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In this paper we generalize the notion of compositional semantics to cope with transfinite reductions of a transition system. Standard denotational and predicate transformer semantics, even though compositional, provide inadequate models for some known program manipulation techniques. We are interested in the systematic design of extended compositional semantics, observing possible transfinite computations, i.e. computations that may occur after a given number of infinite loops. This generalization is necessary to deal with program manipulation techniques modifying the termination status of programs, such as program slicing. We include the transfinite generalization of semantics in the hierarchy developed in 1997 by P. Cousot, where semantics at different levels of abstraction are related with each other by abstract interpretation. We prove that a specular hierarchy of non-standard semantics modeling transfinite computations of programs can be specifiedin such a way that the standard hierarchy can be derived by abstract interpretation. We prove that non-standard transfinite denotational and predicate transformer semantics can be both systematically derived as solutions of simple abstract domain equations involving the basic operation of reduced power of abstract domains. This allows us to prove the optimality of these semantics, i.e. they are the most abstract semantics in the hierarchy which are compositional and observe respectively the terminating and initial states of transfinite computations, providing an adequate mathematical model for program manipulation.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an operational and a denotational semantics for Prolog. We deal with the control rules of Prolog and the cut operator. Our denotational semantics provides a goal-independent semantics. This means that the behaviour of a goal in a program is defined as the evaluation of the goal in the denotation (semantics) of the program. We show how our denotational semantics can be specialised into a computed answer semantics and into a call pattern semantics. Our work provides a basis for a precise abstract interpretation of Prolog programs.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(9):1334-1370
We propose a method to analyze secure information flow in stack-based assembly languages, communicating with the external environment by means of input and output channels. The method computes for each instruction a security level for each memory variable and stack element. Instruction-level security analysis is flow-sensitive and hence is more precise than other analyses, such as standard security typing. Instruction-level security analysis is specified in the framework of abstract interpretation. We define concrete operational semantics which handles, in addition to execution aspects, the flow of information of the program. The basis of the approach is that each value is annotated by a security level and that the abstract domain is obtained from the concrete one by keeping the security levels and forgetting the actual values. Operand stack are abstracted as fixed-length stacks of security levels. An abstract state is a map from instructions to abstract machine configurations, where values are substituted by security levels. The abstract semantics consists of a set of abstract rules manipulating abstract states. The instruction-level security typing can be performed by an efficient fixpoint iteration algorithm, similar to that used by bytecode verification.  相似文献   

The Timed RAISE Specification Language(Timed RSL)is an extension of RAISE Specificatioin Language by adding time constructors for specifying real-time applications.Duration Calculus(DC) is a real-time interval logic,which can be used to specify and reason about timing and logical constraints on duration propoerties of Boolean states in a dynamic system.This paper gives a denotational semantics to a subset of Timed RSL expressions,using Duration Calculus extended with super-dense shop modality and notations to capture time point properties of piecewise continuous states of arbitrary types.Using this semantics,the paper pesents a proof rule for verifying Timed RSL iterative expressions and implements the rule to prove the satisfaction by a sample Timed RSL specification of its real-time requrements.  相似文献   

基于抽象解释的Prolog程序验证技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种通用的语义近似理论,抽象解释已广泛应用于各类程序的形式化验证中.现有基于抽象解释的逻辑程序验证技术未涉及与程序点相关联的程序性质的验证,设计能够描述此类性质的逻辑程序具体语义和抽象语义是构造相应验证工具的关键.本文给出了一种基于抽象解释的Prolog程序验证方法,该方法采用了具有路径信息的Prolog语义及其抽象作为语义基础,因而可用于验证与程序点相关联的程序特性.本文例子表明了该验证方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We develop a formal framework to give computer programs an abstract interpretation as information transformers. Then the quantitative relation between input and output information is investigated. Our theory is based oninformation domains, a refinement of the classical domains used in denotational semantics, and on the theory of abstract interpretation of functional languages.  相似文献   

The Penelope verification editor and its formal basis are described. Penelope is a prototype system for the interactive development and verification of programs that are written in a rich subset of sequential Ada. Because it generates verification conditions incrementally, Penelope can be used to develop a program and its correctness proof in concert. If an already-verified program is modified, one can attempt to prove the modified version by replaying and modifying the original sequence of proof steps. Verification conditions are generated by predicate transformers whose logical soundness can be proven by establishing a precise formal connection between predicate transformation and denotational definitions in the style of continuation semantics. Penelope's specification language, Larch/Ada, belongs to the family of Larch interface languages. It scales up properly, in the sense that one can demonstrate the soundness of decomposing an implementation hierarchically and reasoning locally about the implementation of each node in the hierarchy  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a general way of giving denotational semantics to a class of languages equipped with an operational semantics that fits the GSOS format of Bloom, Istrail, and Meyer. The canonical model used for this purpose will be Abramsky's domain of synchronization trees, and the denotational semantics automatically generated by our methods will be guaranteed to be fully abstract with respect to the finitely observable part of the bisimulation preorder. In the process of establishing the full abstraction result, we also obtain several general results on the bisimulation preorder (including a complete axiomatization for it), and give a novel operational interpretation of GSOS languages.  相似文献   

A constraint-based data flow analysis is formalised in the specification language of the Coq proof assistant. This involves defining a dependent type of lattices together with a library of lattice functors for modular construction of complex abstract domains. Constraints are represented in a way that allows for both efficient constraint resolution and correctness proof of the analysis with respect to an operational semantics. The proof of existence of a solution to the constraints is constructive which means that the extraction mechanism of Coq provides a provably correct data flow analyser in Ocaml from the proof. The library of lattices and the representation of constraints are defined in an analysis-independent fashion that provides a basis for a generic framework for proving and extracting static analysers in Coq.  相似文献   

We provide a sequential denotational semantics for sequential programming languages, based on a new notion of sequential algorithm on the Kahn-Plotkin concrete data structures. Intuitively an algorithm may be seen either as a concrete object—a “program” in a simple output-driven language — or as an abstract object — the pair of a sequential function and of a computation strategy for it. The concrete and abstract presentations are equivalent, as shown by a representation theorem. The algorithms form a cartesian closed category with straightforward solutions to recursive domain equations. Hence they may replace functions in the denotational semantics of any sequential language. An applicative programming language based on sequential algorithms is presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

In Part I of the paper, we have proposed a unified relational algebra approach using partial graphs for theoretical investigations on semantics, correctness and termination. This approach is extended here to systems of recursive programs, allowing not only sequencing and conditional branching as a control structure but also flow diagrams.An equivalence proof of operational and denotational semantics is obtained which is strictly based on axioms of relational algebra. A short new proof of an important completeness result is given in the generalized setting of systems of recursive flow diagram programs. Finally, Hitchcock-Park's theorem on derivatives is formulated in the general case of nondeterministic recursive flow diagram programs.  相似文献   

Static analyses based on denotational semantics can naturally model functional behaviours of the code in a compositional and completely context and flow sensitive way. But they only model the functional i.e., input/output behaviour of a program P, not enough if one needs P’s internal behaviours i.e., from the input to some internal program points. This is, however, a frequent requirement for a useful static analysis. In this paper, we overcome this limitation, for the case of mono-threaded Java bytecode, with a technique used up to now for logic programs only. Namely, we define a program transformation that adds new magic blocks of code to the program P, whose functional behaviours are the internal behaviours of P. We prove the transformation correct w.r.t. an operational semantics and define an equivalent denotational semantics, devised for abstract interpretation, whose denotations for the magic blocks are hence the internal behaviours of P. We implement our transformation and instantiate it with abstract domains modelling sharing of two variables, non-cyclicity of variables, nullness of variables, class initialisation information and size of the values bound to program variables. We get a static analyser for full mono-threaded Java bytecode that is faster and scales better than another operational pair-sharing analyser. It has the same speed but is more precise than a constraint-based nullness analyser. It makes a polyhedral size analysis of Java bytecode scale up to 1300 methods in a couple of minutes and a zone-based size analysis scale to still larger applications.  相似文献   

An approach to the correctness proof of static semantics with respect to the standard semantics of a programming language is presented, where correctness means that the properties of the language described by the static semantics, such as type checking, are consistent with the standard semantics. The standard and static semantics are given in a denotational style in terms of some basic domains and domain constructors, which, together with suitable operations, are used to describe fundamental semantic concepts. The domains have different meaning in the two semantics and the static semantics correctness proof is carried out by devising a set of suitable functions between them. We show that the correctness proof can be greatly simplified by structuring the semantics definitions, and we illustrate that by applying the methodology to a simple imperative language. In the example the derivation of a static checking algorithm from the static semantics is described.  相似文献   

Web services have become more and more important in these years, and BPEL4WS (BPEL) is a de facto standard for the web service composition and orchestration. It contains several distinct features, including the scope-based compensation and fault handling mechanism. We have considered the operational semantics and denotational semantics for BPEL, where a set of algebraic laws can be achieved via these two models, respectively. In this paper, we consider the inverse work, deriving the operational semantics and denotational semantics from algebraic semantics for BPEL. In our model, we introduce four types of typical programs, by which every program can be expressed as the summation of these four types. Based on the algebraic semantics, the strategy for deriving the operational semantics is provided and a transition system is derived by strict proof. This can be considered as the soundness exploration for the operational semantics based on the algebraic semantics. Further, the equivalence between the derivation strategy and the derived transition system is explored, which can be considered as the completeness of the operational semantics. Finally, the derivation of the denotational semantics from algebraic semantics is explored, which can support to reason about more program properties easily.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give an operational and denotational semantics for a meta-language of the 3APL agent programming language. With this meta-language, various 3APL interpreters can be programmed. We prove equivalence of the operational and denotational semantics. Furthermore, we give an operational semantics for object-level 3APL. Using this semantics, we relate the 3APL meta-language to object-level 3APL by providing a specific interpreter, the semantics of which will prove to be equivalent to object-level 3APL.  相似文献   

王美清 《软件学报》1994,5(4):19-27
带类型的λ-演算是一个逻辑系统,它可以作为程序语言的基础.Plotkin所引进的PCF就是这样一类程序语言.Plotkin构造了PCF的一个模型,然后讨论与这个模型相关的指称语义和操作语义之间的配合问题──简单配合和完全配合.本文利用Scott引进的信息系统概念构造PCF的另一种模型,并证明与这个模型对应的指称语义与操作语义是完全配合的.  相似文献   

The abstract interpretation of programs relates the exact semantics of a programming language to a finite approximation of those semantics. In this article, we describe an approach to abstract interpretation that is based in logic and logic programming. Our approach consists of faithfully representing a transition system within logic and then manipulating this initial specification to create a logical approximation of the original specification. The objective is to derive a logical approximation that can be interpreted as a terminating forward-chaining logic program; this ensures that the approximation is finite and that, furthermore, an appropriate logic programming interpreter can implement the derived approximation. We are particularly interested in the specification of the operational semantics of programming languages in ordered logic, a technique we call substructural operational semantics (SSOS). We show that manifestly sound control flow and alias analyses can be derived as logical approximations of the substructural operational semantics of relevant languages.  相似文献   

We present a method based on abstract interpretation to check secure information flow in programs with dynamic structures where input and output channels are associated with security levels. In the concrete operational semantics each value is annotated by a security level dynamically taking into account both the explicit and the implicit information flows. We define a collecting semantics which associates with each program point the set of concrete states of the machine when the point is reached. The abstract domains are obtained from the concrete ones by keeping the security levels and forgetting the actual values. Using this framework, we define an abstract semantics, called instruction-level security typing, that allows us to certify a larger set of programs with respect to the typing approaches to check secure information flow. An efficient implementation is shown, operating a fixpoint iteration similar to that of the Java bytecode verification. This work was partially supported by the Italian COFIN 2004 project “AIDA: Abstract Interpretation Design and Application”.  相似文献   

Consider the connection between denotational semantics for a language with goto statements and flow diagrams for programs in such a language. The main point of interest is that the denotational semantics uses a recursively defined environment to give the meaning of labels, while a flow diagram merely has a jump to the appropriate program point. A simple reduction called “indirection elimination” strips away the environment from the denotational semantics and extracts an expression with cycles that is very close to the flow diagram of a program. The same idea applies to associating bodies with recursive procedures, or to any construct whose semantics is not wedded to the syntax. In addition to being a useful data structure and conceptual device, expressions with cycles are well defined mathematical objects—their semantics can be given by unfolding them into infinite structures that have been well studied. The practicality of the elimination of environments has been tested by constructing a trial implementation, which serves as the front end of a semantics directed compiler generator. The implementation takes a denotational semantics of a language and constructs a “black box” that maps programs in the language into an intermediate representation. The intermediate representation is a circular expression.  相似文献   

STAIRS is a formal approach to system development with UML 2.1 sequence diagrams that supports an incremental and modular development process. STAIRS is underpinned by denotational and operational semantics that have been proved to be equivalent. STAIRS is more expressive than most approaches with a formal notion of refinement. STAIRS supports a stepwise refinement process under which trace properties as well as trace-set properties are preserved. This paper demonstrates the potential of STAIRS in this respect, in particular that refinement in STAIRS preserves adherence to information flow properties as well as policies.  相似文献   

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