/or manufacturing imperfections. Consequently, deterministic optimum designs that are obtained without consideration of uncertainty may result in unreliable designs, indicating the need for Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO).Recent development in RBDO allows evaluations of probabilistic constraints in two alternative ways: using the Reliability Index Approach (RIA) and the Performance Measure Approach (PMA). The PMA using the Hybrid Mean Value (HMV) method is shown to be robust and efficient in the RBDO process, whereas RIA yields instability for some problems. This paper presents an application of PMA and HMV for RBDO for the crashworthiness of a large-scale vehicle side impact. It is shown that the proposed RBDO approach is very effective in obtaining a reliability-based optimum design.  相似文献   

In the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) process, surrogate models are frequently used to reduce the number of simulations because analysis of a simulation model takes a great deal of computational time. On the other hand, to obtain accurate surrogate models, we have to limit the dimension of the RBDO problem and thus mitigate the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, it is desirable to develop an efficient and effective variable screening method for reduction of the dimension of the RBDO problem. In this paper, requirements of the variable screening method for deterministic design optimization (DDO) and RBDO are compared, and it is found that output variance is critical for identifying important variables in the RBDO process. An efficient approximation method based on the univariate dimension reduction method (DRM) is proposed to calculate output variance efficiently. For variable screening, the variables that induce larger output variances are selected as important variables. To determine important variables, hypothesis testing is used in this paper so that possible errors are contained in a user-specified error level. Also, an appropriate number of samples is proposed for calculating the output variance. Moreover, a quadratic interpolation method is studied in detail to calculate output variance efficiently. Using numerical examples, performance of the proposed method is verified. It is shown that the proposed method finds important variables efficiently and effectively  相似文献   

Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) is a methodology for finding optimized designs that are characterized with a low probability of failure. Primarily, RBDO consists of optimizing a merit function while satisfying reliability constraints. The reliability constraints are constraints on the probability of failure corresponding to each of the failure modes of the system or a single constraint on the system probability of failure. The probability of failure is usually estimated by performing a reliability analysis. During the last few years, a variety of different formulations have been developed for RBDO. Traditionally, these have been formulated as a double-loop (nested) optimization problem. The upper level optimization loop generally involves optimizing a merit function subject to reliability constraints, and the lower level optimization loop(s) compute(s) the probabilities of failure corresponding to the failure mode(s) that govern(s) the system failure. This formulation is, by nature, computationally intensive. Researchers have provided sequential strategies to address this issue, where the deterministic optimization and reliability analysis are decoupled, and the process is performed iteratively until convergence is achieved. These methods, though attractive in terms of obtaining a workable reliable design at considerably reduced computational costs, often lead to premature convergence and therefore yield spurious optimal designs. In this paper, a novel unilevel formulation for RBDO is developed. In the proposed formulation, the lower level optimization (evaluation of reliability constraints in the double-loop formulation) is replaced by its corresponding first-order Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) necessary optimality conditions at the upper level optimization. Such a replacement is computationally equivalent to solving the original nested optimization if the lower level optimization problem is solved by numerically satisfying the KKT conditions (which is typically the case). It is shown through the use of test problems that the proposed formulation is numerically robust (stable) and computationally efficient compared to the existing approaches for RBDO.  相似文献   

In the field of deterministic structural optimization, the designer reduces the structural cost without taking into account uncertainties concerning materials, geometry and loading. This way, the resulting optimum solution may represent a lower level of reliability and thus a higher risk of failure. It is the objective of reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) to design structures that should be both economic and reliable. The coupling between mechanical modeling, reliability analyses and optimization methods leads to very high computational costs and weak convergence stability. Since the traditional RBDO solution is achieved by alternating between reliability and optimization iterations, the structural designers performing deterministic optimization do not consider the RBDO model as a practical tool for the design of real structures. Fortunately, a hybrid method based on simultaneous solution of the reliability and the optimization problem, has successfully reduced the computational time problem. The hybrid method allows us to satisfy a required reliability level, but the vector of variables here contains both deterministic and random variables. The hybrid RBDO problem is thus more complex than that of deterministic design. The major difficulty lies in the evaluation of the structural reliability, which is carried out by a special optimization procedure. In this paper a new methodology is presented with the aim of finding a global solution to RBDO problems without additional computing cost for the reliability evaluation. The safety factor formulation for a single limit state case has been used to efficiently reduce the computational time . This technique is fundamentally based on a study of the sensitivity of the limit state function with respect to the design variables. In order to demonstrate analytically the efficiency of this methodology, the optimality condition is then used. The efficiency of this technique is also extended to multiple limit state cases. Two numerical examples are presented at the end of the paper to demonstrate the applicability of the new methodology.  相似文献   

Uncertainties are inherent to real-world systems. Taking them into account is crucial in industrial design problems and this might be achieved through reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) techniques. In this paper, we propose a quantile-based approach to solve RBDO problems. We first transform the safety constraints usually formulated as admissible probabilities of failure into constraints on quantiles of the performance criteria. In this formulation, the quantile level controls the degree of conservatism of the design. Starting with the premise that industrial applications often involve high-fidelity and time-consuming computational models, the proposed approach makes use of Kriging surrogate models (a.k.a. Gaussian process modeling). Thanks to the Kriging variance (a measure of the local accuracy of the surrogate), we derive a procedure with two stages of enrichment of the design of computer experiments (DoE) used to construct the surrogate model. The first stage globally reduces the Kriging epistemic uncertainty and adds points in the vicinity of the limit-state surfaces describing the system performance to be attained. The second stage locally checks, and if necessary, improves the accuracy of the quantiles estimated along the optimization iterations. Applications to three analytical examples and to the optimal design of a car body subsystem (minimal mass under mechanical safety constraints) show the accuracy and the remarkable efficiency brought by the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization (RBMDO) strategy. The conventional RBMDO has tri-level loops: the first level is an optimization in the deterministic space, the second one is a reliability analysis in the probabilistic space, and the third one is the multidisciplinary analysis. Since it is computationally inefficient when high-fidelity simulation methods are involved, an efficient strategy is proposed. The strategy [named probabilistic bi-level integrated system synthesis (ProBLISS)] utilizes a single-level reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) approach, in which the reliability analysis and optimization are conducted in a sequential manner by approximating limit state functions. The single-level RBDO is associated with the BLISS formulation to solve RBMDO problems. Since both the single-level RBDO and BLISS are mainly driven by approximate models, the accuracy of models can be a critical issue for convergence. The convergence of the strategy is guaranteed by employing the trust region–sequential quadratic programming framework, which validates approximation models in the trust region radius. Two multidisciplinary problems are tested to verify the strategy. ProBLISS significantly reduces the computational cost and shows stable convergence while maintaining accuracy.  相似文献   

In this paper, fuzzy threshold values, instead of crisp threshold values, have been used for optimal reliability-based multi-objective Pareto design of robust state feedback controllers for a single inverted pendulum having parameters with probabilistic uncertainties. The objective functions that have been considered are, namely, the normalized summation of rising time and overshoot of cart (SROC) and the normalized summation of rising time and overshoot of pendulum (SROP) in the deterministic approach. Accordingly, the probabilities of failure of those objective functions are also considered in the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) approach. A new multi-objective uniform-diversity genetic algorithm (MUGA) is presented and used for Pareto optimum design of linear state feedback controllers for single inverted pendulum problem. In this way, Pareto front of optimum controllers is first obtained for the nominal deterministic single inverted pendulum using the conflicting objective functions in time domain. Such Pareto front is then obtained for single inverted pendulum having probabilistic uncertainties in its parameters using the statistical moments of those objective functions through a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) approach. It is shown that multi-objective reliability-based Pareto optimization of the robust state feedback controllers using MUGA with fuzzy threshold values includes those that may be obtained by various crisp threshold values of probability of failures and, thus, remove the difficulty of selecting suitable crisp values. Besides, the multi-objective Pareto optimization of such robust feedback controllers using MUGA unveils some very important and informative trade-offs among those objective functions. Consequently, some optimum robust state feedback controllers can be compromisingly chosen from the Pareto frontiers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a single-loop algorithm for system reliability-based topology optimization (SRBTO) that can account for statistical dependence between multiple limit-states, and its applications to computationally demanding topology optimization (TO) problems. A single-loop reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) algorithm replaces the inner-loop iterations to evaluate probabilistic constraints by a non-iterative approximation. The proposed single-loop SRBTO algorithm accounts for the statistical dependence between the limit-states by using the matrix-based system reliability (MSR) method to compute the system failure probability and its parameter sensitivities. The SRBTO/MSR approach is applicable to general system events including series, parallel, cut-set and link-set systems and provides the gradients of the system failure probability to facilitate gradient-based optimization. In most RBTO applications, probabilistic constraints are evaluated by use of the first-order reliability method for efficiency. In order to improve the accuracy of the reliability calculations for RBDO or RBTO problems with high nonlinearity, we introduce a new single-loop RBDO scheme utilizing the second-order reliability method and implement it to the proposed SRBTO algorithm. Moreover, in order to overcome challenges in applying the proposed algorithm to computationally demanding topology optimization problems, we utilize the multiresolution topology optimization (MTOP) method, which achieves computational efficiency in topology optimization by assigning different levels of resolutions to three meshes representing finite element analysis, design variables and material density distribution respectively. The paper provides numerical examples of two- and three-dimensional topology optimization problems to demonstrate the proposed SRBTO algorithm and its applications. The optimal topologies from deterministic, component and system RBTOs are compared with one another to investigate the impact of optimization schemes on final topologies. Monte Carlo simulations are also performed to verify the accuracy of the failure probabilities computed by the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) aims at determination of the optimal design in the presence of uncertainty. The available Single-Loop approaches for RBDO are based on the First-Order Reliability Method (FORM) for the computation of the probability of failure, along with different approximations in order to avoid the expensive inner loop aiming at finding the Most Probable Point (MPP). However, the use of FORM in RBDO may not lead to sufficient accuracy depending on the degree of nonlinearity of the limit-state function. This is demonstrated for an extensively studied reliability-based design for vehicle crashworthiness problem solved in this paper, where all RBDO methods based on FORM strongly violates the probabilistic constraints. The Response Surface Single Loop (RSSL) method for RBDO is proposed based on the higher order probability computation for quadratic models previously presented by the authors. The RSSL-method bypasses the concept of an MPP and has high accuracy and efficiency. The method can solve problems with both constant and varying standard deviation of design variables and is particularly well suited for typical industrial applications where general quadratic response surface models can be used. If the quadratic response surface models of the deterministic constraints are valid in the whole region of interest, the method becomes a true single loop method with accuracy higher than traditional SORM. In other cases, quadratic response surface models are fitted to the deterministic constraints around the deterministic solution and the RBDO problem is solved using the proposed single loop method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical investigation of the probabilistic approach in estimating the reliability of wire bonding, and develops a reliability-based design optimization Methodology (RBDO) for microelectronic device structures. The objective of the RBDO method is to design structures which should be both economical and reliable where the solution reduces the structural weight in uncritical regions. It does not only provide an improved design, but also a higher level of confidence in the design. The Finite element simulation model intends to analyze the sequence of the failure events in power microelectronic devices. This numerical model is used to estimate the probability of failure of power module regarding the wire bonding connection. However, due to time-consuming of the multiphysics finite element simulation, a response surface method is used to approximate the response output of the limit state, in this way the reliability analysis is performed directly to the response surface by using the First and the Second Order Reliability Methods FORM/SORM. Subsequently the reliability analysis is integrated in the optimization process to improve the performance and reliability of structural design of wire bonding. The sequential RBDO algorithm is used to solve this problem and to find the best structural designs which realize the best compromise between cost and safety.  相似文献   

Some structures require keeping a specific safety level even if part of their elements have collapsed. The aim of this paper is to obtain the optimum design of these structures when uncertainty in some parameters that affects to the structural response is also considered. A Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) problem is formulated in order to minimize the mass of the structure fulfilling probabilistic constraints in both intact and damaged configurations. The proposed methodology combines the formulation of multi-model optimization with RBDO techniques programmed in a Matlab code. Two application examples are presented consisting of a two-dimensional truss structure with stress constraints as well as a curved stiffened panel of an aircraft fuselage subjected to buckling constraints.  相似文献   

This paper presents a sampling-based RBDO method using surrogate models. The Dynamic Kriging (D-Kriging) method is used for surrogate models, and a stochastic sensitivity analysis is introduced to compute the sensitivities of probabilistic constraints with respect to independent or correlated random variables. For the sampling-based RBDO, which requires Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) to evaluate the probabilistic constraints and stochastic sensitivities, this paper proposes new efficiency and accuracy strategies such as a hyper-spherical local window for surrogate model generation, sample reuse, local window enlargement, filtering of constraints, and an adaptive initial point for the pattern search. To further improve computational efficiency of the sampling-based RBDO method for large-scale engineering problems, parallel computing is proposed as well. Once the D-Kriging accurately approximates the responses, there is no further approximation in the estimation of the probabilistic constraints and stochastic sensitivities, and thus the sampling-based RBDO can yield very accurate optimum design. In addition, newly proposed efficiency strategies as well as parallel computing help find the optimum design very efficiently. Numerical examples verify that the proposed sampling-based RBDO can find the optimum design more accurately than some existing methods. Also, the proposed method can find the optimum design more efficiently than some existing methods for low dimensional problems, and as efficient as some existing methods for high dimensional problems when the parallel computing is utilized.  相似文献   

Sequential optimization and reliability assessment (SORA) is one of the most popular decoupled approaches to solve reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) problem because of its efficiency and robustness. In SORA, the double loop structure is decoupled through a serial of cycles of deterministic optimization and reliability assessment. In each cycle, the deterministic optimization and reliability assessment are performed sequentially and the boundaries of violated constraints are shifted to the feasible direction according to the reliability information obtained in the previous cycle. In this paper, based on the concept of SORA, approximate most probable target point (MPTP) and approximate probabilistic performance measure (PPM) are adopted in reliability assessment. In each cycle, the approximate MPTP needs to be reserved, which will be used to obtain new approximate MPTP in the next cycle. There is no need to evaluate the performance function in the deterministic optimization since the approximate PPM and its sensitivity are used to formulate the linear Taylor expansion of the constraint function. One example is used to illustrate that the approximate MPTP will approach the accurate MPTP with the iteration. The design variables and the approximate MPTP converge simultaneously. Numerical results of several examples indicate the proposed method is robust and more efficient than SORA and other common RBDO methods.  相似文献   

Reliability analysis and reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) require an exact input probabilistic model to obtain accurate probability of failure (PoF) and RBDO optimum design. However, often only limited input data is available to generate the input probabilistic model in practical engineering problems. The insufficient input data induces uncertainty in the input probabilistic model, and this uncertainty forces the PoF to be uncertain. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the PoF to follow a probability distribution. In this paper, the probability of the PoF is obtained with consecutive conditional probabilities of input distribution types and parameters using the Bayesian approach. The approximate conditional probabilities are obtained under reasonable assumptions, and Monte Carlo simulation is applied to calculate the probability of the PoF. The probability of the PoF at a user-specified target PoF is defined as the conservativeness level of the PoF. The conservativeness level, in addition to the target PoF, will be used as a probabilistic constraint in an RBDO process to obtain a conservative optimum design, for limited input data. Thus, the design sensitivity of the conservativeness level is derived to support an efficient optimization process. Using numerical examples, it is demonstrated that the conservativeness level should be involved in RBDO when input data is limited. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed design sensitivity method is verified. Finally, conservative RBDO optimum designs are obtained using the developed methods for limited input data problems.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop an integrated computational framework for the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) of wind turbine drivetrains to assure the target reliability under wind load and gear manufacturing uncertainties. Gears in wind turbine drivetrains are subjected to severe cyclic loading due to highly variable wind loads that are stochastic in nature. Thus, the failure rate of drivetrain systems is reported to be higher than the other wind turbine components, and improving drivetrain reliability is critically important in reducing downtime caused by gear failures. In the numerical procedure developed in this study, a wide spatiotemporal variability for wind loads is considered using 249 sets of wind data to evaluate probabilistic contact fatigue life in the sampling-based RBDO. To account for wind load uncertainty in evaluation of the tooth contact fatigue, multiple drivetrain dynamics simulations need to be run under various wind load scenarios in the RBDO process. For this reason, a numerical procedure based on the multivariable tabular contact search algorithm is applied to the modeling of wind turbine drivetrains to reduce the overall computational time while retaining the precise contact geometry required for considering the gear tooth profile optimization. An integrated computational framework for the wind turbine drivetrain RBDO is then developed by incorporating the wind load uncertainty, the rotor blade aerodynamics model, the drivetrain dynamics model, and the probabilistic contact fatigue failure model. It is demonstrated that the RBDO optimum for a 750 kW wind turbine drivetrain obtained using the procedure developed in this study can achieve the target 97.725% reliability (2 sigma quality level) with only a 1.4% increase in the total weight from the baseline design, which had a reliability of 8.3%. Furthermore, it is shown that the tooth profile optimization, tip relief introduced as a design variable, prevents a large increase of the face width that would result in a large increase in the weight (cost) of the drivetrain in order to satisfy the target reliability against the tooth contact fatigue failure.  相似文献   

Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) incorporates probabilistic analysis into optimization process so that an optimum design has a great chance of staying in the feasible design space when the inevitable variability in design variables/parameters is considered. One of the biggest drawbacks of applying RBDO to practical problem is its high computational cost that is often impractical to industries. In search of the most suitable RBDO method for industrial applications, we first evaluated several existing RBDO approaches in details such as the double-loop RBDO, the sequential optimization and reliability assessment, and the response surface method. Then, based on industry needs, a platform incorporating/integrating the existing algorithm of optimization and reliability analysis is built for a practical RBDO problem. Effectiveness of the proposed RBDO approach is demonstrated using a simple cantilever beam problem and a more complicated industry problem.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on Deterministic and Reliability Based Design Optimization (DO and RBDO) of composite stiffened panels considering post-buckling regime and progressive failure analysis. The ultimate load that a post-buckled panel can hold is to be maximised by changing the stacking sequence of both skin and stringers composite layups. The RBDO problem looks for a design that collapses beyond the shortening of failure obtained in the DO phase with a target reliability while considering uncertainty in the elastic properties of the composite material. The RBDO algorithm proposed is decoupled and hence separates the Reliability Analysis (RA) from the deterministic optimization. The main code to drive both the DO and RBDO approaches is written in MATLAB and employs Genetic Algorithms (GA) to solve the DO loops because discrete design variables and highly nonlinear response functions are expected. The code is linked with Abaqus to perform parallel explicit nonlinear finite element analyses in order to obtain the structural responses at each generation. The RA is solved through an inverse Most Probable failure Point (MPP) search algorithm that benefits from a Polynomial Chaos Expansion with Latin Hypercube Sampling (PCE-LHS) metamodel when the structural responses are required. The results led to small reductions in the maximum load that the panels can bear but otherwise assure that they will collapse beyond the shortening of failure imposed with a high reliability.


This study developed a reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) algorithm focusing on the ability of solving problems with nonlinear constraints or system reliability. In this case, a sampling technique is often adopted to evaluate the reliability analyses. However, simulation with an insufficient sample size often possesses statistical randomness resulting in an inaccurate sensitivity calculation. This may cause an unstable RBDO solution. The proposed approach used a set of deterministic variables, called auxiliary design points, to replace the random parameters. Thus, an RBDO is converted into a deterministic optimization (DO, α-problem). The DO and the analysis of finding the auxiliary design points (β-problem) are conducted iteratively until the solution converges. To maintain the stability of the RBDO solution with less computational cost, the proposed approach calculated the sensitivity of reliability (in the β-problem) with respect to the mean value of the pseudo-random parameters rather than the design variables. The stability of the proposed method was compared to that of the double-loop approach, and many factors, such as sample size, starting point and the parameters used in the optimization, were considered. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed using Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) with several linear and nonlinear numerical problems.  相似文献   

Recently, Rozvany and Maute presented a simple problem of topology optimization under uncertainty with a single load condition that can be solved without Monte Carlo simulation. This note extends this idea to a two-bar truss under two load conditions for the purpose of illustrating differences between deterministic designs and reliability–based ones in terms of risk allocation. For this example, for the same probability of failure, a deterministic design based on the same safety factor for both loads can be substantially heavier than the reliability–based design. The difference in weight is due to very different risk allocation between the two failure modes.  相似文献   

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