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Large alluvial deltas of the Mekong River in southern Vietnam and Cambodia and the Red River in northern Vietnam have groundwaters that are exploited for drinking water by private tube-wells, which are of increasing demand since the mid-1990s. This paper presents an overview of groundwater arsenic pollution in the Mekong delta: arsenic concentrations ranged from 1-1610 microg/L in Cambodia (average 217 microg/L) and 1-845 microg/L in southern Vietnam (average 39 microg/L), respectively. It also evaluates the situation in Red River delta where groundwater arsenic concentrations vary from 1-3050 microg/L (average 159 microg/L). In addition to rural areas, the drinking water supply of the city of Hanoi has elevated arsenic concentrations. The sediments of 12-40 m deep cores from the Red River delta contain arsenic levels of 2-33 microg/g (average 7 microg/g, dry weight) and show a remarkable correlation with sediment-bound iron. In all three areas, the groundwater arsenic pollution seem to be of natural origin and caused by reductive dissolution of arsenic-bearing iron phases buried in aquifers. The population at risk of chronic arsenic poisoning is estimated to be 10 million in the Red River delta and 0.5-1 million in the Mekong delta. A subset of hair samples collected in Vietnam and Cambodia from residents drinking groundwater with arsenic levels >50 microg/L have a significantly higher arsenic content than control groups (<50 microg/L). Few cases of arsenic related health problems are recognized in the study areas compared to Bangladesh and West Bengal. This difference probably relates to arsenic contaminated tube-well water only being used substantially over the past 7 to 10 years in Vietnam and Cambodia. Because symptoms of chronic arsenic poisoning usually take more than 10 years to develop, the number of future arsenic related ailments in Cambodia and Vietnam is likely to increase. Early mitigation measures should be a high priority.  相似文献   

《黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划》与《山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划》两大国家战略规划的批复给山东的社会经济、产业结构带来了前所未有的变化。作为黄河三角洲地区以第二产业为主的工业型小城镇来说,如何在黄蓝两大战略规划的引领下依托产业的发展以适应新的需求,是亟待解决的问题。文章以陈庄镇产业发展为例,从小城镇的产业发展现状入手,提出依托第二产业发展推动小城镇可持续发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

以全球500强为研究对象,分别从其投资行业的时序特征、投资区域的演化特征、投资城市的产业特征3个方面,揭示出近20年长三角地区跨国公司投资的时空演化轨迹.研究发现,近20年长三角地区全球500强的制造业投资项目呈现出双高峰的周期性特征,服务业项目具有相对滞后的单高峰特点.与此对应,跨国公司投资项目逐步由上海、苏州、无锡、南京、杭州、宁波等核心区向周边中小城市以及苏中、苏北、浙中、浙南地区扩散,但传统的长三角核心城市仍然是投资重点区域.在这一过程中,以电子、化工、汽车为代表的制造业项目和以商贸、金融、技术为代表的服务业项目是其主要投资领域.由此,跨国公司、地方政府、社会公众等主体力量共同推动着经济全球化背景下长三角城镇化进程的快速发展.  相似文献   

张静晓  李慧 《建筑经济》2012,(10):21-25
以2006~2010年长三角、珠三角和黄三角区域建筑业经济结构质量为对象,采用熵值法和DEA相结合的方法,对三个典型区域建筑业经济结构质量进行对比评价和趋势分析。研究结果为区域经济一体化背景下区域产业的经济发展质量提供了建筑业剖面视角,指出黄三角区域是建筑业经济发展新的经济活力区域空间,同时为其他经济规划区建筑业经济结构质量发展和评价提供参考。  相似文献   

黄河 《建筑创作》2008,(9):140-145
作者通过近期设计完成的几个(超)大型专业化市场及项目实施的经验,阐述专业化市场的区域位置、物流配送系统,商业业态对规划及建筑设计的影响。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了长江三角洲都市经济圈协调整合发展的必要性和迫切性及其基本特征 ;然后针对该地区多中心城市群发展模式的困境 ,指出其向都市经济圈发展模式演进的客观必然性 ,并提出了若干主要对策  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了长江三角洲都市经济圈协调整合发展的必要性和迫切性及其基本特征;然后针对该地区多中心城市群发展模式的困境,指出其向都市经济圈发展模式演进的客观必然性,并提出了若干主要对策.  相似文献   

本文总结了珠三角地区的博物馆类建筑的特征,设计理念。并通过研究分析,明确在博物馆设计中对地域性关注的重要性,但同时也指出一味的追求现代或仿古都是不可取,而是应该有理有据。最后对珠三角地区的博物馆发展前景以及趋势做了预测。  相似文献   

专业镇产业升级的路径选择--以珠江三角洲南庄镇为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李郇 《小城镇建设》2002,(12):21-23
专业镇是指某行业在镇域范围内集聚,形成该镇的主导产业,并具有相当的市场范围。专业镇在珠江三角洲的小城镇发展中扮演着重要的角色,如大沥镇的铝型材、摩托车,西樵镇的布匹,小榄镇的五金,古镇的灯饰,虎门镇的服装,石龙镇的电子信息,庵埠镇的凉果,乐从镇的家具,容桂镇的家电、南庄镇的建材、伦教镇的木工机械等等。发展专业镇已成为珠江  相似文献   

通过对企业拆迁安置进入工业园过程中存在的消防主要问题的分析,提出了一些规范拆迁安置入园企业消防管理的措施。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲流域水系景观特征及结构性问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
珠江三角洲是在浅海湾内的多河道上淤积而成的,其流域水系景观具有鲜明的地域特征,从水系结构特征、水情特征、水系景观的地域特征3个方面总结了珠江三角洲流域水系景观的特征,并通过问题缘由、客观数据及形态表征的相关分析,概括出珠江三角洲流域水系景观存在的结构性问题:1)干流收窄,河床演变加剧;2)河涌减少、河网密度降低,湖泊水面缩小:3)围垦收窄河口,加重淤积,洪涝加剧,为该区域水系景观规划提供了基本依据.  相似文献   

The Red River (China/Vietnam, A = 155,000 km²) is a typical humid tropics river originating from the mountainous area of Yunnan Province in China. Based on information on daily discharge (Q) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration between 1960-2008 for the SonTay gauging station (outlet of the River and entry to the Delta) provided by the National Institute IMHE-MONRE, the mean annual SPM flux was estimated at 90 Mt/yr, corresponding to a sediment yield of 600 t/km²/yr. The temporal variability of annual SPM fluxes (ranging from 24 to 200 Mt/yr) is strongly related to the interannual hydrological conditions. However, some years of high water flow were not associated with high sediment fluxes, especially after 1989 when the HoaBinh dam came into operation. Therefore, the median discharge pre- (3389 m3/s) and post 1989 (3495 m3/s) are similar indicating there was little or no change between both periods. Sediment rating curves (power law-type; SPM = aQb) were fitted for both periods (1960-1989; 1990-2008). The analysis of the pre- and post-1989 sediment rating parameters (a, b) suggests a downshift of b-parameter values after 1989, attributed to a decrease of the sediment supply due to the commissioning of the HoaBinh dam. A single sediment rating curve derived from 1960-1989 data was used to simulate the annual variability of former sediment delivery, generating excellent cumulative flux estimates (error ~ 1%). In contrast, applying the same rating curve to the 1990-2008 data resulted in systematic and substantial (up to 109%) overestimation. This suggests that the HoaBinh dam reduces annual SPM delivery to the delta by half, implying important metal/metalloid storage behind the HoaBinh dam.  相似文献   

从企业集群理论出发,在实地调查访谈的基础上,对珠江三角洲工业园区发展的现状特点进行了总结,揭示出珠三角工业园区发展中存在的主要问题,并对其成因进行了深入剖析,最后有针对性地提出了解决问题的对策与建议.  相似文献   

The development of an arterial road named the Nguyen Tat Thanh Road along the Danang Bay in Vietnam shows how changes in mobility can influence the transformation of the urban landscape in a formerly residential neighborhood. The road opened along the coastal lines of the city in 2003. In this study, approximately 460 residents, including migrants who moved to the area after the road development and the original residents who live near the road, were interviewed. The survey was designed to identify the travel routes, mode of transportation, and location of jobs, shopping, leisure, education, and religious activities of residents before and after the road development. The research found that the original residents endured longer commutes than the migrants, which was associated with a greater dispersion of jobs after the road development. Compared to the original residents, migrants often lived in a newly available parcel close to the new road and formed a mixed-use community with a good jobs-housing balance. However, migrants traveled farther to non-job-related destinations. For the use of urban space, the original residents attempted to improve the quality of their daily lives through small-scale transformations of privately owned outdoor spaces, which were often shared by their neighbors and other family members. Migrants largely contributed to the formation of commercialized streets that were scattered with fairly large accommodations and high-end residential buildings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The spatial division of labor and external economics associated with the nation's hierarchical system of cities are postulated to be part of the process involved in the spatial filtering of industrial development. In this process high labor costs in metropolitan areas cause less competitive industries to restructure their operations or be priced out of the larger labor markets. The industries priced out of the markets locate all or some of their operations in smaller settlements in more distant areas where labor costs are lower, given sufficient external economics. The research supports this general proposition but reveals differences based upon the types of industries and the location of their headquarter facilities. It also reveals significant differences in the locational patterns and site selection criteria of different types of plants established by local, national and foreign firms; these differences foster the development of spatially bifurcated or dual labor markets that are associated with regional city size distributions.  相似文献   

历史建筑代表了城市的面貌,可以看到城市的历史,体现它文化沉积的厚度。这是现代都市的一种标识和资源,是构成城市景观的可贵人为因素之一。可以讲,建筑是凝聚的文化、凝固的时代音乐、无声的史诗。佛山是中国四古镇之一,它具有岭南珠三角水乡特徽。这个城市的建筑文化,大致有两个品种。首先是土生土长的传统格式,如二进两廊或三进两廊、青砖灰瓦、镬耳山墙以及其本身的街、巷、里。其次就是民国时期的洋楼,洋楼分布在佛山主要的道路上。于是这两种元素共同构成了佛山近代城市景观整体风貌特色。  相似文献   

长江三角洲城镇空间演化与上海大都市增长   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
通过分析 1990年代以来长江三角洲城镇空间在地域社会经济持续快速发展、城市化进程不断加快的背景下所发生的剧烈演化 ,从中揭示这种演化的成因及其作用机制 ,同时指出在经济全球化进程中 ,该地域核心大都市增长与区域城镇发展互动的必然性和必要性  相似文献   

王爱清 《暖通空调》1998,28(6):43-45
分析了该地区供暖设计中的供暖热负荷计算,散热器选型,回水干管及集气罐、放气阀设置位置,水力失调,防腐保温等方面存在的问题,指出设计时应充分考虑不同地区的地理气候条件,因地制宜地设计方案。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区区域整合研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
于涛方  李娜 《规划师》2005,21(4):17-24
长三角体化进程已纳八到国家战略中。借鉴分析全球化中的其它区域整合事例,通过“空间分析”和“事件性分析”,概括出长三角地区一体化进程的主要阶段和驱动力。长三角区域整合可分为自上而下的中央政府推动进程、“市场主导 地方政府促进”的区域整合进程、“市场主导 制度驱动”共同作用的全方位区域整合过程等3个阶段。通过人口增长的区域变动演变及经济类型的聚类分析,长三角地区区域体化进程以1992年为界,经历了个由缓慢到加速的过程。  相似文献   

珠三角地区条件优越,经济发达,商业繁荣,其传统的村镇级商业街市是珠三角地区街市形态的基本形式,是珠三角城市形态的重要组成部分。本文从空间组织结构、空间序列、空间构成模式、空间尺度及空间界面等方面,对珠三角村镇级商业街市空间形态进行分析研究,总结其空间形态特征。  相似文献   

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